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24751779 No.24751779 [Reply] [Original]

I work as a digital copywriter in a marketing firm. I've been there for a few years now. I'm good at my job, I have a firm knowledge of SEO, and I know how to get traffic, conversions and money out of people with just words. The pay sucks despite my workplace having multi-national brands and household names in their portfolio.

I was wondering if anyone had experience with setting up their own copywriting or content writing gig independently? I know I could make more freelancing or setting up an independent business, but I don't know the steps to get there. I'm a keyboard monkey making somebody else lots of money at the moment.

>> No.24752550

Sadly that seems to be the case in a lot of sectors, there are always these fixer ups middleman that drains the pockets but could you get clients without your firm? If yes then why not try it, maybe try to use your position to scoop clients for yourself, but ofc that would be something bosses would not be to kin to so your choice.

>> No.24752823

> content writing gig independently
Don't do it anon. Finding freelance writers who can work for you is next to impossible.

What you want to do is set up a marketing agency. That way, you can charge $1000/article by turning it into some sort of "package". Otherwise you'll just have grind out like a wagie

>> No.24752900

If you're good at SEO, just start some bullshit clickbait sites/facebook groups/ whatever.
why waste your talent on your boss' income.
SEO is one of the trades you can EASILY do on your own in the comfy environment of your own home.

I have 2 friends who do that. they just sit at home and write shit for sites aimed at idiots and they make good money.

just my 2 cents.

>> No.24752934


lol didnt even read your whole post, sorry.
Just go for it. Do it in your free time first and if its any good and you start to make some money just tell your boss to fuck off.

>> No.24752958

How much you're getting paid?

Also this thread will help you out:

Search google "reddit i make $300k as a freelance copywriter" he's legit

>> No.24752964

>SEO is one of the trades you can EASILY do on your own in the comfy environment of your own home.
Meh, I'm a digital marketing manager for a big company. We spend 1 million per year on Facebook/Google Ads. I've tried to do side gigs but the internet is so polluted with absolute shit these days finding niches is really hard. Plus backlinks are expensive. We spend 5,000 a month just getting a couple of high DA links. The niche you would need to go in would have to have no competition.

>> No.24753031

I only see what my friends do and it *looks* easy.
obviously there's work and a good nose for niches involved.

I was just saying it's something you could do from home way more easily than most other jobs since a 1-man-gig is feasible.

I for example work on the settlement side of the Deutsche Boerse (german stock exchange) and no matter how good I am at my job I will never be able to apply my knowledge on something I do on my own. It's just not possible. In SEO it is.

>> No.24753334

How do you get started with SEO? Also what are DA links?

>> No.24753383
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>digital copywriter
>marketing firm
>content writing
what has this place become? is this some kind of normie circle jerk leftists fag board? get a real job or daytrade

>> No.24754425

DA is Domain Authority. Getting high DA links means search engines will trust your site more, leading to healthier rankings. Google basically sees links as an easy way to ascertain if a site is good or not.

>> No.24754763

I write content for publish0x. I'm a free agent but the pay isn't there until crypto scales again.

>> No.24754852

Did the exact same thing as you for a while. It's soulsucking work for sure. Unironically linkedin is good for attracting recruiters. Just set your profile to 'open to offers'. Also check creative placement agencies. If you're competent they'll love you, because they'll still take a cut, but it won't be anything like the grind house you're at.
I'm in a cushy inhouse position for the last 8 years and highly recommend. Get to write for all mediums and it's easy as fuck.

>> No.24755030

the market for that is completely saturated, anon. you're 10 years too late.

>> No.24755247

>you're 10 years too late
Yeah, feels that way with everything. My skills are literally only suited to industries which were big before my time. Sometimes I wish I was a natural fixer so I could be a comfy plumber or electrician, but nah, I'm a soft skills man.