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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2471189 No.2471189 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.2471201

>not playing crypto like a video game and trying to get the high score
>ever cashing out

>> No.2471203


>> No.2471204

I dunno about you, but I'm giving up U.S. citizenship after I have enough in Bitcoin

fuck taxes

fuck the Jews

fuck the U.S.

>> No.2471207


>> No.2471208

0 % for now

>> No.2471215

shut up nazi, why do you faggots always feel like starting to speak german on an English chinese imageboard

>> No.2471246

Because we don't have to pay any taxes if we hodl for 1 year. Hahahahahahahahaheil

>> No.2471249




>> No.2471257

~1.25% a year if you have a million Euro or more in my country.

>> No.2471272


I'm not from a cuck third world country, in germany we pay 0% taxes it we don't cash out 12 month after purchasing

Bist du sauer du Hurensohn? Geh dich umbringen.

>> No.2471292

wheres dat? Luxembourg?

>> No.2471311

>Implying anyone will do this free for you
10% minimum, you chucklefuck

>> No.2471313


>> No.2471319

Should I get a dual citizenship? Dutch/German, and keep my crypto gains in Germany?

>> No.2471325

Rename this the

'How I wound up in Federal Prison' thread

>> No.2471335


Only it you want to be part of the Herrenrasse.

>> No.2471346


>not having relatives from around the world...
I will not insult you with pity

>> No.2471393

This sounds great but I'm not sure which country's citizenship to obtain. I was thinking Monaco but you aren't a technical citizen for 10 years, so I think the state department won't let you do it without another passport. Was just looking at Singapore and the Bahamas

>> No.2471423


Luxembourg duh,

you really want to be around dirty 3rd world people all day?

sure the hookers are cheap though

>> No.2471432
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fyi, at least in Germany and Austria (and probably elsewhere) you also already pay taxes if you trade between crypto and make gains

Btw., if there's someone in Vienna interested in blockchain tech in general, I'd like to meet up

>> No.2471439
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Them niggers are expensive.

>> No.2471440

I mean that would be great but I'm not sure how easy it would be to get citizenship there as a supposedly middle class American

>> No.2471450


> be me
> pay corporate tax
> pay income tax
> pay VAT
> pay extra tax on gasoline, tobacco and lord knows what else
> government leaves me 30% of my money
> put leftovers in crypto
> if i lose it, fuck me
> if I make money -> pay 25% capital gains tax plz
> buy house, pay real estate tax
> die of old age -> government takes cut of inheritance

wow it sure is great being a free man in (((modern society)))
im sure glad Im not born in times where people still owned slaves and serfs and shit

>> No.2471460

You DID know there would be taxes BEFORE you started trading, right?

>> No.2471488


>t. Dummer Schluchtenscheiser ohne Ahnung vom leben, geh doch umbringen "hawara"

>> No.2471527
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>> No.2471556

don't like it? Go and live in the woods, just don't use our hospitals, roads, water, sewage system or food.

>> No.2471570
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just list everything that is not taxed, it's faster

>> No.2471580

My wife and her family does it for us for free, but I give them like $20 bucks as a gift for doing it.

Make some real friends you stupid fucker.

>> No.2471592


yes we would never have any of that if it wasnt for the almighty government taxing us to death

thank you government for creating all this wealth and technological advancements!

>> No.2471593



>> No.2471599

My dick.

>> No.2471600
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>HMRC accepts Bitcoin at face value as a currency.
Unlucky, Americucks

>> No.2471621
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1.2% on anything above ~25k EUR

not even joking, no typos there. 1.2 fucking percent

also, i'm on autismbux and it doesn't matter how much capital I have or gain. I'll never have to pay anything back and i'll never stop receiving that free money

ahaha normie wagecucks BTFO again

>> No.2471630

If you get a citizenship in any EU country you can live/work in any EU country. You only pay taxes to the country you've lived in for the last 6 months.
If you have recent Irish or Italian heritage you can get one easily. Otherwise, there are a few EU countries that only require 5 years residence.

