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File: 129 KB, 1400x787, bondedplatform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24683658 No.24683658 [Reply] [Original]

Rumor of cronje connection

Kek is with us

OG Linkies created FUD to move into BOND

Bullish FUD

Within two weeks they have had 5 partnerships + CEX listing. The team is profesional and gets things done behind the scenes. You should at least check out the other threads before you turn pink wojak within the next two weeks, any day now. biz will be BTFO about this one. It is currently below pre-sale price and between private/pre-sale price. biz has never been handed something this easily. Read the threads above the FUD is because it's easy to make you idiots not buy in until 2 weeks from now at 5-10x. Only few will be able to realize this and that's why I am making this thread. Most will really believe the FUD and not buy until we are 10x from here.

Did anyone actually read this?
Elrond -https://elrond.com/blog/defi-growth-bonded-finance-joins-the-elrond-ecosystem/



REN -https://medium.com/@bondedfinance/bonded-lists-ren-250340d43c4e

Orion -https://blog.orionprotocol.io/bondedfinance

Matic -https://medium.com/@bondedfinance/matic-partners-with-bonded-d119a76c36fb

Origin -https://medium.com/@bondedfinance/bonded-partners-with-origin-protocol-11505c27e341

Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x64c29aac69d3122f6e5531ceca1b753f95350af4

Website: https://bonded.finance/

>> No.24683674
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Platform (pic related) in OP will be here in 2 weeks or less. don't say you weren't warned. look at the roadmap, professional doxxed team who has already over-delivered compared to most projects and it's only been two weeks. how many projects actually have a CEX listing within 2 weeks? every project they are partnered with is listed on Binance, you should be able to figure out what comes next yourself. all of these projects with credibility have partnered and already did the DD for you on this one if you are actually a brainlet, read of the partnership articles.

>If you read nothing else this year on any project, read the articles on the Elrond & Orion partnerships they will open your eyes

>but I can't read all the links what is some of the the value I'm illiterate (here's a snippet from one of them)
>Currently, crypto assets are distributed over 700+ exchanges competing for a finite amount of liquidity. Orion Protocol is solving this by aggregating the liquidity of the entire crypto market into one decentralized platform. Aggregating the liquidity, order book depth, and price discovery from every centralized and decentralized digital asset market enables the creation of our flagship product, Orion Terminal: the decentralized gateway to the entire digital asset market.
>Meanwhile, Bonded Finance aims to aggregate dormant value so it can be realized. Through an algorithmic model that aims to unlock, aggregate and de-risk ~50 billion in dormant value distributed amongst untapped digital assets, Bonded Finance will allow supporters of qualifying altcoin projects to borrow against these assets, or pool them and start earning.

They are also currently testing bETH which will be used for inroads onto the platform, broader crypto adoption + interoperability on the platform. This means boomer money will flow into this, or big business money. Remember they have private investors who are likely big companies with the obvious business relationships these people have.

>> No.24683869

from OP if you really don't understand why there is so much FUD and skipped reading all of it

>next thing biz missed out on

OG Linkies created FUD to move into BOND

>Tyler seething because $BOND ticker

Bullish FUD

>> No.24684276
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and it will be too late for biz once they make a big announcement which could come any day or time now

>> No.24684935

yeah platform within 2 weeks. and hard to think they won't have more partnerships and possibly another CEX listing any time soon. chart already bottomed and people will still ignore it until it's at least 2-3x if not more kek.

>> No.24685002

The delivered early so far on everything on the roadmap on the website and then some. Could even be before EOW too.

>> No.24685533

This token is strictly for governance, what utility does it have in the platform?

>> No.24685711

Have you read the lite paper on the website? Pegged assets and everything on the platform is going to use the token? All of the loans, pegged assets and collateralized assets will be using bond?


>> No.24685727

What makes this any better than AAVE which I'm currently using and has a shitload more features already?

>> No.24685842
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The fact its named BOND

>> No.24685937

Look at the difference in market cap and not saying you should all in unless you want to, that’s more up to you friend. 10x from here is like 30m market cap. A lot of room for growth and they are releasing the platform within two weeks, maybe less. They plan to have an inroad (probably from boomers and private investors or big companies) and will have different partnerships. Different use-case kind of they plan to form partnerships with all of the alt coins that have stable long term value and aren’t being utilized for this. See the partnerships they have now.

