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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 313x250, wowitsARK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2465137 No.2465137 [Reply] [Original]

Let me just get this out of the way, I believe this coin will be AT LEAST $5 by the end of the year. Now, for the next few months it may remain stagnant so I'm considering selling so I can hop on these other coins still giving 10X profits. Does /biz/ think this is a smart idea or not? Got in at 15k sat btw so still doubled my money pretty much.

>> No.2465156

Since you doubled your money, I would sell Ark for ETH and then buy more Ark once ETH hits $500-$600.

>> No.2465168

Regardless of what you do I'd still hold some ARK just in case mang

>> No.2465186

Which coins will give 10x?

>> No.2465192


>> No.2465218

I want you guys to do me a favor. I want you to visit the websites of a few legit coins that have legit technology, like xem, ant, lsk, ubq. And then go to arks website, and read it, and tell me how you can think this is anything other than a scam coin. They don't describe their product in depth, what their plan is, all they do is have fancy graphics, sell ark merchandise, and use buzzwords that ppl want to hear. They are super vague about what ark even does. This coin gives me a slimey feeling .

>> No.2465240

El oh el

>> No.2465241

ark bridges blockchains together

there i explained it to you in 4 words

>> No.2465258

but the ark website is very clear on what they are doing?

>> No.2465277

I'm hodling ARK but I have made $20k off of it. If you're impatient, half your stake, and use the other half to gamble.

ARK isn't gambling to me, and I'd rather not take the risk of letting it go as I have with other times in the past and my FOMO is greater than my desire to outpace ARK.

When I started, I was simply trying to outpace both BTC and ETH so I could get more before hodling those indefinitely... but as time has gone on and I have seen the strength of ARK I keep searching for that magic coin that is going to outpace it. I keep researching ICOs and coins that have new ideas and what not.

What I always find is that ARK is still lightyears ahead of them, and far cheaper.

So it behooves me to HODL.

Sure. There are coins that will inexplicably rise... the DGBs, the RDDs, even fucking DOGE. But as my investment grows I find that its far less risky to hodl a coin that I truly believe in.

ARK is that coin, and I have yet to see one that even comes close. I am invested because of the tech, the team, and the great pricepoint that I got in. I can't find anything better. Seriously. There is nothing that even comes close in those categories.

Just my 2 cents.

>> No.2465284

>They don't describe their product in depth, what their plan is

They have a full whitepaper along with articles about literally every aspect of Ark, what their goals are, and a roadmap with progress shown for each goal and what they still have left to work on.

Not sure what you're on about.

>> No.2465295

>ark bridges blockchains together

Do they mention HOW they do it? Is it some magic tech stuff or what?

Also what is the purpose of the coin itself?

Do you have to spend ark to use the ark system?

If so, then ark is just a middle man. Smart people cut out the middle man.

>> No.2465324

That's just it, anyone can link or bridge block chains together. Smartbridge literally isn't even a thing. Its like me tying two pieces of rope together and pretending like it's some new , revolutionary thing.

>> No.2465341

>what is an interface
>smart programmers cut out all interfaces and make everything tightly coupled

You're a retard

>> No.2465351

dunno but lead dev is the ex lisk lead dev so i have faith in the bridging tech

points 2-4 apply to pretty much every other coin floating around at the moment

>> No.2465354

>Its like me tying two pieces of rope together and pretending like it's some new , revolutionary thing.

Then go link blockchains together if it's so easy. Boom, you just outdid Ark

>> No.2465364

You didn't actually provide an argument.

You just Green texted and called me a retard.

At least contribute to the discussion anon.

Ps answer my other questions please.

>> No.2465373

i guess their selling point is they want to make it very easy for anyone to do it, they keep banging on about consumer adoption

their wallet is sleek n sexy too. the sleekest n sexiest i've used

>> No.2465377

>ETH creates smart contracts

Do they mention HOW they do it? Is it some magic tech stuff or what?

Also what is the purpose of the coin itself?

Do you have to spend ethereum to use the ethereum system?

If so, then ethereum is just a middle man. Smart people cut out the middle man.

>> No.2465384

arks wallet is the best ive ever downloaded and its still like a version 1 beta shit

The fact u can just open it and not download shitloads of geek shit to use it is totally mint
They will have a mobile wallet soon as well

>> No.2465387

Quote of the Day
>Take risks now and do something bold. You won't regret it. Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla.

>> No.2465388

Way to mock me and not answer anything I asked.

Also fuck ethereum.

>> No.2465392

Ok let me explain it to you.

Ark acts as an interface from 1 one blockchain to another.

