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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 113 KB, 1280x960, bond0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24769999 No.24769999 [Reply] [Original]

Competitors are 50-100x more expensive and have a way higher market cap but are older. This one makes your shitcoins valuable though. unique staking opportunity and ecosystem incoming to you.

Get in early because I mean - even LINK whales are dumping their trash for bonded.

Currently below sale price. Basically the best time to be ac-cum-ulating or just keep making your parents resent that one night 35 years ago when you were concieved.

Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x64c29aac69d3122f6e5531ceca1b753f95350af4

>> No.24770033

confirmed scam, too many threads for such a low market cap and pajeet shills.

>> No.24770148

that doesn't even make any sense

>> No.24770150

Holy digits batman!

Lol there was a 7777 and 8888 Bond posts now kek has blessed us with a 99999 Bond post!

Moon confirmed! 0.07 Confirmed!!

>> No.24770559
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Don't worry, /biz/ will fomo in after it hits 10 cents like a pack of retards.
t. loaded my bags at .011

>> No.24770902

I just threw an eth in. theres 1 mil in liquidity so i doubt my 1 eth is at major risk

>> No.24770919

By your logic BTC and ETH are both scams

>> No.24771891

ego.finance, a known scammer, now redirects here. this has not been addressed. tell me why a known scammer is driving traffic to this project. fuck. that.

>> No.24771904

Because any website can be re-directed to any other URL?

>> No.24771908
File: 103 KB, 600x838, A15F54E0-E3CD-492D-A1E3-231DBCC8D037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24771932


>> No.24771938

yes but why specifically has a scammer, the only person able to redirect his domain, chosen to redirect it to this project?

>> No.24772070

>he doesn't remember the early days link threads

>> No.24772081

hi tyler

>> No.24772088

hello, frank. how are you today?

>> No.24772104

also the frontrunner bots are rife on this project. rug pulls aren't the only scam going right now

>> No.24772184

ego.finance said on exit that they were shutting down the project because of the current market and competitors and redirected their telegram to check bonded finance as an example of their competitors

>> No.24772228

Look at the fucking state of it. Seeing a lot of total shit, no website, MS paint logo scam coins lately.
Seems like every pajeet village idiot is giving it a try lately.
I want these dirty street shitters off our board.

>> No.24772258


You did it just so you can bring it up

>> No.24772260

>we're taking your money because there are much better projects in which you can invest. here's one, it's definitely not ours, send money there
compelling, throwing life savings

>> No.24772279
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>> No.24772338

They have a website. This is classic FUD. There’s time to buy, mate you don’t have to bullshit

>> No.24772355

>They have a website

>> No.24772360

kek nice try

>> No.24772441
File: 1.32 MB, 500x281, iulfgligli.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I feels right now waiting to find out out if im getting rugged or not

>> No.24772485


>> No.24772849

what u think rug pullers say on exit? 'tanks for da munei fukers'?


>> No.24772867

FFS what a fucking mess. lmao

>> No.24773096
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>> No.24773165
File: 94 KB, 744x554, 42DC9923-D8E1-49F6-8706-F45756358CF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is LITERALLY why I’m not buying!

>> No.24773201
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>> No.24773465
File: 34 KB, 680x591, greenieboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking DIGITS.

Yeah, we're massively undervalued, still.

9 cent waiting room then it is.

>> No.24773474


>> No.24773518

Just buy bro so what if you lose everything think of the pajeets you’ll be funding

>> No.24773694

Imagine believing WARONRUGS at this point.

This cunt made this account just to buy lower. That's it.


>> No.24773753


I dont understand how people still believe this. Bonded are working with so many other projects and have a pro golfer in their media team. They even addressed the wor fud. Who is still believing in this unless its to dump the price to buy more?

>> No.24773845

Thanks for bringing this Twitter page to anon’s attention!

>> No.24773873


>> No.24773916

the big majority of 4chan are still stupid normie newfags who don't see gold when it's pressed into their face.

>> No.24773926

>unless its to dump the price to buy more
That's exactly it. WOR did the exact same thing to BASE for the purpose of fudding the price down.
They are disgusting kikeniggers

>> No.24773929

Don't be mad you could be 2x right now and we haven't even begun.

Anything below 3-4 cent IDO price is literally still stealing.

Wait until the stinkies also bend the knee after platform launch. ;)

(call rory if you don't believe me)

>> No.24774003

Am i understanding right? Bonded finance will allow you to enter multiple positions with the same initial?

>> No.24774015

goys check out this obvious reddit tourist.

>> No.24774151
File: 216 KB, 1861x1020, bondchart2020-12-10 08.49.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compound for ALTS desu. Let that (and the 6 major partnerships they have now) sink in, and think about AFTER launch when everyone else (AKA what...10,000 shitcoins?) is clamoring for it.

I'm shaking.

First stop : $0.044

>> No.24774177

Luigi Finance is 100% better than this shitcoin

>> No.24774191

Ahahaha! Right? I live on biz, dumbass!

>> No.24774449

4 cent waiting room. May swing 10% of my stack there as I'm holding 4M. We'll see how hard platform FOMO runs. Worried I'm gonna get priced out but also wondering is 3M Bondies is even enough to cross my target of $5M some day on this trade alone.

>> No.24774457

Is this coin only available on Uniswap V2, Bitmax & 1inch? i want to pay with ideal instead of fucking credit card.

>> No.24774658
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>> No.24775015


>> No.24775086

This coin is going to $30. They have nothing to worry about.

>> No.24775087
File: 56 KB, 639x639, 91873217-82E1-4AB7-91DB-DE2AE91B86A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re gonna win so much you’re gonna be sick of winning.

>> No.24775263
File: 170 KB, 538x559, 1605948060909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant wait for the fomo. The board will be alight with Bonded "why didnt you listen" threads.

>> No.24775457

lmao. let's hit $1 first.

>> No.24776006

>B-but coin A is worth X so this coin is going X
Uniswap pump and dump. Don't be greedy with this one of you guys will be like the STA fags.

>> No.24776813

No way it hits $1. I wish there was a marketplace I could bet big on these projects literally going to ZERO

>> No.24777115

The cascade of regret cooming will be legendary when they rug on you apes. don't say i didn't warn you.

>> No.24777236

Making it has never been so easy