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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.95 MB, 2000x5916, RUGGERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24750602 No.24750602 [Reply] [Original]

Bump this and learn to identify shills. They are ALL from the same group. We've researched them and know who they are. Their network is called "DeFi Prophets" and they're a filthy rich scammer network from Africa that infiltrated /biz/ and relies on biz money exclusively to make their shittokens lift off. On average they rug between 1000-2000 ETH a day from /biz/.

They are tied to Nigerian warlord mafia. All their Telegram groups are coordinated to start spamming "1000x shitcoin on uniswap", they throw up $1M in capital, and start shitposting en masses to flood the catalog. Yesterday I swear half the catalog was their scamcoins.

Literally the same writing styles, same titles, same liquidity start on uni, same malicious code, same bounce "presales" that can't be reversed, 100% anonymous dev teams. They've caught on to the fact we call our their anonymous devs and started fabricating faked linkedins. We contacted some of them on the phone and found out they are free SMS services. You are LITERALLY and UNIRONICALLY falling for Nigerian prince email scams.

>> No.24750615

Smart choice. /biz/ is the dumbest cattle I've ever seen. Especially during booms

>> No.24750620

ty anon but these scams are really obvious. I don't even read the threads anymore

>> No.24750647
File: 23 KB, 284x283, 1559879792847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty anon. never been scammed before because i'm a blue chip chad but certainly helpful for the mouth breeders on this board

>> No.24750652

Watch biz cause the collapse of the state of nigeria because we funded boko haram with a million dollars a day

>> No.24750746

fake african niggers dont know how to use computers

>> No.24750748
File: 142 KB, 1300x956, laughing-african-businessman-with-mobile-phone-outdoors-in-africa-RTCK9P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ty anon. never been scammed before because i'm a blue chip chad but certainly helpful for the mouth breeders on this board
ALWAYS dig up developers social media even if you invest $100. Inb4 b-but you deserve to be scammed. Fuck no, you had no idea. We must stop these faggots before they turn biz into a cautionary tale.

>we funded boko haram with a million dollars a day

This is actually true. The funniest part is that we've seen them calling people jeets to fit in with /biz/ lingo.

>> No.24750753

you really need to be brain dead to even open these threads
imagine not only doing the effort of clicking on it, but also adding the telegram group and buy it
i mean, you really deserve to lose money
you can't save stupid people, let them suicide, they will hold BTC next time

>> No.24750778

That FR thread was mine, I was asking why such a fucking shitcoin didnt instantly dump back down to nothing

>> No.24750885
File: 50 KB, 677x449, buythebottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you really need to be brain dead to even open these threads
Their shilling is too strong, they can launch 10-20 thread simultaneously and FLOOD the catalog so you can't differentiate between any of these and legitimate projects with doxxed/vetted developer teams.

Pic related

>> No.24750888

I am not controlled opposition shill. You're fear mongering threads do nothing to degenerate gamblers, or stinky pajeets. Why not let retards give their money to these guys? Cause it's not in good faith? Everything is a scam to strip you of your money, and you can make good money off these scams anyways, you simply use buzzwords to appeal to emotion. You also gain leverage by using quotes, you sound ridiculous cause you have it out for these guys. You won't ban crypto at it's core it is anonymous and completely up to the user if he wants to invest.

tl;dr your baseless fud is futile.

>> No.24750913

They been running /biz scams for years. Tens of millions siphoned out. All thanks to Shiterium and it's 300.000 scam tokens.
99.98% of all Etherium tokens are scams and frauds.

>> No.24750966

Nigerians seem to love scamming cryptocurrencies. A Nigerian tried to scam me in an online bitcoin deal

>> No.24751139

>let them suicide, they will hold BTC next time
>next time

>> No.24751170

uniswap is safe to buy WOZX though, right? please tell me i didn't throw away money on fake WOZX.

>> No.24751180 [DELETED] 

They use chat bots and it’s Africa it’s from Israel

>> No.24751189

They use chat bots and it’s not Africa. Too coordinated for niggers. My best guess is it’s israel and they all come out on /biz/ once the US goes to sleep

>> No.24751191
File: 1.84 MB, 2648x3964, __lyn_fire_emblem_and_1_more_drawn_by_ormille__a5a564b538fc759716b1c36f98b8bfe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your stupid enough to gamble on shitcoins you deserve to be scammed. It's a idiot tax to help turn nigeria into a caliphate.

>> No.24751197

Check the contract newfag

>> No.24751199

Live rugger threads:


>> No.24751205
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 8ndwvbPW_200x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew kleros was a nigerian scam coin glad i didnt buy in.

>> No.24751208

>glownigger israeli anime faggot comes out to scapegoat Africa
Fuck you jew.

>> No.24751209

Is Lagos a decent place to live? Are there nice parts of it?

>> No.24751218

This, just sold everything

>> No.24751231

>you can't differentiate between any of these and legitimate projects
the only legitimate project is BTC, all other projects are built with only one scope: grab your money.
it's pretty fucking easy bro, there is no shitcoin out there increasing in sats over the long term, if you stay in btc, all shitcoin gambling gains and rugpulls will finally move into sats

>> No.24751233

same ill just stick to bitcoins

>> No.24751234

You tell me faggot.

>> No.24751279

yes i did use etherscan to check it before hand, but I still wasn't sure if it was official

>> No.24751282

>10-20 thread simultaneously and FLOOD the catalog so you can't differentiate between any of these and legitimate projects
yes you can, it's obvious what the telegram niggers shill and what's legitimate

>> No.24751291

All three caught in my pajeet filter
>liquidity locked

>> No.24751444

Anon you could have saved yourself all this stress by writing one thing: new project with anon team = scam, that's literally it. If you enter a telegram and they're absolutely insistent on how being anonymous isn't a big deal get the fuck out of there

>> No.24751476

Can fucking mods add flags already?
It would deter so many scammers, it creates a barrier. I wouldn't reply to anyone outside the developed world and these pretending to be from first World nations are so easy to spot.

Mods really need to get their shit together.

>> No.24751507

don’t mix legit clean project RFIV with all those rugs! cheap wankers