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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24719373 No.24719373 [Reply] [Original]

bros this shit is never going to stop dumping. This digital oil is going to end up below zero like the real stuff. I'm down so much in sats. Give me a bread crumb to cling to

>> No.24719391

Weak handed bitch just sell. This coin needs real holders.

>> No.24719396

Everyone fudding before us legal opinion so they can buy more barrels
>T. All in

>> No.24719410

is there any reason to belive this will happen aside from the AMF approving it?

>> No.24719455

It's on the roadmap

>> No.24719795

>wigging out over a unilateral dip
you need hands of adamantium if you want to trade crypto, go back to normiestocks with the rest of the spineless cowards

>> No.24719947

already approved in France so its basically A-ok
US is incoming

>> No.24719991

I owned 18K link back when it dipped just like this. I was overinvested as a result of just buying a home, so I panic sold for a huge loss on my initial investment. Like a month later link hit a new ATH that would have made me about 180K. I don't even know what it would be worth today, and I don't like to think about it.

All I can tell you is that I learned my lesson. This dip is like the final shake out before the first little pump to $3, then $6, then $10, and so on.

I promise I am NSMDO. I've read the documentation, the whitepaper, the medium articles, follow the telegram, the roadmap, the Twitter, the YouTube channel, all of it.

This project is a guaranteed win. Its going to $100 before March 2021. I won't be rattled again. NSMDO BITCHES

>> No.24720371
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sell your ticket fren.
I dare you

>> No.24720428



>> No.24720468


>> No.24720560

Same story but with $eth. Below 10$.

>> No.24720580

Oh and I précise I’m 50% on $rlc. I just want $rlc to dump and my shitcoins to pump so I can sell them and buy more of my freedom pass.

>> No.24720978
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iExec RLC

What it can do
decentralized cloud, trusted executions, cloud resources (data sets, computing power, ...) marketplace, trusted doracles, tokenization & monetization of cloud assets (NFTs), ENS and it's FULLY COMPLIANT (French SEC approved, so basicly EU approved, so basicly USA approved, so basicly Coinbase, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, ... approved)

Partnerships and collaborations
Intel, Alibaba Cloud, Nvidia, EU commision (Ontochain) + French SEC approves, Ubisoft, EEA, CCC, EDF, Chainlink, OpenSSF, IBM Cloud, NCTU, Genesis Cloud, H7, BPI France, Scontain, Shift, Fortanix, TFCloud, Nerdalize, Ubisoft, Cloud & Heat, Stimergy, OpenFog, ...

Next technical release
V5 2nd part. FOG/edge computing to keep the latency low for tasks that require real time data.

Upcoming adoption releases
eRLC which is a fully compliant version of RLC for companies and is 1:1 interchangeable with RLC. If you look at the adoption roadmap you can also clearly see a NDA being revealed soon

DOT parachain, sidechains that handle computations with 0 fees, Intel SGX and TEE intergrated oracles, blockchain agnostic, can use any TEE not just Intel SGX, best memes on the internet, they are working with google

>> No.24720993
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Notice how big players are mentioning iExec RLC and not just the other way around? Yeah.




European Commission


Also take a look at the 7 PhD team

And the CEO

Normie Solution presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IESv4BNw8Q
iExec Solution presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ckHCmLQJQc
Cloud computing as a Commodity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSBIk35YsUc
Health care use case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCsasSNYo-4
Smart traffic controls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDk1D9L8Au0
5G power rescue robots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEh3JHivS10

Website: https://iex.ec/
Medium: https://medium.com/iex-ec
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iEx_ec
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/iExec/videos <--- Look at their showcases or demo videos
Adoption roadmap: https://trello.com/b/oSCT5z09/iexec-adoption-roadmap

>> No.24721025
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I warned them

>> No.24721037
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Do you need more? Because I can provide more little breadcrumbs. This is just the tourist version >>24720978, >>24720993

>> No.24721057

No we're not, I've got over 5000 barrels and know that we're going down to 60¢. Sell now and you'll feel something soon.

>> No.24721297

plz sirs

>> No.24721320

digital fuck in my ass!

>> No.24721452
File: 655 KB, 640x480, rlc_matrix.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go through the poco series. If you have computer knowledge you'll be amazed and cumming with your tranny dick like crazy

About Trust and Agents Incentives: https://medium.com/iex-ec/about-trust-and-agents-incentives-4651c138974c
On the use of staking to prevent attacks: https://medium.com/iex-ec/poco-series-2-on-the-use-of-staking-to-prevent-attacks-2a5c700558bd
Protocol update: https://medium.com/iex-ec/poco-series-3-poco-protocole-update-a2c8f8f30126
Enclaves and Trusted Executions: https://medium.com/iex-ec/poco-series-4-sgx-enclaves-and-trusted-executions-6f2ebed8d4fa
Open decentralized brokering on the iExec platform: https://medium.com/iex-ec/poco-series-5-open-decentralized-brokering-on-the-iexec-platform-67b266e330d8
Smart Contract Upgradeability and Governance: https://medium.com/iex-ec/poco-series-6-smart-contract-upgradeability-and-governance-68d2cdecd120
ENSLogin: https://medium.com/iex-ec/poco-series-7-enslogin-1013e7884ccb
Future-proofing iExec - Smart Contract Interoperability and Modularity: https://medium.com/iex-ec/poco-series-8-future-proofing-iexec-smart-contract-interoperability-and-modularity-37a3d3613f11
Indexing smart contract activity. It’s harder than you think!: https://medium.com/iex-ec/poco-series-9-indexing-smart-contracts-activity-its-harder-than-you-think-916c8110138a
Moving towards layer 2, a Solidity Developer’s View: https://medium.com/iex-ec/poco-series-10-moving-towards-layer-2-a-solidity-developers-view-6cd422194d76

Your understanding is limit by your knowledge of computer science. If you're a computer wizard you will go bat shit crazy over the PoCo series.

>> No.24722525

holy digital dogshit, there are so many fud threads for rlc. I've never felt safer holding this coin

>> No.24722540
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nigger this shit has been out for years, no one uses it

>> No.24722584

Same anon, the coordinated RLC fud is too obvious

>> No.24722599

Wow, something I actually sold at the peak, lol.

>> No.24722812
File: 341 KB, 340x255, smug_rlc_pepe_chased.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because if YOU read it you probably didn't understand 90% of it because your understanding of computer science is probably 0. If you do, the articles are full of breadcrumbs... Why do you think I SPECIFICALLY ONLY gave the poco series? If you know how to interpret the data then you see what I mean. If you don't... than oh well, we really do not need you. Why are you even posting in a thread of a coin that is apparently "dead"

>> No.24722948

Kek a legal opinion has no weight it's literally an opinion

>> No.24723574

stop making these fucking threads newfag. its dumping because of btc dumps nothing new to see here

>> No.24723679

>I don't even know what it would be worth today
$212 040