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24759748 No.24759748 [Reply] [Original]

weekend frens edition


>Stock market Words

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>Weekly /smg/ update

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Previous: >>24757348

>> No.24759800

first for comfy

>> No.24759815
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sqqq all day homies, see you on monday

>> No.24759838

ok pfizer cleared the vaccine, guess i'm fucked.

>> No.24759845

dogecoin chart looks unironically bullish prove me wrong

>> No.24759850

Dividends and Premium

Yep, that’s the stuff.

>> No.24759855

is WM a good long term investment?

>> No.24759866

Falling asleep with a woman in your bed is so annoying, but waking up to one is comfy.

>> No.24759891

It’s a good wheel stock

>> No.24759895
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I got fucked today, biz... and not in a good way...

>> No.24759898

Reminder that microsoft is currently at early july levels.

Reminder that fuck you if you were one of the people who told me it was a great buy

Take responsibility for wasting my opportunity cost, it should have all aboslutely gone into VOO

>> No.24759902

I actually make small accounts off doge from time to time

>> No.24759903

Go to sleep with the same one to get used to it, it becomes very comfy. But it's a lonely bed when it's no longer shared.

>> No.24759929

>Take responsibility for wasting my opportunity cost
holy shit lol
the level of delusion in this post
YOU take responsibility. You are the one who bought it. No one else is responsible for your actions but yourself
The sooner you take responsibility for your life, the sooner you will make it

>> No.24759933


Fuck this duckfucking faggot. Everyday is a blessed day.

CLF to 50



>> No.24759937

How to mushroom hunting in New England?

>> No.24759938

I think its gonna pump real soon desu

>> No.24759956

Does microsoft have more room to run up though because it hasn’t pumped as hard as shit like aapl and tsla since rona? That’s what I thought when I got some

>> No.24759963

I see you only listen to Indie music from 2010-2012

>> No.24759966

I think it's funny that your brother is the one that spoonfed you the CLF pick. You should fuck off and tell your brother to come post here. He's the based one.

>> No.24759967

go outside and look at the ground bro

>> No.24759971
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friendly remdinder that if you put YOUR money aside for your future kids, you are a cuck
your kids will hate you for being a capitalist boomer fag and they will take YOUR money and piss it away for all sorts of degenerate bullshit, the moment you die on your deathbed

your son will become a tranny
your daughter will become a fat radical leftist
your bloodline will die with them

>> No.24759975

Step 1: find cattle farm
Step 2: wait for dusk/night
Step 3: pull from cow patties and clean them
Step 4: don't trust me.

>> No.24759976

It pumped about a month ago, i would never put too much in, I already have a bit in there so I hope so.

>> No.24759983

Gotcha, just looked that up but its basically a stock you sell puts until you get assigned, then you sell covered calls until that get assigned. Only thing is I have a 4 figure account :(

>> No.24759995

Step 3.5: get sniped for tresspassing

>> No.24760005

no one has a gun in England lol

>> No.24760007

>invest in hormone therapy meds
>convince your kids to be trannies
>convince their friends to become trannies
>get rich
>they don't have grandkids
>you don't have to pay for grandkids

I see nothing wrong witht his strategy

>> No.24760010


I don't have any brothers lol. Are people here schizophrenic

>> No.24760014

I don't know 3d girls can take up a lot of the bed and mess up the sheets

>> No.24760020

My dopamine receptors are fried and I am bored of life.

>> No.24760021
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>New England

>> No.24760025
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Kek I don't have any kids or even a girlfriend in the distant horizon. I have a platonic marriage to a wonderful women and have no need for 3dpd.

>> No.24760031

>a 4 figure account
Work on that

>> No.24760041
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Anon it seems like you really need to speak with a counselor about what's going on in your life at the moment. That mindset can't be healthy. Not that you need kids to be complete, but that anger can't be good for you.
And that's why I got a step 4 :^)
thanks anon.

>> No.24760043

There are plenty of pseudo-aristocratic families around that this doesn’t happen to. Trying to convince people to be hedonists unconcerned with posterity is peak libshit thinking

>> No.24760047

Play runescape

>> No.24760054
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Study by the Wissenschaftlicher Dienst des Bundestages comes out next thursday: 70% of German companies say they will reduce renting officespace in the next 6 month, since productivity has risen using homeoffice. If you are in that kind of investment, turn 360° and silently moonwalk out of it. Selling my REITs as we speak ...

>> No.24760055

A guy posted on stocktwits something like "congratulations to my little bro who is going to become a millionaire on his thousands of CLF contracts!"
so everyone assumes that it's you

>> No.24760057

Not the right time of year for it if you are in Maine

>> No.24760058

Any info on how much TSLA the big guys are going to have to buy by the 21'st? I'm furiously stroking to my the gains i'm anticipating in my ARKK funds

>> No.24760070


I figured it did. It had a fantastic earnings report, better than analysts expected, and it all got overshadowed because trump made a tweet or something like that. Then everybody got hot on tesla and microsoft bagholders got forgotten. Fucking waste of money

>> No.24760071
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>> No.24760076


If you are referring to that guy who congratulated someone's brother with 3000 leaps that ain't me

I only have 1000 leaps. I do have a lot of short terms expiring this month however

>> No.24760114

You've been exposed CLFfaggot. I'm sure your brother will come here and name fag, and we'll all watch his twitch channel instead.

>> No.24760119

I was just talking to a zoomer this morning that was looking to get into REITs when he turns 18. It was the first I had heard of them.
True, but a body pillow never accidentally splays out on your side of the bed. :^)
Go ascetic for like 2 months and enjoy slightly renewed receptors.

>> No.24760131

I had a WoW addiction in my early 20s and it set my life back 10 years because I flunked out of school and it took me years to find a good job. Now I'm addicted to playing the stock market but I got bored of that too.

>> No.24760135
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Can someone explain to me how TAM should affect the pricing of an stock? Just look at LAZR/VLDR and MAXR/SPCE.

Automotive LIDAR market should be around 5b in 2024, if not more. However, Velodyne has a marketcap of 3 billion while LAZR has one of 10 billion. Both have relatively low revenue, 101m projected for VLDR and 0? for LAZR. Both companies are valued based on future TAM but does 6b market justify the evaluations? LAZR is out of the question but what about Velodyne, if they're expected to capture 20% of the market does it mean stock's cheap now?

And what about MAXR/SPCE? It's the same deal with MAXR having PE of 6 and SPCE having zero revenue.

Does TAM justify such high prices?

>> No.24760137

yeah just about to graduate with a degree in business administration, moving out of the middle of Maine to Portland for job opportunities once my lease is up. Thanks for the advice anon big preesch

>> No.24760166


Yes this is Eddy's big brother.

Have you guys seen spot iron prices?

>> No.24760168

My best friend used to have an addiction to wow that I've never seen before. He would get about an hour or two of sleep every night. Had a giant mountain of pop bottles in his bedroom, all for an autism simulator. I've never been able to get past level 40 in any mmo. They are so goddamn boring.

>> No.24760172

making money off of trannies is another thing
the risk of that busllshit to happen is way too big looking at how millenials and my fellow zoomers are acting
they either become MAGA pol retards or trannies and left wing radicals

>> No.24760186

Waitwaitwaiteait SQ is Cash App??
The fucking treasury used that to deliver Trump Bucks? AND this is the thing sex workers use to get men from tinder into their premium snap chats and meet up for a casual fuck?


>> No.24760187

velodyne will moon 3000% and be declared company of the year by Bloomberg on Monday. You did buy the dip, right? also Uranium mooning too, dont ask me why, you wouldnt understand

>> No.24760206

hope you loaded up on CLF and XOM last week

>> No.24760209

Having the largest bed you can afford and fit into your bedroom helps. This is easier done when you earn dividends.

