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File: 44 KB, 657x657, D22091EF-1BFA-4DA3-A893-584ACACB5F07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24766499 No.24766499 [Reply] [Original]

Now that I sit down and really do the math I realize I’m never gonna fucking make it unless I get spectacularly lucky. I’m gonna have to wageslage forever.

>25 years old
>44,000 liquid cash in bank
>11,000 in mutual fund
>55,000 salary, BS in >Mechanical Engineering
>No expenses right now because I live at home

Even if I invest every penny of my liquid cash right now and I hope for the standard 7% return (pipe dream) every year, I’d still only have about 670,000 dollars after 40 years. That’s 40 more fucking years of this bullshit, 40 more years of being an excel CAD monkey doing random bullshit. Plus, I’ll still have a mortgage I have to pay off, cars, emergency bills, I’ll have to furnish my house, buy food, and all the other random things that come into play.

How will I ever afford kids? I didn’t even realize how far behind I was, I’m unironically never going to make it.

>> No.24766530

All in Crypto with everything you have to your name

>> No.24766591

You have 55k savings plus 55k salary thats great compared to most people in the US.

>> No.24766607

>55,000 salary, BS in >Mechanical Engineering
get a better job
find a gf that works

>> No.24766629


>> No.24766634

I'm a third worlder o feel you but I'd switch places with you in a second

>> No.24766662
File: 268 KB, 339x480, BondedClaus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, STOP. Here's the red-pill. You don't have to get lucky. You just have to calm down. That's it.

This year I turned $20k into $750k in 4 trades + 3-4 months. I'm serious. XDAI was the first, and I actually would've made more if I'd have just held.

I want you to seriously take a looked at Bonded Finance and consider allocating half your wealth thee while it's still under IDO prices. Hold to a 10x. Not a 2x-3x-4x....a 10x, at least. Sell HALF. Cash out HALF of that amount. Then wait. Repeat. Don't panic sell.

Merry Christmas. GO, you fuck. Scared money don't make money.


>> No.24766679

buy crypto on leverage you pussy

>> No.24766701

Post proof

>> No.24766709

Don't buy scams, dont go all on some uniswap trash and use leverage on it. Legit projects do 10x even 2x

>> No.24766721

better than the majority of 25 yr olds

>> No.24766723

Pay off a house first and foremost. Imagine the money you’ll save when you have no rent or mortgage.

>> No.24766746



all niggerian scammer and pajeets tell you 10x 100x or even 1000x just to lure you in
fuck uni fuck bond, fuck link fuck base

>> No.24766778
File: 884 KB, 1841x1841, cheering_coronachan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and with no expenses because you live at home you're in good shape. You need to diversify and put some in ETFs and the rest in high volatility / speculative bets like early tech stocks or crypto.

>> No.24766951

Just treat BTC as your savings account OP, we're guaranteed going to 7 figures eventually. With your income you could probably save 0.25-0.5 BTC per year (after the upcoming bullrun) which will eventually 10x anyway.

I'm doing the same thing as you except I have higher income and I started DCA'ing into BTC earlier. It's not too late, just keep at it.

>> No.24766961

Proof. What were the 4 trades?

>> No.24766989
File: 21 KB, 886x599, 1606830194607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it right now you dumbass.
You have the largest generational wealth generating opportunity staring you right in the face.
You're 25 take big risks now or you will never make it.
t. oldfag

>> No.24767112

20 year old here, I know jack shit about crypto but I have 12 grand and feel like investing right now would be a good idea

Any tips?

>> No.24767181

>20 year old here,
>Any tips?
invest in webcam, find a cute bf, cam on chaturbate. this is the real money transfer, not some memecoins

>> No.24767210

Just buy bitcoin on squarecash now.
Go through their KYC and withdrawl into a hardware wallet like a Trezor or Ledger.
Then just sit on it.

>> No.24767276

>I have 12 grand and feel like investing right now would be a good idea
Buy 1000 LINK
That's $12k
Should be worth $100 to $500k by mid 2021 or so

>> No.24767286

*mid 2022

>> No.24767298

I'm ugly and not gay so I doubt that would work out for me
Thanks, I'll probably go through with this and see what happens. Willing to sit on it for a couple years if that's what it takes. I'm still trying to read up on how all of this shit works exactly. Also, is Ethereum worth looking into as well? Is it better to diversify even if I only have 12k?

>> No.24767304

Are hardware wallet safe?

>> No.24767339

>I'm ugly
stop being ugly

>> No.24767372

Mortgage rates are among the lowest you'll find for any loan. No reason to pay them off quickly as long as you can find investments that yield > 2%

>> No.24767377

Invest in stocks crypto has been done for quite some time

>> No.24767380

>Also, is Ethereum worth looking into as well?
Just buy LINK
Everybody here has it. I am.too tired to explain in more detail.
But you will make better gains than with ETH and ETH doesn't do much without LINK

>> No.24767572

>ETH doesn't do much without LINK
delusional linkie

>> No.24767611
File: 163 KB, 770x400, jordan-smaller-1024x683-770x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong attitude bucko

>> No.24767684

wash your penis