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File: 184 KB, 1071x1095, 20201212_185937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24763950 No.24763950 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24763980


>> No.24763983

he's not wrong you know one of the greatest hindrances to link mooning is the behavior of the token holders

>> No.24763985

Niggers tongue my anue.

>> No.24764014

My anus! I know what they tongue. That was a typing mishap. Danke.

>> No.24764022

Bullish for apu

>> No.24764023

Get off your high horse Sergay.

>> No.24764033

He wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for such types

>> No.24764043


>> No.24764049

Seems based desu. A lot more cooler than your lame ass OP.

>> No.24764062
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>> No.24764081

So he doesnt see it as silly until there is a decrease in racism?
Very based, sir

>> No.24764085 [DELETED] 

Isn't that the virtue signalling fag that every 2 weeks threats with an hero because of depression?

>> No.24764102

The same man who fudded the mainnet release so he could pnd for an easy 15%

>> No.24764104
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>everyone who says the nigger word is a stormfaggot
fuck off my website tourist

>> No.24764114

looks like the soiboi prototype
phenotype vindicated yet again

>> No.24764117

Until there is a significant decrease in racism/sexism/homophobia that is experienced by people across the stock market industry, I don’t see it as something silly

>> No.24764118

All I know is between the last time I looked at his Twitter and now he changed "wife" to "spouse" in his bio

>> No.24764147

Oh look, it's another fat white faggot who's here to fix everything with his virtue.
If I were a betting man I'd say this guys personality is exclusively the result of being scared of having no friends. Actually I'd say that for most everyone.

>> No.24764192


>> No.24764208

None of you idiots can even read.
He's saying that it's NOT something silly UNTIL all the racism etc. goes away. i.e. it is NOT silly currently, BECAUSE it is racist. But it would become silly if it became politically correct.
Whether that's what he MEANT to say is another matter. So the options are 1) he thinks racism is great, or 2) he thinks racism is bad, and also entirely coincidentally happens to be an idiot who can't express himself properly. Make of that what you will.

>> No.24764235

Thats bullish, sjws won already

>> No.24764263
File: 420 KB, 1080x1938, 20201212_192019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread context

>> No.24764282

I think my mind was made up the moment I saw his avatar pic

>> No.24764320

>Unless I don’t see decrease of X, I don’t see it as something silly
>if they decrease the amount of X, I will see it as something silly
Did he just said that?
So, did he just said that if they decrease racism, cryptos are become useless in his eyes?

>> No.24764328
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Chainlink is driving the empowerment of developing economies and /pol/tards simply cannot cope

>> No.24764351

Is it just my bad sentence comprehension, or this guy can’t form coherent sentences?

>> No.24764374

By that I mean the op sentence in op pic

>> No.24764383

hey man if I can get rich and a bunch of third world living standards go up thats a win win for me. I’d like to visit Afghanistan for example but I also like my head to stay attached to my neck.

>> No.24764453

The left:
>Gender is an individual choice
>We need more vaginas in here

>> No.24764457

My uncle spent years in the middle east in the 70s and said it was amazing. Modern, good food, extremely friendly people. I would love to see it get back to a point where it is safe and free again, the whole region is out of bounds at the moment.

>> No.24764526

>my uncle was in there in 70s
You mean before Taliban, Iran revolution and Iraq Iran war, before saddam going crazy on Kuwait, before desert storm, before chemical bombing, before 911, before Iraq and Afghanistan and isis and Syria?
Kek, yes, everything is different, it’s like someone dropped a massive shit over them.

>> No.24764543

Yeah exactly, before 50 years of horrible bullshit. I would love to see it heal enough to have that experience in my lifetime.

>> No.24764552

Males have vagina too you bigot.
Just like women can have feminine penis.
I hate the racism in this thread

>> No.24764557

holy shit i just sold ALL of my chainlinks

>> No.24764598

I mean anywhere can be beautiful when you drop rapid innovation and western investment involve..
Literlly anywhere on this earth has its own natura beauty and rapid development of land can make it hospitable enough to enjoy its full beauty.
Just look at Dubai
I bet that when your Uncle visited Middle East, Dubai was a heap of sand.
Now look at, rapid development made a sand dune into a massive tourism hotspot.
Or you can look back at Zimbabwe, and what it was, and how war torn it apart

>> No.24764714

>Im a big fat gay bear who is into Sissy's and potty play BRAAAAAPP

>> No.24764721
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>> No.24764722
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You forgot the part where they hired some 21 year old, dyson vacuum cleaner levels of sucking power, prostitute into a position of senior management

>> No.24764723
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>> No.24764765

Also forgot to add that you will never be a woman no matter how hard you try. ESPECIALLY being such a weak little groid who thinks everyone who says nigger is also a socialist.

>> No.24765026
File: 371 KB, 1080x1442, EeQtDFWWkAAHQNl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post stupid tweet
>change the world

>> No.24765120

Learn to read, he says it is "the experience" of racism/sexism/homophobia that should significantly decrease.

It seems reasonable to understand what he wrote as; it is the people that experience these things that he consider the problem (and not a silly problem).

>> No.24765136

Hopefully she gets mass spammed by anons calling her a stupid bitch who is obsessed with identity politics

>> No.24765264

This guy road a puny motorcycle across Iran like 8 years ago and has similar things to say.
I think the people are probably still the same and you can have a similar good experience now but of course any interactions with government & violent islamist groups are much more concern than before.

