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24759170 No.24759170 [Reply] [Original]

You will never OWN pic rel.
Why? Because you would still have to pay to the government for the right to *own* (or actually rent) it.
Seriously, why US property taxes one of the highest on Earth?
When you earn your money you already pay a tax on it. So why is owning a property double taxed?
Imagine the property tax in your place is 2%, then within 50 years you pay back the value of it to the government.

>> No.24759311
File: 3.41 MB, 2398x2888, currency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously, why US property taxes one of the highest on Earth?

Because they are never updated for inflation.


>> No.24759361
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It's America's version of the "Wealth Tax" that several European nations have.

>> No.24759364

There's one good thing about taxes in California, and that's the limits on property tax increases after buying a house. If you keep a home for a generation you'll be paying only a small amount in property taxes thanks to inflation.

>> No.24759379

>You will never OWN pic rel.
Because I don't have shit taste

>> No.24759391

Good morning Ivan/rabbi/commie

Face it America is the most desirable place to live in the entire universe

>> No.24759444
File: 48 KB, 640x480, costco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your dream home anon

>> No.24759459

You are paying a hefty price already for that fake bravado. Continue..

>> No.24759741

>Face it America is the most desirable place to live in the entire universe
Partially true.
America is the most desirable place to live in the entire universe for spics, chinks and pajets.

>> No.24759770

What country doesn't have property taxes?

>> No.24759840

property taxes are evil by nature, but in the case of california boomers (the type that own a $7M beachfront house they bought for $32k back in 1976) i want to see them taxed to death and their estates gutted.

>> No.24759927

>What country doesn't have property taxes?
It is not about NO property taxes at all, its about the rate.
In Germany you pay like 0.1%, in Eastern Europe it's even less and not based on the value of the property but rather it is a fixed rate.

You Americans are just being fucked and you don't even notice it.

>> No.24759986

they sound pretty based and the fact that you wont catch up to them makes me rock hard

>> No.24759990
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I live in Texas...

Don't know about the situation where you are but my house is 3 times that size, 400 acre ranch. 3k tax on that a year, isn't much. I remember paying that much a month to live with joggers at a Huston apartment in downtown in 2013.

>> No.24760027

Property taxes in europe are less than 0,5%

>> No.24760049
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Hard to believe the "LAND OF OPPORTUNITY" has you fighting tooth and nail just to own a decent house.

>> No.24760117

>I live in Texas...
>Don't know about the situation where you are but my house is 3 times that size, 400 acre ranch. 3k tax on that a year, isn't much. I remember paying that much a month to live with joggers at a Huston apartment in downtown in 2013.

Is your home worth like $150k? What if google opens its HQ nearby and the value of you home increases to $1.5M?

>> No.24760127

You need to remember that the us government allows the wealthiest people to not pay any taxes. That means that they rely on the middle to low earning people to subsidize the costs of having a government, then they add social programs to give money that the government doesn't have to poor people, then they give all the middle class people bigger tax refunds every year. Well the government needs money to operate so they just print more, or sell some debt to other nations, or "take out a loan" from the future government. Things like property taxes are the only way that the government gets money. Now trump made the poor people more rich, and biden wants to make upper middle class people pay more. What a stupid mess. Reaganomics was a mistake

>> No.24760201
File: 211 KB, 460x215, 1B938C27-317C-46DA-B167-387A94EA7A6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do rich people have to pay a pittance of their billions to the government while poor people can barely afford to eat???? It’s just not fair!!!

>> No.24760210

In the capital of Norway (the place all the dumbocrats refer to as socialist heaven) it's 0.2-0.7%. And it's 0% if the value of the property is below $570k. In 33% of the estates in rest of the country there is no property tax at all.

a fuckin scam. democrat states are the worst

>> No.24760261

One word. NIGGERS. Go rural.

>> No.24760265
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I think after WWI the british aristocracy had a similar problem. their estates got taxed to hell and they couldn't afford to pay them anymore, so a lot of manors became museums.

an indication of a collapsing society is crushing taxes (rome, france just before the revolution)

you also forgot, for good measure, to mention homeowner association fees, insurance, landscaping costs, all kinds of constant maintenance (paint, hvac, plumbing, electrical)

the american home was a "made it" status symbol since after WW2, but it's really becoming a drag and a drain on resources

>> No.24760302

Norway is communist state, best country on earth property taxes are 10% like it should be

>> No.24760335

urbanization of the job market has made that difficult unless you want to make $15/hour working in a warehouse or slaughterhouse for the rest of your life.
>just get a remote job
not everyone is a $300k/year remote software engineer like the average /biz/ larper

>> No.24760373
File: 214 KB, 938x387, 1501201719713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a nice screenshot, but the "feudal serf" thing at the very end is a much abused comparison. Feudal serfdom would be far preferable to what's coming. Serfdom varied throughout Europe where it was practiced and while serfs worked hard for much of the year, they then had a lot of time off for holidays and their own projects. It was a more fulfilling life than being a wage-slave. Wage-slavery is not chattel slavery, it's not yeomanry, it's not serfdom, it's not hunter-gathering... it is its own thing and we should just call it by it's name and not confuse the issue with false comparisons.