This is better than each blockchain making their own coupling to the other blockchains, because you would get 1:n interfaces for each of the n blockchains. Which is stupidly complex and a lof of work.

Your statement " Smart people cut out the middle man." is fucking retarded in an IT domain.

>> No.2465394


>Its like me tying two pieces of rope together and pretending like it's some new , revolutionary thing.

Yes, blockchain technology is literally that simple, you fucking retard.

>> No.2465396

Its just an extra data field in ark transactions that holds arbitrary data
This arbitrary data can trigger encoded listeners to do just about anything.
Think of Smartbridge as like a programming callback system

>> No.2465401


The concept itself IS very simple, if you've heard it explained.

Essentially, you are appending data onto a block that will be parsed along with the actual transaction details. This data, will exist on one blockchain, yet be interpreted by another to execute instructions.

It's simple yes. That's the elegance.

But the mass adoption and standardization is the tricky part.

This is why you see the ARK team networking with so many other dev teams. If you have done your research on just about every major ICO in the last 6 months, the ARK team has been involved. It could be as simple as hosting their AMA's or lending devs back and forth.

You cannot deny that WHEN (it's not an if anymore) this tech is adopted, ARK will be at the forefront of it.

They have the most active community. One of the biggest slack userbases of any coin. And their team is huge... and good.

>> No.2465408
File: 91 KB, 800x586, smartbridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2465410

This wallet really is great. No .wlt files to download and potentially lose

>> No.2465421

No .dat file either

>> No.2465436

He actually did provide an argument but you were too retarded to understand

>> No.2465444

When will ARK be free of the tyranny of the whales?

>> No.2465446

this. Best wallet I ever used, simple, sleek as fuck. No setup and very user friendly.

>> No.2465447

I just installed linux on my laptop with the intention of downloading ark client and transferring my coins from my desktop.

I loaded the wallet, entered the seed phrase, and literally in one second my wallet loaded.

>> No.2465468
File: 123 KB, 1060x666, All Aboard the Ark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This means goodbye to getting raped on shapeshift and changelly fees. That's the middleman thats getting cut the fuck out.

>> No.2465469

If this is the quality we can come to expect from the ark team, this board is going to end up very rich

>> No.2465470

To all the poorfags who want more Ark:

Remember to check the bounties available from the Ark team. They just gave 150 Ark to a guy for shilling on facebook and a few other social networks about it.

>> No.2465471

it may never be, but that tyranny will be reduced when it gets a more even distribution across multiple exchanges. Right now, I think 98% is hosted on Bittrex... this makes it a prime whale target.

Just getting added to Polo will do MANY things for this coin...

>> No.2465472

THATS the response I expected.

Good job anon.

Now is the token a currency on the chain or is it consumed as fuel?

>> No.2465496

Can I pump and dump on a smaller scale? I just bought 650 ARK today. Could I realistically profit from the cycle by mimicing the whales' behavior or will I get destroyed by fees?

>> No.2465497

>Now is the token a currency on the chain or is it consumed as fuel?

This is what I would like to know as well

>> No.2465514

Lads, wont say amounts but Ark, Sia and Sys, if i hold these badboys am i a trillionaire?

>> No.2465515

fees are percentage based so if you time things right you can profit sure. I've gotten about .3 BTC today playing with the whale and 3700 ark.

>> No.2465524

This is called daytrading anon and there is a 99.999999% chance you will be eaten alive.

>> No.2465532

Doubt I could manage it too with a full time job...time to HODL

>> No.2465541

He's right though.

Stay mad bitch.

>> No.2465566

>Why don't people just email pictures to each other instead of posting them on facebook, since facebook is an obvious middle man

>> No.2465571
File: 38 KB, 770x433, jetprotect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically the encoded listener would still be like shapeshift, just more streamlined as you could just send the token straight from your wallet (assuming widespread adoption of smartbridge)>>2465471

>> No.2465583

isn't there another coin attempting to do the same thing that's already like $15?
how do we know that coin won't kill Ark?(can't remember the name)

keep in mind I want Ark to be successful, holding a small bag right now and adding more to it as soon as possible

>> No.2465606
File: 35 KB, 460x489, 12991005_228947570826506_4744668235493885646_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


name the coin or you're just FUDing like a faggot.

>> No.2465618


That IS a good question, and one that isn't really clear on the website.

The best I can gather is that the token itself merely a means for crowdfunding, and it derives all of its value from that.

Their claim that they want their "platform" to be push-button deployable... meaning, they want any startup that desires their business model and their token to be able to fork it at the press of a button...

