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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 513 KB, 1000x810, bidencgt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24683539 No.24683539 [Reply] [Original]

Burgerbros, what the fuck, is this real? Nobody told me that! Can I change my vote now?

>> No.24683572

Does he want to balance the budgets?

>> No.24683607

what does that mean? I don't know

>> No.24683641

Millennial are being priced out of society for the betterment of the elite and the orc hordes they are breeding.

>> No.24683691


>> No.24683851

Only spend what you receive in taxes.

The reason the debt matters is that the country will spend 340 billion dollars this year on paying interest.

Remember flint?

There are plenty of cities that have old lead soldered joints,pipes, and fittings like Flint.

That 340 billion dollars could be used to replace everything with standardized parts which means a spare part could be delivered in a few days.

Not only we could ditch the old pipes but we could also build expensive infrastructure such as water treatment & desalinization plants so communities would never run out of water.

>> No.24683904


I still don't get it. Will I pay more taxes when cashing out or not? I can buy clean water if I want

>> No.24684182

I live in Flint. AMA. Buy silver from the coin shows at Dort Mall. Niggers everywhere. Water looks like sanjeev just scooped it out of the street.

>> No.24684303


I imagine he will likely both raise capital gains tax while also supporting about the same rate of FED spending.

>> No.24684338

I would keep the tax rate the same but have the government spend less.

>> No.24684363

lol thats even higher than canada max is 26% combined fed and provincial

>> No.24684369
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Nah, that's just because the city won't make their workers flush the system.

>> No.24684377

Will they really give money for it?

>> No.24684421

>Can I change my vote now?
You made your bed, cuck

>> No.24684422

>Have make it stack
>"sorry goy im going to take half of that"

Yeah I think Ill flee the country with my gains and kill any feds that try to stop me

>> No.24684463

Just kidding fed bros. Dont van me

>> No.24684484

Never gonna happen

>> No.24684558

>Nobody told me that
Yes we did

>> No.24684634

Only applies when you cash out 1 million plus

>> No.24684683

taxes suck. ill pay maybe 50 60k in taxes this year.

>> No.24684720

>paying taxes on crypto
good goy

>> No.24684725

You’re a retard for voting Biden. Holy shit, even an anoxic brain damaged person could tell biden and the ccp neoliberals would fuck the entire country over. Just look at Oregon, New Jersey, California, New York. All shit holes now.

>> No.24684780

Except none of those problems will be fixed you’ll just pay more for nothing. Even though it’s your money that was already taxed and even though you took on the risk of loss

>> No.24684825

where can i bet crypto on trump win?

>> No.24685302

This is for millionaires only, and no, this shit has zero chance of passing in the senate

>> No.24685385

Oh ok I'm fine then, thanks

>> No.24685450

>Buy Trumpcoin

>> No.24685549

After the Obama tax & state taxes you're looking at almost a 50% tax.

The rich will simply leave the country.

>> No.24685639

Balance the budget by cutting politician salaries?
Reducing CIA, FBI, CDC, EPA and all alphabet group budget and spending?
Get rid of gibs for losers?

Nah, just tax everyone else 100%, because that's where we're going.

>> No.24685658

Oh you mean the Senate that may go blue if the Georgia runoff doesn't go for the republicans? That Senate?

>> No.24685693

your money belongs to the state.
your freedoms are gone.
welcome to china 2.0.

>> No.24685700

Consider that senators and their friends are all millionaires.

>> No.24685721
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>have the government spend less

>> No.24685733

bu.. bu....but how is that possible on $174k/yr in a very costly city?

>> No.24686060

This won't pass with Mitch still there.

>> No.24686192

if you're cashing out over 400k pay some back to the system that got you there you fucking greedy jew

>> No.24686205 [DELETED] 

New CLF video


>> No.24686239

Fuck you if anything that’s still not enough. I need y’all to pay more taxes so i could afford UBI and universal healthcare

>> No.24686322

Biden can't do SHIT. Literally nothing. He would need the House AND the Senate, and he's probably not going to get the Senate. Turtleman will stall for four years and then we'll see what happens. Presidents can't just change tax rates on a whim.

>> No.24686325


>> No.24686357

he won’t be president so I wouldn’t worry about it

>> No.24686431
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based flyover state poster, calls the economic centers of the country shit holes from his trailer park

>> No.24686498

you would expect a stock market dump after this

>> No.24686533
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>43.4 percent
How the fuck am I supposed to buy a house with my gains now?

>> No.24686631

sweetie none of those states produce anything of value

>> No.24686635

>the government spend less
>liberal government
You must be over 18 to post here

>> No.24686650

>Does he want to balance the budgets?
Fuck no. He wants to tax more so he can spend even more wildly on various globalist causes, many of which are not located in the US and do not benefit the US.

>> No.24686658
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO and co-founder of Alameda Research and FTX.com was Joe Biden's second largest donor, below Bloomberg himself. What are the odds a faggot running an off-shore gambling ring (with a bet on the US Presidential Election outcome) will cough up half his shit for this?

>tfw burgers are prohibited from gambling on his platform
>tfw burger democracy

>> No.24686668

How peculiar
Expecting similar capital gains fuckery in the UK too
I wonder what other countries on the brink of covid assisted cataclysm are doing

>> No.24686696

And what'll really happen is they'll siphon off as much as they can for themselves and their buddies and it'll continue to be shit and "everyone's working hard together!"