>> No.24760397

I have a cheap ass rent controlled apartment I inherited from my gay grandfather because I was the only one in my family who wanted to live in NYC. I pay 300 a month to live in the West Village. I don’t care about McMansions at all they seem lame my extended family has them and they all just sit at home watching tv in these giant houses. I don’t get it. They just signify capital wealth, which has nothing to do with emotional happiness. I feel kinda numb in them, especially if they’re really clean and there’s no genuine art or personality to anything. Would rather live in a log cabin in the woods.

>> No.24760446


>> No.24760455

Also these things are just stocked with cheap shit from Marshall’s. Fake marble. Live laugh love posters. I feel so bored.

Last time I went home for the holidays I found myself doing Xanax and vaping weed in the bathroom. I just couldn’t be there. Something so cold and so unloving about being in such a giant place devoid of personality and having such banal conversations. People without hopes or dreams other than capitalist bullshit depress me deeply.

>> No.24760535

>People without hopes or dreams other than capitalist bullshit depress me deeply.
>lives in jew york city

>> No.24760660

does murica even have any real cities, without mcmansion lifestyle beside new york city and maybe seattle?

>> No.24760675

No. Property tax in Germany is much higher.

>> No.24760714

>home increases to $1.5M?
oh no. what does someone do if their investment goes up 10x?
an impossible position to be in. sounds horrible.

>> No.24760739

basically. the commies pushed this idea in early 1900's as a way to stop "dynastic wealth" (ie. Rockefellers buying all the land and passing it down).
Didn't work however....only fucked the little guy

>> No.24760745

for $300 a month no less, his family is likely very rich and very Jewish

>> No.24760750

depends on the city, it's hard to describe. go play around on google maps street view if you want to understand it. cities in the northeast tend to be more "city like" but not as much as europe. high rise apartments, row homes, brownstone homes, etc. exist in our old cities like nyc, philadelphia, boston, etc.

cities elsewhere in the country might have high rise apartments "in the city" but this quickly fades to boomer mansions or condominium complexes. rowhomes and such aren't really a thing in cities like houston or phoenix, for example.

>> No.24760767

>No. Property tax in Germany is much higher.
citation needed

>> No.24760774

>gay uncle
yeah i would say rich jew is a safe bet

>> No.24760816


Payable to your local tax office (Finanzamt), this annual municipal tax is mandatory for all property owners in Germany. The amount payable is calculated by multiplying the assessed value of the property with the local tax rate (somewhere between 0,26% and 1%).

>> No.24760949

>You Americans are just being fucked and you don't even notice it.
First you get caught lying about german property taxes then you are shilling Eastern Europe shitholes as if any decent human being would want to live in the toilet part of Europe to begin with. I get it you got WestEU money and a few parts your toilet countries look half-way decent now, too bad the same slav subhumans inhabit those areas.

>> No.24761403

Homestead tax exemption
>98% off taxes if you live at the property

>> No.24761792

>First you get caught lying about german property taxes then you are shilling Eastern Europe shitholes as if any decent human being would want to live in the toilet part of Europe to begin with. I get it you got WestEU money and a few parts your toilet countries look half-way decent now, too bad the same slav subhumans inhabit those areas.

Its more complex than a fixed rate: https://www.grundsteuerberechnen.de/, a friend that lives in Munich pays about 0.1% after all calculations.

>> No.24761847

You can’t handle a 30-45 minute commute?

>> No.24761935

where do you live? the suburbs of any large city in the northeast united states (ignoring NYC) still yields extremely overpriced housing, like $350-400k for a 1400-1600 square foot middle class home with a 0.1 acre yard in a non-nigger neighborhood.

>> No.24762046
File: 252 KB, 877x862, faq-grundsteuer-abb02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel, it is effectively ~0.1%
Also "." - is thousands separator and "," decimal pointer in non-nigger countries

>> No.24762610

>Also "." - is thousands separator and "," decimal pointer in non-nigger countries

what a shitty notation.

>> No.24762792

Looks retardet as hayle