...the idea here is that any such fork would be intrinsically smartbridged to the ARK network of blockchains and only serve to expand it.

As for the value of the ARK token itself? I look at it more like a stock than any other coin. It's value will be derived from the widespread use of the tech.

So, I think it IS a currency. It is intended to be one. They even have point-of-sale applications in their roadmap.

But I will admit, I'm not clear on it and I may be wrong.

>> No.2465648


I've used Ark. It fucking works. You know what doesn't fucking work well? Bitbean. Shit sucks. Fuck you, anon. KYS.

>> No.2465661

Most similar coin I can think of to ark is SHIFT and its cheaper than ark.

>> No.2465665

It's more like $6-7 if we're thinking of the same one.
Naming this coin is not beneficial to anyone who already knows about it and wants to accumulate.

>> No.2465667

>, the team

Tell me WHO in the team you're invested in besides Francois who is arguable the only credible one there

>> No.2465681

Everyone knows what BLOCKNET is you stupid faggot.

>> No.2465699

Then why is the market cap so low?

>> No.2465705

Agreed it is very sleek....and very sexy

>> No.2465709

>As for the value of the ARK token itself? I look at it more like a stock than any other coin. It's value will be derived from the widespread use of the tech.
>So, I think it IS a currency. It is intended to be one. They even have point-of-sale applications in their roadmap.

I'm fairly sure this is correct. Especially since "a coin meant to be spent" is a recurring statement on their site.

>> No.2465718

Also Ark is a better gamble than Blocknet because Francois has a bigger name in the community and they are doing WAY MORE to connect with up and coming crypto projects than Blocknet

Remember that bridging blockchains is less about tech and more about who you know

Call me when blocknet hosts other crypto AMA's on their slack channel or makes any head way actually making some friends in the community

Remember that I posted this: >>2465667

So i'm not an ark shill like the majority of ark posters

>> No.2465721

I can't remember the name but I think it has a blue logo that kind of looks like the ibm watson logo

it's been a steady $15 for a while now

>> No.2465727

the only real similarity I see is that they are both going to utilize IPFS to decentralize data storage

SHIFT is different in that that's it's entire focus. And it even gets more specific as their goal is to "decentralize the web"

I hodl SHIFT as well as ARK.

IMO these sub $2 sub 100mil coins that are utilizing IPFS are ALL gold and supremely undervalued.

>> No.2465732

because Ark is more promising

>> No.2465751

whats the big deal about IPFS?

>> No.2465799

Supposedly it's the next stage of the internet and it intended to replace HTTP because it has massive improvements.

Someone more tech-savvy than me should explain it though

>> No.2465810

it's basically the next iteration of the internet. it will replace https.

People don't understand how big of a thing we are involved in.

They say that this is like the dot com bubble but they don't understand why...


It is a total paradigm shift. Everything will change. It only starts with currency... next will be network security... data storage... the internet... etc.

This changes EVERYTHING.

Google 'Inter-Planetary File System' read up on it. It's the decentralized web... what SHIFT is talking about.

Datacenters and server clusters are going to be a thing of the past, really soon.

>> No.2465831

what other cryptos are pushing IPFS?

man i believe so much in Francois but his team are so dubious. there are too many 'entrepreneurs' on the team for me to go deep into ark

>> No.2465858

this. their team is full of potheads and if you watch the vid on their main page the rotund bearded dwarf guy barely seems to know what hes talking about, just spouting buzzwords.

made some good gains off ark but I think i'm going to stay away from it

>> No.2465870

speaking of shift I keep asking this in various threads but have yet to get an answer. I'm aware that it utilizes a DPoS similar to ark but I can't find anything displaying rankings. I've been considering trying to make a delegate.

>> No.2465898

i think this topic is really interesting, and im just asking this out of ignorance, but i just dont understand how decentralization canever be a thing. i dont see how it can ever be ass adopted. personally i love my privacy and im all for it, but he government would hate this idea. this makes it so much easier for things like silk road, cp, weapons, drugs, terrorists, piracy. i mean doesnt it? i dont see how this could ever fly.

>> No.2465921

The private central banking system is going to hate it as well. Which is basically the government's master i guess. This is why I am for it.

>> No.2465927

>thinks decentralization will never be a thing
>invests in crypto
Nigger what?

>> No.2465937

eth actually is garbage though.

>> No.2465939

there is a handful of them... siacoin, filecoin, shift, ark, etc.

The difference between ARK and them is that this is a side venture for ARK. I mean decentralization is their goal... its the goal of crypto as whole, barring bullshit fugazis like ripple that are tied heavily to centralized banking.

