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File: 627 KB, 1080x1721, 20201210_035659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24697634 No.24697634 [Reply] [Original]


No wonder this shitcoin pumped.

>> No.24697652

>pumping your own shitcoin
Can you get any more scammy than this?

>> No.24697676

Hate xrp but need proof or it didn't happen

>> No.24697705

Ripple came out and said they did buy XRP faggot.

>> No.24697744
File: 159 KB, 600x485, 5F9FE56A-3789-4D33-8C85-5E58507ABEB1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pumping their useless shit token so that they can dump on retarded nigs and normie zoomers

Actually based

>> No.24697763

Where? You get all your info from decrypt? I'm sure they are a highly trustworthy nobody site though.
Don't get me wrong, I'd be the first person to take this news and have fun on the xrp thread

>> No.24697815

Seething bag holder. Stay poor

>> No.24697852

Are you fucking retarded? Rhetorical question because the answer is obvious.
Xrp is junk and I'll take whatever fud you have to smear in the faces of those bag holders but I'm not one for the Donald Trump style of influencing.
I like to fact check my information before I use it. Can you provide proof of your statement or is it just bullshit?

>> No.24697895


This link is right there in the article mentioned in OP.

>> No.24697897

It literally took 2 minutes to google it.
Now shut up.

>> No.24697926


>> No.24697935

i dont get why theyd buy it.... because ripple ans ripple workers are not eligable for the flare airdrop lol so its weird as they dont stand to profit in any way of doing this... they usually just dump and sell instead, perhaps they think the flare will indeed give a use case to xrp and make its price explode so they can dump it all later at high price?

>> No.24697970

Thats fucking mental!
How is this sustainable?
This is way more bearish than LINK selling.

>> No.24697971
File: 5 KB, 259x194, nonxrpholderstockphoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-the price is only pumping because of the upcoming airdrop
>i m-mean..the price is only pumping b-because ripple is buying their own coin
lol, make up your minds retarts. The cope from anti-standard fucks is palpable.

>> No.24697981

they did it to price manipulate and get some interest. Sell now

>> No.24697982


>> No.24698017


Stay poor faggot XRP bag holder

>> No.24698031

Cope. Seething bag holder

>> No.24698066

>plebbit spacing
>5 posts by this id
lmao post your portfolio so we can all have a laugh, you're obviously a retarded nigger

>> No.24698103

Actually you're both mongtards.

>> No.24698123 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 1160x1606, A1AC5427-A6B2-43C0-AEE6-8AF1E7FB0D98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you participate in baseprotocol.org? What is your opinion about it?

Came across their cooperation with Uniswap. As I understand they want to make liquidity pools there and have already created Cascade services with passive income solutions.

>> No.24698138

The price is pumping because of the aordrop and its an incredibly pathetic pump too.
Probably why ripple needed to encourage it a bit with some market manipulation.
The same manipulation that is the only thing that might save you from a bloodbath on the 12th to be fair. But its a double edged sword if they decide to sell then xrp will be completely worthless.

>> No.24698155
File: 277 KB, 1080x1058, Screenshot_20201115-173818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't get emotional about hodling a shitcoin. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.24698159

Fuck off paid shill.
Spam campaigns like this only serve do destroy reputations.
Nobody was buying your rug before this paid shillfest and certainly nobody is buying it after

>> No.24698183

What am I coping with? Do you honestly believe I hold XRP?
If so then you are a fucking moron, if not then let's both just agree that XRP is a manipulated, useless, centralised scam and be frens

>> No.24698220

>Whole fucking market pumps
>Ripple has to buy own tokens to not stay behind

>> No.24698223

0.008USD/XRP buy-in here, good-luck when the OTC sells of BTC will be liquidated by microStrat on hte markets after being slid 13 of their stocks
>as if 47 million matters when 20 billion flew in from nowhere

>> No.24698280
File: 342 KB, 2000x949, 1602243309604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24698314


>> No.24698320 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 2584x1454, b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you heard about baseprotocol.org?

Run into about their cooperation with Uniswap, looks legit. Please, give your opinion about passive income options and staking services.

>> No.24698364
File: 148 KB, 1080x580, Screenshot_20201115-173742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cope is insane with this XRP bag holder

>> No.24698391

>not implying that the users of the ODL system have to buy/sell at high frequencies to fulfill the remittance orders as of now
>Filling every book-order and might cause the flywheel effect
>one shiity start-up working with Ripple has bullied Binance, Kraken, coinbase and Cumberland to halt any and all XRP trading activies for a 10 minute time frame
what do they know?

>> No.24698560

When i started my job a year ago and found some based bros i got them in on chainlink and we constantly made fun of a Hispanic guy who was an obvious xrp bagholder

>> No.24699287

from where do you think they got that 46 mil? lol.

>> No.24699375

DOW and NASDAQ companies do this constantly and it's bullish morons.

>> No.24699442

>Q5, 2020
i thought there were only 4

>> No.24699575

get a piece of glasses, blind mole

>> No.24699626

>comparing stocks to useless tokens the devs already own a massive proportion of

>> No.24699649

get a piece of glasses, blind mole