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24675989 No.24675989 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop being a pussy and go for it? I've talked to my wife about wanting to take riskier investments, but she is nervous as hell about spending what is - ostensibly - "our money." Such as, my half of our savings towards a property and money for our future kids. I want to tell her to fuck off and it's mine to do what I want with, but I do agree in principle that this kind of shit isn't worth a.) risking; and b.) arguing over, since we both have the same goals for our future together. What do I do bros

>> No.24676052

How much are we talking about?

>> No.24676193
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You should already have property on a 15 year mortgage and be maxing out your tax deferred 401k's and roths into index funds before making riskier moves. This may not be what you want to hear but it is the truth. So unless you are stocking away ~32k per year in tax deffered mutual funds, your wife's instincts are correct.

>> No.24676210

certainly don't buy this overpriced pos from modern house. crystal palace is nice but this house doesnt even have a proper garden. and stop being a pussy and telling your wife about YOUR money which is none of her business

>> No.24676227


Also, what is your annual income? Alone and combined?

>> No.24676374

Get your t-levels checked. You sound like a complete faggot

>> No.24676667

Honestly not much at all. ~£3k, yet enough to make her feel anxious. Feels like I could 10x that though with some of the shit I see here every day.

Shit, maybe you're right. I'm maxing out everything I can right now - matched pension contributions, help-to-buy ISA (25% towards a property on a max of £12k savings) and standard index/mutual funds, but fuck man I want to get the ball rolling quicker. Income is £11k for me and £31k for her. Embarrassing but I was a drug addicted, debtor retard before, and I'm finally about to finish my master's degree and enter a real job at £35k starting next year.

>> No.24676722

Their interiors can be sweet but fuck buying in London. For real where are the gardens

>stop being a pussy and telling your wife about YOUR money which is none of her business
If quite literally is though as soon as she gets pregnant. I have a responsibility to raise a child and put a roof over its head that doesn't actually belong to some kike at Natwest

>> No.24676723

ask her boyfriend

>> No.24676800

Sounds like you would quicker lose the 3k than make 10x. Instead, focus your risk taking IRL, such as going after higher paid jobs, learning how to compete as a sociopath, and learning how to dominate your wife instead of asking for permission to act. She would become more attracted to you in the process.

>> No.24676821

Because you're poor and not the breadwinner I would recommend to actually listen to your wife.

>> No.24676900

>Asking a woman anything, ever.

>> No.24676920

Sorry bro your wife is busy with Tyrone ;)

>> No.24676968
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Low initial risk but here is what you do. Sacrifices must be made. Either you or your wife take out multiple life insurance policies on the other person. Wait a few months then whoever you guys decide to take the fall will have an unfortunate "accident" driving home at night. Then all in link. You (or her) and the kids will be set for life. Just be careful bringing this up with her, she might decline but you will have planted the seed. A woman's preferred method of killing someone close is poisoning and if she's not strapped for time it's micro doses for 10+ years. Police and doctors rarely catch on unless its the third husband that dies the same way. So, if your health starts slowly declining after telling her this you might just have to cut her brakes first.

>> No.24676988
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mfw I put in £7k into link, 3k into RSR and my gf has no idea. Still have about 20k sitting in the bank.

I forget how much even £1,000 is to some of you britbongs

>> No.24677043

Ha had the same idea. Then thought I have the main trading accounts in my name, and checking accounts in OUR names. So I just went and spent OUR money, and she couldn’t do shit about it. Gave her extra attention lately, and haven’t heard a word about it.

>> No.24677051
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>is apprehensive about risking 3k
>mfw I just dropped $18k on a meme coin I only learned about on a Peruvian pan flute forum
do poorfags even

>> No.24677053


>> No.24677104
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Are you fucking serious?

>Feels like I could 10x that though with some of the shit I see here every day
Judging from this alone, I'm pretty sure you're not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. You will lose that money to some pajeet scams on biz as soon as you start 'trading' that money.

>Embarrassing but I was a drug addicted, debtor retard before
Yup. I don't need to say more. Listen to your wife. Just wagecuck and invest your spare money into safer investments in the regulated markets. That's what you'd do if you're really doing it for your family, instead of following your ego.

