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24716572 No.24716572 [Reply] [Original]

>live with parents
>only use public transportation and uber if I have no choice
>stopped playing video games and watching Netflix
>stopped drinking alcohol and drugs
>stopped going to restaurants and only buy cheap healthy food
>generally don't spend money on anything I don't need or can get for free
I'm trying to pay down my parents house since we live in a good neighborhood and the house has already appreciated 20℅ since they bought it 8 years ago. So basically all I do is work, sleep, exercise, eat, and listen to (free) Spotify when I want to relax. Basically autistically min/maxing my money potential. The problem though is pussy. Escorts in my area are $400 if I get a chick from south america and $500-$600 if I want a white girl. That's over $20k a year if I get one every week. How do I get free pussy?

>> No.24716594

Just get a gf bro

>> No.24716607

Firm handshake

>> No.24716618

Use tinder and/or masturbate to free porn. Some public hospitals give free rubbers to niggers like you.

>> No.24716697

Elevate your game and hunt Tinder thots

>> No.24716698
File: 204 KB, 324x450, porn-magnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24716714

Just don't have sex (until you find some cutie to knock up and start a family with).

>> No.24716765

Escorts are just a diseased hole that you can masturbate with. Girlfriends use sex to manipulate you. You should be in monk mode until your wedding night.

>> No.24716834

>get married
>lose house in divorce
Defeats the purpose of everything I'm doing

Also as for tinder I used to get pussy on there but I don't think I'll be able to convince women to fuck/date a 26 year old guy who lives with his parents and doesn't have a car.

>> No.24716918

I am 26 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.24716978

do you think that's extraordinary here?

>> No.24717001

absolutely not, just stating my fact how OP is not min/maxing his money potential enough

>> No.24717010

Just invest and give up sex until you're rich and the expense of having a girlfriend is pocket change to you.

>> No.24717055
File: 25 KB, 300x464, 7_85184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to Rio. 20 USD.
Pic related.

>> No.24717117

Very underrated.

>> No.24717137

Understood, have a nice day.

>> No.24717315

>Also as for tinder I used to get pussy on there but I don't think I'll be able to convince women to fuck/date a 26 year old guy who lives with his parents and doesn't have a car.
yes you can, don't give up before you try. Just go out there and find your bitch

>> No.24717372

Just buy a flesh light, it feels better than the real thing

>> No.24717649

Is this problem solved yet? Minimalism Mode here as well :S

>> No.24717786

Brasil turned expensive I just read
Also it’s Full of Spiders I guess?

>> No.24717807

Go to a massage parlor once a month

>> No.24717845

Buy a electric penis massager off Ali
Shit is better than sex and looks like a BT Speaker lol

>> No.24717866

Made me groan

>> No.24717878

This guy fucks

>> No.24717944

femanon here, I wouldn't fuck someone who listens to free spotify, free spotify is aids. don't care about anything else on your loserlist though desu

>> No.24717960

Thefuck you're talking about?
Pic related is on the linked site for 20 USD an hour and they are awesome. I live in Rio and had plenty of them.

>> No.24718133

you will never be a woman even if you dilate everyday

>> No.24718192

Buy a sex toy they are cheaper, don't bleed, and generally aren't as much of a distraction and total waste of time as a real woman. bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks..

>> No.24718251

literally just masterbate.. its that simple

>> No.24718283

The answer to life

>> No.24718347

Car is all you really need. I would go for a 1990s bmw. Cheap, easier maintenance than the 2000s, and timeless look with a clean paint job. Women only care if it looks nice and expensive

>> No.24718363

I'll be 30 soon and I live with my parents. My gf is 25, just be fit and not retarded and any autist can find a gf these days

>> No.24718411

Just pirate TV shows and videogames retard.

>> No.24718479

don't waste your time on tinder

you need excellent pictures and your own place if you want girls to come over

average fattys all have 1000+ matches and shes not gonna fuck you unless 1.your very attractive 2.she has stds 3.you provide her with something(food,alchol,drugs,clout).

tinder used to be good but now its play to win with too many normies. also if you post something cringey or "chad"like and your not a chad you may some girl screenshot it and post it on twitter or instagram and everyone will laugh at you.

>> No.24718512
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>> No.24718526

I'd get a Lexus or Acura after owning 90s BMW's haha
women can smell the price of a car though, unless you're going to make a lot of legit improvements to the car on your own.
I drive an 07 Outback now, and its kinda beat, but I invite fems over instead of driving.
Really, you could either have the car or live on your own,
but having one of the two is important unless you go for cougar pussy - older rich women will look past all your BS if you can fuck them like a young man because they aren't really looking for you to support them or anything but you do have something to offer them.

>> No.24718724

hang out with drug dealers you idiot.

>> No.24718822

Lol no they dont

>> No.24719428

Sir, this is a Burger King. I have you to ask you to leave the restaurant if you are not making an order.

>> No.24719714

>That's over $20k a year if I get one every week. How do I get free pussy
you find a hot college girl, convince her to do porn but you'll cover her face so she'll be anonymous, then upload it and get ad revenue. That should pay off your cost and maybe give you some profit. maybe don't even pay them and tell them they'll get half the profits

>> No.24719803
File: 444 KB, 799x792, AC986EA5-EC55-4E09-8754-5E0D9974512F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed the ads are horrible on Spotify

Fuck kikes

>> No.24719924

Use SeekingArrangements

been having sugar babies for years


>> No.24721273

don't you feel horrible that they don't actually want you at all and just want your money?

>> No.24721335

>pnk and statera holders

>> No.24721632

idk who the jogess is but I'm pretty sure Greta never said any of those things