The value I see in ARK and SHIFT is that they have a relatively low supply, yet their coins are still really cheap.

IPFS in and of itself is a very BROAD and sweeping categorization of decentralized data storage.

You have to think about what that means. It's basically taking the principles of bitcoin, and applying it to the way we exchange and store information. That is a big thing.

Their are coins for online poker. There are coins for in-game currencies. There are coins for doing just about anything in any limited niche environment.

Then there are coins that are the backbone of teams that are developing new ways of decentralizing the world around us. ARK is one of them.

It's not the ONLY one, sure. But it's the ONLY one that has a 100 million supply, and is less than a dollar.

This is where I see the potential.

>> No.2465963


>> No.2465976

Yes, I'm well aware of the ark delegate rankings just as everyone is, I'm talking about SHIFT's delegate rankings. I can't find it anywhere despite extensive searching.

>> No.2465977

Look at history. Decentralization didn't just spawn out of nowhere. It has been here. The primary core fundamental of decentralization exists as early as representative democracy and freedom.

You can have one dictator that controls all, subject to the corruption of money and power. Or you can have a million that share the power that that one would have had.

There has been one man in the history of the planet that IMO has made a good argument against this system: Adolf Hitler.

Ironically, he still saw the importance of decentralized currency and banking.

>> No.2465996

>There has been one man in the history of the planet that IMO has made a good argument against this system: Adolf Hitler.

/pol/ pls

>> No.2466009

Oh shut up with the nazi bullshit. Just because I've read mein kampf doesn't make me a nazi. I live in america, not western europe.

I didn't even say I supported him or anything. I'm just stating facts.

>> No.2466019

>Elon musk
>the guy who consistently marries gold diggers
He's pretty smart, but he's pretty stupid

>> No.2466050

I'm mostly invested in ARK because they have the best shills and the easiest wallet

Best shitcoin available desu

>> No.2466064

>best shills
>pothead asian retard calling people "cheeto dicks" in chat


>> No.2466075

I've been posting threads for weeks about ARK and what I've discovered is that no matter what, I'm going to sound like a shill.

People that have been here for more than a day have an extreme aversion to anything that could even resemble shilling.

People that have been here more than a week can recognize bullshit from a mile away and aren't even concerned.

>> No.2466079

He's talking about /biz/. We are the shills.

>> No.2466085

Hitler and /pol/ are always right.

>tfw holding ark and it hasn't even really taken off yet
feels good man

>> No.2466092

Vagina is a dangerous drug, we all fall victim to it. Well, except faggots.

>> No.2466110

Ark threads are generally different than blatant shill threads like bitbean or poz. Usually the discussion is more along the lines of holding forever not getting a quick 10x. Also the tech.

>> No.2466151

Well if you notice the generall pattern of ARK it explains everything.

>6k sats
>moons to 32k sats
>slow decline to 10k sats
>moons to 44k sats
>slow decline to 28k sats
>moons to 73k sats
>slow decline to 40k sats

that is the pattern this is gonna take. But if you understand that this shit all happens within a couple of months, you realize it is fucking gold. Chaos and volatility is happening all around ARK. BTC is surging, ETH is dropping. Next day, ETH is surging BTC is dropping. DGB is 10x, next day it's back to where it was... etc.

ARK remains steady. It remains a shelter in the storm. It's remains as what it's name implies: a safe haven in the middle of a violent flood.

>> No.2466192

You can't say that a coin "mooned" when it was introduced during a bubble. Basically everything mooned in the past month or so

>> No.2466204

I want to pick up some more. I just bought around 300 more today. idk where the price will be so I'm waiting to pick up some more. That said I do have a buy order in already in case it decides to dump some.

>> No.2466212

I'll concede to that... I used it pretty loosely as most people do nowadays.

If anything ARK has yet to moon

>> No.2466247

Don't bother, he doesn't understand programming concepts or is being purposefully obtuse to FUD/troll.

>> No.2466248

Can someone explain to me what "bridging other coins together" means? What is a practical example of a benefit from it? Let's say you "bridge" with ETH, now what? Why wouldn't I just use ETH?

Not fudding, honestly curious.

>> No.2466371

you can trigger smart contracts from any 'end' of the bridge

e.g. i can use ark tokens to trigger a smart contract on the ethereum blockchain.

>> No.2466389

One example of using Smartbridge is the transfer of payments through various blockchain networks. This allows users to send a transaction with a specific amount of ETH from ARK, directly to the holder of the ETH account, once the information is processed and verified. Other applications will eventually lead to the transfer of data for user profiles, service ratings, contracts, and other applications. The use cases really are endless.

