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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24772425 No.24772425 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we get Pakistanis to help us with our pajeet scammer vermin problem?

>> No.24772434

if you think Indians are bad, just wait til you find out about pakis

>> No.24772442

>t. Curry

>> No.24772456

>if you think Indians are bad, just wait til you find out about pakis
They don't have an industrial scammer culture though. Indians are parasites like Nigerians.
Pakistanis, for all their issues, are not cancer like pajeets.

>> No.24772466

>t. Nigerian prince

>> No.24772476


>> No.24772531
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Brainlet. Pakis are a warrior volk and racially superior to streetshitting dravidian jeets.

>> No.24772583

Pakis are muslim indians, thats like shit with vomit on top.

>> No.24772597

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
And tell me one time you ever heard of Pakistani scammers.
India is the Nigeria of Asia.

>> No.24772611

They’re too busy raping and breeding with their cousins to worry about scamming.

>> No.24772622

>They’re too busy raping and breeding with their cousins to worry about scamming
You sort of sound like a butthurt pajeet.

>> No.24772627

there is a big scammer culture with pakis aswell.

they also rape white people

>> No.24772648

I’m Aussie. Post your hand then faggot let’s see your skin. $50 says it’s a fat mutt hand or you’re projecting your curry cope.

>> No.24772672

Sure, pajeet. OK. But they're not here spamming my board. The fucking state of this board today.
I'm going to appeal on Pakistani forums and tell them to help us with Indian industrial scamming culture on /biz/.
They're not disgusting scammer parasites like you. They'll come here and feel superior. In the end, the more noble warrior (the Pakistanis) will win.

>> No.24772674

> they also rape white people
Londonistan anon here, can confirm.

>> No.24772711

not your board stinky abdul/adil/mohammed

>> No.24772732
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>they also rape white people

>> No.24772743
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>I’m Aussie. Post your hand then faggot let’s see your skin. $50 says it’s a fat mutt hand or you’re projecting your curry cope.
I don't need your money. Post you hand.

>> No.24772832
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Welcome, warriors. Please remove the parasites.

>> No.24772927
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The pajeets are weak and feeble. Have no mercy.

>> No.24772940

Pajeets are way worse than pakis and at least pakis don't smell like a shit and gangbang tourists.

>> No.24772967

You're onto something here

>> No.24773003

Pajeets literally gangrape and murder little girls taking a shit.

>> No.24773135

I am neither pajeet or pakis, but having interacted with both of them noticed, the pakis respect their personal hygiene and don't smell and it might be in their culture. However, pajeets always smell like a shit and also seems they got bitchy and passive aggressive after the communities rejected them and were mocking and backsbiting the other pajeets in front of me.

>> No.24773192
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>if you think Indians are bad, just wait til you find out about pakis

>> No.24773436
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I'm going to start a Pakistani recruitment campaign. I invite other civic minded anons to join me.
Fan out, find nationalistic Pakistani forums. Bring the proud warriors here to do battle with the pajeet parasites.
Let's turn the tide, anons! Let's make 4chan history.

>> No.24773887

Pakistani reporting in. I hear some of these disgusting railway line shitting Pajeet Army has infested this board derailing almost every thread and scamming every Goy. I am but one man against these filthy sub-humans. We've been trying to get rid of them since 1947 but these faggots keep multiplying like rats. For every ID that is green, a Pajeet chokes on their own shit and dies.

>> No.24773945

Anon you are one based motherfucker! If you ever come to Pakistan, I will personally give you mithai (local sweets).

Also, my ID has exactly the Pakistani Flag Colors. The badge of truth is in front of you Pajeet vermin.

>> No.24773957
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Should have just bought American

Fucking commies

>> No.24773991
File: 19 KB, 190x350, 63ce2543c8ab2993ea3577225f82aa0a--strange-animals-cat-people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>akistani reporting in. I hear some of these disgusting railway line shitting Pajeet Army has infested this board derailing almost every thread and scamming every Goy. I am but one man against these filthy sub-humans. We've been trying to get rid of them since 1947 but these faggots keep multiplying like rats. For every ID that is green, a Pajeet chokes on their own shit and dies
YEEEAHSSS!! Welcome Pakistani anon! Please encourage other Pakistanis to help us!

>> No.24774005

pakis and jets are both as disgusting and smelly as each other.

you should learn to get along or die trying

>> No.24774057

The pajeet is cunning like the jew and like any parasite, assumes the form of its host.

>> No.24774106

>I'm Aussie

Australian here and can confirm this is never said by an actual Australian. This is 100% a pajeet. Can also confirm that pakis > poos. At least a few of them are chads and don't pretend to be what they aren't. I literally work with someone called """Steven""" Singh.

