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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 455 KB, 1512x2016, 1497628616501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2472063 No.2472063 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a poorfag trying to gain some cash.

Looking for richfags to donate a little so I can pay back a bit of my creditcard debt.

> Here have a Japanese schoolgirl for your troubles

btc: 16EB1e16h149B2hud3jQT9BGWA85K4kH1t
eth: 0x5ba129171a322ec08be67983a46e2b3140e44d5f

>> No.2472082

I know that beg posts here are horrible, it's me too I hate them, but I can not ask, my profit margin is terribly low is in my fucking country, 1 dollar is equal to 4 of the real currency and I tried everyone The means to get a capital of at least 20 dollars to start in shitcoins, but I can not even do it, I know that beg treds are wrong is that you are going to swear at me anyway, but I really believe that if someone gave me this Chace, I would be eternally grateful.


eth :0x419bf1caff214c232d6b8a78e8e70cb6b3c18983





>> No.2472118

C..Can I join in? I'm a poorfag as well. Sincere thank you if anyone actually does donate.

BTC: 17dnPKbHhqqCeA4xZ1qjMQXT2j3qwtSm1C
ETH: 0xaf95a63921a708b795bb29ed2ea4edb111cfebfe

>> No.2472127
File: 8 KB, 684x134, toopoor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck as well, there might be some benevolent anonymous crypto god who wants to bless us with coin.

>> No.2472170

perhaps there is an anon coin-rich who likes the kittehs - i am starting to invest in crypto, and only have a very small amount so far. trying to make some $$$ via crypto to help fund my kitten and cat rescue - we foster ferals and get them adopted, as well as volunteer at our local shelter.

help a newcoiner get started in the market and help the kittehs - they will appreciate! thanks /biz

LTC: LeRbn5tLXrinietm6rDkjvukYzQkC1cFhz

BTC: 15khtbAxgGkpTvitR9NDpj8in3oLpPrPyX

ETH: 0x14dFA4A3E36FEd7394E6B0c25e586468a3630448

will post kitteh pics and memes for coins....

>> No.2472180

If dubs CRYPTO GOD blesses me


>> No.2472199
File: 162 KB, 1440x1920, IMG_20151023_020348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have doge coin so why not a cat coin...

> Some chocolate milk for our gods

>> No.2472200

Need some small support, even for small amount well be glad anon!

ETH: 0x70a312df72f21485ecd7c8946f2a80b54f0919fa


>> No.2472204
File: 1.98 MB, 264x480, mexican sport.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made 100k in crypto and I won't give a single shitcoin to any of you begging faggots :^).

>> No.2472208

I need.

Just i need.

No one can understand.



>> No.2472222

that's a great idea anon! i wonder if i could create a KITTEH COIN to help support the shelter and the animals - perhaps it could be done on the WAVES platform?

>> No.2472223

pls just want to get out of debt and onto the moon. I'll settle for a telescope to watch you mooners.

>> No.2472228

Good for you :)

>> No.2472235

>all these fucking begging Pajeets
I bet it's all the same guy/

>> No.2472237

eth pls

>> No.2472247

quads WILLS IT! anyone wanna help create KTC? KITTEHCOIN is your new memecoin !!!

>> No.2472336

I'm looking at how to do it

>> No.2472394

Damn I need 1 wave and I don't have enough to buy it.

If anyone else can make KITTEH coin that would be awesome

>> No.2472471

Aren't those NGR coins Waves? how does that whole thing work? cant you beg in one of those threads and convert them?

>> No.2472512

I will back this. I love cats and hate beggars.

Would 50 pristine bitcoin that I mined from the early days help?

>> No.2472569

Oh never mind if you don't want them. You had quads and everything.
Good luck with kittehcoin

>> No.2472586

I have no money, wagecucking my life away just to pay rent and food. I want to play the crypto game so bad but can only watch you all get rich. Help a poorfag out with some LTC?


