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24762025 No.24762025[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Discriminating against people for how they're born is wrong
>Be born to American parents = get American citizenship
>Be born to non-American parents = you don't
>The wokists will fix this "injustice" in the next decade

Are you ready to compete with literally the entire world for jobs and housing?

>> No.24762052

Where have you been? We're already there.

>> No.24762064

Sounds pretty based i hope they work harder than you wagie ive been noticing my amazon delivery driver not smiling as much and i called his manager

>> No.24762069

rent free

>> No.24762090

The loophole's been that the parents have to have enough foresight and some money to set foot on US soil first. Sort of filters things out when the 8-month-pregnant mother needs to trek across a desert.

>> No.24762092

America literally was built from a melting pot of immigrants. "Oh look at me I'm contrarian and hate immigrants now!" Go back to /pol/.

>> No.24762137
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>> No.24762158
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>> No.24762181


>> No.24762193


Settlers from a very small part of Northern Europe. Other niggers didn't start moving in until there was already a civilization built.

>> No.24762222
File: 42 KB, 646x595, Nervous, sweating Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the Social Security reform bill expands SSNs to 11 digits

>> No.24762242


>> No.24762244

can't wait until the newfaggots like you get shaken out

>> No.24762255

Go back to r*ddit nigger. "Melting pot" is a low-IQ meme and was never a popular argument throughout the overwhelming majority of American history. Even your pretend coalition of low IQ creaturas doesn't give a shit about diversity, it doesn't even make sense as a value as it's literally the opposite of having values in general. "Hurrr durrr I like people who are culturally different from me who don't even speak my language and who will vote differently than me", no you fucking don't that's just cognitive dissonance. You believe what corporations and the state tell you to because you're drifting along with the lowest common denominator that is easily controlled.

>> No.24762268

why do you feel so insecure anon?

>> No.24762277

oy vey, you don't want to live in a 5x5 pod and get third world wages? RACIST, do you not like ethnic food you uncultured swine???

>> No.24762290
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>when the Social Security reform bill expands SSNs to 11 digits and bilingual spanish

>> No.24762461
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English >> Germanics/Nordics >> Irish >> Italians/Poles >> Mexicans/Asians >> Africans

This is how the nation goes. This is how the nation dies. There's nothing after Africans. There's just a fractured nation with increasing degrees of violence.

Brazil 2.0 - South Africa 2.0 . A vassal nation to israel - a client state to china.

>> No.24762477

Did you guys know by making money you can afford to live in a neighborhood free of those colored folk you don't care for so much? Maybe you should get a better job. I'm not racists like you but I live in an all white neighborhood because I can afford it. Are you poor?

>> No.24762495

I know I'm better than 95% of the world, so yes.

>> No.24762497

Ask the Native Americans how that melting pot of peaceful immigrants seeking a better life worked out for them kek

>> No.24762559

This, exept That anglos are not above us continental germanics.

>> No.24762657
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also, don't forget picrel

it will also be the fat of the U.S.

A great many peoples from the nation in picrel are ethnically european. they did this to themselves.

I blame females.

>> No.24762678

i look forward to reading your posts about the first section ape voucher issued in your neighborhood.

>> No.24762698

>Discriminating against people
I only discriminate against pajeets. Science says they are not human.

>> No.24762740

sounds like a projection
cope and seethe tranny

>> No.24762860

>melting pot of immigrants
white immigrants

>> No.24763226
File: 76 KB, 982x1274, 02D31066-C561-4CA7-B8FD-2E78EE47FA25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting Italians with poles. Ive never been more insulted.

>> No.24763529

If they can work their way to a better place than where they started then why can't you?