>> No.24686162
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I hope this messed up data feed is foreshadowing...

>> No.24686226

stop shilling this curry scam

>> No.24686255


>> No.24686271

Kek. We will likely 5x within the next two weeks literally any day. The price bottomed because of the orchestrated FUD which I have that info in OP. They have partnerships with a lot of projects who obviously did due diligence for us already, delivered early on the roadmap. So the platform that is meant to be released week 3 of December could come any time between now and next week. I also think they will have another CEX listing very soon, probably Binance because literally all 5 projects they have partnerships with are on Binance.

>> No.24686327
File: 969 KB, 1920x1440, 007_eoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro... are you sure you're not holding barnbridge? because it looks like you're holding barnbridge lmao

>> No.24686350

You can literally look at the wallets accumulating on UniSwap and trying to keep the price here. They dump and emotional stupid holders panic sell from the FUD they created. Go look at the whale wallets and the projects they hold / have made stacks and bought in on early. Soon enough they won’t be able to suppress the price because they are going to release more news soon. I don’t understand if some of you guys are braindead or accumulating.

>> No.24686553
File: 220 KB, 1080x482, SmartSelect_20201203-001014_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, is this fag about to be rekt?

>> No.24686633

There’s 2 BOND tokens which one do I buy. Barn bridge (BOND) or Bonded.finance (BOND). Also that’s confusing as fuck why did they do this

>> No.24686693

Hey idiot, which one do all the links in OP say?

>> No.24686705

bonded.finance is the BOND that actually has a future, for some reason they chose BOND as their ticker and the barnbridge idiots are mad about it on twitter

>> No.24686724

Bonded.Finance I linked the dextools

No this is unironically going to go 5-10x in the next 10-15 days. They will release the platform any day between now and end of next week or two, but they have been delivering early. Literally read the information I posted this is pretty much a spoon feed I don’t get it, why does no one just fucking read.

>> No.24686745

One has a lot of liquidity and the other doesn’t. Just making sure OP didn’t fuck up and get confused

>> No.24686756

Tyler kek he created a lot of the FUD
See >>24396627

>> No.24686761

so they basically want to be pajeet aave by importing smaller coins for staking/lending on their platform? am i missing something? the only thing that makes me bat an eye is the 3m mcap

>> No.24686872

They will do others too, they just also want to access the part of the market that is stable and not utilized. And possible partnerships with Cronje projects which we all know what that does for any token that does that. Yeah the current market cap should make anyone who isn’t braindead buy in if they read literally anything I posted, it’s literally below presale price because of the FUD campaign. I don’t care if anyone buys in or not, don’t need anyone to buy my bags just trying to help out biz because this is literally a fucking no brainer, I posted all of the information here just read and make a decision to anyone reading. When is the last time this kind of shit has happened? ETH, Antshares, LINK, etc. Not saying this will be doing a 1000x but follow the whale wallets here and look at what they have made stacks on in the past.

>> No.24686905

There's only one pajeet on the team and he's the lead dev, the rest are white. I'm sure Sameep (lol) is extremely competent and will hire more devs to come.

$3M mcap means there's huge room for growth. Stick around, pal

>> No.24686981

It’s price is tanking again. It’s officially never lifting off.

>> No.24686990

The platform is more than likely going to be released in the next week give or take a few days. They’re testing bETH right now and anyone would be retarded to not realize when it comes out we won’t 2-3x short term, the price already can’t be suppressed to the bottom. I think half the problem is biz can’t wait a week or two for easy 5-10x they want to 2x daily and buy rug pulls. That or they can’t read? I really don’t understand to be honest at this point. What project has this market cap and has partnerships with big projects like they do?

>> No.24687040

Of Cronje even sneezed BOND on Twitter I would neck myself

>> No.24687041

Look at the wallets “dumping” they have been swinging trying to keep the price down for two weeks and even more so since we left the bottom. Some of them are about to get fucked, you can literally piece it together if you just look at the but buy/sell wallets on dextools Kek.