>> No.24686709

This is only for the top bracket. Your modest 5 figure shitcoin gains won't be affected

>> No.24686738
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Georgia friend here, I hate PerJEW and that slut, but I'm voting for them over that basedboy jew ossof and that bigger. Insh'allah our capital gains won't get raised.

>> No.24686739

>imagine if the US just renigged on their bonds for new pipes
How about we just stop giving single mothers each $50k a year in benefits and let them and their children find new daddies instead of the state

>> No.24686792

imagine believing this when the government is already yoinking close to 50% of middle class wagies’ paychecks after factoring in all existing taxes. Tax is already crazy insane high and yet somehow there are still idiots so gaslit they will ask to be fucked even harder

>> No.24686802
File: 50 KB, 600x337, 1514408355171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre delusional beyond help if you think any significant amount of that money is going to actually help flint (or infrastructure anywhere else)

>> No.24686993

Not every democrat supports this either

>> No.24687065

can someone tell me why that’s a problem? it seems like the countries with the greatest wealth disparities have some of the most problems.

>> No.24687202

Oh fuck anon you just stumbled on knowledge that most will never understand.
Most countries don't care about the hyper wealthy leaving, because they don't pay any taxes anyway. Only in shit retarded burgerland do people cry about the poor billionaires.

>> No.24687668

This. Even then, I highly doubt its going to happen. Taxing everyone with 100 millions or more is fair game if you ask me, regardless of what you think about it, as a private person there is no reason as why you should have that much money, which is siphoned off of the excess labour and production globally, and then pay these measly tax rates. Its a joke, especially when you compare it to how heavy thesw taxes hit lower income or even normal upper class people who dont own 1/10 billion.

>> No.24687690

You're only allowed to balance the budget by cutting taxes.

>> No.24688043

>liberal globalist
>balance a budget
excuse me while I laugh.

biden doesn't give a fuck about you or any of your flyover state counties. the only thing he's there to do is take your money and spend it on wars, leftist non-profits, and solidifying globalist influence in the US and internationally.

>> No.24688089

go fuck yourself. I know how to spend my money better than these retard bureaucrats do.

>> No.24688127

>and solidifying globalist influence in the US and internationally
He doesn't give a fuck about US, he wants to push economical liberalism further, so his friend George Soros and the Rothschild can make big unethical business plays without the state cucking em.

>> No.24688178

I’ve only said this forever and you fucking retards listen to the niggers instead. I don’t want an apology, I want you desperate poorfag shills to leave. It was like when you retards bought into brap off of pure hopium and fantasy and then come back later saying how it could have worked. Or any other retarded shit coin that is made to trap poor people. Once a loser ALWAYS a loser. Now fuck off.

>> No.24688212

The budgets balance themselves apparently

>> No.24688623

DESU I'd love to see a tax on HFT's.

>> No.24688659

you will be surprised when trump is reelected. by reading through this thread, it is clear that none of you dig through political facts. equally poor investment research skills, i bet

>> No.24688696

>you will be surprised when trump is reelected. by reading through this thread, it is clear that none of you dig through political facts.

what happened to the "nuclear isotope ballots" schizo?

>> No.24688722

I live in Australia our water rates so good and is super clean kek

>> No.24688741

how fucking brainwashed can you be. Jesus christ

>> No.24688749

not american, dont care
eat the pod live in the bug

>> No.24688755

also, biden not only would raise capital gains, his crazy team plans to charge for UNREALIZED gains, meaning crypto you haven't even cashed out yet. those of you on biz who voted for biden did so out of ignorance, emotion or stupidity

>> No.24688789

That's what happens when a city has no tax base, because of white flight, and the entire city budget is getting eaten alive paying boomer pensions. Flint's budget for the next twenty years has already been spent. The federal government won't help because there's zero reason to bail out a city full of niggers that the politicians already embezzled to death.

>> No.24688851

theyll just redefine HFT and tax robinhood zoomers

>> No.24688859

you don't understand a single thing about the world you child. learn to think for yourself instead of letting the media plant all the thoughts in your head for you.

>> No.24688895

Dig a well nigger.

>> No.24688924

proving my point exactly with your assumptive ignorance

>> No.24688982
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lol this will never happen, once you expand spending and give shitloads of people cushy bureaucratic jobs it becomes political suicide to fire them all. It should never have gotten to this point in the first place and we all need to be ready for some kind of reset.

>> No.24688995
File: 54 KB, 800x800, 1607229360669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on this board who actually voted for Biden

Thank Christ I made it during the Trump years, and have converted my wealth to Boomer stocks and real estate, so I'm safe

What I especially love is that these taxes will be sold to poor retards as "making the rich pay" when in fact all they do is prevent people from becoming rich. The rich have their wealth hidden from the tax man, nice and legal-like.

But good luck joining the Rich Kids Club when suddenly you have to hand over 50% of your gains each year.

>> No.24689042

You sure you're in the right thread? Nothing in your rambling was relevant to the topic at hand.

>> No.24689129

>it seems like the countries with the greatest wealth disparities have some of the most problems.
Such as? Anon, there aren't countries where everyone is rich, but there are countries where practically everyone is poor. Would you rather live in the US or Venezuela? If you say Venezuela, you would probably be killed for your arrogance if you told someone from Venezuela.

