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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24726305 No.24726305 [Reply] [Original]

Omg. Nigerian scam! Fake team! Rugpull!

You’re all fucking IDIOTS LOL

I’ve brought 3 moonshots to this board this week and every single one has been fudded by you dumbasses... you owe every preteen on this board money now

>> No.24726334

>bought 1000 rfi at 10 cents
>bought 2000 stargaze at 3 cents
>bought 2 eth of idle at $3

I didn't even see bird until today lmao, people not finding the winners on this board get what they deserve.

>> No.24726377

Keep up the good work. I missed many moonshots this week but i now have faith

>> No.24726395

I posted IDLE here at $1.80 and it got the same FUD. The people on this board are idiots and I can’t stop laughing

>> No.24726396

This will pull a smartcredit to 3 million $ mc, it's still at 1.6m$ right now I think.
t.shitcoin flipper who's been here long enough to know.
The problem with bird is not the project, it's the telegram with no moderation, they're talking about any new thread that pops here and they come and shill it and try not to look like scammers but they do, still this will pump when it gets on dextools trending then when coingecko updates the circulating supply and mc.

>> No.24726407

/biz/ has unironically turned to complete and utter shit. Just desperate bagholders shilling their worthless shitcoins to dump on the next bunch of poor retarded newfags and fuuding every single chance to make serious money.

>> No.24726421

*smartcredit to 5 million $ mc

>> No.24726427

Lollll if you don’t buy a good product because of a telegram that’s the reason you will never make it. Ignore the noise

>> No.24726439

Can this get to $50?

>> No.24726440

yep, pajeets figured out the game, and newfags keep falling for it, with bird at least you're buying near the ath so no bagholders will shill it now, they'll just sell if they want to.

>> No.24726451

Can you like post a marker to signify it's your calls in the future? I need to get in on some of this 10x action. Lost almost everything recently.

>> No.24726458

>Can this get to $50?
today in my opinion, I got a bag yesterday at 20$, saw it at 16$ but didn't buy because faggot desu.

>> No.24726461

dude just stay vigilant, always take out your initial, and don't FOMO into shit too late

kek I don't even know why I try sometimes but I guess I want some anons to make it. I'll keep trying.

protips anons:
>buy wcres
>do NOT buy base/rebase/basebase/rfiiiiiivbaser

>> No.24726493

Wanted to get to 1k tokens but I’ll settle for a little less.

>> No.24726530

What's your method for finding these?

>> No.24726562

>coin goes up 300%
>biz finds out about coin and buys it
>coin goes down 300%
>biz sells coin

>> No.24726567
File: 2.91 MB, 2000x3296, niggerrugnetwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are NRN (Nigger Rug Network) telegram scams. Notice their shills acting like they're buyers ITT. They call themselves "Defi Prophets", you can see their website defiprophets.com

Do not be impressed by Coingecko, uni and dex listings, they put $1M behind each "launch" and it stays there because it gets shut down.

They launch at least 2-3 new coins daily, put $1m liquidity and mass-shill them on /biz/. Before we caught on to them they would post 5-10 threads at once but now do 1 thread and bump it to high heaven.

All of them use a variation of DeFi, some do "DeFi Finance" "DeFi Games" DeFi Art" "DeFi Liquidity" "DeFi Staking" and idiots ALWAYS get roped in even with warnings.

Their telegram groups are anime avatars and they fake online presence, yesterday their new Rbase scam had 6000 online users but it was only the admins talking to each other.


>> No.24726581

wanted to recommend this at 5$, but didn't ,because:
1.Thread would be slided
2. People would call me pajeet
3. I was too lazy to post for nothing and actually wanted to plug an ETH adress in case if people make gains from it and get good money
4. Understood that nobody in here would give me anything cause people here are cruel and greedy
t. poorfag - shitcoin expert

>> No.24726623

Ok hotshot. What’s next

>> No.24726626

I'm in a TG group with 100ish people (probably 20 are active/useful) that bring early coins and we check out the devs, tokeonomics, tg, etc.

and never forget the difference between long/short-term holds regardless of what anyone tells you. We mostly bought api3 at presale for $1.10. I sold out at $2.50. One guy actually bought 50k RFI at 8 cents and he's still holding fucking jewish mad lad.

>> No.24726635

Yeah dude you already posted this on my thread yesterday. Horrible fud, not even entertaining OR good lol. You’re who I’m making fun of in my OP in case you’re too dumb to realize it

>> No.24726639

accept this had an IEO, team tokens are locked in smart swap, been audited,

>> No.24726653

This isn’t a rebase coin, it’s not a shitfarm, you’ve done literal ZERO research and you specifically are the reason everyone here missed out on an overnight 100%, and you’ll keep fudding it to $10million

>> No.24726680

amazing . When you post on this board can you set a nickname , so I could understand it's you not some random pajeet. Also if you do, tell me what it will be. Also what's the group? Can you tell me your nickname on tg, so I ask you for the group or drop group link here?

