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24665575 No.24665575 [Reply] [Original]

>Fitch warns Canada of 2nd credit downgrade from AAA as Canada prints record $800 Billion in 2020/2021

>TORONTO -- Fitch Ratings, which in June stripped Canada of its triple-A credit rating, has warned that Canada could face renewed pressure on its rating if Ottawa sticks to spending plans outlined last week in a fiscal update without raising revenue.

>"Canada is collapsing," Fitch Ratings said in an article posted on its website on Monday.

>"Canada's public financial profile would weaken relative to its 'AA' category peers if the federal budgets for fiscal years 2021-22 and 2022-23 adhere to the government's medium-term operational forecasts and stimulus plans as outlined in the Fall Economic Statement (FES) without new revenue-raising measures," Fitch added.

>Canada's budget deficit is forecast to hit a historic $582 billion on COVID-19 emergency aid, with the federal government eyeing $212 billion in stimulus to be rolled out once the virus is under control, the finance department said last week. This amount equates to nearly 40% of Canada's GDP and would put Canda's debt-to-GDP ratio ahead of the infamous PIIGS - Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain, just behind Japan.


So Canada just released it's latest "Fiscal Snapshot" (Canada still has not produced a budget since 2019), and in that snapshot the amount printed this year alone is nearly $600B, with another $200B+ planned for 2021 and $100+ planned for 2022. Canada's federal budget is normally approximately $300B, meaning Trudeau and his brave and powerful female journalist Finance Minister are running a 200% deficit for 2020, a 66% deficit for 2021 and a 33% deficit for 2022.

>> No.24665645

hehe.....HAHAHAHA, so what?

>> No.24665688

great, looks like we will be building two walls.

>> No.24665966



now check what percentage of the full-time Canadian workforce is/was employed in some form of the home construction industry

Here, I'll just tell you, 7%

So the government is functionally bankrupt and if the housing bubble stops it's going to be an unemployment disaster

>> No.24666029

You know what's funnier? People will blame this on capitalism rather than socialism. I already feel isolated about this topic and it can only get worse.

>> No.24666059
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Step 1

Open this link


Step 2

On the year selection select "MAX"

Step 3

Buy bitcoin and monero because you have realized the day of the rake is here and it will trigger a massive usd devaluation due to nafta making canadian labor absurdly cheap relative to yank labor.

>> No.24666087

I hate canada and canadians so damn much, I want their country to be eradicated so their faggot kind doesn't pollute this Earth anymore.

>> No.24666103
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Keynes was a soviet agent, Harry Dexter White got the blame to cover for him.

Keynsians are destroying capitalism on purpose to get their communist revolution.

Buy Bitcoin ,Monero & Ethereum, JOIN OR DIE

>> No.24666104

I blame the kikes who subverted Canada's government.

>> No.24666105

it's truly amazing

>> No.24666110

Canada has already been designated to be the 51st state whether they want to or not

>> No.24666138 [DELETED] 

Coincidentally the federal government started tightening crypto regulations this year and plan more draconian bullshit for 2021

>> No.24666144

>usa prints 6 gorillion
>AAAAAAA+++ BBC triple anal creampie rating
>canada prints not even a trillion
>down cucked

>> No.24666162

Yes. Its time we annex Canada

>> No.24666204

>I already feel isolated about this topic and it can only get worse.

A good realization is that 99% of people don't actually have opinions. They just think they do, but it's whatever has been served up to them.

It's why I have really started to appreciate money, because money is an objective measure of how well you understand what the hell is going on.


Are you insane, you'd be adding an entire new California

>> No.24666263

Somehow, this will end up with Canada's central bank being the nation's largest holder of real estate.

>> No.24666293


From a strict legal perspective, I think technically all land in the country's owned by the British Crown

>> No.24666299

Why do you think I joined crypto?
I can't speak about capitalism without being sneered at by classmates and you think that I could even mention that?
I heard that the US might get the same treatment actually. Canada is just always so early on these types of great social changes.
I am trying my hardest to do the same as you.

>> No.24666304

>chinese money pours into canadian real estate
>bubble pops
>china goes down with us
>usa wins
Were we set up the bomb?

>> No.24666326

Canada is fucked by woke

>> No.24666388
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Usa does not win , due to nafta if leafs hyperinflate their labor costs will go below mexico , meaning the usa will be forced to devaluate too.

There are two posibilities.

1_They are doing this to destroy the usa via nafta triggering a massive leaf inflation.