>> No.24689154

It's amazing this shit is still so easily sold to liberals. It's not even a secret that rich people don't care about tax rates. All the rich people are in the lowest tax brackets. The politicians will never fix that either, because that's how they avoid taxes too. The only thing raising taxes does is hurt the middle, upper middle class, and lower upper class (doctors).

>> No.24689159

Citation needed.

>> No.24689191

> wants to steal the fruits of my hard labor
> calls me the greedy jew
I really hope that your mother dies today.

>> No.24689227

I used to love America but at this point I can emotionally detach myself from it as I'm realizing that we're a banana republic with a populace that has no ability to think critically and we aren't worth saving

>> No.24689257

It's for those making $400 000+

>> No.24689266

yeah, they are pulling up the ladder and selling it as financial equality.

I guess it is in a way, soon the middle class will join the poor class and they will all be financially equal to each other.

>> No.24689270 [DELETED] 

The profession of private detectives is becoming more popular nowadays. That’s why after the prosperous pre-sale the GTX price can increase x10!

>> No.24689276

It's pretty fucking stupid that LT capital gains gets favorable tax treatment. Income should be income and taxed at the same rate irrespective of where you got it or how long you held the asset that you made the income from.

That said, I have 45k LINK held for over a year at this point and this tax change would fucking wreck me. So fuck Biden.

>> No.24689292
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>Democrats: "We need to tax the rich in order to teach them a lesson!"
>Also Democrats: "Donald Trump, a super rich dude, spent less on taxes than you did!!! Woah!!!!"

I still don't get how nobody called them out on that shit. How can you even run both arguments in conjunction with one another and not see how moronic they sound? Your opponent is rich and clearly finds his way around tax laws, and you're saying raising taxes will do anything other than hurt those who aren't rich enough to have taxjews that can hide their money?

>> No.24689311

It was completely relevant. Now get the fuck off my board you faggot commie poor fuck.

>> No.24689330

Democrats have no problem calling for an increase in tax rates for the wealthy but it's an empty gesture because there are so many loop holes in tax law that the mega rich will never pay anywhere close to the rate written on paper.

Fuck this gay country, please nuke us Russia

>> No.24689340

Everything i’m rambling about is about this retard. I’m talking about you retarded newfags, is this news to you? Oh no muh 42%. Where were you two months ago when this was a thread? Not here? When I told you retards we will be paying 40% capital gains taxes. Now the trannies
that wanted this come here and are nervous about it? Go fuck yourself you dug your own graves. Also did you stupid faggots forgot how to use the archive before making new threads or something?

>> No.24689347

>What I especially love is that these taxes will be sold to poor retards as "making the rich pay" when in fact all they do is prevent people from becoming rich. The rich have their wealth hidden from the tax man, nice and legal-like.
1000x this. The rich can afford to buy citizenship somewhere else and move all their taxable assets (if they happen to have any that aren't already stashed in an offshore tax haven) out of the country, in the event that the USA ever tries to turn on them. All it does it fuck over honest middle class types who had almost reached escape velocity from wageslavery. Of course in the mind of the average poor, small business owners and doctors are 'the elite'. They don't even realize there's an entire other class above them that actually pulls the strings.

>> No.24689348

>It's pretty fucking stupid
Either that, or you are pretty fucking stupid. Frankly I think that's more likely.

>> No.24689373
File: 8 KB, 261x193, images (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know the top tax rate only affects the builder/burger billionaires... right?

>> No.24689377

Very cool and well researched rebuttal.

If you make money, you should get taxed. The end. The way in which you make the money shouldn't matter, and allowing it to matter simply provides another mechanism by which the elite can finagle things to advantage themselves at the cost of everyone else.

>> No.24689389

they should just implement the 1% tax on stock market trades Ron Paul proposed and solve the national debt in a few years max

>> No.24689400


It's pretty hilarious, not gonna lie. I used to rack my brains about why poor people would vote for such obvious traps, until I realized that poor people, by definition, don't understand how money and wealth work, and they're not interested in learning. That's why they're poor.

Unfortunately, the welfare state gives them a say.


It's deeply unfortunate that appealing to poor peoples' greed is now a winning election strategy, or if the theories are true, voting doesn't matter anymore.

>Income should be income and taxed at the same rate irrespective of where you got it or how long you held the asset that you made the income from.

See, I have the complete opposite perspective. I earned income, which I was taxed on, and then took what was left after taxes and invested it in an asset. Turns out I invested wisely and the asset appreciated -- now here comes the government again for another piece. Why? If I invested unwisely and lost all my money, does the government come around with a check to make me whole?

It's especially infuriating because the rich do not pay taxes. High capital gains taxes are the rich pulling up the ladder after them -- they've got theirs, their wealth is stashed away in real estate and the Caymans, they only realize enough gains as is necessary to buy a shiny object they want, and all high taxes do is make sure you will never join their club.

>> No.24689406

>tax robinhood zoomers

Good. Fuck them too for artificially spiking volatility.

>> No.24689413

>yfw "kulaks" is happening all over again

>> No.24689432

Considering I don't even pay taxes on crypto, this will be fucking great. Economy will grow, normies will stay poor, and I'll be fine. I'm ok with this.