Another use case could be a 3rd party coin exchange service may look for specific triggers and handle cross blockchain payments for their customers. For example, You have ARK but want to pay for a movie using Netflix Credits but you don’t have any Netflix Credits. You could go through multiple steps to transfer into these credits to watch a movie but because you are a member of Bob’s coinshift platform, you can send an ARK transaction to bob with the instructions to pay for the video you want to watch with Netflix Credits on your behalf. This would not require Bob to be there and would be handled by the Centralized and Decentralized system that Bob’s Coinshift provides instantly for the consumer.

>> No.2466525

If ARK succeeds with their plans, it will become the ultimate newbie crypto. Average Joe getting into crypto late 2018 would only need an ARK wallet to be able to automatically receive/send btc/eth/everything without having to manually go to exchanges.

>> No.2466542

ARK will BE the next ETH. And I will be a millionaire because I currently have $20k worth

>> No.2466569

I hope it isn't the next eth, because eth is dogshit. Bunch of hype over shit other blockchains can do. That and it hasn't actually produced anything of value.

>I still hold some because people keep buying it

>> No.2466583

You are right. ETH will fail, eventually.

>> No.2466614

what do you all think the price will be in a year or two?

>> No.2466671

>Average Joe getting into crypto late 2018 would only need an ARK wallet to be able to automatically receive/send btc/eth/everything without having to manually go to exchanges.

Holy fuck I hadn't considered this.

Ark is so solid, the one thing that concerns me (and others) is the team. There's like one or two solid members and the rest are "entrepreneurs," potheads, or hobbyists

>> No.2466674


>> No.2466676

I've got 12M doge. Not doin too bad

>> No.2466713

trump did the same thing and look where it got him

>> No.2466714

A 15 year old russian hacker is worth billions and you're concerned about a team of business owners led by a NATO rocket scientist?

>> No.2466727

really puts things in perspective

>> No.2466728

Stop, my penis can only get so erect.

>> No.2467190

>rocket scientist
no he's not. he was an EU 'scientist'. francois is a good guy i dont doubt him anyway

>> No.2467366

That's fair. I trust them to execute, they actually get things done and are making progress and that's all that matters.

>rocket scientist

Let's stop this meme, he coded satellities or something

>> No.2467390

>he coded satellities or something

Oh, well fuck this guy then.

>> No.2467425

>I was going to hire this guy to tudor my son in algebra but then I found out he had a PhD in Physics.

>> No.2467429


>> No.2467440

>their wallet is sleek n sexy too. the sleekest n sexiest i've used
very much this
>first two wallets i used were XVG and ETH
>takes literal DAYS to download on my shit internet
>try out ark wallet
>downloads in minutes
>"weird, it's not downloading anything. is it fucked up"
>starts working instantly
>takes seconds to use and learn
>love the seed maker to take wallet anywhere; don't have to sweat losing hard drive like with ETH/XVG
it's comfy, looks super sexy, and quick to download

>> No.2467455

the ARK wallet might as well be rocket science compared to some of the shit wallets I've used

>> No.2467466

>tfw facebook is just a smartbridge for individual email/text/photoshares

>> No.2467486

>rocket science
nah we satellites senpai

>> No.2467499

Well ok each transaction has an unique id.Why would that make any difference ? What do they use this new id for ?

>> No.2467502

one head smart, other head stupid

>> No.2467566

>I just installed linux on my laptop with the intention of downloading ark client and transferring my coins from my desktop.
I couldnt get it to run on kali linux but I have no idea how to use linux.

>> No.2467592

I did a full arch linux build and I couldn't get it to work on arch w/gnome

so I tried ubuntu/debian based build and the .deb version was glitchy to install (first couple of times it didn't install/got hung up)

but after a while I tried again with the same file and it just worked

>> No.2467764

who aside from the scientist guy is also working on this?

>> No.2467866

>Rick Rubin
>PF Chang
>"Give em the good sex" Grexx
>Sir Doctor Professor Eric Kunz

It's an all star lineup

>> No.2467892

Francois is the only big name but who cares really? Its not like Vitalik was some well known name before ETH blew up.

>> No.2467923


>> No.2467930


also checked

>> No.2467993

expect it doesn't

Ark requires code modifications to the blockchains it "bridges", it will never in a million years be adopted by the only chains that matter

>> No.2468079

>Ark requires code modifications to the blockchains it "bridges", it will never in a million years be adopted by the only chains that matter

Could you expand on this further?

>> No.2468169

Which point, how Ark works, or the fact that Eth & BTC are never ever ever ever going to hardfork (which is what they'd need to do) to add Ark support?