>> No.24760233

CLF has been shilled tto death any nigger that hasnt gotten in yet will FOMO when its too late

>> No.24760242

Velodyne is going to sub 10s sempai, if the market was rational

>> No.24760245

clf’s ceo just announced his is joining the Brazilian World Cup team for Qatar, clf mooning

>> No.24760253

I don't know any of that stuff but that's a cute picture. SPCE does seem to already have a capped revenue yearly due to their limits of how many they can fly. It was in an article comparing TSLA's latest launch and what it means for SPCE. btw SPCE just aborted a flight for Spaceship Two suborbital flight.
It can mean a potential for dip picking. But please don't trust me, I'm just an anon that likes that picture.

>> No.24760263

That’s why you give it to your grandchildren. If kids want the money they got to reproduce thus keep the dick right where it is.

>> No.24760282

I sold XOM calls at $47.5 that expire Friday. Hoping to get assigned

>> No.24760289

Have your ever thought of not raping your children?

>> No.24760294
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I'm dreaming of a red Christmas.

>> No.24760304

England: *stabbed
New England: sniped
EU: yelled at

>> No.24760308

what are the best stocks to run the wheel on? preferably stocks that either go sideways or up only, with strong economic moats.

>> No.24760311

solid strategy bro, just keep saying to your kids you are working so hard so their kids will have the life of their dreams

>> No.24760320

my cock only goes up. your ass. great buy for a faggot like you

>> No.24760324

unironically palantir in a few weeks? Idk, but it’s becoming crab central

>> No.24760326


>> No.24760330

>the risk of that busllshit to happen is way too big
just don't raise them wrong, anon. Then again, I'm a tranny as well so you shouldn't trust anything I have to say.
>fellow zoomers
Ah, I figured you were a late millennial by how you were talking. Social currents change with time, transpeople and pol-tards weren't a thing when I was a kid, and something will likely replace them when you get older.
IF kids matter to you, commit yourself to not being a shitty parent and letting a situation occur where they become either type of crazy.

>> No.24760334

Get a stable of dividend stocks and monitor volatility, EG around each companies earnings.

>> No.24760342


>> No.24760358


Really any stock you are kinda bullish on

>> No.24760364
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This anon gets it

>> No.24760371

Keep an eye on the Vol Rankings, set to over 10bn market cap, filter out earnings and memes. Check news and chart, sell 45 DTE put on anything above 50IVR or extra safe boomer stocks over 30 ATM IV provided you can pay cash for 100 stocks (dont start on margin). Wait till assign, sell covered calls at or above cost basis (share price assigned minus premium collected for short puts).
It works until it doesnt, been bagholding tons of things after march, 90% or so finally called away but be aware of black swans, esp. with current QE, negative interest and debt bubble that may or may not pop any time

>> No.24760379

any recommendations? shit like KO and HD i guess, anything else?

what about the tech bubble everyone keeps talking about? how severely overinflated the nasdaq is, etc?


>> No.24760385

yo what is the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized student loans? Gotta start paying them off starting the 1st.

>> No.24760395

I kinda felt bad for that SQQQ anon that everyone was shitting on last thread :(

>> No.24760416
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Bumping this. Where can I read about TAM and current evaluations? It doesn't have to be those four stocks, Tesla is a good example also.

Glad you liked it, FYI it's by onikobe rin

>> No.24760419

I dont

>> No.24760425
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>> No.24760443


AstraZeneca is buying Alexion for $39bn.

"The UK drugmaker offered Alexion shareholders a total of about $175 per share, a 46% premium over $120.98, where Alexion's American depositary shares closed Friday's session. Shareholders will receive $60 cash and 2.1243 AstraZeneca US shares, under the proposed deal, which will require US regulatory sign-off.

Both boards unanimously approved the deal, which is expected to close in the third quarter of 2021."

What happens to shares of Alexion stock between now and Q3?

>> No.24760465
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So sell Rosh Hashanah, buy Yom Kippur applied this year. Does Hanukkah do anything to the markets? Apparently it ends this coming friday.

>> No.24760467

Spooky arbitration antics. It will trade like it is already AstraZeneca.

>> No.24760468




>> No.24760473 [DELETED] 

Will go to 175$ minus whatever the uncertainty is priced at.

>> No.24760485
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lol don't feel bad man, I don't take this shit seriously, thanks for having a soul though

also buy SQQQ

>> No.24760495

Nah it’s not really a legit holiday it’s just a way for Jews to have a commercial winter holiday like Christmas and Kwanzaa

>> No.24760505

I'm new to the game. Can anyone explain what's gonna happen with Tesla stock next week?

From my naïve point of view, if index funds are buying up 80B or so of Tesla stock on Friday, it's basically guaranteed to go up. Is this completely wrong?

>> No.24760559

Microsoft is the only Tech stock I trust, but it’s a long term hold not pump and dump.

>> No.24760578





>> No.24760617
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>onikobe rin
Thank you anon, I like their stuff from what I've found so far.
Sorry anon, no clue but here's google and nerdwallet.
>Subsidized: Interest is paid by the Education Department while you're enrolled at least half time in college. Unsubsidized: Interest begins accruing as soon as the loan is disbursed, including while students are enrolled in school. ... The Education Department will continue to pay interest during this time.

>> No.24760627
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am i gonna make it?

>> No.24760629

I know the propaganda against building generational wealth is strong and I see the (((they))) have you brainwashed so it’s too late for your dumb ass. But for the rest of you out there remember family dynasties are based as fuck so stop only thinking about yourselves and start building that wealth.

>> No.24760639




>> No.24760659

woof, simmer down

>> No.24760667

There are a lot of funds based around being environmentally friendly, it’s a great way for billionaires to virtue signal, Tesla is in a lot of them, and it keeps going up, so everyone thinks it’s the future, until they don’t, then it crashes.

>> No.24760678

Congratulations. You owe money to the most ruthless collection agency in the world. Good luck.

>> No.24760679

>what about the tech bubble everyone keeps talking about? how severely overinflated the nasdaq is, etc?
Tech is the future. People worried about the bubble are thinking that magically we'll hit a point next year where everyone goes back to the office and we stop relying on tech as much as during the pandemic. The reality is that the pandemic was a catalyst for tech trends that were already ongoing. There's no going back to the way things were. Tech will keep growing.

>> No.24760681

Goddamnit I'm stick behind a boomer at the ATM that just can't figure it out. Why are boomers so goddamn tech illiterate? Can build a car piece by piece. But can't figure out the menu on an ATM.

>> No.24760684

maybe if you pick up some WKHS

>> No.24760686

>if index funds are buying up 80B or so of Tesla stock on Friday, it's basically guaranteed to go up
The question is how much that's already been priced in. How much of the recent run has been in anticipation of index inclusion and big fund buyers?

>> No.24760688
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Only thing keeping me green and actually making me good money on Friday. Went up .5% because of them

Also MSFT is moving in the same 215 range for months now with no real downside possible.
Just write 215 puts and when assigned sell 220 calls, 30DTE, perfect wheel probably
Free money at this point.
There's three kinds of people who buy SQQQ
Doomers that hate capitalism, and lose money
Idiots who have no idea, and lose money
People who are right in assuming the market goes down, making money while I lose it

SQQQ = Bad

>> No.24760694

I mean I was buying HPE but I can buy MSFT as well.

>> No.24760698

Buy Microsoft, BUY BUY BUY. It’s commoditising and consolidating computing power, genuinely the future. Very soon there will be two computing ecosystems Azure and AWS

>> No.24760712
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Why not help them?

>> No.24760715

Honestly, this. I personally don't want kids and neither does my spouse and we're happy with that arrangement. We have our own desires, and children or a "legacy" isn't for us.
Besides, we both have siblings with kids, so our unimportant "bloodline" doesn't matter.
That said, a desire to build intergenerational wealth can act as a good motivator to keep going so yeah it's good for those who want kids. This anon is right.
You'll make it much farther than me, that's for sure.

>> No.24760723
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Should I short Tesla with an inverse etf/whatever? For 6 months it would have 5% of expenses and should follow the stock price 1 to 1. If Tesla halves in value I 2x.

Seems like a safe way to make money

>> No.24760726

TSM is not nasdaq and wasn't affected by Softbank's gamma squeeze
if anything it's like the equivalent of utilities in the tech world

AMD yeah it's riskier but very lucrative for running the wheel especially when its long-term fundamentals for the next 3 years are solid thanks to Intel fucking up (boomers holding Intel still can't comprehend this)

>> No.24760731

Seriously, it doesn't hurt to at least offer to help.