>> No.24689442
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Consider how (((they))) always carve out special little exemptions for (((themselves))) so (((they))) aren't subject to the same rules imposed on everyone else.

>> No.24689452

No, it mostly just affects people like the average /biz/tard who are making their first million on shitcoins and realizing all the gains in a single year. The change fucking ruins them and is the difference between reaching escape velocity and being able to begin building generational wealth for yourself, and being stuck in six figure hell forever.

Meanwhile people who already make millions of dollars of investment income annually can afford to shield themselves from these tax changes and it doesn't affect them at all. All it does is further insulate the elite and suppress upward mobility for those not born with a $10MM trust fund.

>> No.24689476

I love it when you morons point this out. Do you really think $400k is alot of money? You think that someone who makes $400k+ in a single year, once, is wealthy? Do you think that actually affects the rich? The billionaires that own fucking everything?

Get it through your thick fucking skull, the only people this hurts is other people trying to escape the middle class. It doesn't come close to touching the actual rich, it hurts normal people with sudden windfalls that don't have the legal/financial support to hide their assets in an overseas trust. It hurts achievers and productive people trying to escape from this rat race. The tax is there to financially imprison you you fucking idiot

Course based on your response I'm guessing you've already resigned yourself to a life of slavery anyways. What the fuck are you doing on biz

>> No.24689478
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>shit holes
You may be on to something.

>> No.24689501

Retard alert. I hope you kill yourself when your new precious president taxes your make it stack.

>> No.24689514

He's guzzled so much left wing propaganda that he thinks the US is the worst place in the world because he has to pay for college and healthcare or because a cop choked a drug addict out.

>> No.24689520

that's only 50 Bitcoin
if they want to go after people like Bezos, why don't they only tax 100m+ gains? They gain far more from public goods and services like roads than random crypto traders, yet both groups pay the same %

>> No.24689535

>If I invested unwisely and lost all my money, does the government come around with a check to make me whole?
Yes, actually. You can offset some of your regular income using your capital losses, and the remainder of your losses you carry over to next year which you can use to offset any gains you make.

Agree that tax law favors the already wealthy, but it's sort of my point that if they make money - via whatever means, income or asset appreciation or whatever else - they should be stuck with the same tax bill calculated the same way it's calculated for us schlubs. They shouldn't be able to pay 1/3 the taxes a normal person would just because they held their shit for over a year. Or be able to pay zero just because they're rich enough to afford a cayman islands tax shelter.

>> No.24689538

Zoomers think they know everything @ 18-24 kek.

>> No.24689545

This. If Congress really wanted to tax the rich we'd see a wealth tax replace the income tax.

>> No.24689555

>broken tax system allows crypto owners to get taxed for more than their net worth if crypto crashes even if they never cash out
the system didn't do shit for me

>> No.24689562

Don't you think the tax on gains will mean capital stays in equities?

>> No.24689583

No he will just redistribute it to niggers

>> No.24689621
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Allow me to explain:

Let's say I inherited ten billion dollars worth of real estate and various trusts all over the world, I'm one of the richest people on the planet. More than likely, my inheritance, having been prepared by very brilliant and very expensive lawyers and accountants, is structured as trusts and shares in holding companies across various jurisdictions that exist to "own" all my houses, cars, jets etc so I don't get taxed on it. In fact, I only liquidate as much stuff, through my companies and trusts, in order to buy something that I want, when I want it. So, my actual taxable income (when I really feel like splurging) is under a million bucks.

If you raise taxes on "the rich" by even 50%, I do not give a fuck, because I am paying tax on 0.001% of my actual wealth. Go ahead and double capital gains tax! It's a rounding error for me, because again I already HAVE all my wealth and am only liquidating a tiny fraction of it. I do not give a fuck about taxes, because the elite do not pay taxes.

However, when YOU go to cash out your linkies, you are going to get fucked for 50% of your net worth. Capital gains taxes prevent middle class people from becoming rich people.

>> No.24689630 [DELETED] 

You will see.
When you eat the bugs.
Live in the pod.
Wear the mask.
Give up the meat.
Give your money away.
Rent and never own.
Told you can't have children.
You'll see.

>> No.24689642

that was bretty good

>> No.24689671
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Are there actual people in crypto who vote democrat?
Do they love paying taxes?

>> No.24689683 [DELETED] 

Glad you realize lower class niggers and elite kikes are just in a symbiotic relationship trying to stick the white middle class with the bill

>> No.24689720

It'll be set up in such a way to be fair to all. The 1 percent won't even feel it. The rest of us will suffer. Enjoy!

>> No.24689726
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A Universal Minimum Income:

So that you
will wear the clean underpants
bathe daily
Not pick your nose
Not be forced to work
Be allowed to develop yo' Flo
Be allowed a certain amount of cash to manage
Be allowed to apply to college, for free

What will we see?

>> No.24689734
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The system that despises me and wants to replace me with third world savages and rejected me the few times I asked for help? No, fuck that system. They don't deserve a goddamn thing from me. Give me a system worth supporting and I'll happily pay my fair share.

>> No.24689755

>Yes, actually.

No, actually. Getting taxed less is not getting reimbursed. If I save up a million dollars (after taxes) and invest in a moonshot and lose everything, being able to carry that huge loss forward on my taxes for the rest of my life is not going to make up the loss. It's not going to allow me to make a new million dollar investment. However, if I win big, I have to hand over a huge chunk.