>> No.2468238

Why can't Ark work with the current blockchains?

>> No.2468288
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>> No.2468326
File: 8 KB, 180x180, 1428258438213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shill hasn't even read the whitepaper of the shitcoin he's shilling
not surprising, just sad

Smartbridges require blockchains to include additional data that is not part of their block protocol

>> No.2468392

>Smartbridges require blockchains to include additional data that is not part of their block protocol

[citation needed]

>> No.2468402



Anything that does what shift payments does - into the trash.

>> No.2468459
File: 113 KB, 903x1279, sb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related from the whitepaper. What did they mean by this then?

>> No.2468585

>It's an all star lineup

Not sure if sarcastic or srs because theyre all nobodies

>> No.2468594

Literally nothing there contradicts what retarded frogposter said

>> No.2468788
File: 28 KB, 966x443, fuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False. Smartbridge can be implemented in any smart contract/dapp style blockchain fairly easily.
It would require offchain services to interop between currency based blockchains though (bitcoin, zcash, etc)
A fork just to implement the vendor field would be a naive approach, as each blockchain moves at a different pace and the cost per byte on the network would increase.
Heres a really shitty diagram showing how something like this might work.

>> No.2468888

if you own ARK, you all should look into RISE, it's forking to ARK next month

>> No.2468902

Kek has burned me twice.
He does not like profits, it would seem.

>> No.2468982


>> No.2469005

im sitting on almost 1200 now, i'm gonna hodl for at least a year on ark. i see a lot of potential.

>> No.2469011


To reach this kind of price, the tech needs to be available. You think they can lauch smartbridge within 2 years?

I do believe in Ark, ive got 30 of my holdings in it,but im a bit afraid that this project may take too long to finish. Plus the only place ARK is shilled is /biz.. makes me worried.

>> No.2469030

just means i'll be forging a bunch more ark each year :)

>> No.2469048

I will hold ARK 2 years at least. From all other coins this is the only one that that can bet on BTC/ETH level.

Other alt coins are just pump and dump.

>> No.2469058

Smartbridge is pretty simple and the meat of it is already implemented. Building cross blockchain applications that utilize it is the hard part.

>> No.2469073

Doesn't matter how much ARK you have if it's worthless. I hope it takes off, don't get me wrong, but some of the ARK shills on biz are oblivious to the fact that it may never take off.

>> No.2469082


Im not here for 100x returns in a month though. Do you have any other coins for a 2+ year hold?

>> No.2469091

> love the seed maker to take wallet anywhere; don't have to sweat losing hard drive like with ETH/XVG
Can you provide a link that shows where/how to do that?

>> No.2469162

You simply have to write down / store your pass phrase.

With it you an use the ark wallet anywhere, you dont need anything else.

>> No.2469185

Ah ok thanks.

>> No.2469295
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Practical application cryptos will take off way heavier versus bitcoin/ETH improvement coins.

>> No.2469984

You're probably right. Why basic attention token?

That image contains SIA, BAT and ?

>> No.2470015
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>> No.2470049

literally wanking at the moment thinking of the women I'll be able to fuck with my crypto gains. About to cum.

>> No.2470072

same. wanna skype?

>> No.2470088

yh. you got a nice cock? x

>> No.2470101
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>> No.2470283
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Cool logo

>> No.2470341

Still need my coinbase to become verified, someone willing to give me some small amount.


>> No.2470728

Lel just woke up. I'll probably sell my ARK when it hits $1 and throw the money at upcoming ICOs. I'll get back in maybe in a month or so. None of you had any influence on this decision but thanks anyway.

>> No.2470764

What are the actual practical benefits of bridging a blockchain together?

Why would you WANT to sync two different ledgers together? For what purpose?

>> No.2470787

>bob wants eth
>send ark
>bob receives eth
More or less

>> No.2470794

meh okay I'm sold

does anybody here want to sell me some ARK? I'll buy one LTC worth

>> No.2470882

blz respond
i will send u 1 ltc for 40 ark

>> No.2470981

noah said you're not allowed to enter the ark

>> No.2471123

Only started trading 3 days ago. Missed the last round of mooning. Please don't let me be too late.

>> No.2471407

Just don't invest more than you can afford to lose. I just started too.

>> No.2471482

yeah I wont. I put ~$1100 AUD in. Might put some more in if I have extra, but yeah, im looking at this whole thing as a bit of a gamble. I'm trying to keep my balance up by day trading. But with so little capital it's hard to make good returns. I'm just grinding out dollar deals or even less over and over. Would love to be able to hop aboard one of these moon rockets i keep hearing about.