>> No.24760747

Would you take help from a stranger while accessing your bank account?
"Excuse me sir, can I help you with this ATM? What do you mean it's private?? What do you mean I can't know your pin?? What do you mean you don't want me to see your account??"

>> No.24760746

Subsidized vs unsubsidized just pertains to how the government handles interest while you're in school.

Practically, once you start paying them off there's no difference. Interest accrues each month, and your monthly payment pays off all the accrued interest + a bit of the principle. If you don't make payments then the accrued interest rolls into the principle when you default on the loan.

BTW if those are government loans, it was already announced that they extended the deferment period yet again until February. Likely will get extended even further beyond that until May or so.

>> No.24760797

It's not hard to tell a scammer from someone who genuinely wants to help. They'll already know to not look at anything important.

>> No.24760811


Who knows anon buy isreali energy companies. Ichan owns some delek i believe. I got a tractor captcha so I take that as a bullish sign.

>> No.24760814

See this is the part I don't understand. How can it be "priced in" until the stocks are actually purchased. Isn't the price just supply and demand in the end? When the big funds buy an assload of Tesla on Friday, who are they buying from and how can that not effect the stock price?

>> No.24760815

you are 100% going to get robbed someday
"He seemed so nice! He seemed like he genuinely wanted to help!"
No boomer is going to accept help from a stranger at a public ATM lol. Imagine this being naive

>> No.24760827
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>short Tesla
>Seems like a safe way to make money

>> No.24760834

Yeah. Dude usually divirsity and inclusion is unironically a bearish sign. They can't afford to hire American workers in America, and they haven't made a new or interesting product in years.

>> No.24760837

they both suck but azure is dogshit t. i use it at work

>> No.24760842
File: 701 KB, 498x278, ten1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you take help from a stranger while accessing your bank account?
No, because I know how and what to do

An old lady doesn't know all that. And you can at least ask. If she says "No, I don't trust no strangers" then say ok and let her stew in her misery. What do you care?
Stop being a virgin and offer help to people.

>> No.24760850

Dude all of these are shit.....

>> No.24760851

Question to anons who were around in May when Oil futures for WTI were negative.
>Accept 100 barrels of oil
>Get paid to hold them
>Sell them for a profit

Literally free money, now tell me why that wasn’t the case?

>> No.24760857

Does the fact that CLF moved in to steel not cut into their iron profits since they are their own biggest customer now?

>> No.24760876

Yeah GOVT loans im pretty sure, from the dept of education. Both sub and unsub. THeyre really extended 0% interest until FEB?? thank fuck. Im broke as shit with no job.
Did the math, had a fun 4 years at a sub bar state school with a shitty degree, only had to pay 15k. Thats not bad right? Fuck who am i kidding my kids are not going to college.
TL;DR 15k in debt aint bad for undergrad. IMO

>> No.24760902

Bro, it's like you've never used an ATM or understand social norms
When someone is using an ATM ahead of you, you're supposed to stand 10+ feet back and not be looking at them accessing it
Offering to help someone with an ATM is the equivalent of asking someone "Excuse me ma'am, may I rob you?"
If I saw that old woman walking into the bank, I would hold the door open for her and help, but you should never offer to help a stranger when accessing an ATM
Literally no one will ever go "why thank you young man! thank you so much for offering to help me with my bank account!"
If your actions will only piss someone off, and make them think they're about to get robbed, then you are offering to help for your own selfish desire to feel like a good person, not for their benefit

>> No.24760913

Because you had to actually hold them, which was a bit of an issue at the time.

>> No.24760921

storage for oil was already maxed out at that point and people didnt want to be obligated to take physical delivery in oklahoma

>> No.24760935

If it goes up 20% you're down 40%. If it goes down after 20% you're down 6% still. Don't buy leveraged funds unless you know what you're doing.

>> No.24760937

In Europe theres gypsy gangs that stalk people who withdrawl money. They pounce and grab the money once the machine clears them so keeping a bit of distance is very relevant.

>> No.24760957

Whose got NEE options? Looking to purchase some but I don’t know how

>> No.24760965

>family dynasties are based as fuck
yes anos, work your ass off so people who cant wait for you to die can profit from it

>> No.24760966
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>Step 1. Open brokerage account online
>Step 2. Purchase NUMI and SHRMF at market open
>Step 3. ?????
>Step 4. Profit

>> No.24760980


>> No.24760983
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What stops people holding it in their garden/basement/house?

>> No.24760990

Buy a king sized adjustable mattress. It can be awkward to fuck on them if your settings are too different, but they can be adjusted back, and the improved sleep is worth it.
Yeah, I know, "he doesn't sleep on a cardboard box in an alley for free, ngmi"

>> No.24760992


>> No.24761002
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What stops people holding it in their bussy?

>> No.24761008

Nothing, but first you would have to take physical delivery of the barrels at some souther US port and then transport them to your home.

>> No.24761017

You have to show up at the port they assign you with a truck big enough to carry 100 barrels of oil. You gonna do that yourself?

>> No.24761020

This is me and my wife to. We don't want kids. We both have far to many people on both sides of the family to worry about the bloodlines dying. Disposing of your assets is fucking easy with a proper will/estate plan anyway.

>> No.24761024

CLF locked and loaded bro. 16 dollars this week

>> No.24761025

So basically, just rent a uhaul to pick them up at the port then dump the whole thing on the freeway for a profit?

>> No.24761027

Anon you seem to think I didn't learn how to tell the scammers from the helpful. That said, I've had to help countless people on little things that would fuck them over if I wasn't who I was. Yes it's an anecdote from me but it's why I don't view things your way, I'm not trying to convince you of anything, only explain what I'd do.
You and I are clearly just of different mindsets and areas. Nothing more to say.

>> No.24761030

>government loans, it was already announced that they extended the deferment period yet again until February.
Retards rejoice.

Am i going to be able to obtain a bussy within the next 1-3 yeaars? i cant wait that long.

>> No.24761031

they control the price however they want and if you try to get a cut you get killed, oil is what wars are started over

>> No.24761049

Well I think that would be illegal. The oil also weighs quite a lot and there was a shortage of tankers and all types of transportation that could have taken the oil, so you’d end up paying a lot to physically move and store it.

>> No.24761051

Because that's 10 tons of fucking oil without even including the weight of the barrels. Could look storing all that fucking somewhere.

>> No.24761052


"from germany"
def not a pajeet scam. I cant wait until the 17th.

>> No.24761065

god i need an oil tanker bussy
let's write electric brands
there's already like 20 different bussies so why not

>> No.24761069

Yeah it was recent, announced last week.

The collective opinion on 4chan is to avoid college and/or student loans like the plague, but it's really not bad if you know what you're doing. I racked up 60k in student loan debt pursuing undergrad + masters degree, but I ended up with an 80k salary SW engineering job fresh out of college. I don't regret it.

Government student loans are typically 4-5% interest a year with a 10 year repayment plan, which never compounds if you just make your minimum monthly payments. It's more economically viable to just keep making the minimum monthly payments for 10 years and start investing early, which will give you higher return rates that do compound.

>> No.24761101

I cant wait to never hear from that company again

>def not a pajeet scam
oh because germans arent capable of scamming?

>> No.24761106

>5% interest

t. 0.8% interest loans

>> No.24761108

>Could look storing all that fucking somewhere.
top of the mornin to ye

>> No.24761109

Anyone able to answer this question?

>> No.24761113

Let's say there's TSLAfag A and TSLAfag B.
TSLAfag A bought TSLA on the news it'll get included in indexes and is looking to make a short term play and take profits on day of inclusion or around that date.
TSLAfag B bought TSLA on the news and is never selling ever.

In the event that more of the recent price action was driven by people like TSLAfag A, index funds will be buying shares from a large pool of sellers profiting off the catalyst run up. The price isn't likely to change as much.

In the event more are like TSLAfag B, then there is an obvious problem you've identified. A large amount of buyers walked in to a room of very few sellers. The price will go up as you expect.