> but it's sort of my point that if they make money

I don't think you know what the difference between money and wealth is, and it's incredibly depressing that most people don't and yet get to influence policy.

>They shouldn't be able to pay 1/3 the taxes a normal person would just because they held their shit for over a year.

I disagree. Encouraging investment is how things are invented and jobs are made.

>Or be able to pay zero just because they're rich enough to afford a cayman islands tax shelter.

Well, then you need a one world government with zero different financial jurisdictions. Guess who'll run it?

You cannot win against the rich. "Making the rich pay their share" is a lie told by the employees of the rich, who want to make sure there's less competition for their bosses (and more angry poor people to keep them in power)

>> No.24689766

buh buh... what about getting more of our tax dollars to niggers so they can all go to harvard, anon???

>> No.24689789

He wants to cripple the middle class right before the great reset destroys them once and for all.

>> No.24689870

Bidenbros voted for this, need to finance all the new chinks coming somehow; right?

>> No.24689887

>Very cool and well researched rebuttal.
Very cool and well researched assertion from you that the current system is fucking stupid. You provided so many supporting arguments and facts. Seeing that, nobody could come to suspect you haven't a clue what you're talking about and are, in point of fact, fucking stupid.
Here's a clue. Really fucking dumb people are all the same, and this is what they all do: they proclaim everything they don't understand (which is most things) to be "fucking stupid".

>> No.24689992

this is what most retards dont get
you tax a fair 20% and businesses/wealthy are annoyed but not enough to do anything
you push the envelope and eventually it becomes worth it for more and more to move
it depends on if they close all the tax loopholes or not... most can spend 20k per year to have a caymen trust which lets them effectively dodge 90% of taxes

>> No.24690009
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I voted for Biden to make Trump supporters seethe. Most annoying group of people ever.

>> No.24690038

taxes are just the beginning. Expect there to be defaults on close to every bank in the coming year. This time instead of banks getting a bail out they will be denied that privileged instead being forced to do a bail in. This means they will take a haircut off of everyone who is holding cash or assets under the bank
this is why it is MASSIVELY important to hold your crypto off exchange because you will lose your crypto if you store it on exchange and the bank that the exchange is banking with defaults.

>> No.24690064

Worst case tax scenario:
>buy 50 Bitcoin for $1k each
>trade them for $1m worth of Chainlink at $1.37 each, which means I also realize $950k short terms capital gains
>Chainlink crashes to $0.26 by April
>get taxed for more than my net worth of 189k and lose everything, even though I invested in a fundamentally sound project and would have a net worth of >$8m today if I was only taxed on the $139k profit from the starting $50k

>> No.24690104

>believing the narrative that a bunch of kiddos with their stimulus checks are moving the market
how fucking braindead are you?

>> No.24690105

>increase tax rate on capital gains
>now to make the same gains post-tax, more capital has to be invested

>> No.24690121

>See, I have the complete opposite perspective. I earned income, which I was taxed on, and then took what was left after taxes and invested it in an asset. Turns out I invested wisely and the asset appreciated -- now here comes the government again for another piece. Why? If I invested unwisely and lost all my money, does the government come around with a check to make me whole?
Not only that, but you have to take huge risk with something like crypto to make it if you are a wage slave and they don’t even provide any support. If anything when they do it’s just passing regulations that block you from participating in the best investments.

>> No.24690154

Bullish for Fuse.

>> No.24690163



>but you'll be able to write those losses off on your taxes next year goyim!
>just take a loan out from a bank!

Same with inheritance taxes, which produce a tiny little sliver of income every year, strange because rich people die every year. It's almost as if the rich have their wealth offshore!

However, if you've got something like a farm or something that's "valued" at a bunch but isn't actually generating actual cash income, time to pay your fair share! I guess you'll have to sell, or mortgage the place at your local bank, coincidentally a big donor to politicians!

>> No.24690172

>government will allow 3k capital losses to offset income
right that certainty covers the risk of losing millions!

>> No.24690177

he serves foreign masters who want to encourage capital to leave the US. They probably hope that once capital leaves talent will follow and then the US will flounder

>> No.24690186


Can't have any of that pesky social mobility! If you're poor and you want to be rich, maybe you can get a job as an entertainer! Dance and sing for the aristocrats.

>> No.24690193

> I voted for Biden to make Trump supporters seethe. Most annoying group of people ever.
And perhaps a chance to steal even more money from people who actually work and contribute to society?

>> No.24690211

I too like dumping money into a giant hole.

>> No.24690231

>Are there actual people in crypto who vote democrat?
being pretty generous with your words there

>> No.24690274

>maybe you can get a job as an entertainer! Dance and sing for the aristocrats.
Yeah go live in a commune with 10 other zoomers and dance on tiktok or make an onlyfans, great

>> No.24690289

this has to be bait. no one is this fucking retarded and if you are, than you are a american. which is understandable because you’re all retarded as fuck

>> No.24690330

He is your president, it's official. We can't be denied. :^)

>> No.24690341

This makes me want to skin empty headed biden bros alive, it's not like we were fucking screaming in their ear that bidens plan was to raise taxes, fuck its not even funny to say "I told you so" Id rather I was wrong if it meant the nightmare would end. Only hope for you fucking nog minded Gib wanting slopes is that trump exposes voter fraud and remains in office

>> No.24690371


>> No.24690374


99% of people here don't have that kind of income.