>> No.2472655

they are, but I hate niggers so I don't want them

>> No.2472681

Send me ETH you rich pieces of shit, these fucking pussies begging like the little bitches they are shouldn't get shit. SEND ME THE ETH GODDAMNIT.


>> No.2472718

fair enough.

>> No.2472728

I think the cat guy left...

>> No.2472739
File: 476 KB, 2300x1533, Day_of_the_rake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked you cunt, I'll fucking knife fight you for it.
ETH: 0xaf95a63921a708b795bb29ed2ea4edb111cfebfe

>> No.2472794

sure, those coins would be most welcome.

can you possibly convert some of the memecoins like NGR and HOAX and African-American to WAVES? if it is possible, i would start KITTEHCOIN today.

otherwise i have to wait for payday so i can buy some WAVES.

the kittehs are for real, i have one on my lap as i type (i took in a litter of feral fosters last year this time, and ended up keeping two of them, they are the house kittehs now who keep the young ones in line)

LTC: LeRbn5tLXrinietm6rDkjvukYzQkC1cFhz

BTC: 15khtbAxgGkpTvitR9NDpj8in3oLpPrPyX

ETH: 0x14dFA4A3E36FEd7394E6B0c25e586468a3630448

>> No.2472820

no, cat guy is still here - if anyone has some WAVES they want to donate to help create KITTEHCOIN, send them to my waves wallet - i will give it a try!


>> No.2472840

pretty please?

>> No.2472855
File: 2.53 MB, 5312x2988, 20170322_155327_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have real issues to deal with. My pupper has low platelets and is bruising really badly. Had to do ultrasounds and x-rays. 4 different medicines and an overnight observation plus bloodwork and chemistry. Costing me what I really can't afford. I love my pupper too much to put him down no matter how much debt I must accrue. Pic related.

>> No.2472873

i feel for you anon, wish i had coins to donate. vet bills can get expensive, i spent nearly $5k trying to save my cat a few years ago....

>> No.2472883

post pics

I've almost mined 0.05ETH so that should be worth 3 WAVE coins, but it will probable take another 6 hours to finish the mining so I can't do it now...

I might actually have some shit coins somewhere

>> No.2472905

I have a lot of extra ETH I will give if you beggars talk about your parents.

Were they good to you? Bad?

Make sure the address works.

>> No.2472908
File: 1.23 MB, 1836x2448, caturdaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a recent shot from their first birthday - we made them a birthday cake out of sardines!

>> No.2472918
File: 1.17 MB, 3264x1836, 20170414_190438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah in the past two months I've spent about $2k. Sucks hard, he's only 7, he still has at least 8 more years and me and my fiancee can't have kids (she has lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, an unknown auto-immune disease and receives chemotherapy once a month) so he is like our kid, we treat him that way at least.

>> No.2472928

My dad died last year. It was honestly the hardest thing I've ever gone through. He wasn't just my dad. He was my best friend. Mum still hurts. I can see it every time. I look at her. Fuck you, now I'm crying.
ETH: 0xaf95a63921a708b795bb29ed2ea4edb111cfebfe

>> No.2472929
File: 808 KB, 4641x2585, chkittiesweb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one from the shelter we volunteer at...these poor guys have cerebellar hypoplasia, which almost makes it seem like they are permanently drunk - we did manage to get these three adopted.

>> No.2472934

Here anon: https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/careers.html
Work like everyone else. 3 months are more than enough. You can start with crypto after this. Allthough i am outside of murica and the site is loading in spanish kek

>> No.2472942

And yes, they were, and mum still is, good to me.

>> No.2472946

I spent $6k to be told that my cat had cancer, which I thought was bullshit. Turned out she just had IBD and she's still alive and healthy 2 years later.

They wanted me to fucking start her on chemo. Fucking vets are even bigger leeches than human doctors.

>> No.2472949
File: 1.35 MB, 4928x3264, DSC_0262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more (i have hundreds) from the shelter

>> No.2472950

actually pretty good, mine bailed me out once when I was down like 5000 euro in debt thanks to my bitch of an ex.