>> No.24677118

For every 10x shit you see there’s a bag holder in the -10x

They don’t post tho because they either killed themselves or are too ashamed

>> No.24677690

I should add that everything OP is currently doing is quite risky
>Max out retirement account
Can't touch it until you become a boomer. Anything can happen in that time: financial resets, pension fund insolvencies, secular bear markets (see Russia, Argentina, Mexico, etc.)
>Get a 15 year mortgage
Buying at the absolute top such that your property loses value over the next 30 years (see Japan).
>Keeping money saved in a bank
Bank bail-ins (see Cyprus, Spain / Italy 2017, the UK by 2022), capital controls (see Argentina, Lebanon 2020) currency devaluation (literally every nation).

What is perceived as risk-averse these days has actually never been riskier.

>> No.24677704

I've got -5K on my credit card, -3K on another. sitting on £120k in link and cashed out a shit load at $4 for a house deposit in which I rent out both room and pay the minimum on my mortgage. Use leverage to your advantage anons, don't be a bitch and pay the bank like a good little wagie.

I'll be financially free within two years and in that time I'll be finding other sources of passive income so I can keep scaling.

>> No.24677768

>the UK by 2022.
How would this effect the economy apart from inflation anon?

>> No.24677804

You're broke and poor. Listen to your wife. She's clearly more intelligent than you. Be content with your upper lower class lifestyle

>> No.24677830

brah I made the same mistake of talking to my wife about my career moves.
Never take advice from your wife. Women are not risk prone.
You gotta do what you gotta do

>> No.24677964

Am I really that poor? What the fuck? I'm doing leagues better than I was before after pulling myself out of the literal gutter. I still have friends with negative networths. I didn't think £3k in savings was that bad for a 25-year-old

>> No.24678096

if you have below $800k networth you're poor.
>$800k you're middle class

The people you know are in poverty

>> No.24678133

the advice of women in matters of finance is worthless
you are a fool for consulting your wife about what to do with your own money

>> No.24678143

Just don't invest more than you can afford to lose and research your investments well

>> No.24678201

Yeah, you're poor.
t. 25 year old with zero debt and $115k net worth from a lower middle class family

>> No.24678264

> talking to wife

ngmi anon

>> No.24678269

I like your way of thinking. What is your portfolio like?

>> No.24678351

what kind of skewed fucking worldview is this. where do you both live

>> No.24678392

Canada. I also spent $64k on university tuition and paid it off within 6 months of graduation.

>> No.24678423

You're clearly completely clueless about trading if you think you can "10x" with barely any knowledge. If you're so confident about it, then try to work with 300£, see if you can get to 3k. You probably won't though. The more I read and learn about trading, the more I'm realizing there's a necessary mindset, a lot of knowledge and good discipline to go anywhere, just like with any skill.
If you're not committed, you'll just lose money, or at best have your investment stagnate.
Get a good paying job and then start gambling, you degen. You're just excited because you feel like anything is possible but this euphoria won't last, so get your shit together instead of dreaming of EZ money.
Also fuck brits

>> No.24678444

I forgot the whole picture but TLDR is
>Bank bail-ins work by using the banks' own capital (includes customer-cucks' deposits) to maintain solvency.
>BoE doesn't want to use UK taxpayer money to bail out banks anymore, so they will have to bail-in by 2022 to get through the next crisis.
>Bank solvency is more important than customer-cuck deposit security because the UK financial sector has to remain attractive to foreign investors.

>Bail-ins will end "too big to fail" banks at the expense of reduced GDP, forever.

>> No.24678637

Fuck her (literally). Put babies into her (why the fuck else did you marry a woman?). Lead the bitch and show her how it's done (moneywise and else). Stop sucking dicks. Be a non gay man.

>> No.24678698


Unironically stop masturbating

>> No.24678763


>> No.24678819

Listen to your wife

>> No.24678998

> I've talked to my wife about wanting to take riskier
Bad move.

Women are inherently averse. They are wired to build a nest and protect their young and anything that threatens that causes them stress. They prioritize stability. Give one full financial authority and they’ll put all the money into a savings account at 0.25% interest. That or buy a bunch of shoes.

In any case you need to man up and tell your wife that you are in charge of the family’s finances and are going to make the best choices for its future, and that she doesn’t need to know what risk that involves, for her own good. Assure her she will share in the gains and you won’t spend it all off on feet pictures from AZN lolis no matter how appealing such an endeavor sounds.