>> No.24774121

Don't know what the fuck you're talking about faggot. We may have some intermingling with some Dravidians here and there. But most of our bloodline comes from Aryan Greeks.

Also, the Markhor and Snow Leopard are our national animals. Our curries are also superior. Don't mistake us for UK Pakis. Those faggots are a mix of Jit and undeniable lack of Identity from somewhere in Kashmir. Pakistanis and those UK fags are not the same.

>> No.24774172

I also forgot to mention Persians, Afghans and unfortunately some Mongoloid in the blood. But at least we have every variety of pussy like the Brazilians except we don't mix with niggers. It's the least preferred choice.

>> No.24774306
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>Australian here
The aussie who won't show his hand?

>> No.24774345

Pakis are pretty based ngl, the Paki I work with is an amateur Olympic weightlifter and all-around chad.

>> No.24774376

Pakistani women are skinny, hot and make top-tier trad wives.
Australian women are huge bulky feminists. They look like men. That's why if you walk around any aussie city, 70% of couples are white guy/Chinese gf.
You literally have the world's ugliest women, you basement dwelling autist pedo.

>> No.24774425
File: 56 KB, 555x690, 1594582170263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But most of our bloodline comes from Aryan Greeks.
nice meme. You literally look Indian.

>> No.24774459

We also hate Zionist Jews. Just putting it out there.

>> No.24774471
File: 276 KB, 960x684, 18419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hear some of these disgusting railway line shitting Pajeet Army has infested this board
Nice try Abdul, you are just as bad.

>> No.24774475

Pakistanis are unironically broke as shit. Their per capita income is nearly half of India's with 1/7th the population. The richest Indian states are at 5x the Pakistani per capita income.

>> No.24774492

Pakistanis don't have cheap internet like us Chadjeets

>> No.24774495

>should we bring in rats to get ride of the cockroaches.

And then what anon

>> No.24774500
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>if you think Indians are bad, just wait til you find out about pakis

>> No.24774531

Pakistani culture has 10x times more dignity and pride.
Ever get a scam call from Microsoft from a Pakistani?
Ever get a scam email from a Pakistani?
Ever see a scam coin from a Pakistani?
India does that on a national cultural level.

>> No.24774533
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Imagine comparing this.

>> No.24774544
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>I'm going to appeal on Pakistani forums and tell them to help us with Indian industrial scamming culture on /biz/.
Finally. Something has to be done. This board has been downgraded since the massive influx of the street shitting vermin-dians.

>> No.24774550
File: 30 KB, 920x613, 7640C947-0FFA-41AB-8724-A86DEB70A308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>preferring Pakistani over hardworking Indians

>> No.24774553
File: 93 KB, 600x521, sq_1457067576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To this.

>> No.24774600

This is probably a Dravidian Pakistani. Doesn't matter. Still better than you street shitters.

At least we're not defacating on top of each other to stay alive and feed off of it.

>> No.24774615

Dark eye bags is a genetic trait shared by South Asians. You will always be Indian.

>> No.24774643

India superpower 3030 fuck off dirty pakis.

>> No.24774648


>> No.24774654
File: 110 KB, 726x1200, 99cb4bc5caa72d89b632f1399002b3e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder Pajeet.

>> No.24774694

Who knew this board was for white supremicists and muslims? Everyone preaches here about whites and then now they're saying that Pakis, who are Muslim Indians, are better than Indians.

>> No.24774699

fuck you terrorist

>> No.24774704

You can't. You can buy data via DIA tho. Few.

>> No.24774720

fuck off rasheed

>> No.24774740

aren't pakis just the pajeet version of roaches? lmao
straight into the garbage

>> No.24774753

based for delivering

>> No.24774786

>aren't pakis just the pajeet version of roaches? lmao
>straight into the garbage
Scammer pajeets are in here. We see you. You're not intelligent enough.

>> No.24774825

This thread is a blessing. Ever Pink ID is literally the color of a Pussy. Thanks Indiots!

>> No.24774920
File: 117 KB, 1024x1024, 1602708127281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two Paki friends. Gonna get them to post here. In the coming great indo-paki war of /biz/.

>> No.24774991

kek I'm a white Canadian. Pakis literally have turkic influence don't they? That's my point. You are a roach mohammed

>> No.24775026
File: 68 KB, 553x506, xw5s66dgcg7z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a white Canadian

>> No.24775039

based and rolling for green ID. pakis upgraded to bro tier

>> No.24775056

nigger i'm irish

>> No.24775082

I mean I literally don't care if some shitskin thinks I'm a shitskin like him. By implying I'm brown all you're doing is admitting to the fact that you're worth less than me for having shit coloured skin lmao

>> No.24775136

I'm not racist bro. I just hate international Jews and scammer pajeets.