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File: 56 KB, 320x177, litecoin-coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2466823 No.2466823 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a "serious" discussion about Litecoin.

Pros? Cons?

Where will LTC be at the end of the year and the future?

What are some important dates to keep an eye out which might impact LTC's valuation?

If you have an opinion/prediction regarding Litecoin please give us your reasoning behind it.

>> No.2466854

I see a lot of people shill LTC but it seems like mostly a memecoin

>> No.2466868

>claims to be fast
>is actually slow
not much else going on with it

>> No.2466910
File: 95 KB, 640x636, tmp_24607-1491131381494-2030721875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


With the upcoming bitcoin fork/uncertainty Litecoin is certain to go up to $100+ this summer

I moved all of my "safely" allocated assets into ETH and LTC in anticipation of Bitcoin turmoil throughout January.

Will likely buy in the day of (August 1st) when bitcoin crashes hard (before it's ascent to 10k this time 2017)

I expect 10x on LTC in 1 years time easily. Also it seems very stable and did not dip much at all the past 2 days

>> No.2466925

Correction I meant during bitcoin's uncertainty through July

>> No.2466936
File: 9 KB, 280x187, 548b0c7af7f5f388fcd0220a86701bfd (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know... because every time BTC goes down LTC goes up...

>> No.2466966

Decred is better

>> No.2468216
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>> No.2468541

Litecoin has literally no advantage over btc once segwit is activated.

Every single one of these clowns shilling for litecoin is either a bagholder or they fell for the hype.

When btc is forked, fiat will be the most secure option, not ltc. Litecoin moves exactly like bitcoin on a exponentially small level.

There's a reason such an old tech hasn't mooned already. Look beyond the hype, this coin is just a cheap imitation of btc.

>> No.2468581
File: 3.97 MB, 319x186, u_talkin_shit_m8_swer_on_me_mum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just contradicted yourself though

>> No.2468595

6th ain't shit nigga

>> No.2468616

Guy who invented it is Charlie Lee, ex-Google guy. Got a git at Coinbase, just quit that job shortly after getting them to carry LTC. Says he left to focus on LTC. You think an ex-Google guy who worked at Coinbase is gonna be the only guy in crypto who doesn't see his baby pop? I'm long on LTC. Picked up add'l $500 worth yesterday. Insulting that this coin is so low and other shitcoins are so high. LTC will have it's day, bank on it.

>> No.2468665

LTC is very undervalued at this point considering it's a strictly better, faster and cheaper BTC.

But there's the danger that if BTC changes go through with success then LTC will be made completely obsolete.

You could move a bit of your BTC in LTC just to hedge against the upcoming changes, but now one knows if on August 1st BTC is going to moon or crash, it's all just speculation.

>> No.2468682

Once bitcoin uses segwit, this will improve transaction processing times, which is an advantage litecoin has over it due to having originally being made as an improvement over bitcoin. I'm still curious to see what will happen with litecoin in future.

>> No.2468721
File: 134 KB, 500x880, dethpostin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinese 51% pool

>> No.2468743

Not a con

>> No.2468798

LTC has been 30±5 for (crypto)ages.

>> No.2468848

I'll say this, both eth and btc don't deserve their current prices based on tech alone. This goes more into the safe haven side of crypto. It is not a bad thing that litecoin be "cheap" and less volatile. That just makes it far more practical for actual use. As an organization I'd prefer to know I won't wake up to my reserve holdings being worth -50% because some whales decided to take profit and all the weak hands panic sold.

>> No.2468851

Opposite, Atomic cross-chain trading between btc and ltc blockchains without need to trust third party will moon ltc

>> No.2468948

So on August 1st, you may lose your bitcoins or no, and everyone will be mass panicing putting their btc to some reliable altcoin for the duration of the fuzz?