>> No.24687102

You’re shilling hard how much do you have? Maybe you’re not crazy and just right. I don’t know.

>> No.24687116

Look at the big projects that are partnered with them within two weeks of releasing the token. It’s honestly not that unlikely. Regardless there’s going to be some big names or projects partnering with them, and already are. Do people really think these projects don’t look into who they are partnering with? They are professionals with business backgrounds, the news isn’t leaking before it’s public because they have actual professionalism. If you let biz FUD cloud your judgement on this one I’m sorry anon, I put all the info here so that people could realize for themselves and read.

>> No.24687158

I bought the bottom just trying to share the info with biz desu. I honestly don’t care if anyone here buys, just trying to help anyone who was going to buy but didn’t because of the FUD. There was a private sale buyer in a thread last night who said they bought 200k worth and can’t wait for biz to get BTFO when they see what’s coming.

>> No.24687246

Here you go and for anyone interested.


>> No.24687344

>he doesn't know

>> No.24687720
File: 92 KB, 1846x897, bondchart1292020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to mention, these kinds of bottomed out charts are what you have to wait months or years for some projects to be able to buy before knowing you have good upcoming development/news. especially to be able to buy near pre-sale/private price. if we somehow stay here i will be loading up more in a few days. just hope i could help out at least one anon for the ride up.

>> No.24688113

The CEX is going to rally soon too. biz really is masochists because many will buy in within the next 3 days when we are 2-3x.

>> No.24688128

You helped me, anon

>> No.24688209


>> No.24688260


>> No.24688300

That’s all that matters. Just wanted to help at least one person. I would recommend selling some to ride a free investment on or around Christmas Day too because at the end of the month some of the private tokens get unlocked, so I’d assume some of them will dump. So I would personally derisk and leave whatever you want, will be a lot of growth over the next year too though. We have a lot coming before then that will put us probably 5-10x by then though. And as the other anon said last night.

> Compound and aave did a 100x with a target market 1/50th of what bonded is targeting

>> No.24688664


Kek is with us

>> No.24690209

People whining about how "50% APR will make this not go up" don't seem to realize XDAI / STAKE pulled a 40X with the same APR.

You're all gonna stay poor come EOY.

>> No.24690248
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>> No.24690794

we know.

>> No.24690994

How do you buy bond? Where can I find the token?

>> No.24691041



Just click trade and it will bring you to the uniswap. Also on bitmax but uniswap is better imo.

>> No.24691210


>> No.24691267

New to biz, it looks like I can't buy this with £ do I have to buy some tether first?

>> No.24691286

download metamask and use uniswap

>> No.24691367

this. ETH or USDT. metamask. uniswap. enter contract address. click two buttons.

>> No.24691403
File: 153 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20201206-031603_Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me how I turn this shit in to cash or is this a coinbase wallet glitch and I dont have 50k....


>> No.24691454

Wrong BOND LOL. It’s Bonded.Finance not BarnBridge.

>> No.24691507

stop using anything coinbase.

>> No.24691533

Thank you. So metamask is a web3 browser and also a wallet that holds my eth and in turn lets me use eth to buy bond on uniswap? Maybe a stupid question but why isn't this available on binance/kraken? It feels like jumping through extra hoops and I dont understand why

>> No.24691676

Am I too late?

>> No.24691743

No anything under 2 cents is stealing. Anything under 5 is still fairly safe. I would only recommend buying up to 2 cents or under though.

>> No.24691769

>23 post shill
why do you bother

>> No.24691770

You still here. Your bags must be massive. Scared for anons. You’re gonna dump on them.

>> No.24691823

fuck it.
I'll buy a couple hundred for fun.

>> No.24691827

It's a plug-in. It's brand new, so more good exchanges will take time.

Bitmax is fine for smaller buys under $20k with little spread.

Under IDO price ($0.03-3.5) is a great entry.

>> No.24691841

You are delusional I am just trying to help anons from the FUD. I bought the bottom and would just keep accumulating at this price instead of even sharing. Just read the information shared you will pretty easily understand.