>> No.24690396

Can you 1031 crypto

>> No.24690399

You can't change your vote but you're allowed to vote for biden again.

>> No.24690424

And will never have anon, it's literally a barrier to keep the poor fags from making it.

>> No.24690441

Will this be adjusted for inflation? Imagine a hyperinflation scenario where you'll have to pay a 40% tax on your gains for selling a single GME share in 2022.

>> No.24690444

where does all the tax money go,i just can't begin to imagine what they plan to do with the money

>> No.24690462

Even if that were true the point is that it destroys the ability to escape wageslavery. It curbstomps the remains of the American dream (what was left of it). We’re in the globalist endgame now and the the great reset means neo-communist hell forever.

>> No.24690504
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>i just can't begin to imagine what they plan to do with the money
All that free healthcare for illegals that Joe Biden is on record supporting won't pay for itself. Thanks for your tax dollars, hardworking white Americans.

>> No.24690547 [DELETED] 
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A universal _______ income

Basic or minimum?

>> No.24690549

>where does all the tax money go
gotta share your gains with all the wetbacks and niggers

>> No.24690570
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Why can't they just tax the uber rich so I can try and keep some of my gainz. Why don't they just tax people who make disgusting amount of money and leave my modest portfolio alone.

>> No.24690624 [DELETED] 
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Politics is a game of give and take, a balancing. Give what to get what?

immigration reform for basic income
abortion rights for gun rights
& etc.

Otherwise without knowing it, perhaps, the 'status quo' is you

>> No.24690633

Now I get to hold everything forever, thanks faggot.

>> No.24690703

>where does all the tax money go,i just can't begin to imagine what they plan to do with the money.
Universal income, and maybe free healthcare and education. Sounds great right? The elite needs the nigger ants and poor white cucks to be healthy and to know how to have the work done.

>> No.24690764

You mean reparations 4 da black ppl

>> No.24690847

>a huge statutory barrier to everyone who wants to escape the waging masses
>for, uh...

>> No.24690880

Kek well done

>> No.24690884 [DELETED] 
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The world is changing anon.

>> No.24690913 [DELETED] 

Guatemala is going to make it to the 51st state beating Puerto Rico.

>> No.24691025

I live in Chicago. It's a huge shithole I'd rather live in a trailer in the country

>> No.24691125

You must not live in california kek.

>> No.24691807

Wait till inflation eventually turns 400k into just an upper middle class dual family income. These tax increases have no sunset clause and no mention of inflation adjustments.

>> No.24691991

I'm getting mixed messages, I thought it was for 1 million+...

>> No.24692024

This is basically what FDR did. Coolidge and Hoover had an actually-progressive tax system, then FDR comes along, inflates the dollar, raises the highest brackets from 67% to 85% but increases bottom taxes 400%.

>> No.24692093

Imagine if they seize 43.4% of every Billionaire's assets
You'll have a civil war on your hands.
Tons of Dumb Shits willing to die for the rich

>> No.24692192

Make sure you go someplace white. I am thinking about learning ukrainian.

>> No.24692248

Increases would just be for high earners. Spread your sells over a few years.

>> No.24692308

Use that to fund a negative income tax like Milton Friedman once proposed as well.

>> No.24692559

This isn't how budgeting works in the government. I'm not even joking, government programs are basically required to exceed their budgets every year. If they work efficiently and have money left over, they get their budgets cut for the next year, and the money goes somewhere else. They literally have to overrun the budget no matter what. My grandpa used to work on an aircraft carrier back in the 60's, near the end of the fiscal year, he, and a bunch of crew mates were ordered to start throwing tools overboard so they had to buy new ones. It sounds like a lie, but I promise you it's not. The budgets are permanently fucked. And I think it's got something to do with inflating GDP or something. I don't know enough about that to say definitively.

>> No.24693116

dude jordan peterson lurks here? wat

>> No.24693533

Anyone with a functioning brain realises that the West is dying and opportunity and wealth can only be generated in the East. Eastern Europe is a stepping-stone but look at places like Dubai and Singapore - zero niggers and almost zero taxes and surprise surprise an economic miracle arises.

I'm an EU-anon but I'm looking to get out of this shithole soon because it is so obviously rigged towards special-interests, maybe more so than the U.S.

>> No.24693933

we are blessed that we have a republican senate we are looking at a stalemate presidency worse then obamba and nothing will pass

>> No.24693961

what do you think anon?

>> No.24693996

sweatie... I'm one of the only people born, raised, and still living in san francisco I know. It's a fucking shithole and it's only accelerated since progressivism became "mainstream" post-occupy.

>> No.24694030


capital gains aren't productive and disproportionately gained by boomers

>> No.24694086

Come on goy somebody has to pay for Tyrone's food stamps

>> No.24694114

It means nothing. Deficits are fake, managing inflation is the only thing that really matters.

>> No.24694272

spotted the MMT retard.

>> No.24694358

extremely fucking based. fuck niggers kikes and liberal faggots.

>> No.24694412

It's a spook. Anyone who spends any time studying it should realize that pretty quickly.

>> No.24694413

nigger yes they are. how do you think companies draw interest and investment to fuel research into shit that becomes the iphone that consoomers love. you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.24694416

>giving a shit about budgets, balanced or otherwise
Not sure if millennial or zoomer, retarded regardless.