Think of it like an earnings play.

>> No.24761125
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Friendly reminder from the Virgin BCRX anon to CLF fags

If you bought both stocks on December 1st.

CLF would net you 20% today
BCRX would net you 70% today

CLF will crab this week
BCRX will moon on Japan news

That is all.

>> No.24761140
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, echidna_smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta be honest, Anon. Sometimes I forget I'm on 4chan but then I read a 200 word justification on why not asking "May I help you?" to an old woman having trouble with technology is somehow the right thing to do.

In absolute awe at the size of that autism. You're also not asking crying children if they're alright because they will accuse you of rape, right?

Jesus Christ.

>> No.24761143

Yeah, it's manchildren that have adopted the feminist ideology, but somehow think that if they switch the genders around it becomes "based and redpilled'.
No, it's still bullshit. You are a life support system for your genitals. Your entire purpose is to go balls deep in a chick and continue your bloodline. And when you can't go balls deep anymore, help raise your progeny that will do so for you.
Most traditions came to this realisation independently. It's only modern mongloid nihelists who hate life itself that argue with this.

>> No.24761154

I bought clf but we can stop fucking talking about the retard now. He's so desperate that he shills his shit outside of this board.

I may look to sell off my position this week since I'm up 50 percent.

>> No.24761161

Bro these retards pronouncing it wrong!


Thank you SL debt anon. Ive heard people like you existed. People who actually take the time and understand every nook and cranny of the jew loans. Thank you for the tips. PLs do the needful and give me more. Im pursuing exterior school as well. and that willl be a HUGE wall of debt/loans. SMG is dumb as fuck and filled with a lot of low lives with no tenacity, or inner drive to excel. Invest in yourself a little bit.

>> No.24761176
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, rousey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SQQQ is already on the fucking moon though son

>> No.24761186

Can someone be my options mentor? I want the big gains

>> No.24761213

my dick is diamonds for the bussy
it had better be available in the US

>> No.24761219

Thanks. That makes sense. Interesting food for thought. I'd find it hard to believe that ALL of the recent stock price pump has been people looking to sell immediately. I'm very tempted to pick some up Monday morning.

>> No.24761233

Your nieces and nephews could be your legacy. The best part of that is you can observe from a distance and pick which ones would preserve and build on what you left behind and which ones would destroy it and themselves in the process.

>> No.24761246

Anyone remember the name of that biopharm penny stock thats looking into a pill that cures cholesterol or some bullshit like that ...Saw some anon post his folio and it was in there, but he never shilled it. Cant find it now.

>> No.24761261
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Only 9 days remaining.

>> No.24761268

I encourage you anon, go out in the real world. Go wait by an ATM and ask old people using it "May I help you?"
Post results
I am not saying "DON'T EVER HELP PEOPLE!!"
but offering to help someone while they're accessing their bank account at an ATM is a retarded thing to do
NO ONE will ever say "Yes, please! Thank you for the help!" NO ONE.
Pls, get some real world experiences so you can understand why this is a stupid suggestion
>"Why didn't you offer to help them with the ATM??"
Not only will they think they are being robbed, they'll be annoyed that a younger stranger is insulting them for taking too long - older people do not like being reminded of their failures with technology
You seem like a genuinely nice person - there are a LOT of not nice people out there.

>> No.24761272

>You're also not asking crying children
you speak to strangers children?

>> No.24761276

>buy $10,000 of options
>get Theta crushed
>get IV crushed
>whine about your $1,000 of options
>buy more options

>> No.24761280

Umm sweetie, March was 9 months ago

>> No.24761302

that's dirty

>> No.24761306
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Yes. Sell options.

>> No.24761324
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Flip a coin 100 times. See how many times you win.

Those are your odds of losing your life savings on options

>> No.24761325
File: 340 KB, 494x627, Checked1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay to not want kids. Some aren't compelled by biological imperative.
Being an anti-natalist that pats themselves on the back for not having kids is a different story. Any mindset can be taken too far.
I'll be honest with you, anon. I don't normally admit something so serious on a manganese orange-eating image board but you gotta checkem. seriously though, that's a neat idea and funny.
I don't mind being the fun aunt that visits, it means I can drop them off when I've had my fun.
But unlike my wife, I don't mind if I'm forgotten soon after I pass, I just want to be the nicest person I can for its own sake. Making bank would be nice, though. I could donate and live comfortably to support my stock addiction/hobby and my wife's addiction to 3D printers.

>> No.24761341

what happens if we run out of idiots to sell lotto tickets to?

>> No.24761348
File: 25 KB, 540x600, 1576341756556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell covered call
>get assigned
>now you owe short term capital gains for more than the premium
t-t-ththehthega gmananag

>> No.24761352

15C April 21 GME

>> No.24761399

Recommend NEE options

>> No.24761409
File: 45 KB, 614x480, question_ump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I encourage you anon, go out in the real world. Go wait by an ATM and ask old people using it "May I help you?"
I did so quite often in the past. With people now getting more used to technology it happens less and less. Still in every foreign country I have been some old couple can't figure it out and I readily help them just to make it faster for myself.
Older people are very thankful for the help and always accept help.

The rest of your post is autism and discussing that is not the point of /SMG/. I'd just encourage you... I mean you can't even help it. It's psychological. So there's not even an argument. Just you explaining your world.
What can I say?

>> No.24761412

Checked and shroompilled

>> No.24761414

How about not being an asshole to your kids. Try earning some respect, not demanding it. You put them on a good path and raise them to be partners in family wealth, not parasites. Sorry you hated your parents anon. Get over your daddy issues.

>> No.24761417
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i only sell naked calls

>> No.24761440

>modular vehicles

I don't see this being practical at all. If someone needs a truck or van, he could just rent one. It would be faster and easier than going to the company's service center, leaving your vehicle there, and waiting for them to do a modification. While you're waiting, you probably need to rent a vehicle, which completely defeats the original purpose.

>> No.24761452

If you niggers want a good play to go along with this next leg up in gold: Great Panther Mining $GPL is the move.

>> No.24761455

I would let all my friends use my bussy when ever they wanted.

>> No.24761457
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Hopefully Monday is green and we can enjoy another nice run. I fully expected a dump Friday after Thursday’s run, but was pleasantly surprised we still held up. I do need to practice self control and just hold my money when the market is down. I’ve lost money senselessly trying to catch daggers when I could just chill and close my apps for the day—maybe take positions when things start holding their prices.

Also the second stimulus should be announced no later than next Friday. So there’s that.

>> No.24761458

they are a vertically integrated steel manufacturer. and have been since before merging with AK and AM

>> No.24761459
File: 98 KB, 482x567, BREXIT_NOW_FUCK_THE_EU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously based and suicidepilled

>> No.24761461

>You seem like a genuinely nice person - there are a LOT of not nice people out there.
Thanks, I appreciate it. I hope I didn't come off as thinking you were anything less than that.
But yeah, I've had a lot of duplicitous people screw me over when I was more young and naive and learned a lot the hard way. Yeah a fair number of people will reject offered help in a less-than-ideal situation for good reason and I never fault them. Just like how I have to politely refuse a lot of help offered to me: sometimes it's better to be safe than sorry.
>I say as I trust anons to not trick me into holding their bags for them

>> No.24761463

Just generally, debt is not the enemy if managed correctly. Student loans are some of the best kinds of debt to have. It means you invested in yourself, and the loans have tons of different repayment options if you're not in a good position fresh out of college. Look up income driven repayment plans.

A mountain of student loan debt can look scary, but stretched out over 10, 15, or even 20 years makes it not that big of a deal. Remember that your total principle is fixed and decreases with every payment, and the interest does not compound if you just make the minimum monthly payments. Meanwhile, inflation is chipping away at the VALUE of your loan principle every year, and that does compound. Inflation rates are going up with all this money printing the FED is doing right now. Add to that the prospect of Biden forgiving 10k or more of everyone's loan debt, and even a mountain of loans becomes no big deal.

IMO totally worth it to invest in yourself.

