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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24762162 No.24762162 [Reply] [Original]

get fucking in here bois

>> No.24762180

That comfy feeling when u invested in the winning team

>> No.24762200

Whatttttt??? ineedtoresearchthis

>> No.24762224

holy shit this is huge

>> No.24762229

huge sell signal

>> No.24762286

soon invading the stonks daily general
yes being named in an article on Nasdaq as 1 of THREE tokens that could outperform BTC (along with a heavweight in Filecoin and an AI token in AGI) is a "huge sell signal,"
just like girls calling you gross means they want the D

>> No.24762289

Finally getting some recognition. Pack your bags or get left behind

>> No.24762794

get IN on this price action, this is real, no defi/anonymous/lotto ticket shit

>> No.24762840

32 when?

>> No.24762841

Nasdaq is corrupt as fuck. Didn't some journalist buy a bunch of "cornacoin" earlier this year then write an article about it?

Also wasn't Josh from Ghost (yes that Josh) on Nadsaqs youtube channel shilling Ghost before it dumped

>> No.24762941

Buy now or regret. This is going to the top 10

>> No.24762950

True. NASDAQ president is a woman and it is in the process of hiring massive amounts of minorities. NASDAQ imploded a few years ago and is no longer the actual NASDAQ that the world respected. This is a huge sell signal. This is the equivalent of hearing about those 3 tokens on CNBC.

>> No.24762985

This is obviously a shilling thread. And op is probably a shill with bags he wants to dump on his. DO NOT BUY ANY OF THOSE 3 TOKENS. there have been a lot of scams been spammed in biz lately. They’re out on full force during the weekend.

>> No.24763066

So biz runs nasdaq now? Tell us why this is bad for a coin with a market cap below 40m.

>> No.24763078

wtf did you even look into VIDT
and do you know what NASDAQ is?
its not your defi rugpull nigerian shitcoin

>> No.24763266

>wtf did you even look into VIDT
scam token
>and do you know what NASDAQ is?
scam exchange

>> No.24763368

must be why the price is going up
>this is obviously a relentless fudder
all 3 tokens are good you mong
the most bullish sign of all is the fudders coming out of the woodwork when the price is skyrocketing

>> No.24763428
File: 987 KB, 229x176, 1558342674150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scam exchange

>> No.24763518

1) Literally every shitcoin will outpace BTC
2) Token still bot needed

>> No.24763610

Nasdaq article or not, I'm fucking BULL ISH
on VIDT. Comfy hold. It'll zoom to $10 once it gets into price discovery.

>> No.24763626

VIDT is the biggest turd in crypto

>> No.24763874

pretty sure vechain won't, and whatever else reddit is into
>ip switching in this thread
heard this at 6c and loaded up, will top up now thx

>> No.24763935

>he had 2 years
>he didn't buy at 6 cents
>he didn't viddies airdropped from Binance dex listing
>he still thinks its a turd
>he doesn't know its going to $10 EOY 2021

stay poor

>> No.24764013

Biz has done so much for me in giving me winners. Please if you have half a brain, do your own research on VIDT And buy as much as you can afford. This is like buying LINK at .10 cents.

>> No.24764024

I lost 5k on that scam exchange

>> No.24764099

So many salty llosers commenting NASDAQ not big?! hahaha these idiots would not recognize a good opportunity if it would hit them into their stupid face. Sold VIDT at 8 cents hahaha what douchebags

>> No.24764170

BIZ has given me some shitcoins and some gems. I hold VIDT. Have been doing so for a while now.

V-ID is a legit business. It just won the Dutch Blockchain Award. They post regular updates about their business ventures. They are making a turnover from selling their product to clients.

Hold at least a suicide bag because it is more likely that the business will succeed than fail.

>> No.24764719

>V-ID is a legit business.
false, vidt is run by indians in mumbai
>It just won the Dutch Blockchain Award.
false, indian companys cannot qualify for the dutch blockchain awards
>They post regular updates about their business ventures.
more like business failures
>They are making a turnover from selling their product to clients.
>Don't hold at any vidt bags because it is more likely that the business will fail than succeed.

>> No.24765067
File: 564 KB, 1149x646, josh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTFO. VIDT is run by the whitest of boys.

>> No.24765162
File: 148 KB, 1280x640, 4577240C-0FBD-46E3-AE21-2069202FA2B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>false, vidt is run by indians in mumbai

Cope harder.

>> No.24765335

This is cope or FUD, either way i'm bullish af

>> No.24765830

Lmao COPE anyone with half a brain can find out not only is the company Dutch but have an office address and active devs. Stay salty

>> No.24765893

It's run by huwhite people in the Netherlands

>> No.24765946

Fuck you /biz/ and your confusing signals. Should I hop on this or what. Definitely isn't a pajeet coin at least but not sure it's a good idea to buy now near ATH

>> No.24765967

yes buy maybe no

>> No.24765972

Dude do the research and you'll see why this is a gem. Never gone so hard into anything and I've been here since 2016

>> No.24765985

Just look at the tokenomics https://pim-vee.medium.com/vidt-and-v-ids-tokenomics-9ae760f6c7df

>> No.24766059

Loaded my bags shortly after it hit idex. My only regret is not buying more.

>> No.24766066

Yeah need to research, but there are so many on the list
Yeah I had read that. I like the fact that LTO, which I also hold, plan to use them. Will read a bit more and throw of couple of ETH at it. Thanks.

>> No.24766080

Kek low quality bait
Thankfully the vidt team consists of 100% white men

>> No.24766118

I'm bullish AF on VIDT, but I'm not a shill or a 'jeet. It will retrace some as people take profit, don't buy right now, but keep an eye on it and strike later.

>> No.24766183

Realistic price of VIDT?

>> No.24766235

What the fuck is Origin Trail token

>> No.24766345

$20 at least

>> No.24766520

Easily. Under 1 is the buy zone, once it leaves the station its going far

>> No.24766572

I'll sell about 150-200 @ $5 to secure profit, let the rest ride until double digits >>24766345

>> No.24766627

That is some paid shilling journalism

>> No.24766786

LMAO imagine believing the team's lies in 2020.

It's over.

Fuse is still under private sale price. But not for long.

>> No.24766885

Oh like clients releasing news themselves? Or working with the Dutch gov? Im sure thats a lie too. Still time to buy, you'd hate to miss out on what's about to happen

>> No.24767862

Solves a real problem with blockchains best feature. They're gonna be big

>> No.24767912

How does this coin compare to LTO? Are they competitors?

>> No.24768757

This is gonna be 30-100$ by 2025