>> No.24691844

Everything doesn't get listed instantly on every exchange as soon as it exists. Uniswap is a decentralized exchange that can swap any ERC-20 token so you can find things early there. Then you can enjoy the pumps when your coin gets listed on other exchanges and bought up by people who were too lazy for the "extra hoops"

>> No.24691857

Couple hundred? It’s 1.5 cents kek

>> No.24691861
File: 127 KB, 640x853, 1594024110953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made this thread and he's proud of it.

>> No.24691872

The people who make threads and don’t reply are gays. Very rude to do that

>> No.24691885

idk man I have a lot of IDLE and it might do at least a 2x from now

>> No.24691912
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Based. And I bought the bottom but also bought more a couple times. I find the whales dumping annoying as fuck too but once the CEX starts rallying we will take off. I haven’t made it yet so I don’t have massive bags to even dump with if I wanted to. I however unironically think we can make it off this, thank fuck for the coordinated FUD that gave us this price.

>> No.24692031

You might be safe waiting a few more days to acquire BOND but don't push your luck.
Mainnet in less than two weeks.

>> No.24692084

Yeah it’s hard to say no one knows they have a lot of professionalism and have delivered early on everything so far. V1 product release says December week 3.

>> No.24692099

Thread reeks of curry lmao
Please reply to this post shills I need (yous)

>> No.24692107

i'm having a hard time deciding between this, api3 and wcres.

>> No.24692111

Warning you now you are going to get scammed don't fall for it

>> No.24692141


I had the issue between this and API3 but know that they are releasing product within two weeks and just going to sell some around Xmas and buy API3 too

>> No.24692156

can you prove that tania tare is actually involved in this? she's never tweeted anything about it..


>> No.24692162

if he was a pajeet then I would have to give him props.

>> No.24692166

post hand currynigger

>> No.24692202
File: 66 KB, 1024x602, 1590708236337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and keked

>> No.24692219

Arctic Circle BOND holder reporting in

>> No.24692226

It’s on her LinkedIn kek?

I’m aryan and I don’t care if you or anyone buy in make your own decisions brainlet

>> No.24692243
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>> No.24692265

Alright I checked elrond article, what's the suicide/make it stack?

>> No.24692338

You helped me too, I thought BOND was going to be a long term hodl so I sold to go into IDLE. Going to take profits soon and move them back into BOND. Thanks OP.

>> No.24692438

Now that staking is open I'm guessing we won't see $0,0015 again

>> No.24692460

I've never traded before. Should I buy btc, eth or dai before moving it to bond?

>> No.24692534

I mean $0,015

If you buy on Bitmax it's BOND/USDT. On Uniswap its BOND/ETH

>> No.24692541

ETHif you’re going to buy it on UniSwap. If you’re going to use BitMax you have to use the stable coin pair they have; so whichever you b it you will have to sell for the stable coin before you can buy it.

Yeah no clue we could still but I don’t really care about the hour to hour price desu.

That’s good anon, hope you read the info I presented to make that decision not just because there’s a big thread about it.

Don’t know whatever that means for you I would say. In my opinion we will 5-10x at least from here short term. And yeah that article and the Orion one were what had me sold.

>> No.24692562

Thus shit just broke out hard. 20 plus mil mcap incoming this week.

>> No.24692612

Thanks dudes. I'll be buying it on uniswap. Guess I'll have to buy and keep some extra eth for fees too?

>> No.24692636

I haven’t even looked at the chart since I took a screenshot of it earlier and still says it’s 0.0137 on delta.

>> No.24692653

I usually keep around .1 for fees yeah but not sure what would be recommended. You don’t have to if you just want to add more to your wallet later though your call on that one.

>> No.24692661

Exactly. I forget the gas ETH on new wallets so often I forgot to mention it. You're a pro already.

>> No.24692904

It's been a pleasure memeing with you lads

>> No.24692924

Redpill me on this..

>> No.24692932

Can you explain this? Been out of the game since early 2018 I still have a shit ton of old wallets but times have changed

>> No.24692945

17 cents and climbing. Platform must be coming sooner than expected.

>> No.24692965

Think he probably just means new people to using wallets with uniswap vs using a CEX

>> No.24693005

It’s likely just because of the staking coming out. But I don’t doubt we will have the platform on time or early.