>> No.24765376

Remember when newfags thought link was the anti-kike coin?

>> No.24765397


>> No.24765403
File: 184 KB, 728x546, sdasdsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Nazis more than anyone, I'm Polish and would still slaughter Germans in 2020 without remorse for what they did to Europe, but it unironically is the Jews

>> No.24765407

it's called marketing you dumb fuck

>> No.24765412

based hudson

>> No.24765433
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>> No.24765442

Same , I will still drop polish into fire if I can.

>> No.24765487

you wouldnt do shit Hans, simmer down and become a minority and die already

>> No.24765510

Not a Hans polo, I just hate Gypsies and will use literal fire to purge you out of our collective human gene pool

>> No.24765528


Would love to know what glorious ethnic group you hail from, but youre probably a mystery meat Amerimutt that simps for the Nazis because he watched a few videos on bitchute and has never left his fly over state

>> No.24765535


>> No.24765541

Also remember, you said this
>you hate nazi
>but you will kilL GERMANS
If you like to hurt people for their “father sins” don’t get angry when people come knock on your home to “finish” what their fathers didn’t finish

>> No.24765575

Again you are the one who wants to PUNISH people for their fathers sin.
I just hate hypocrisy and will gladly come over there and finish the job that those “sinners” didn’t finish
In fact, you guys already finished, well with that poverty, crime and corruption levels
And no, not a mutt

>> No.24765580

Is that a statement of what is happening or of what should happen?

>> No.24765584
File: 103 KB, 664x960, 119108873_239710674083573_512589539441737853_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to literally annihilate your ethnic group and nation from existence leaving Europe a smoldering ruin where communists took over half the continent
>just let bygones be bygones bro

Germans today are such snobby pieces of shit they literally have their daughters and wives raped by niggers and arabs on a daily basis, working long hard hours to pay like 40% taxes to house third world illiterate migrants while having a sense of superiority over Poles because of 300 years of autistic German propaganda and insanity

>> No.24765615

Again Gypsie, you are playing with fire here.
If you hate nazis, ok.
But if you think you are entitled to kill and punish a population, for what their father may or may not did, don’t get angry when they get fed up and come to remove your sorry pathetic gypsie gene off the planet
Fair warning
You started it

>> No.24765645

>regurgitating media tropes
>nostalgia without memory
MENA is comfy af and I am glad the 24hr Cable Jews have FUD’ed you all since it keeps beachfront Mediterranean property and tradwives dirt cheap. Yeah but don’t come here we will chop your head off yuk yuk yuk.

>> No.24765649
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ready when you are

>> No.24765675

Bygones be bygones were the LITERAL policy of Europe from ancient times.
They slowly adopted to this unwritten policy because of all their wars.
So even after wars , they would be back on table to start again.
That’s why Europe advanced, while the rest of the world left in the dust.
Why? Because they hold petty grudges against each other and didn’t let go.
Ofcourse, no one fucking cared about Gypsie lands, so maybe that’s why you guys never learned

>> No.24765685

fat American hands typed this post

>> No.24765691

What country are you in anon?

>> No.24765697

>my grandfather had a company in Middle East before all these shinanigans
>have numerous stories from my relatives who worked there
>you DoNt know aNYthINg GOy
Ok jew

>> No.24765732

Kek ok Gypsie.
You guys going no where, you keep leaking EU asshole and cleaning the left overs they dump for you.
You will be WIPED , if Germans actually been interested to finish their job.
Keep pushing and they will finish the job

>> No.24765764
File: 78 KB, 976x602, NoIrishNeedApply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Irish protestant
>Half of Ireland hates me by default for my religion, the other half hates me for my ancestors leaving
>Ancestors weren't even able to grow potatoes properly, moved to New York
>Met with signs like pic related
>Eventually had to advertise that they would work cheaper than the blacks to get hired
>Still treated like shit, forced to live in slums and ghettos
>Mining camps start getting big and rapidly begin recruiting the Irish into what is basically company store slavery because they're hardworking, and desperate to support themselves (ie, easy to manipulate)
>Dont complain about it now because I'm not a whiny little bitch

Maybe if these marginalized groups stopped feeling sorry for themselves and actually MADE people respect them instead of asking for it, they wouldn't be so cucked today. I'm not saying there isnt injustice or its not wrong, but god damn, what does crying about it do?

>> No.24765833

No one even remember japs.
They literally thrown into interment camps During world war 2.
They took everything from them.
Literally rlly had to start like free slaves, with NOTHING.
Yet they are one of the most successful mode minorities in USA

>> No.24765942
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>> No.24765979

Ya you never hear "Japanese or Korean Lives Matter", lol. We'll also as a society consoom goods manufactured by actual muslim slaves in chinese internment camps, and then lie to ourselves that its from an "American" company. Hypocrisy at its finest

>> No.24766000
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They have been infiltrated by political correctness.
They will become the Intel of the crypto world.

>> No.24766006

Well it literally is and none ever mentioned jews you fucking glowie kike

>> No.24766224

On an instinctual level we all assume that they are. Look up "morphic resonance".

>> No.24766281

Good camera work

>> No.24766304

It is fake.

>> No.24766350

God damn that font is sexy