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24694371 No.24694371 [Reply] [Original]

Flare Drop in 1D18H02M

>> No.24694392

Are we actually getting all our spark on the day. Or are they gonna do that stupid 15% bs.

>> No.24694475
File: 996 KB, 4702x2637, FT_12_7_2020_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24694540
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China plans to take over the US by 2030 dispose of its citizens and take the breadbasket for itself.
Are you prepared?

>> No.24694939
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December 21st 2020 is a Very Important date in astrologically as it marks the end of a long era and the rebirth into a New Earth.

The last time that Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct in Aquarius was in January 615AD

Age of Aquarius Marks the beginning of the Age of light and truth and the age of prosperity.

>> No.24694957

12.12 has always been the snapshot day, not the distribution day. But yes you'll get 25% of your airdrop in Q1 2021 and then a certain percent every month to not cause massive dumps directly after distribution.

>> No.24694974


>> No.24696316

Actually thats pretty fucking impressive that some startup convinced over 60 exchanges (including biggest on the market) to literally hold trading of 3rd biggest asset just for them to make a snapshot. Which is not even same blockchain.
I dont know maybe thats schizos threads but I did not saw something like this in crypto ever and Im around couple of years. Maybe they really know something?

>> No.24696360

Wow who would have guessed? Really shocking

>> No.24696623

How are people going to sell at 00:01 utc 12/12 if there are no buyers?

>> No.24696671

remember to dump your SPARK so I can buy your bags at a discount. I look forward to lending XRP to all of you you at 6% interest in the coming years

>> No.24696693

You shouldn't be greedy, there is plenty for all of us. encouraging people to better their life should be what you strife for. You will gain 10fold as a result.

>> No.24696694

Remember retards that you need 2,5:1 spark:xrp ratio for collateral

>> No.24696712
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im not sure if i did it correctly
how do i verify if im ready for the drop?

>> No.24696737

FXRP works as follows:

>> No.24696745

Hello its me... chrono the god of time.. also the main character of chrono trigger... yes...

>> No.24696750
File: 800 KB, 1920x3038, flare-instructions-checklist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24696775

i'm not only prepared, i'm excited to see them try to conduct a land war in a country with 400 million firearms and a male population who has been primed for violence by the most sophisticated manipulation technology created since the Crystal Tablets of Thoth

>> No.24696815
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x5800, flare-instructions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enter your address you used to claim spark here. if you are verified it will link your flare address.

>> No.24696818
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don't forget about Flare Finance

>> No.24696844
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They will try. They will fail.
The Great Reset requires the US to fall from superpower position to 3rd world.
Trump stands in the way.

>> No.24697040


>> No.24697083
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>XRP dump in 2D18H02M

>> No.24697483

Not for another 580 years anon

>> No.24698758

I say it dumps after 75% are issued

>> No.24698835
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>> No.24699033

So...will I immediately see these tokens in MEW?
I am planning to immediately shuffle my XRP to a vanity account after the drop to keep them separate.
But I want to make sure I see the Flare first.

>> No.24699059

that's disgusting

>> No.24699208

Low test

>> No.24699215

Low standards. Will take anything.

>> No.24699416
File: 46 KB, 540x691, 2020AmericanMale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male population who has been primed for violence

>> No.24699424

High niggery

>> No.24699849

And this piece of shit can even get back to 60c, I'm dumping everything after the 12th this fucking coin is doomed.

>> No.24699966

Btw if flare is so revolutionary why people do not want it from snapshot? Or there will be huge green dildo few hours before?

>> No.24700227

Fuck Xrp and all their brainwashed chromosome collecting niggers

>> No.24700335

"Transitions between the aeons always seem to have been melancholy and despairing times, as for instance the collapse of the Old Kingdom in Egypt… between Taurus and Aries, or the melancholy of the Augustinian age between Aries and Pisces. And now we are moving into Aquarius, of which the Sibylline Books say: Luciferi vires accendit Aquarius acres (Aquarius inflames the savage forces of Lucifer). And we are only at the beginning of this apocalyptic development! Already I am a grandfather twice over and see those distant generations growing up who long after we are gone will spend their lives in that darkness…. "

>> No.24700405

do we know the exact time of the snapshot?

>> No.24701371
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