>> No.24761481
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>> No.24761483

Do spreads. Lower gains but higher than just holding stock and you won't get IV or theta crushed.

>> No.24761504

>Older people are very thankful for the help and always accept help.
yeah.. no.. not a good idea to offer to help someone while they’re using an atm
you’re calling that poster autistic.. the irony is that offering to help someone using an atm is one of the most autistic against social norms things you can do

>> No.24761505

the easy way to remember this shit is "short term short, long term long". you can buy SQQQ, you can short stuff, but honestly you should be taking profits quickly (especially given the saying that stocks take the stairs up and the elevator down). in the long run, the stock market will ALWAYS go up. but there are short term opportunities to make money on it going down, perfect recent example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PejJZIlqRQE

just remember short term short, long term long. if you're shorting shit don't be greedy, at a minimum be sure to scale out accordingly. me personally, i prefer to just stay long-biased and buy dips instead of trying to short tops, since you can always DCA down on good companies and hodl, with no issues like squeezes or interest to worry about.

>> No.24761506

blackberry a good buy?

>> No.24761513
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>> No.24761520
File: 762 KB, 1600x744, B2CEB85B-47BA-440E-9150-DEC7B38F88A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to make this gun a family

And is anyone watching the weather channel right now?? This woman is unbelievable. I want to skin a bear and build a shelter.

>> No.24761544

berries, and they'rere black, who wouldn't buy them???

>> No.24761566

Started writing a manifesto, but basically you did things right. 4chan acts a lot more like Dave Ramsey than they care to admit, assuming that ALL debt is bad (except leverage, for some reason) and that unless you're living like ghetto trash, you're ngmi.
Face it, the BTC millionaires were a fluke. No one was expecting that to happen, not even the BTC crowd. (They were expecting it to take off after a market collapse.) If you want to make it, you have to get a skillset, learn how to market yourself, and live sustainably below your means.

>> No.24761580

If people have difficulty using the ATM, they could always go directly to the bank. Helping people with ATMs is unnecessary and risky.

>> No.24761581
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>No deal on Brexit trade 'very very likely', British PM Johnson says
>Both sides say they want to agree arrangements to cover nearly $1 trillion in annual trade but negotiations are at an impasse, with Britain standing to lose zero-tariff and zero-quota access to the huge European single market.
>“It’s looking very, very likely we’ll have to go for a solution that I think will be wonderful for the UK. We’ll be able to do exactly what we want from Jan. 1. It will obviously be different from what we set out to achieve,” Johnson told reporters.
>“If there’s a big offer, a big change in what they’re saying then I must say that I’m yet to see it,” said Johnson, the face of the “leave” campaign in Britain’s 2016 Brexit referendum.
>“The probability of a no deal is higher than of a deal,” the official said on condition of anonymity.
>Johnson and von der Leyen have given negotiators until Sunday evening to break the deadlock over fishing rights and EU demands for Britain to face consequences if in the future it diverges from the bloc’s rules.
>Johnson must decide whether the deal on offer is worth taking or the future freedom and domestic political benefits afforded by leaving without one outweigh the economic costs.
>A Brexit without a trade deal would damage the economies of Europe, send shockwaves through financial markets, snarl borders and sow chaos through the delicate supply chains which stretch across Europe and beyond.

how do i profit from this? all in on shorting the pound in forex or something?

>> No.24761599
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>the irony is that offering to help someone using an atm is one of the most autistic against social norms things you can do
lol yes

>> No.24761603

>now you owe short term capital gains
that's why you sell covered calls in a tax-free account duh..

>> No.24761622

>The collective opinion on 4chan is to avoid college and/or student loans like the plague

Have you been collecting actual statistics or going by your feelings? Because I've seen different opinions on this topic here.

>> No.24761641
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I don't think it has happened yet but the university system is about to implode. They didn't require the GRE or any entrance exam for some masters during covid, for certain schools. They have also dipped into foreign students that brought about an epidemic of cheating and degree mills. American degrees won't be as respected internationally soon, and that was really their strength even though most people that never traveled abroad didn't know it. I don't think it will kick in for a while but some major damage control is in order, for the time being I might get a masters or something but I wouldn't borrow money to do it. When i think of something like 60k usd and how much you could make off an ETF, or a fucking ROTH IRA (set for retirement at the age of 19) or dividends and then just get a trade it's kind of ridiculous that people would spend it on a degree that may or may not be ok. If the financial system ever collapsed degrees wouldn't mean shit. For the life of me I can't figure out why they wouldn't just throw that cash in a ROTH.

>> No.24761673

the answer is clear: go to an accredited and well-respected community college. look for ABET accreditation for example for doing engineering, or something similar to that.

i got my AS in EE for only $10k in 2 years, now i make $60k/year as an electrical engineering technician after working in the field for a few years. you don't have to take on $100k worth of debt to get a good education and a piece of paper that let's you basically just get your foot in the door. it's much more about hard work and dedication in the end, even with a good degree from harvard if you're a lazy piece of shit you won't go far.

>> No.24761683

depends on the degree desu

also trades top out. if you wanna be a sparky or a millwright or machinist you are gonna have a hard time getting over 100k USD without moving into a non-trades position

im in my last year of mechanical engineering and I'm gonna start out above the trades and top out above the trades in return for 4 years of hell and like $60k leafbucks

>> No.24761701
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>> No.24761719


>> No.24761720
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I'm not going into an argument whether offering people help is bad, Anon.
Like... No. You are free to do whatever you like and just saying "lmao I don't give a fuck about other people" is fine, writing an essay why you're in the right because every woman will accuse you of rape, every minor of molestation and every boomer of robbery when you interact with them in normal everyday situation IS autistic. Genuine autism.

And there is no argument here. I will not be able to convince, Anon, just like he won't be able to convince me that helping people is bad.
Offering help is risky?
Is this actually normal in America? Is this how you people interact? You see a car with a flat tire and you speed by because they can either rob you, think you are robbing them or some other stuff? You see an old lady fumbling with her cc and just watch her suffer at some lonely ATM?

Is this how Americans live or am I missing something here?

>> No.24761724
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>> No.24761741

You are right, I'm not speaking on all of them. I'm just talking about a lot of them. It's funny thought because we would have laughed at studies like social justice and pre mesopotamian women's rights but they have quite literally created a job market out of thin air for them with diversity quotas.

I would still argue someone is better off taking a trade than borrowing for college. If you are smart enough you will get a scholarship, if you have rich paretns then you don't need one, if you don't have either of those you need to start making money and fast.

If you don't have either of those and you accumulated a large portion of money I would still say put it in an IRA and forget about it too.

>> No.24761742

you dont need any help, you already know exactly what not to do

>> No.24761753

Im not demanding anything
you have literally zero influence about what your children will become

it ok though, continue living in your dream world

>> No.24761761
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>> No.24761764

What the fuck is a plug?


>> No.24761770
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Is the #BLM shit they excreted during the troubles enough to shy /smg/ away from investing? I want to believe that they don't really care about that shit, and it was simply necessary, standard, silicon valley virtue signaling.

>> No.24761788

Just put everything in lean hogs.

>> No.24761793

How do you not understand that offering to help someone while they're accessing their bank account is not the same thing as driving by someone you see with a flat tire?
There are people who hang around ATMs just to rob people - there are not people who drive the highways looking for people with flat tires to rob them
ATM robberies are VERY common
You're not understanding that it's a very specific thing we're advocating against, 'offering to help someone while they're using an ATM'
NOBODY is advocating for "DON'T EVER HELP PEOPLE!!" you're creating a straw man to fight

>> No.24761797

When was this last updated?

>> No.24761805

I agree with you. My parents put money for my schooling in an investment acct and I am unbelievably grateful to them, when I'm 40 and worth 7 figs because boomer ETFs I'm going to help make sure they are comfortable in their retirement.

I am amazed sometimes at the lack of planning some people display with things like children though - not saving any money to help them start life, buying brand new cars on loans, living in houses beyond their means etc. I'm a really frugal guy and I literally cannot imagine a life scenario where 20% of my income doesn't go to investments. Perhaps home equity is enough for some normies but honestly, if you aren't a totally unskilled retard who makes minimum wage you shouldn't be saving any less than 20% of your take home.