>> No.24693011

It's a scam!
>REN partnership
It's a scam!
It's a scam!
It's a scam!
It's a scam!
>Bitmax listing

(you are here)

>> No.24693013

Figure it out for yourself, dummy

>> No.24693024


>> No.24693107

When you trade on a dex like Uniswap you connect your ETH wallet to make the trade. You pay the gas for the trade to the network and the fee to uniswap. If you spent all your ETH in the trade to buy BOND then you are out of gas and you can't move your BOND from the wallet, or make new trades off the list, before you send more ETH to your wallet to cover for the gas.

>> No.24693136

I have all 3. Will get even worse when you put Injective , Orion and AllianceBlock on your checklist too.
Buy them all fren

>> No.24693156


Bitmax always pumps staking event projects i have noticed.

>> No.24693174

How much to make it? Is 500k the min to make it?

>> No.24693286

Sorry anon you need at least 1MM to make it when this hits $1

>> No.24693328

I bought at 0.011, feeling pretty good so far. The chart is what really sold me and the fundamentals behind the projects are promising as well.

OP I will give you another token worth looking at in return: OPT. It's an options platform on Ethereum. Platform is going live in a couple of weeks, sub 1m market cap and ~1.5m total supply. Chart looks quite similar to BOND as well.

>> No.24693336 [DELETED] 

You mean biz are dumb enough to buy one for Jeff Kirdeikis mamy scam coins?

>> No.24693376

You mean biz are dumb enough to buy one of Jeff Kirdeikis many scam coins?

>> No.24693389

wcres is vaporware and super cringe.

API3 is not needed. buy chainlink if you want an oracle.

bonded finance is the best 10x potential of december and best 50x potential for 2021. period.

>> No.24693480

It's literally the shitty coinbase wallet app pulling wrong data.

>> No.24693573

Coingecko shows multiple OPT tokens. What's the actual name.

>> No.24693615

my bad it's not on coingecko yet. I don't shill often.


>> No.24693729

Makes sense. And when you sell, do you cash out to stablecoins or btc? What's the preferred way?

>> No.24693735

We won. The stinkers lost

>> No.24693942


>> No.24694062

how do i get my BOND off uniswap and into a wallet?

>> No.24694077

I doubt Cronje would touch this, for now..and I say this as a bagholder of $80,000 in BONDED.

It's going to moon regardless.

>> No.24694136

fud campaign over finally? we going to be above IEO yet? my small village needs this

>> No.24694137

I didn't read this thread but I got a stack and am feeling bullllllishhhh

>> No.24694177


X10 is fud once a platform hits in a week or two.

>> No.24694335

When you buy from Uniswap it goes in your ETH wallet directly

>> No.24694369

yeah i can't see it in metamask

>> No.24694398

Its there. Go to add token in metamask and enter the bond contract address and it will show up.

>> No.24694436

how is this thread still alive kek

>> No.24694447

just look on etherscan it's easier desu

>> No.24694483

Enter the contract (add token)

>> No.24694492

ah yes thank you

>> No.24694493

As a nervous bagholding bondbro with a .0129 average, I will keep this thread alive until I go to sleep

>> No.24694651

i wouldn't be nervous anon but if you're nervous why did you buy?

>> No.24694720

I'm never comfy when swinging my LINK

>> No.24694775

it's always okay to diversify anon and hold % in different things. imo I want to get API3 eventually too. I think both will co-exist. but you should never do something you aren't comfortable with the risk. i also bought some unimex on this dip I think that's going to be big too.

>> No.24694925

i bought 10k for fun

>> No.24695413

How does $10K sound?

>> No.24695476

likely desu

>> No.24695538

Whats your estimated time frame for 100x? Am excited to be a multimillionaire

>> No.24695734

if 100x happens that will be like 6 months to a year I strap in for, but you should take some profit at 10x

>> No.24695762

I guess that's me looking at worst case, it could be less than 6 months but honestly who knows, I am hopeful but don't want to make you think it will be in a month kek

>> No.24695885

It will be in a month if we both visualize it hard enough :'^))

Jokes aside, how realistic is a 25x, or 25c?