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24742733 No.24742733[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Breaking: the Supreme Court has just “flatly rejected” the Texas lawsuit. What happens now?

>> No.24742758

But what is the Texas lawsuit?

>> No.24742761

Trumpanzee's btfo kek

>> No.24742765
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The suffering begins

In a few years we will reach a critical mass of bullshit

>> No.24742767

biden has won.

>> No.24742795

Op gets b& and israel wins

>> No.24742806

ETH goest to $15,000 EOY
LINK goes to $1000 EOY
XRP goes to $500 EOY

All others moon as the NWO has been set. Weird how they rejected it as soon as the flare drop was supposed to happen.

>> No.24742816

what is supposed to happen /pol/fag? everyone except you autistic nerds knows that nothing will happen. Biden will be the next POTUS and thats it. nothing will change, the US wont become socialist, the world isnt about to end.

>> No.24742827

The U.S. is literally careening towards civil war or balkanization.
When that happens, crypto might become a genuinely beneficial investment.

>> No.24743206

Sell before the Georgia runoff and buy after the crash

>> No.24743230

now the dollar collapses, just as planned

>> No.24743243

nothing will happen

>> No.24743340
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Martial Law it is.

>> No.24743378
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>> No.24743392


>> No.24743418

well trump probably leaves office and starts Trump TV

>> No.24743466
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The Great Reset/4th Industrial Revolution. Did you buy the dip?

>> No.24743493

Not like there was any legal basis for the Texas lawsuit aside from "i dun won it"

>> No.24743515

>The U.S. is literally careening towards civil war or balkanization.
74,223,287 people voted for trump and every single one of them is a fat gay retarded complacent pussy that will do jack fucking shit despite all their guns and the bullshit they talk. nothing will happen over the next 4 years, nothing will happen in the immediate future -- nothing other than incredible, utterly unprecedented levels of COPE.

>> No.24743535
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governors changed shit, not legislators.
but I guess learning is not on your dish.

>> No.24743559
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>> No.24743581
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>> No.24743591

Trump hates being president, he wants to go back to being the unquestioned boss where he can do what he wants, but he took a lot of donations from his supporters to "fight the election" so he just has to run it out and perform all the way until it's done.

>> No.24743600
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and 80 million niggers, spics, and kikes voted biden. america is a lost cause lol

>> No.24743616

why would politics matter in a country where the federal reserve is privately owned?

>> No.24743665

save your basedjaks for someone else, niggerbrains. i don't vote. i refuse to participate in a thoroughly kiked society. go ahead and worship ZOGNALD DRUMPF, you've got about 39 days left before the day of the cope.

>> No.24743687


>> No.24743691

I dont think I've seen a period of time where mistrust in the government has been so high. Im Canadian, with a liberal government, but people here are worried about the same shit and there's probably going to be an election forced soon (but because of our dumb system, trudeau can basically use pandemics to stall legislation). Its almost like public perception did a flip and now people are starting to agree with what the schizos have been saying for decades. Democracy died a long time ago, but finally people are beginning to see the holes in the system that allowed rampant corruption to go unchecked for so long.

>> No.24743698

The opposite. Deflation.

Sell on the next pump.

>> No.24743700

Bitcoin pumping brother.

Throw a grand at Bitcoin, come back in 3 hrs, and collect your stake +$60-90. Free money.

>> No.24743718

>Seeing the holes in the system
>Still vote lib and dem
I'm glad you're optimistic but I've long since been reassured that the average person is too far gone down the propaganda hole.
By the way, our Libs just started the process to install mail-in voting, so we will literally see the same shit here.

>> No.24743755
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He will end global warming. Thank the non-existent God for this.

>> No.24743762

>uneducated retards on fb
Pick both