>> No.2471660

Fucking leftist spotted.

>> No.2471683

Cash out in Isle of Man, man.

No speed limits or capital gains taxes there btw, good lambo land

>> No.2471724

Looks like EU is the best bet, laddies. Fellow amerifats, let's learn Arabic and go over there are refugees

>free gibs
>low taxes
>we get to cuck Hans and Sven

>> No.2471743

In Germany your crypto gains are free after a year.

>> No.2471854

No, you don't. Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.2472027


How the fuck are germany so rich?

>> No.2472099

Oh, well that's quite interesting to know.
I should what if you have a dual citizenship with the US and another country? Really doubt it'd be so easy, but you don't suppose I could just go there, sell, and not have to pay or something like that?

>> No.2472251

thats a big risk especially if you have over a million dollars and they decide to sell it for themselves lol

>> No.2472316

>cashing out into (((fiat)))
Crash this meme with no survivors

>> No.2472384
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I'm in France, If I ever win 1 000 000 they would steal me 450 000€

You don't even have the right to complain.

>> No.2472416

It's my family though. Er my wife's family. Anyway I trust them enough. Plus the way I do it it goes into my wife's account in her home country and her family just happens to have access to it.

So yeah, that "risk" is better than paying fucking 35% in tax you moron.

>> No.2472429

No, it has to be a gift.

What part of this do you not understand? Stop trying to fuck around with my procedure. Do it the way I fucking told you. As a gift.

>> No.2472435


Can't even do that in KEKFRANCE :) because : If someone send me more than 35K the tax would be 60%

>> No.2472449

Do you have some idea /biz/ ? Actually have 100k in ETH, don't know what do to with them

>> No.2472495

Wouldn't the family who's gifting it back to you have to pay taxes on it anyway?

>> No.2472650

Presumbly, they dont live in a place where crypto is taxed.

>> No.2472695

say you have dual citizenship with a place with a lower taxrate, can I withdraw there and bring my money back or will the gov still claim it?

>> No.2472713

How long will take for developing nations to switch to using crypto as their currencies? If not officially on a federal level then simply the preferred way for common folk to conduct transactions? Then we could all move to developing nations and live the good life as true crypto kings.

>> No.2472766

Why even bother at that point? When you have to give more than half to the government is it really worth your time?

>> No.2472842

>shapeshift all your crypto to monero, receive it on a brand new address from an unrelated IP.
>Sorry government, I was hacked and have no gains.
Would this work? If not, what the fuck do you do if you actually made millions off crypto and then got hacked before you sold?

>> No.2472867

They send you to jail anyway since the prison industrial complex will make either them or one of their friends money off you anyway

>> No.2472917
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kill yourself fuckin commie scum!
i really mean it, i want you all to die.

>> No.2472958

>free to leave at any time
There's a huge fee to renounce US citizenship.
Makes no goddamn sense. That is theft.

My parents had me in the US and therefore I'm a US citizen. I didn't choose that, yet I have to pay not to use that right.

>> No.2472967

Paying taxes?? LOL!
You must be the biggest IDIOT if you ever decide to pay as much as 1% of your gains in taxes! The whole PURPOSE of crypto is to gain money without paying fucking taxes... Heck, get a prepaid creditcard with Bitcoin on it, and spend it on everyday items.. Buy GOLD with your BTC at Bitgild.com and return it at your local coin shop for CASH...

You people are fucking stupid

>> No.2472968
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you fuckin statist shill, if i ever get the chance, if there is some sort of civil war, any kind of collapse, breakdown, anything, i swear to god i will hunt and kill as many of you commie bastards as possible.