He flat out said in one of the four live appearances he made that he was going to raise taxes. Dems always raise taxes. This is only the beginning of the retarded shit you and your fucking muh cheeto, muh orange man bad faggots voted for.

>> No.24694465
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just don't pay it

>> No.24694665

the ultra rich like Bezos don't realize short term capital gains
but crypto owners do, and nocoiners don't mind throwing us under the bus
we were a convenient scapegoat for Nvidia and AMD to jack up GPU prices, even though the most popular tokens on /biz/ were mined with ASICS or were ERC20 tokens

>> No.24694752

Projecting much? The last time the budget was balanced (and even had a surplus) was under a Democratic President, but you're probably too young to even know that, let a lone remember it, since it happened before 2000.

>> No.24694823
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>> No.24694838


>> No.24694858
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>> No.24694931

You want to buy a house when shaqeena can’t feed her 6 children?

>> No.24694942
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Let them eat shit.

>> No.24694949

Unironically this kek

>> No.24694955

I don’t understand how you can be on /biz/ and do not understand that there is a reason it’s called “income” tax, because it screws over the wagies. The truly wealthy people have assets and legally avoid paying taxes. Wagies can’t.

>> No.24694961


>> No.24695101
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dont worry, he aint getting in. supreme court is going smash this fag.

>> No.24695552

You really don't understand how investing works do you?

>> No.24696251
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Water sucks in Flint because of this corrupt faggot who deserves life in jail

>> No.24696265

you do realize that those states only have high GDP because the biggest corporations are headquartered there. if everyone corporation moved to nebraska it would then become the economic powerhouse of the nation. it has nothing to do with california/ny/texas itself, only the corporations therein. the people of those states dont contribute near the amount to the economy

>> No.24696272

It’s a sin to sell bitcoin for fiat.

>> No.24696296

And those companies are headquartered there because CA allows them to exploit foreign workers by underpaying them and not giving them federal benefits.

>> No.24696322

the most hardworking are the people who go 40/60/70 hours jobs.
doctors, lawyers, big engineers.
and then retard libbies think they should shit on them even MORE, because they are "rich"
then they complain why NO ONE wants to go to school to become a doctor, only to get paid as a nurse.
we gonna get ALOT OF third world "doctors" coming to usa
mark my word

>> No.24696337

they are already losing those "companies"
tesla already left
more will leave if they increase taxes

>> No.24697199

There are five free economies left in the world. Switzerland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. They'll do fine.

>> No.24697342

Good luck burger bro. I feel for the good Americans out there, these left wing beta faggots are going to doom the world.

>> No.24697384

>The rich will simply leave the country.
To where? Other first world countries where taxation is the same or higher? Second world countries where you basically end up living in your own isolated compound with private security for the rest of you life? That's not how most normal people want to spend their lives.

>> No.24697394

Holy shit, read a book retard. Read what happened when this happened endless times throughout history.

>> No.24697403

Are you retarded

He’s going to spend shit tons of money abs we’ll probably go to war against Iran

>> No.24697435

neither chainlink nor bitcoin are fundamentally sound

>> No.24697451

Unironically this

>> No.24697481

None of them are free

>> No.24697513

It’s only if you make 400k or more

>> No.24697528

Is any human economy?

>> No.24697561

i want reddit to leave

>> No.24697575


>> No.24697839

>muh jobs

kys bootlick

>> No.24697849

what stimulus checks

>> No.24697923

They were in the 4th turning of that cycle. We are also in the 4th turning of our cycle. Funny the similarities of the two. The 4th turning ended with ww2. I wonder how this cycles 4th turning will end. (Brightside is 1st turnings are great - see 1950's)

>> No.24697936

>To where? Other first world countries where taxation is the same or higher?
So you believe there are no first world countries with lower taxes? Do you realise how stupid your question is?

>> No.24697966

Let me give you an anecdotal example of this. I'm currently living in the Netherlands where they have a wealth tax. I'm leaving to start a business in North Macedonia which is attracting start-ups from all over the EU with its flat tax of 10%. I will not be living in a compound - it's really safe and really cheap and I'm sickened by the taxes in NL.

>> No.24698034

It will be very funny to see americans crossing the border into Mexico. The US will become the next Venezuela. Sad and funny at the same time lol

Just enjoy socialism.

>> No.24698088

Hey hey! You got the Biden equal and fair housing act.

>> No.24698112

Democrats are the party of gibs, ofc they are going to raise taxes

>> No.24698133


>> No.24698136

And dont forget gas prices are ultra cheap thanks to energy independence. That in itself is a decrease in personal taxes that Biden will get rid of cuz he hates fracking and oil.

>> No.24698210

This, exactly this. They make these laws for everyone else, so they exempt themselves. Then they give themselves a bonus and a vacation and a salary increase. Then they boast about how smart they are. When i look at how the government works it makes the great reset seem desirable.

>> No.24698279

Doctors dont give a shit about anything except paying off their house and car. The medical lobby is easily the most corrupt in the nation. Doctors have caused me harm and damages 2x in my life and thier response has been "oh well as long as i got paid". Once we even tried to sue them, but the judge just suppressed all the evidence and then threw the case out. This was on long island.