They also sponsored my trip to Japan where I live now, and just wanted me to be happy since I didn't feel at home at all.

They've come to visit me here as well which was nice.

> I'm OP

That's nice :D

>> No.2472951


Mother was abusive as shit, slammed my hands in car doors and shit when I was in kindergarten. Beat me everyday after school just in case I did something bad. Both parent's are alcoholics and drank pretty much every day. Got locked in my room a lot (they reversed the door knobs so the lock was on the outside). Pretty shitty parents.

>> No.2472954

Bitcoin: 1NsoRuDF3ZCqXEYmrTiNvgdRzE2eD8Dgwy

I'm depressed on Zoloft doing wagie work. Pls gib something

>> No.2472962

How long will this last? Surely it can't go on forever, and the longer it goes on the harder it is for us to get our foot in the door. I really wish i had started 4 years ago when i found out about it.

>> No.2472984


>> No.2472985

if you join LBRY using my referral link, i'll give you back 40% of what i recieve because of you joining
just drop a throwaway email i can contact you through when i recieve them

>> No.2472986

i truly think it is going to get bigger and bigger as time goes by and more normies get into the game.

i really wish i had bought BTC at $7 back in the day.....

>> No.2472992


My parents divorced 12 years ago and it was a really traumatic experience for me back then. They were okay towards me and my brothers, I guess, but we were still left scarred from their fights. Today my parents are supportive towards me, but my mother can be a bitch sometimes. That's about it, thanks anon.

>> No.2472995

Please, I came late to the party :(

Eth :0x32b152377e8Fa145254e82225de234CF8fb392D4

>> No.2473002
File: 1.42 MB, 4928x3264, DSC_0221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another cute kitteh for you guys - i gotta head to work and go earn some shekels so i can get into this cryptogame and feed the cats!

>> No.2473005

single immigrant mother raising 4 kids battling alcoholism but the best mother in our eyes as she did everything she could to keep us together, fed, clothed, sheltered, and loved. shes better now and watching her grandkids and kids grow up. i wanna buy her a house.

>> No.2473011
File: 819 KB, 540x960, 18136534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a good job, but pays like shit for the moment. I was basically forced into this contract to get a work visa, I had no chance to negotiate the salary.

I wish I still had my cat, there are some stray cats literally 5 meters from my house.

>> No.2473029

What's up with the webm?

>> No.2473034
File: 1.25 MB, 4928x3264, DSC_0313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feed them and they will be YOUR cats :-)

>> No.2473035

You're making me want to give you money, you fucker. But I have 30k in crypto and 125k in student loans.

Have a good day at work.

>> No.2473050

keep working the markets with that 30k, and you will erase those student loans. i have faith in you.

thanks guys - i think making a KITTEHCOIN would be fun, if nothing else. at least something to compete with DOGE!

>> No.2473065

I dont want to be a dick but if you truly believe into the future of coins you should try everything to maximate your profits. Its fine if you want to get some cash from a richfag but if this is the future, then do this: take 3 jobs, sell stuff you dont need etc....
Sure it will be a shitty year or two but if it works out you never need to o hard labor work ever again.
I am a poorfag aswell so...

>> No.2473066

They get fed by people every day, this area has a lot of old people and there is a cat shrine nearby.

There are 5-6 cats walking around usually.

Also my apartment doesn't allow pets and it's too small for a cat.

>> No.2473118

anybody wanna hook me up with some internet moneyyy??




>> No.2473249
File: 1.35 MB, 368x656, video-1492044356_3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video of the cat in the nearby shrine

>> No.2473307
File: 207 KB, 1678x1119, squirrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah I fucking love being poor! This is so awesome having no coins, they are totally a fad.

Just in case crypto isn't a passing trend though someone wanna drop a little ETH off for me? Could buy some extra tendies tonight...


>> No.2473702
File: 155 KB, 400x505, eat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have about 100 ETH.
Unlike other people, I'm not a liar so please send me more ETH: 0x99bf9e492ae331e7d284128a7a412d89274cd642

Thank you.