>> No.24761808
File: 74 KB, 620x652, Chinkuns2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I think it's best to drop it. The other anon is rather adamant about the particulars of the scenario, not the principal at play. It's okay to say not all situations are equal when offering help.
>Is this how Americans live or am I missing something here?
No guarantee they are in burgerland but I am. Everyone's different, desu. Best not to get hung up on it.

>> No.24761809
File: 49 KB, 240x240, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ATM robberies are VERY common
Where the fuck do you live then lmao?

>> No.24761812

Who gives a fuck

I’m beginning to think reparations are the best financial tool to get V2 moving>>24761

>> No.24761825

Purely anecdotal, but I've been on and off 4chan since 2010 and that's what it seems like across all boards.

It's like I said in another post, 60k sounds like a lot but it's not all at once, it's stretched out over 10 years, and subject to inflation over that period and/or political movements like Dems forgiving 10k loan debt.
I don't regret taking on student loan debt, I definitely would not have been able to land an 80k job at that age without it. It gave me a good stable income as a basis, which I'm using now funnel into investments.

I do agree with you that colleges face a long term problem with their entire structure, but at least for now and for years to come it is still very valuable (or at least STEM-like majors are).

>> No.24761829

I will trade it if there's a good opportunity to do so, which includes shorting. I couldn't care less about these fucking trash IPO's (or companies in general to be fair)

>> No.24761831

Push my fingers into my eyyyyeeeesssss

>> No.24761848

i doubt it he's actually referencing an actual statistic but just alluding to the fact that it can be a fear/concern of people

regardless of whether it happens a lot or not, some stranger coming to you offering to "help" while you're using an ATM is probably something you'd be extremely wary about

>> No.24761862

jesus lmao

>> No.24761874

they have earnings next week but it is good long term play and is cheap. Amazon partnered with Blackberry so they see something that we don't.

>> No.24761880

Here are Europe numbers:
>4,571 in 2019
>ATM physical attacks soared 27% in 2018
>The number of physical attacks on ATMs in Europe has risen for the fourth consecutive year
>Why are ATM attacks exploding across some US states?

This a worldwide thing dude. Come on now.

>> No.24761881

Speaking of...what did you do?

>> No.24761892

muh taxes is top tier cope. You pay taxes no matter what, having to pay them is never a good reason not to do something.

>> No.24761893

I feel like this one will almost certainly moon.

>> No.24761896

These things only happen if you are a failure as a parent.

>> No.24761906

I dont know how this is gonna shake out but I'd really like to get a lot more insight on this. Will ALZN dump? Will AZN moon? I got no fucking idea. Do I buy during the mid-day dip when magic mitch makes all the lines go down again? Do I avoid? Do I hodl till next October?

>> No.24761913
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, Anime Machining is unsurprisingly rare but why did it have to be furries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you wanna be a sparky or a millwright or machinist you are gonna have a hard time getting over 100k USD without moving into a non-trades position
It hurts because it's true. I'm a machinist III and hovering around mid-50's a year. My wife is eyeing a job that's entering six figures when she was already the bread winner. I might as well try to pull some extra cash in while I'm slacking off at work on down time.

>> No.24761917

my question is if it will go up, nok and hear have good finances and get good news and they just crab. bb had it's surge, but is that it? it's the same with f and gm, they don't seem to move on news very often if ever.

>> No.24761921


>> No.24761940
File: 2.47 MB, 1056x1146, original_263806083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are those stickers the shit that leaves a permanent residue?
this shit is why i dont shop at gamestop anymore

>> No.24761944

can you move up from there? how can you make 100k+? do you need more certs?

>> No.24761947

You guys non union?

>> No.24761969

Yeah it probably will

>> No.24761972

i don’t think i’ve ever seen someone’s argument get absolutely destroyed as well as this post did

>> No.24761974

Here's a tip, kid, stop the "it's happening" bullshit and listening to what idiots on the Internet say (including me), and go talk to engineers with Master's that are in the middle of their careers (40 somethings, not kids fresh out of college). Ask them what they're recommending for their children.
Then go do the same for tradesmen. Again, not some guy on a Mongolian basketweaving enthusiast forum, but flesh and blood men in their 40s.
Maybe they'll confirm your beliefs. Maybe they'll confirm mine. But your future is too important to gamble away on what assholes on the Internet say.

>> No.24761991
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Cheers and have a great night, frens
Probably, I'm off reading some LN. Maybe I'm in the wrong and he's from some Brazilian town where interacting with other is a huge risk, whenever any kind of money is involved. I also got more into the argument than I wanted to, but if there is one thing I dislike it is people refusing to help others for petty reasons.
If you're under 50, then yeah. Of course.
4571 a year is around ten a month per country, including Albania, Moldova and Bulgaria probably making up 30% of those.
ATM robberies are not a thing here. Never heard of one ever. They are just not a thing in Europe.

What happens is ATM robberies where you rob the ATM.

>> No.24762014

based I support this. guys I'm trying to haggle this new pick up truck. Looking at financing 21000...

>> No.24762024
File: 363 KB, 1600x1066, 30150518437_775cb7c6ad_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you the big boys would accumulate this weekend. All the negative catalysts are behind us. The last signal was the Facebook lawsuit, that was supposed to be a hidden danger until the Senate runoff in January but they blew their load early.

>> No.24762033

>They are just not a thing in Europe.
They absolutely are a thing in Europe dude
see >>24760937
Nobody is going to accept help from a stranger at an ATM and it's a terrible idea to suggest

>> No.24762040

dump spce, buy srac dips. thank me later

>> No.24762066
File: 414 KB, 1365x2048, 31215698008_d364f683e1_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharing this comment chain for my /smg/ bros, I wasn't involved jus think it's insightful

>> No.24762075
File: 429 KB, 1280x1436, Bowser BIG THINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adhesive remover like goo-gone can remove it.
Nah, I'm not. I'm in the south so unions are either rare, or dangerous to talk about without risking getting fired.
Besides, I'm the only machinist for the building, so I got my own built in security for now. Even if they drop me, being a machinist in a transportation hub city means I can get a job within a week or two anywhere and have done so multiple times.
Yeah, i already went back to comfy posting and playing binding of isaac. Have a good one, Anon.

>> No.24762077

Does anyone have any thoughts on ABCL?

>> No.24762085

I don't have a crystal ball that can look into the future but all I know is Amazon have partnered with Blackberry to make Blackberry Ivy in EV cars. If you are willing to hold for 2-3 years buy it.

>> No.24762099

I'm not in my 40's but I know people that are. I've also worked in the university system. I would have agreed with you a year ago but the next few months are going to be determine who is right here. Even after that there is going to be a collapse in the credibility of degrees, even in STEM. You can't just hand them out to foreign citizens in exchange for grants and donations from foreign governments, that creates cultural reverberations people in their 40's are never going to have to deal with.

yeah, looks like it. I'll be trying again next friday then depending on this weeks news.

>> No.24762107

I live here, they are not. Unless you are talking about the sketchy parts of Rome at 2am the chance of robbery at an ATM is zero.

The chances are as high as being randomly shot by a accidentally discharged Hi Point in the US, which probably equals another five figure number. We all know that this doesn't happen in the middle of New York or Boston at 1pm

>> No.24762112

Interesting...I work union on the west coast, it's comfy to say the least. I'm trying to retire early though

>> No.24762135

lol ok

>> No.24762153

What country do you live in? Just curious
If you say Switzerland / Holland / Finland / Norway, your society is so vastly different than the rest of the world, where maybe I would understand offering to help an elderly person with an ATM

>> No.24762172

I'm European. It's a thing. I have seen it here in Portugal. and I've heard plenty of times in France, Spain, and Germany.

>> No.24762204
File: 10 KB, 1038x1024, 1038px-Logo_de_Enron-b73928a0d0b84e1ea57ca8dd2963e6f0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Enron of our generation?