>> No.24726690
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>> No.24726710

Link to group.

>> No.24726712
File: 30 KB, 1019x510, biznigerianprince.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok /biz/ Nigerian prince, no one is buying your Uniswap/Bounce scams. Get the fuck out of here


>> No.24726739

What are you riding this too? Short/long?
Bought around $18 because of previous thread. I have some reservations but low mkcap/supply made me think of tellor and I completely missed out on that because of the (what I thought at the time) initial token price.

>> No.24726740
File: 2.14 MB, 1125x2436, 58200F8B-C398-4926-9FA1-C06A0641F682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been doing this for 6 years. Have caught multiple x10-100’s and one x1000 in that time. I finally made a Twitter when I saw $ITS was gnna explode (did an x12 after that). Then I posted $IDLE at $1.80 (btw check this photo I just found)... and now $BIRD. That’s just this past week or so. Lol

>> No.24726764

I would literally never buy a bounce presale

Is Nigerian the new Pajeet? I'm confused. I couldn't even show you Nigeria on a map lmao

I'm not the owner of the TG so I'm not passing out invites yet but you'll know when I post a thread.

>> No.24726777

bird money
for bird brains

>> No.24726780

What's your twitter I will blindly ape whatever you tweet

>> No.24726787

Please share the groups where you making all x10

>> No.24726801

if you're so good why don't you make atrip and prove yourself by being "accountable" for your calls? You to me this is just another post from another anon, could be a fucking larp with 3000$ networth.

>> No.24726834

What's your twitter??!! I would've bought ITS , but I was too late to do so, it was 20$ , when I first knew about it. It's really hard finding gems early

>> No.24726844

So idle is number 4?

>> No.24726857

this does give me IDLE feels. lowest mrktcap in its sector, low address.... Thanks Anon i baught IDLE at $1.95 sold at $10.80 Thanks to your post here

>> No.24726894

We're all from his TG group: https://twitter.com/oddgems
You're welcome

>> No.24726903

Idk if IDLE is Andrés “4th” I was in it before that tweet because he had already tweeted it multiple times this year... he’s been about it for a while but they just launched and are slaying it. If it’s the “4th” cool, doesn’t matter to me.

And yeah I’m gnna stop posting on biz because it hurts too much to see people getting fudded out of my calls do you can just get me on Twitter @blackbirddaddy I finally made one after all these years

>> No.24726905

Those were some pretty fat sells

>> No.24726914

Tell me. I quit my job. Doing crypto full time. Can devote to research.

>> No.24726930
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>> No.24726936

how to delete comment here???

>> No.24727009

Somebody here recommended Coil and it went 2x in one day, hope Wcres will do the same

>> No.24727028

made 80% last night, when should i sell

>> No.24727057

I mean I ALWAYS take half my investment out once I x2 pretty much. Then you don’t need to stress anymore.

>> No.24727068
File: 33 KB, 999x242, 1 Obs0B_r2nQsLyNIjf1W0uQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought 50000 GTH at 0.022

4chan hates money

>> No.24727075

smart call, trying to avoid gas fees but it seems worth it for the peace of mind

>> No.24727159

Anything besides a logo and you saying you bought it? Lol

>> No.24727175

You baught?

>> No.24727266

Wat? Its up to you to research the company. You spoonfeeders will never make it

>> No.24727350

Can you enable your Twitter DMs?

>> No.24727408

Mods do your fucking job and delete this nigger spamcoin

>> No.24727583

it's 50% up though, not that much compared to bird.

>> No.24727689

Thanks for the call last night. Was laughing hard at the Nigerian fud, at least come up with something original or not easily debunked in 5 seconds of research lol

>> No.24727707

I bought the true nigerian rugpull coin of freedom reserve and already left, I will enjoy my x20 gains

>> No.24727918

Holy shit this looks like its gnna go to $50 before EOD

>> No.24728192

And it’s going again, gnna be a good day

>> No.24728213

>I’ve brought 3 moonshots to this board this week

You should be a millionaire by now and not give a single fuck about 4chans retards

>> No.24728630

>Finally dropped my heavy Airswap bags.
>Bought at $9.85
Feels fucking good to win again

>> No.24728834

Nigerian princes shilling their new scamtoken with an "anonymous" developer team just like the other 10 scamtokens they pumped and tanked yesterday.

Anyone buying this garbage on Uniswap deserves to get rugged. Look at this insane disorganic shilling while their coin is tanking.

>> No.24729215

liqudity is locked for 6 months, no mint function, project has legit oracle analytics system already, the project is clean, you can try to get rugged in this one, but it's gonna be impossible.

>> No.24729272

Ironically the shittiest looking scam one in FR didn't drop

>> No.24729401
File: 158 KB, 1125x1137, 3A884269-4A0B-4883-A100-38CF61D526A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, it must suck to suck even more now lol.... I won’t post another thread on this till $50. Peace