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24745671 No.24745671 [Reply] [Original]

Is the death of the Republic bullish for bitcoin?

>> No.24745711

long-term bullish, short-term bearish

>> No.24745812

yeah... good shit, i was going to type 100000 words, but thiis is perfect. really good concise and shit. it's always longterm bullish but short terms you get more volatility... worst part... those short terms can be 10-15 years... im specifically looking at german 10 year yields... even swiss bonds got fucked... europe iis fucked... they'll figure it out.... ii just hope you see that what ever you all the uk... is it uk in eurocuck world? germany has been part of every problem even going back to the catholic church... so basically fuck germany. iich bin ein Mann von America and shit, but fuck off.

>> No.24745823


>> No.24745860


>> No.24745863

i just drank root beer schnapps.. root was a native american beverage... used lots of wintergreen mints... uhh these plants the floura and fauna kinda encouraged the whole world to love those tastes, encourrage them in other places... oh im drunk, but wait... im not finished... and fuck you let me put a song on too

>> No.24745895

i guess but the republic that you imagine was never real

>> No.24745902


do as i was trying to say, the birch and natural seeds and nuts... to the republic I Salute ((you))

>> No.24745909

More like Germans wouldn't accept the parasitic central banking Jew. They still have some warrior spirit in their Germanic Saxon genes. That's why they've been whipped so hard by the globohomo order.

>> No.24746095

wow.. no before you said get whiipped by globohomo... i actually felt my ancestors... their surpressions... i mean my DNA was traced back to sardinia and im not even as italialian as my ancestors who came to NY thought they were... well i was wow.. ok i have 4 grand parents... father's father... ophaned in bronx NY lies about his age to get into ww2..

his wife dies at like 58 when im an infant... they had 4 children 3 male 1 female

the oldest of that is my grandfather, but his first son is my father he met my mom.

my mothers credentials... damn... learning from an orphan who lied about his age to get into the war.. what ever.. my mom's iin her 60's now, but i can tell you. her father served in ww2. she was the oldest girl, she has two older brothers, they were woriied about the draft and going to war, so knocking up a girl and having a deferment... nobody liked the fall of saiigon and our retreat from vietnam, but we really lost all sphere of iinfluence, and allowed china's sphere of influence to grow... actually im sorry im going way off topic, but my mother's birthday is sunday, so like december 13th just remember good things and have a nice day because she really means so much to me.. i owe her everything

>> No.24746140

oh i forgot to mention... my great grandmother.. my mother's grandma.. she was a jew.. with the tattoos... ii hope, but im american and have learned korean and speak like fuck i don't care, but my gf is like omg i am so in love with you iim looking to propose and need to wait like more more more more time...

>> No.24746222

can i still become a republican... im kinda a democrat and have jews in my history....

i want to exclaime personal responsibility...fuck im drunk, but it is my intentions to go to like the office of regiser of voterrs when it's not busy like mid april or june and just refile my paperwork... ii hate denying who i am and what i want.... the truth is you have to see both sides to create laws... and the worst part is trump gets one sided reporting... he was impeached... for a disclosed document,... i hate it... i always think im average and if i'm not doing more im less than average.

>> No.24746262

what's your play for monday baggie?

>> No.24746295
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i cbf to read all that drunk rambling