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24772025 No.24772025 [Reply] [Original]

like RLC?
That are nearly the same level of development?(IE: fully usable, multiple years of development, first mover advantage)?

>> No.24772044

Golem but iExec are clearly a head of them by a lot. Also Golem have cringe marketing people. Scroll thought their twitter.

>> No.24772087

Etheurem and Chainlink? Otherwise, nothing else really comes to mind. The Graph looks like an interesting project; but I haven't read too much into it yet.

>> No.24772094

I have my eye on dfinity and trac.

>> No.24772113


>> No.24772137

Yeah golem is trash imo. The fact that there making gnt into a new coin is a big red flag for me.
Yeah I haven't looked into graph yet

Kinda crazy there doesn't seem to be many blockchain technology plays that are worth anything outside of a select few. We really are so early

>> No.24772157

After that whole controversy it kinda scares me. I can't imagine it being used for anything in the next 5 years

>> No.24772218

>Yeah I haven't looked into graph yet
are you talking about (GRT)?

>> No.24772242


>> No.24772264

I think so.

>> No.24772302


The Graph (GRT) is going to be massive, maybe not the next LINK, but it's going to make some people very rich


>> No.24772337
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>> No.24772343
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>imagine not buying into a newly established digital platform offering unique services that have never been publicly available to use, that not only solve a bunch of problems within the market it targets, but also generates a new form of revenue for currently existing companies that have access to server farms.
>imagine not understanding that after the legalities are sorted out, some big player (or multiple) will try and marketbuy as much as they can, so they can gatekeep and corner the iexec marketplace, to then resell back to corporate players that need access to the technology the marketplace provides.
>imagine not realizing that iexec will be the back-end for allowing corporate players to create new front-end consumable services on their already existing platforms, without even having to mention the name iexec or lead its consumers to iexecs marketplace.
Do you think that the majority of the worlds population know what apache or nginx is?
Obviously no, but a good chuck of them interact with the software everyday.
It will be the same with iexec. A user goes to AWS and sees that Amazon now offers a new near instant blender rendering service for $5. gee i wonder how they are doing that......

>> No.24772358

Japans government is already using it

>> No.24772383

Graph has bigger potential than Link if you truly think about it.

Dfinity will make all decentralized cloud projects obsolete long term tho, Be aware.

>> No.24772387

> 5 versions, 5 dumps
> 0 actual adoption
> almost every shill types like a third worlder, and only do massive shill campaigns right before dumps
> there's probably a couple really fucking dumb white people who bought it and got rekt at some point, trying to get back to the $3 ath so they can finally be free
nah, i think there's quite a few shitcoins just like rlc - sorry bud
s and h

>> No.24772407
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Based anon. It's sort of how the average web user doesn't know what HTTP or SSL is. That these protocols are actually technology that contribute to the internet as they know it.

A user might notice, or even type "http" into their browser URL bar - but they have no fucking idea what it is. They just go to facebook, or youtube, or reddit or whatever without even realizing that the underlying technology "the internet" is made up of these specialized protocols. iExec is no different.

The only people that have properly grasped how important iExec is are people that work in computer science related careers (e.g. A cybersec engineer understands and is aware of hundreds of different web based protocols as a result of modern firewall infrastructure and the necessity of locking down different parts of a network by app-specific ports and protocols).

The fact that "digital dog shit' gets memed here, sometimes unironically, just let's me know that the world is full of morons - and I have been born in the right place, right time, and with the right mindset and hobbies to take advantage of this 21st century goldrush.

Born too late to sale the seas and explore new worlds, born too early to explore distant stars, born at just the right time to take advantage of a revolutionary new technology.

>> No.24772430

Dfinity is a meme. iExec is far ahead

>> No.24772438

Based as fuck

>> No.24772545
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>So summarizing these different markets in one chart, this leads us to estimate the serviceable market will reach 30 billion of $ by 2024 (being conservative here as we do not include data-sets and applications in the equation). iExec target is to capture 1% to 10% of this market, which will directly translate in RLC transactions flowing through the platform.

>> No.24772590

Are you overestimating it?
Mainnet txns will be slow as shit unless they gas it up, so corporations are gonna be breaking the bank just on gas fees.
Thats bullshit. They won't do that.
And the sidechain wont be able to handle anywhere near the volume of computations that AWS or Azure makes on a regular basis.
Its helpless.

>> No.24772764

> What is off-chain computation?

You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.24773012

Sidechain will largely be enough for the near future, PoA handle around 50 tps which is a lot already in iexec usecase.
Beyond that there are rollups coming.

>the volume of computations that AWS or Azure makes on a regular basis
It's like saying the internet in 2000 couldn't handle the volume of data from TV and cable networks so video streaming would never happen.
The first step is to feed Dapps with offchain computations and doing non latency dependent tasks.
Once it's mastered it will increasingly move up to real time computing, the end game is reactive fog computing.

>> No.24773510

This shitcoin is used mostly by Gilles Fedak to pay trannies.

>> No.24773559

The dev wallets historically do not touch their funds

>> No.24774428

What’s gonna be the price EOY 2021?

>> No.24774855
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So high you'll need exponential to calculate