>> No.2473045

If only we had slaves again we wouldn't ha evto pay income tax

>> No.2473060

Many of us won't have a choice when cuckbase
inevitably gives all our personal info and purchase details to the IRS

>> No.2473092

But slaves were freed 1865, just over 50 years before 1913. What's more, the only thing they were good for was picking cotten so the only people getting rich off them were plantation owners. They would have had nothing to with building roads, schools, colleges, or railroads (although I do acknowledge chinese laborers were used and treated rather poorly, they still were not slaves)

>> No.2473145

I would be interested in looking into this further but I'm not sure which country I would want to actually be a citizen of and also that is a country that would give actually someone a residence permit not based employment but on online trading. The countries that most people consider desirable like say the UK and >>2471423 would never give an American as residence permit based on trading because they only give out residence permits to highly skilled wagecucks which skills that are in demand and that they need because there is a shortage.

>> No.2473204

Move to Illinois.

>> No.2473221

Get out before we're in a police state

>> No.2473253

In my country bitcoin is property KEK

>> No.2473269

i have to pay fucking 42% stop crying

>> No.2473270

The south of Argentina is treating me very nice. Left the U.S before Trump's election and haven't missed that shithole yet.

Google "San Carlos de Bariloche"
Let me know when you're in town anon.

>> No.2473275
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here is your answer, another anon did it before me >>2473092 you fuckin statist scum and after reading that just kys.

>> No.2473293

Between 18% and 28% in the UK but you get a tax-free allowance of 11k per annum before you pay

>> No.2473310
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nice logic here.

>i get raped from jamal without lube so u should be fine getting fucked without consent

>> No.2473315

What about citizenship through marriage? Bribe her if you have to but make sure it's less than what you would have to pay in taxes and don't tell her just how much crypto you have


looks like Spain and Poland might be your best bet, but most of the others are only like 3 years anyway. Then once you're a citizen you can drag your new wife to Luxembourg or wherever and start cashing out

>> No.2473339


Fucking kek

>> No.2473390

Yeah I think you literally have to renounce citizenship if you live in the US to avoid taxes. You'll have to pay taxes for both countries.

>> No.2473418

I'll seriously never understand people who are so cucked as to seriously think like this. Like what the fuck happened to you growing up to make you such a willing and obedient slave?

>> No.2473426

Fuck waves

>> No.2473454

Hospitals were better privatized
Same for food
Roads in poor shape, with too much paid per mile
Septic and water i can agree on there, but that should be mostly it, and small local gov takes care of that not federal now fuck off.

t. 100% okay with paying state taxes but fuck federal

>> No.2473515

From paris with a fucking cockring xD

>> No.2473661

I want (((feinstein))) and (((yellen))) to stop making these threads

>> No.2473865

>be burger in foreign country
>meet qt
>things are going well. she treats me really well best a girl has ever treated me
>we get engaged and married
>suddenly she changes does a 360 turn into a total bitch
>turns out she was playing the long game
>she files divorce
>court gives her everything and leaves me with nothing because she is a local and I'm a rich foreigner.

>> No.2473935

>Gets Married

>> No.2474001

And I bet Varg's ass getz sum ov dat gibs me dat

>> No.2474094

implying you couldnt just flee back to murrica as soon as she filed. Divorce isnt a reason to withdraw your passport or keep you from leaving the country.

>> No.2474124

>Divorce isnt a reason to withdraw your passport or keep you from leaving the country.
Not sure about other countries but in the US they can revoke your passport for failing to pay her.
Also as a US citizen you are taxed no matter where in the world, solar system, galaxy, universe, etc you are, so the discussion was about giving up US citizenship and becoming a citizen of another country

>> No.2474165

You could marry an ugly girl. She might be less likely to leave you since her options are slim.

>> No.2474545
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Feudalism never died.

>> No.2474659


Your parents entered a contract with the state when they signed your birth certificate, you are renouncing your contract with the US and therefore are paying a penalty for leaving the contract "early" (before death).

>> No.2474748

The only way the irs knows about the money you make is if your bank or someother entity flags you for large cash deposits e.g. 10k i think. Other than that they are just expecting you to claim it as income on your tax return. Cash out small amounts periodically then put into bank in small amounts

>> No.2474803

Sorry if it doesn't fit into your world view, but it's true.

Whether you use your BTC to buy Coca Cola or LiteCoin (=trading), if your BTC are worth more than when you bought them, you have to write it down and pay taxes on it.