>> No.2471669

Little dollar deals is better than losing.
I don't day trade because i don't know much about reading charts (depth, candlesticks etc) and i only had $100 to put in.

>> No.2471739

I get the day trading, but it is just such a grind with such little returns. Hopefully once BTC and ETH jump up again i will have value to play with.

>> No.2472387

No, it can't.

They make no secret of this, Ark requires blockchains to hardfork to enable their smartbridges to work, and no blockchain that matters is going to do this

>> No.2472434

Should have bought is when it was $.6.

>> No.2472629

Stop with this meme your fuckhead.

The other blockchains don't need to change their blockchain at all.

You are spreading false information.

>> No.2472771

you are wrong tard

>> No.2472815

wait one or two more days,
the bot seems to be gone right now and it might moon these days. if not, try a different coin and buy back in later with your profits

>> No.2472825


Are you this guy >>2471213

>> No.2472846

No, I'm not. Go ask the devs on the ark slack. Encoded listeners do not need changes made to the blockchain of others.

It is a very simple concept:
Ark has a data field that you can store message in, which is visible on transaction of the ark blockchain.
Encoded Listeners watch this blockchain and act upon the messages if they spot one that the encoded listener is made for.

You send ark transation with value of 2 eth and the text "send 2 eth to xxx" to ark blockchain. Encoded Listener responsible for ETh transaction sees your transaction and message and automatically sends 2 ETH to xxx. The encoded listener is decouple from the eth blockchain in the sense that no changes to the blockchain are necessary for it to work.

>> No.2472859

But for what do you actually need ARK in this?

>> No.2472904

to use the ark blockchain, which is the blockchain with the data field, which is the blockchain that the encoded listeners will watch?
I mean sure you could make something like ark with a different name, just like you can make bitcoin with a different name, but ark is on the forefront of developing this kind of interface and is networking with many other blockchain developers already (the ark slack channel has 3k people in it and hosts AmAs from other coin devs)

>> No.2472921
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The only thing they can do without blockchains altering their cores is that, and that is just a dogshit one-way shapeshift that no one has any reason to use

Actual smartbridges require harkforks, which no blockchain (that matters) will implement

Ark is a shitcoin. Fact.

>> No.2472963

Sending coins was just one simple example. You can send any message with the ark data field, including smart contract data, messages, files. It is very versatile. Shoo, shoo brainlet.

>> No.2472965

Ok but what the fuck do I do with ARK.
What do I do with them?
Why am I holding these (except because they are making me lots of money)?

>> No.2473004

what do you do with ETH?

I already told you the usecases that exist besides just using it as currency or passive income generator (voting for a top 51 delegate)

>> No.2473025
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>> No.2473030

Couldnt you somehow implement all this without some added gambling thing?

>> No.2473077
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Nigger, the reason for the smart bridge isn't for us who are trading and selling and etc. Ark is a normie targeted coin. While we can shapeshift, ARKs goal is to allow a debit card style payment method that automatically does all the work (including usd exchange) so you can actually use crypto to buy shit. Lowering the normalfag learning curve

That's what ARK is shooting for.
Captcha related

>> No.2473102


To add one more thing: the reason they get other cryptos to collaborate with AMAs and implement the bridge is because it benefits every crypto involved.

Instant exchanges with currency of choice with a physical card into usd.

>> No.2473111

If every coin would implement their own interface you'd end up with n ( or n*n depending on your definition) interfaces. That's not how you unify the blockchains

How do you figure the bridge is one way? the dapp can just send a message back by using the ark chain.
As for transaction fees, what do you think is better: Paying the transaction fees of the ark chin or paying the transaction fees of exchanges that scalp something off the top everytime you exchange one coin for another?

>> No.2473146

>If every coin would implement their own interface you'd end up with n ( or n*n depending on your definition) interfaces. That's not how you unify the blockchains
Do I need ARK to fuel bridging?

>> No.2473161

how often do i have to tell you. Bridging is done by sending shit on the ark blockchain. to use the ark blockchain you need ark.

>> No.2473203


Transactions on blockchain require .1 ARK. You could technically do ETH to BTC but it'd still require the .1 ARK transaction fee.

>> No.2473220

nigga, you gonna be saying that when it hits 200

whats $0.85?

>> No.2473225

Ok good, then we are clear on this.
Then whats the reason ETH cant just steal the technology for itself? You know, the coin thats literally made for the purpose of fueling?

