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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24696654 No.24696654 [Reply] [Original]

>£40k net worth

>> No.24696687

why do people make bragging posts

>> No.24696692

>poor as fuck, suicidal

>> No.24696708

It's fucking Corona time dude.
You can't go on a vacation, go to clubs, festivals, fuck expensive hookers etc etc
Just in this Corona period I saved $700k just by not going outdoors.

>> No.24696726

He has more money than the average Brit at the age of 26.
This can be only considered poor in the detached /biz/ bubble

>> No.24696743

>only $2.5m net work and $3k passive income a month
bros...how the fuck do I cope? Im such a fucking failure, how can I ever make it?

>> No.24696773


Yes, but we are in the biz bubble.

>> No.24696857
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>-£108 net worth

>> No.24696871


>> No.24696890

>Same age
>Only 35K Kiwi dollars

Just end it

>> No.24696946

40k is poor as fuck tier

>> No.24696961

it's simple
>below 100k
poor tier
>between 100k and 1 million
middle class
>above 1 million
well off

>> No.24696970

You should have at LEAST 200k

>> No.24696978

Fuck no, well off is $500M+

I only have $34M rn at 18 and feel poor as fuck.

>> No.24696983

You're literally just arbitrarily making shit up. Having 40k is literally not poverty it just means you aren't able to recklessly spend money. That seems to be your metric of rich vs poor.

>> No.24696987

>31 yrs old
2k net worth

I already know I'm ngmi, I'm just floating through my final days atm, feels oddly disconnected and peaceful

>> No.24696999

40k is poor when that's considered the lower classes 1 year salary.

>> No.24697004

>$4.3m in crypto
>no girl will look at me and I have ED from porn addiction

it's over bros ..

>> No.24697013

give me 1 mill of that and i will show you how to live a life off it and not need more and show you that you are a stuck up piece of shit who is clueless at money management lol

>> No.24697029

Lower class isn't poverty, it's lower class. It means you aren't well off but it means you have a roof over your head and can feed yourself. /biz/ defines poverty as not being able to waste money on fucking lambos and plane rides along with the perceived social status and image of poverty not actual working definitions of poverty.

>> No.24697037

I feel poor but I‘m aware this is above the median networth here. My people are broke as fuck and I will have approx 200k by the age of 30 so I’m feeling okayish and pray for a golden bullrun.

>> No.24697043

I only have €70k. I'm poor af.
Only €5k in ETH, CORE, RLC though.

>> No.24697046

>doing better than 95% of others

>> No.24697054

See >>24696961

>> No.24697133

In Tier 1 countries I'd even say poor is until 200k, it's called 6 digits hell for a reason. You can't buy a car since then you'd be 150k again and real estate starts at 700k+ so realistically you are stuck here for quite a bit.

Don't kid yourself with how much inflated prices are everything below 200k is not a lot of money anymore for tier 1 countries atleast.

t. 110k hell

>> No.24697164

I already saw that, >>24696983
its literally just made up based on feelings, fucking 50k is middle class in some parts of America when costs of living are taken into consideration in places in West Virgina and so on.

>> No.24697178

>it's called 6 digits hell for a reason.
Is it though? I googled "six figure hell" and only result I got was /biz/

>> No.24697187

See >>24696961

>> No.24697196

Dude just stop replying to me if you're gonna be a retard who thinks his feelings dictate reality.

>> No.24697203
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See >>24696961

>> No.24697207

But how many link?

>> No.24697212

You're 20 years old aren't you?

>> No.24697238
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>£150k NW

I'd be happy if I wasn't applying to medical school where if I get in I'll be graduating and starting my first real job at 27 (in the UK doctors typically start at 23/24). I'm currently wiping arses for minimum wage at a care home while my friends are all starting their careers, buying houses, travelling etc while I'm doing this crap. I know I'm doing better than most my age but for someone of my academic ability I feel like a bit of a fuck up.

>> No.24697252
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>> No.24697262

>Just turned 31
>Negative 8k worth

There isn't a wojak red enough

>> No.24697263

stop larping

>> No.24697267
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>mom and dad rich as fuck
>I am their only child

>> No.24697278
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more than the average Brit. you are doing well. remember 90% or some other high number of Brits don't have more than £100 quid in their savings account and that's not because they are all in shitcoins.

congrats bro. with time and patience that will grow. best of luck pal

>> No.24697303

31 , 3k euro net worth wagie, i was never meant to make it, now my plan is to put 600euro to stocks, keep 1k euro in bank for unexpected emergencies and gamble 1k euro on uniswaps.
my salary - 800euro per month, i can invest like 200eur per month if i really push myself (eating crappy food). How can i make it? my skilss are - graphic design and not much else...

>> No.24697344

how do you make 800 a month? a mcd employee makes 1400 in yurop. i would work on that first

>> No.24697383

there is another class below the poor class, it's called homeless drug addict tier

>> No.24697426

Don't worry - take it from me. I'm a post-graduate, much older than you, and applying to medical school in the next couple of years. When I undertook my shadowing, the surgeons I knew there told me to my face that they were actually envious of my current position. Most of my friends who are as you've described are total wage slaves, mired in debt, and immobile. Don't be fooled. The long game always wins. You'll have your opportunities.

>> No.24697448

Europe is not a one country. For example in poland mcdonald pays around 4 usd/h xD

>> No.24697563

dont work in poland then fagg

>> No.24697574

holy shit, as someone who wants to move to europe i better avoid this country.
Where are you from? Greece?

>> No.24697584

yeah? https://www.google.com/search?q=lithuania+median+income&oq=lithuania+median+income&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30.3479j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

>> No.24697623

Lithuania is a great place to live. Keep stacking. Try to buy real estate if possible

>> No.24697626

sure im gonna buy real estate with my 3k savings

>> No.24697642

and its not great place to live, people here are terrible, lots of gopniks ( white niggers), not many career opportunitys, low wages, high corruption etc etc

>> No.24697648

>tier one
Nice chinkspeak

>> No.24698054

Considered upper class where I live

>> No.24698053

yikes i made that last month doing nothing

>> No.24698091

> £270k net worth

It's 90% in crypto and I can't cash out more than a set amount every year.

>> No.24698213

Wtf, put your 2.5m into Eth 2 you retard and earn 30k pm now and 10k pm at 5% which is where it will probably trend down to by the end of 2021

>> No.24698256

Yes you can, you'd can just pay tax

>> No.24698272

>$308k net worth
I'm not even halfway where you're at, imagine how poor my life is

>> No.24698412
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>you'd can just pay tax

I do not support my tax money going to the welfare state. Nice English pajeet.

>> No.24698606

>€9k yearly

Sure love living in eastern europe, someone fucking kill me please

>> No.24698670

Heh, we're going to make it right....

>> No.24698992

Same here
Germans are happy with being squeezed by the government though

>> No.24699163

You’ve already made it

>> No.24699179

you have 5 IQ for believing that bait

>> No.24699246

Germany also isn’t the United States where all of the tax money is spent on gibs

>> No.24699323
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Feels bad man

>> No.24699408

All of the tax money is spent on bailing out other EU countries, importing more niggers and funding government propaganda TV.

>> No.24699496

$20k nw

I have $10k just sitting in my checking account and $10k in boomer mutual funds, what do?

>> No.24699672


>> No.24701200
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60k EUR in DUSK, 1k in bank account

Feeling poor but comfy, think i'll have just enough to make it to ~2 mil over the next two years

Not gonna make it with those investments fren, if you don't know much about crypto just keep it simple and split that money between BTC, ETH, and LINK, and make sure to take profits on the way up during the bull run