>> No.24679047

A mix of everything, from least risky to most:
>BTC, ETH, XMR across various wallets
>a bunch of credit spreads on US equities
>some physical gold + silver
>a house in Siberia
>long options on US equities
>US high-dividend equities (mostly REITs)
>high-dividend equities on the MOEX
>rubles in Sberbank
>euros in Deutschebank
>USD in credit unions

Why is crypto less risky than cash?
I'm from Argentina. In the 2000s banks had a solvency crisis so they literally locked customer accounts and prevented withdrawals. They used those deposit accounts to equalize their balance sheets and pay off shareholders, then GTFO of the country. The government was complicit. Also inflation reached %1000s. Also happening again now, and its illegal to transfer money out of the country so crypto trades at a huge premium.

>> No.24679087

imagine letting a woman control your money

>> No.24679228

Do freelance work. Learn an online skill. Put all that money into crypto.

>> No.24679264
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at least wait until ~march through june at this point dude. evictions/foreclosures restart with a vengeance come january, then it's just a matter of processing and time delays with courts

>> No.24679282

Bruv you sound like me except my mrs doesn't know about my crypto and i dont have debts or a degree

>> No.24679377

wtf I'm nearly 40 and have never had more than 10k in the bank

>> No.24679518

For us non americans, can you please translate: "401k's and roths into index funds"

401k=pension saving with tax cut?

>> No.24679583

Youre buying crypto with CREDIT? How fo you not get assraped long term by fees & rent?

>> No.24679600
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Defi sphere is developing rapidly but still difficult to find good platform.
Has anyone participated in baseprotocol.org? run into blockchain experts reviews about it,I think it`s great. What is your opinion about it?

>> No.24679787

Yes a 401k is an account funded by you and sometimes partially by your employer, you can invest the funds within the account and can withdraw them tax-free effectively after age 60. Try to get money out before 60 and you have to pay tax AND a penalty.

>> No.24679829

No Anon, I pour all my money into crypto. I use the banks money for anything else I need, I take 0% interest cards for around 3k a pop and have another with a large limit I will pay off in a few months. I'll pay a few hundred in fees for the privilege but it's well worth it. It's called leverage. if you can get 50% return and pay 10% then why not, just don't overleverage like cucks who use x10 leverage on manipulated exchanges. Buy crypto with all your money and hold, if the bank comes after you then either liquidate and come to a pay solution or declare bankrupcy with millions in assets like actual rich people do. We've all been trained to be good little sheep, it's time to learn a thing or two.

>> No.24679949

24 and my networth is 35k
Not a lot, but its not bad either.

>> No.24680064

You still live in a shithole

>> No.24680152

OP, if you have done your research and due diligence, the choice should be clear. There are a few key projects, when acquired over time with dollar cost averaging and held for several years, will yield life changing profits. You already know this, just need to explain to your woman as you would a child

>> No.24680167

Lol, the ideal receipt to stay poor. Due to your very low iq you also earned it.

>> No.24680265
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>Can't touch it until you become a boomer.

This is not true for U.S. anons. If you have enough to retire early, you can submit tax form 72t and withdraw penalty free.

>>Get a 15 year mortgage
>Buying at the absolute top such that your property loses value over the next 30 years (see Japan).

This is a huge generalization. I agree that housing isnt necessarily an investment. But it is a good inflation adjusting form of wealth storage. Unless you believe that property worldwide is going to zero. I have two properties paid off using 15 year mortgages and the value has risen about 4% per year. It makes up a signifocant portion of my net wealth that would have gone to rent anyways. This works better of you are handy with repairs. I am 32 and it would have been difficult to accumulate the amount of wealth that I have conpletely omitting real estate.

I agree with the general sentiment of the post but it is too exteme IMO. Is your ideal world the one where everyone only has crypto? I would like that as well, but it is not going to happen on our lifetimes.

>> No.24680470
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Anon. Focus on icreasing your income and doing the rest of what I said. Then once you have made it to upper middleclassville the use money that is left over that you dont need to try and make it to wealthyville.

>> No.24680635

Normally I'd say fuck what your wife says, but with this context, she genuinely sounds smarter than you. Probably best you stay away from investing any money in risky things until you can earn equal or more than her.
It isn't really wise to do risky investments when you have a wife and kids desu. That's why I'm doing crypto now in my mid 20's as I have no dependants and can just play with shit coins in hopes of x10's.

>> No.24680643
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I don't know, have you asked the bull for permission?

>> No.24680820

>he had fallen for the gf/wife meme

>> No.24681753

>I've talked to my wife
There is where you fucked up.