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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24775421 No.24775421 [Reply] [Original]

So, some of you always bitch about ALGO's tokenomics. Now that the team have perfected the tokenomics, what else do you have to say?


>> No.24775519

nothing thats important has changed. still one of the worst holds ever.

>> No.24775590
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Not an argument. Just a lazy, baseless pajeet tier FUD.

>> No.24775795
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ok bagholder poorjeet no one with a 80+ iq will hold this

>> No.24775817

still awful. devs are greedy cunts. this is why Elrond shits all over Algo.

>> No.24775831

So now it will take 10 years instead of 4 to VCs to dump their bags. How impressive

>> No.24775937

OP probably didn't really understand that its even worse now. but yeah we should have known hes retarded cuz he holds and chills algorand

>> No.24776008

>ignore near ATL, buy near ATH

>> No.24776219

this is the blockchain that the digital dollar (USDC) is going to be run on. if you are ignoring this (or believe the lazy FUD) you are retarded and deserve to be poor. if you don't pick up a 10k+ stack now while it's cheap you will hate yourself in the future. XLM and ALGO are going to be the backbone of digital central bank currencies. invest accordingly or buy rope

>> No.24776478

>> ignore dieing shitcoin ATL
>> never look at it or buy it cause the token economics will make sure this will dump for a decade.

>> No.24776494

XLM has beter token economics. ALGO is pure horseshit to hold. but don't listen to me fren. you do you and hold your bags while everyone but you moons 10x

>> No.24776632

i agree with this anon, but the only reason im holding some algo is to stake it and for USDC

>> No.24776759

Anyone not holding an ALGO bag is a bitter retard

>> No.24777246

in 95pct of cases, staking means, early whales constantly dump on you and your coin value dumps to shit.

>> No.24777305

arbitrarily changing the supply schedule is not sound monetary policy.

>> No.24777414

This brown hands made infographic is making me seethe, fucker didn't even bother to capitalize or align correctly

>> No.24777546

God somehow I didn't even notice. Looks like it was made by a 3rd grader wtf.

>> No.24777598

ALGO probably thought it was still 2017 and they can pull a quick one. Getting dumped on later than sooner doesn't eliminate the fact that you will still get dumped on.