>> No.24762212


>> No.24762239

Some people I think have it in their heads that you must have at least 1 million for example otherwise omg I can't retire.. That's wrong. Lifestyle,debt,and where you live all play a part in how much you need. The upshot is if your smart with money during your working life then you can knock out several of those things so they won't be a factor in your retirement options. Ex: debt, don't fall into it from the get go. Don't live like a millionaire till you actually have a million in your possession. But you don't have to be a FIRE nutjob either. It's a balance. When opportunity knocks take advantage. If the housing market tanks again, fucking hell jump on it and bag a nice house on the cheap. If the owners blotched some shit on the inside use that to knock the price down even more. (shoddy Electrical,reno work,etc). Then if you can do it, fix the shit yourself and save a bundle after you move in. If you can land a job that lets you retire sooner than slaving away in the private sector till your age 65, fucking hell jump on it. Who gives a shit what the title is or even what it is. All that maters is being able to walk out as soon as your able without fucking you over long term. Then laugh at all the other fools who're killing themselves while your kicking back living life.

>> No.24762245

Im gonna be so pissed if that shit moons and I can't profit because I'm a fucking robinhoodie with a pathetic poorfolio.

>> No.24762257

In the US it would be pretty difficult to repeat again what Enron did, just because of all the regulations put in place to prevent the accounting shenanigans (like where the future stock price was counted as earnings)
Imo you're going to have to look to China for this generation
For the Chinese, they already had an Enron type blow-up in the last month with the giant AAA rated coal company going bankrupt overnight

>> No.24762262


>> No.24762269
File: 203 KB, 1200x675, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i schizo for posting this? going solely off the log I guess it would be this one lol

>> No.24762270

>Is this actually normal in America? Is this how you people interact? You see a car with a flat tire and you speed by because they can either rob you, think you are robbing them or some other stuff?

Offering help to a person with a flat tire on their vehicle is different. As another person said, helping people at ATMs is not the norm in America. You may have good intentions but the other person may interpret your actions differently.

>> No.24762274

Everything tbqh.

>> No.24762279

>if that shit moons
what are you referencing, Enron? just confused.

>> No.24762282
File: 362 KB, 1600x1066, 44177471555_c015a686bd_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but who exactly do you think is going to buy 500,000 calls representing 50 million shares? That's 1/10 of the float.

>> No.24762307

>Add to that the prospect of Biden forgiving 10k or more of everyone's loan debt

We both know thats never gonna happen

>> No.24762324
File: 7 KB, 250x240, 1603213629953s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with being a robinhoodie?

>> No.24762337
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I think it's undervalued but it could take a long time for the market to agree so I only bought a small amount.

>> No.24762372

Tesla. Sooner or later, Musk's sketchy practices is going to end up biting him back in the ass. He fired and smeared a worker who brought up safety issues regarding Tesla vehicles. Imagine if more whistleblowers come out or a major recall happens. It will sent the stock price tanking.

>> No.24762374


squeezes up finally but it dumps back hard

>> No.24762384


>> No.24762400

That comment was meant for OPTI.
We can't buy penny stocks. Which includes OPTI. We would have to wait for that shit to moon past .30 before RH picks it up and by then our gains will be fucking pathetic compared to the real brokerages who got in at .04 and are skull fucking us by the sheer mathematics of it even if we still see 200% returns.

>> No.24762403
File: 4 KB, 250x250, 1603406020586s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't trust a company run by a person with the emotional intelligence of a 16 year old. The more he believes he's Batman, the closer the company will edge to oblivion.

>> No.24762440

I'm about 99% sure this is the mall in my town. Neat.

>> No.24762450

Tesla is small potatoes. He could abandon it completely without batting an eye. He holds the keys to the entire fleet of US heavy lift launch vehicles and undercuts the nearest option by 75% on per kilo to orbit basis with just the Falcon 9 Heavy, and Starship itself costs less than an F/A-18E.
Tesla is almost mathematically irrelevant to Musk.

>> No.24762504

Is that sherway gardens?

>> No.24762505

if anything, he'll do it via executive order. I don't like the guy but I'll take free gibs on this one.

>> No.24762513

>Tesla is almost mathematically irrelevant to Musk.
It should be since its return on everything they sell outisde of tax credits is negative.

>> No.24762515

>Number built 608+ as of April 2020
woah starship

>> No.24762523

>The more he believes he's Batman, the closer the company will edge to oblivion.
His cult of personality will fade one day and the illusion will slowly crack. I can't deny his ability to appeal to some zoomers and millennials but pretending you're Tony Stark can only ride so long. There's a reason Tony's arc happens in the first place.

>> No.24762531
File: 547 KB, 722x490, 1607383687954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can MSFT please fucking do something? it's been crabbing at this level since July and my portfolio has been getting carried by meme stocks that I have less capital in

>> No.24762539

let's build a bunch of cheap starships, give niggers free tickets, then fly them into the ocean

>> No.24762543

Tesla is Musk trolling auto manufacturers into building EVs

>> No.24762574
File: 118 KB, 1632x660, vaccines-monday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Covid: First round of US vaccinations to begin on Monday
>Expect 145 sites across the states to receive the vaccine on Monday, another 425 sites on Tuesday, and the final 66 sites on Wednesday

>B U L L I S H

>> No.24762587

Maybe we can convince him to take the #tonystarkchallenge and fail miserably to build something by himself (livestreamed) in a cave for several weeks. It could happen if we get enough redditors on board.

>> No.24762596

Final big pump so I can cash out for Christmas

>> No.24762600

Thats not true. Guberments are forcing this. I think the UK wants to ban sale of new gasoline cars by 2025 or some shit.

>> No.24762606

wew hope it drags up the entire market

>> No.24762621

I understand your pain.
>t. AMZN holder

>> No.24762620
File: 20 KB, 398x399, 1603564635453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shorting.

>> No.24762659

pol shit aside, im impressed we actually pumped out a vaccine in less than a year, one with >90% effectiveness too

even if it mutates, looks like a new vaccine can be developed faster than the mutation rate

>> No.24762662

Exactly. If we can build 600+ Superbugs, how much shit do you think we can afford to send into orbit on a fuckhuge fleet of Starships? A lot. Enough to enable Burt Rutan's retarded dream of space tourism. But on a way fucking bigger scale than throwing a glorified Me163 to sub-orbit from the bottom of a 737 Zwilling.

>> No.24762688

I loaded up on SPXL and UDOW just for this

>> No.24762699

RYCEY - this vaccine roll out plays right into their hands. Airplanes will be used to transport the cure to you know. This is the bottom. It's all up from here. Cause 2021 and the recovery is only 3 weeks away.

>> No.24762709

calls or shares? and planning on holding?

>> No.24762716
File: 368 KB, 1057x800, 3b244985f5418873db9af1d3e87285b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rushed vaccine
>not enough time to see side effects

What are the odds of it having terrible side effects?

I'm sure the market will pump Monday, but I'll put a 5% trailing stop just in case we get bogged like when China and Russia had a vaccine like 4 months ago before the market took a dive

>> No.24762719

Can you fucking redditors stop comparing shit to Marvel movies for even five fucking minutes? For the love of christ. Stark Industries and Wayne Enterprises didn't have a de facto monopoly on space lift capability, either, so the comparison doesn't work. The USAF, USSF and NASA are locked onto Musk's cock for the next twenty years.

>> No.24762724

imagine investing into RYCEY.. wasn't there multiple anons going all-in at 2.20? rip

>> No.24762726

Again, I simply don't understand what your argument is here.

>nobody will buy your calls before they expire in the money?

>> No.24762729


>> No.24762747
File: 13 KB, 196x251, 1607226538097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you fucking redditors stop comparing shit to Marvel movies for even five fucking minutes? For the love of christ. Stark Industries and Wayne Enterprises didn't have a de facto monopoly on space lift capability, either,

>> No.24762748

I own 5k shares just for the memes

>> No.24762782

>What are the odds of it having terrible side effects?
not anymore scarier than super-rare-fuck-you idiosyncratic drug reactions from any drug
sample size at least 5 figures so we'd know most of the common ones

just hope you're not the one in 1 million that suffers from steven johnsons syndrome or some crazy shit like that lol

>> No.24762785
File: 47 KB, 600x450, 1604606182989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your car, sir

>> No.24762787

It’s gonna pop to $3. Just not in the next month or so. Takes time to unfuck a company like that.