>> No.2473258
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>the eth dapp will jus send ARK to the users Ark address despite not being in possession of ARK nor being able to communicate with the Ark blockchain, nor even having the users address as the exchange node made the transaction :^)
Holy fuck shit, you're a retard, you clearly have no idea how and what a dapp can and can't do, which makes sense given you're shilling a dogshit shitcoin

>Paying the transaction fees of the ark chin or paying the transaction fees of exchanges that scalp something off the top everytime you exchange one coin for another?
Using ETH so I only pay the ETH fee

It should also be noted that Ark exchange node also charges a fee, so you pay Ark trans fee, Ark exchange fee, and ETH trans fee

>> No.2473268

To get this straight: I totally see the point of the smart bridge technology and its 10/10.
I dont, however, see the need for a coin of its own to accomplish this,

>> No.2473279

because eth's focus is somewhere else at the moment and by the time eth would start something like that, ARK will already be ahead. To top it off, it would require a hard fork from ETH

>> No.2473292


Because it's more beneficial for Vitalik to focus on Ethereum's project goals. The smart bridge is just phase one. It's mutually beneficial to other cryptocurrencies to adopt a system (ARK) already developed to exchange amongst coins and into USD for consumer adoption than divert development into trying to create their own.

Buy groceries with ANY crypto by swiping a card. That's consumer adoption and is something lofty and game changing. ARK is aiming to be like the MasterCard of crypto. You can use your MasterCard in any country because it automatically exchanges across currencies.

Am I making this clear?

>> No.2473314

Ok, so no established technology (in particular ETH) could just go and copy this tech without killing itself? Because thats currently my main concern with ARK as a long-hold.

>> No.2473340

>Buy groceries with ANY crypto by swiping a card
The way I am understanding it here >>2470787 you as the consumer always have to pay with ARK and its the receiver who gets his wish-currency.

>> No.2473557

You say that like Vitalik is the only developer for ETH which is very far from true.

>> No.2473808


The autism is admirable.

>Steve Jobs would rather focus on apple's product design

This doesn't imply Steve Jobs is the only person at apple, because we know he was CEO. Come on man, I know we're having fun being inflammatory but the person directing a company or a project is probably driving the car.

>> No.2474847

Should I buy ark now or wait for dip?

>> No.2475249

I am wondering myself. I added some more ARK at 0.68 and Im hoping for a rise to 1, but Im currently doubtful that it will work out.

>> No.2475339

Wait for a dip. We're hitting too much resistance to rise in price right now.

>> No.2475412

It's showing we will push 41k as a swing.

Around a 20%+ move. Resistance at 41.5k

Breaking can push it an easy 100% from here for free shares.

>> No.2475417

there will probably be a dip to sub 30k

>> No.2475487

If 32k support breaks

>> No.2475494

sell walls cant go down engulfing that bit

>> No.2475522

come again?

>> No.2475627

mysterium i think

>> No.2475671

Holy shit this thread's still alive?

>> No.2475682

When do the delegate payouts start?
I voted for biz yesterday

>> No.2475690

Ark threads always get 200+ replies

>> No.2475707

No one actually care about the price of this thing?

Thread is full of gibs and MUH DELEGATES MUH FREE COINZ

proof this is a fucking shit coin,

the bag holders wet dream.

>> No.2475719
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>No one actually care

>> No.2475737

t. Salty no arker.
You're like one of the animals Noah left off his ark. You could have taken the boat away from wage cucking forever, but you're too stupid to see a good opportunity when it shows up right in front of you.

>> No.2475745

ive had ark for a week, its been stagnated for most of that, retard

>> No.2475787

And I had ETH for a year and a half, it stagnated for most of that

>> No.2475805

>caring about a new coins worth in a 1 week timespan
You don't deserve to hold this coin, you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.2475839
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newbs like you are a good sign it will go up as you sell out, then you can chase it up some.

>> No.2476136


Pretty much this. If you've been around for awhile and do your research. You know what's shilling and what's just legit conversation.

>> No.2476282

And what research is shilling and what is not?

>> No.2476504

>all this dumping
Why are so many people selling now instead of waiting for Ark to at least go to 1$?

>> No.2476514


>> No.2476519
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Because they thought it was a pump and dump and the ark will leave without them

>> No.2476524

I will change delegate pool to a non-scam one

>> No.2476555

what about Blocnet though? from what I gather theyre going for a similar kind of thing

>> No.2476565


>> No.2476578

Yes similar, what you cant copy is the community an support that Ark has, also the progress that has been made with Ark in such a short time frame is amazing.

>> No.2476865


>anonymous team
>no whitepaper
>no progress made in years
>no community
>no networking with up-and-coming coins like Bancor and BAT

Ark is to Blocknet what Google was to AltaVista.