>> No.24698403

Can confirm.
Doctors, even surgeons, grind through patients. Why do you think they literally write out a prescription and run out the door without talking to you? The only time they might talk to you is when they do a procedure or initial assessment cuz it pays more. If something bad happens, the doctor denies it. Just look at the recent belles palsy after covid vax. Fda said we didn’t do that. Who tf wants to deal with belles palsy and then a lawsuit in the fda? Your life is already fucked up, and then you have to deal with suing the these unelected authoritarian parasites? No one wants two headaches.

>> No.24698448

The saddest part of it is these people are fucked up forever. The first thing people look at is your face. Now your face is all fucked up and you’re drooling whenever you want to drink something. There’s also the risk of aspirating and pneumonia. Who the fuck would be involved with these people? It’s like being married to two face in Batman. I bet these retards still repeat the “safe and effective” crap.

>> No.24698572

>pay the capital gains tax depending on what you're earning, not what you have
>Bezos now earns $1 a year (+ a million shares of AMZN)
>can sell those completely tax free because lol no earnings

>> No.24698845

Why do rich peoples taxes(capital gains) get billed lower than wages? Jack it up

>> No.24698865

want to all-in in on cvr some years ago because of the chill and presale price is so easy, sounded so cheap.
Bank blocked the transfer due to crypto bad, hope today I will able to join this fucking polkacover.com

>> No.24698904

>lets solve wealth inequality by throwing the wealth away

holy shit

>> No.24698926

All you people who voted Biden you do realize this was going to happen.

Hell I was just listening to NPR and they had Kerry on it and he said him and Biden talked and they want to get back in the Paris climate accords. However because they left they will have to pay in more and help out more financially.

>> No.24698928


>> No.24699026

Lmao it would be hysterical if it wasn’t so tragic, you fucking morons are getting exactly what was advertised on the tin- higher taxes to pay for a “more just and equitable society.” 20% of all dollars in existence came about this year. The high brackets start at 400k but if you print 20% more dollars annually you’ve doubled the supply in <4 years and voila, now YOURE in the higher bracket. This is how they got in all the NFA taxes - 200 was originally more expensive than most weapons but now it’s cheap. Imagine your salary inflated up but the cost of everything inflated up further oops houses have tripled and a gallon of milk is $20. They cant default on the debt, the only way to deal with the 20T is inflation. But hey ORANJJ MAN BAD amirite?

>> No.24699077


You voted for bugs, now you must eat them.

>> No.24699116

Holy retardation in this thread. Literal retards.

This is going to affect practically NONE of you, yet you are sitting here bitching and moaning?

This tax hike applies to people making over $400,000 for their INCOME. This doesn't include you NEETS who cash out their crypto gains. Meaning if you are making $35k at your wage cage per year, if you cash out $500k from selling your Link at this point (which you are yet an even bigger retard), you will still be taxed at your normal capital gains rate.

Now STFU and get back to your wage cages.

>> No.24699177


All taxation is theft and immoral, soicuck

>> No.24699224

WELL HOW DO WE GET AROUND IT?? you should be asking that

>> No.24699242


That's fine you think that way. However this thread is about Biden upping taxes, which has totally been misconstrued. Back to the cage you go. Happy burger flipping, fatty.

>> No.24699255

1031 exchange.
If you sell rental or investment property, you can avoid capital gains and depreciation recapture taxes by rolling the proceeds of your sale into a similar type of investment within 180 days. This like-kind exchange is called a 1031 exchange after the relevant section of the tax code.

>> No.24699298
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>slippery slope is a fallacy

>> No.24699379
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>> No.24700372
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Burn in hell niggerkike

>> No.24701119
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>Surprised Biden will raise taxes?!

What did you think what was going to happen? You didn't actually vote for Biden now did ya?

>Burgers gonna burger

>> No.24702098
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top capital gains tax is people making over a million dollars a year in capital gains

it wont affect most people here. Just don't sell off more than a million in bitcoin at once. I swear trump retards are fucking cretins. You can't even understand basic principles of economics and graduated tax rates and are just spewing at the mouth because your 17,000 dollars in Chainlink.

>> No.24702137
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My lambo doesn't care who is president

>> No.24703078
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>> No.24703206

The point is its being sold as a tax on the uber rich, and faggots like you who work @ mcdonalds think 400k+ Qualifies you as “uber rich” .... when in reality it basically just makes it that much harder to break out of wagie land, while doing absolutely nothing to the upper class.... but hey, faggots like you are the type that say stupid shit like the rich corporations are destroying america, and dont find it the least bit bizarre that big tech, hollywood, and every major retail outlet supports your “resistance” ... fucking idiot, you deserve every bit of your future chinese slave life.

>> No.24703213

capital gains should be taxed at the same rate as regular income.

you can't refute this

>> No.24703934

it literally says capital gains tax though, not wagie income

>> No.24704389


>> No.24705400

Sure glad he's never gonna be President

>> No.24705442

Who cares? Trump won. Bidencucks cope more.

>> No.24705507

>system that got you there
>forced nigger and poopdick diversity everywhere
>insane tripple taxation schemes
>zero grants, loans, or help
>zero regulation of crypto markets


>> No.24705595

Are you sure? So if I make 80k a year but cash out 8 figures worth of crypto gains, my capital gains tax rate will be 20%? I think you are mistaken.