>> No.24762790

Calm down.

>> No.24762803

So buy dividend stocks

>> No.24762818
File: 485 KB, 2000x1333, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This vaccine won't be the problem, it's going to be the precedent it sets. However, vaccine companies will be making bank.

>we can now instantly approve a vaccine
>we have no liability for side effects
>we can make it mandatory

What to do about this? Nothing really.

>> No.24762826

I think I'm going to pay the sales tax on this truck with a margin withdrawal...fuck it

>> No.24762833

RYCEY will rebound with reflation. It's a fantastic medium term hold for 5% of portfolio. Between brexit and corona it's been hammered as hard as it can be. This is a "buying when there is blood in the streets" play with above average risk due to possible increased brexit fuckery.

>> No.24762835

sure, i can just name a dozen tickers off top that are better short-med term investments

>> No.24762838

Im hoping Mitch makes the line go down again on Monday so I can buy a bunch of Exxon before I go to lunch.

>> No.24762852

What the fuck anon?

>> No.24762859

one can only dream, then my SQQQ would soar

>> No.24762864

Pretty much my Cyberpunk car after 2 minutes of driving with my keyboard.

>> No.24762866
File: 1.08 MB, 960x1280, 51607912_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had spinal cord melting type side effects Like a month ago and an unexplained death.

It means Buy Palantir. Thats all the analytics.

May be buy pharma. Not sure which pharma to buy, they're basically pump and dumps so I never mess with them

>> No.24762867
File: 2.06 MB, 498x361, Nervous.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you sure that's wise, anon?

>> No.24762873
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for beta testing.

>> No.24762877

self-checked and to expand, further tension specifically between France and UK is a big risk as Airbus is a big customer

>> No.24762888
File: 18 KB, 460x595, 1591036147909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24762898

The only Pharma I'm looking at is the AstraZenica buyout. And I have no idea how that's going to work, but either way it goes its going to be a long hodl until the deal closes.

>> No.24762909
File: 359 KB, 1920x1080, Checked2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They had spinal cord melting type side effects Like a month ago and an unexplained death.
where'd you see that?
D-d-double checked
Oh baby a triple

>> No.24762914

what's the problem though? the only complaint would be whether the vaccine is actually effective beyond a few months since we cannot find any details about that

safety wise, what drug side-effects can you even think of that manifests like years after a couple doses? There's no sense being scared of rare fatal idiosyncratic drug reactions, it's no worse than irreversibly damaging your kidney or liver from over-the-counter shit like advil or some natural products

>> No.24762916

Last I checked Moderna had 0 FDA approved facilities which is...

>> No.24762917

It's only 2k, no current margin balance and I have ITM calls expiring. Then I'm only financing 21k

>> No.24762937

>They had spinal cord melting type side effects Like a month ago and an unexplained death.
wait, i need source

im sure it's not called "spinal cord melting type" side effect. I need a better term to google with anon

>> No.24762945

Fair enough, best of luck.

>> No.24762963

I'm gonna sleep the weekend on it. Let's see what Monday morning brings, I'll give an update then.

>> No.24762970

We’re gonna pump all week, mark it. Merry Christmas

>> No.24762971

can someone bake pls

>> No.24762978
File: 186 KB, 540x810, How-To-Live-Off-The-Grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the problem though?
Nothing right now. Let me ask you a question. If there was an industry worth billions of dollars that propped up by the government and not consumers how long do you think it would take for it to become corrupt? I am not talking even within our generation, as I said "the precedent" we are gonig to enter an era of forced vaccinations over every other new virus that appears.

The subsidized vaccines sent to Africa were a trial run for this and they actually created a payment cycle the governments ended up falling into after they were implemented.

Step 1. Ebola
Step 2. Corona
Step 3. ........?

It's all a gradual progression

>> No.24763007

I found it. one patient developed transverse myelitis. The situation is unclear

>> No.24763041
File: 104 KB, 560x850, 8F71C626-6822-4A65-989A-6672C6452B3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All you had to do is Google it anonitos.

Definitely taking the Monday gains, but im Definitely putting a sell trailing stop.

The original timeline was supposed to see side effects and how to fix it all the way till March/may.

Its basically a prototype at best


>> No.24763044

>as I said "the precedent" we are gonig to enter an era of forced vaccinations over every other new virus that appears.
Not that anon, but this is kinda schizo-ish.

>> No.24763071

see >>24763007
oh and remember to link the direct source, please.

>> No.24763082

>over every other new virus that appears.
dude lol it's just covid which was the perfect storm of a virus so mild to most people but absolutely devastating to some
you better wish the next virus is just ebola-tier since it'll be contained by its own lethality
another virus like covid would be fucking devastating because who knows if we'll be able to develop a vaccine for it fast enough, or if it won't mutate as fast as a common cold

>> No.24763085

Go smoke some synthetic marijuana and drill some more holes in your brain

>> No.24763098

they've literally succeeded in forcing vaccinations for a made up disease

>> No.24763121
File: 457 KB, 610x610, 1586722684071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put down the pipe

try harder pls, also get on your knees and put on your mask as well, thank you

>> No.24763131

I’ll let you know when I have to take it

>> No.24763151

Do you think humanity has never faced viruses or plagues before though? You realize there was a time when people didn't get flu shots? I mean we weren't scared shitless of the flu.

>> No.24763154

Yes they should worth intrinsic at a minimum, my question is, will you have buyers before IV crush when there's a lot of extrinsic value left? I don't know.

>> No.24763163

Anon you're begging the question. Neither the coronavirus nor ebola were/are fake.
also get on your knees and put on your mask as well, thank you
Wearing a mask isn't tyranny.

>> No.24763165

let us know when you have to wear a mask too, bc implying they will have an international dress code in the future is also schizo right? lol

>> No.24763183

>Wearing a mask isn't tyranny.
Ok, anyway, get on your knees and wear your mask, also remember to smile on zoom for your doctor's appointment

I mean if you were a doctor in the know you would have realized zoom contracting with all the hospitals for remote appointments was a dog whistle and made a fortune by investing in it. Did you know that's how it started? It was the software used for remote doctor's appointments.

>> No.24763190

Viruses are a fact of life, they come from SEA cuz there's big human/animal crossover in the region.

>> No.24763197

do i have to repeat myself
covid was the perfect storm of a virus so mild to most people but absolutely devastating to some

did influenza ever spread to the entire world in weeks and devastate vulnerable populations everywhere? You're missing the point that covid being mild to most people is paradoxically what makes it so devastating

>> No.24763201

Need a new thread. Its getting too facebook boomer in here.

>> No.24763202
File: 1.16 MB, 900x1440, __kazami_yuuka_and_kazami_yuuka_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_y2__e31c64cf15698aeafae2af012baa9710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't want us to wear masks though.

If you truly think a dystopian future is in sight (i do, that's why I got Palantir) then they would use face recognition software to track everything. A mask would defeat that purpose.

>> No.24763222

new thread

new thread

>> No.24763257

The flu has always killed people as well though, you realize that right?

No what a mask does is prevent people without iris scanning or something like that from identifying. So as a civilian you can't identify people wearing masks but as a "whatever" law or government guy with eye scanning cool stuff you can pick people out of a ground. In other words, we are now blind and they can see. I'm sure Palantir helps with that too.

>> No.24763284

lol like the local district will have it.

>> No.24763309

Also, retards hold calls to expir so I wouldnt know either. I don't actually fuck with weeklys

>> No.24763323

i never said they would though, and they have dhs liaisons as well, they call them fusion cells or whatever

>> No.24763519

the problem is you can´t trust these fuckers, they use the media to improve their negotiations.

I personally think they will get a deal, a no deal Brexit would be a fucking suicide for the UK. Just look at the shit that happened at the border already.

>> No.24763668
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, fgfdgfdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what date does trump have to leave the WH by?

Also, why won't HK produce 10mm USP?