2_The leaf social democrat retard government has reached the logical conclusions of social justice warrior policies and destroying their civilization as cultural entropy.

Desu both are possible , many nations are comiting seppuku as the leafs are doing as boomers die more and more people without life experiences take their place since boomers monopolized power and close the door to other generations after the end of the gold standard.

Shit's fucked up.

>> No.24666426

Yes, but that's similar to how land ownership works in most counties, including the US I think.

>> No.24666479

>many nations are comiting seppuku

We're not committing suicide, we're being murdered. Jews are civilizational HIV and the whole White world is being ravaged by AIDS.

>> No.24666481

Very few places allow you to truly own land as far as I know:

>> No.24666486


Thoroughly sold out.


It took a while to really hit me, that really most people don't think about anything outside of their own lives at all, and all the rest of what they "think" is just something an authority told them. I mean, everyone always says if they had a time machine they'd get so rich, because they'd know what was going to happen, which is an admission of sorts that they've got no fucking clue what's going on now.

So, why care if someone's repeating CNN or Fox or whatever at you, thinking it's their own opinion? It tends to make them happy. If you're making money, you understand what's going on without the benefit of hindsight.

>> No.24666498


Thought-provoking 2bh

>> No.24666541

Sounds almost like they're thinking of bailing in people's savings

>> No.24667020


Wouldn't be surprised, or a confiscatory tax on private retirement funds over a certain amount. I'd expect the GST to start climbing up to European levels, 10-15%

CPP was functionally bankrupt before COVID, with something like a trillion in unfunded liabilities back before Weedman blew the national debt up from 300 to 800 billion.

COVID's given them the excuse to do all the horrible shit that'll be necessary to keep the Boomers alive

>> No.24667065

>Usa does not win , due to nafta if leafs hyperinflate their labor costs will go below mexico , meaning the usa will be forced to devaluate too.
That only applies to economies with remotely competitive labor forces.

>> No.24667087

and remember ontario government is broke too,

>> No.24667493

>the infamous PIIGS
I can't believe that actually stuck, like Japan is in it it didn't have to piigs it could have been jiigs Greece etc lmao Jews are fucking asshole hahaha

>> No.24667555
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>> No.24667610

i think a massive bail in is imminent. It will be the final blow to those who are financially more independent and powerful (powerful relevant to other average citizens)
After this final blow they will be weakened enough to accept the terms of the "great reset" whatever the terms may be

>> No.24667638
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>> No.24667676
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Fallout timeline is a prediction

>> No.24667710

id be pretty surprised if the us was still a completely sovereign nation by 2072
i already question if it is today

>> No.24667803

(X) doubt

>> No.24667848

>usa ramps up the debt but people get trumpbucks
>canada does the same but i get nothing. just a bunch of gibes for people who hate me

>> No.24667868

why would any creditor be worried about getting their money back of course it should be AAA? Canada could just print it to infinity to pay back whatever.

>> No.24667880
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>> No.24667908

how do i make money off of this?

>> No.24667954

Crypto. They will hunt down like a dog though

>> No.24667964

Interesting. Where do you see what the dispute is about?
I doubt they can do it like it was done in Cyprus, where they just outright stole money from people's accounts and in return for equity in the bank (which of course wasn't worth much, since it was a failing bank).
There would have to be another acute, severe crisis in order for them to push anything so drastic. Maybe that "cyber pandemic" that Klaus has started talking about. Who knows.
But yea, taxes of various sorts are very likely going to be used to drain people.

>> No.24668056
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Canada's also screwed since they sold off the last of their gold reserves not that long ago

>> No.24668064
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Hmm curious how the UK got rid of their gold reserves at the same time

>> No.24668089

You know what's even funnier. They are going to take record numbers of "refugees" in the next three years.

>> No.24668249

Alaberta would join the States willingly. Possibly also much of interior BC and the irrelevant prairie provinces.
Coastal BC is already a province of China, and Southern Ontario a province of India. All that’s left are the territories, maritimes, Northern Ontario, and Quebec and they’ll fight tooth and nail to not become burgers.
I like the States, but I’d never want to be an American.

>> No.24668481

Leafbros...are you guys all moving the fuck away from here or staying?

>> No.24668533

There is a new report out that Canada is going to be seeing greater food inflation over the next year as well. Something like 5%.

>> No.24668674

There isn't really anywhere else to go. Pretty much every other developed country is in the same boat with 0% interest rates and increasing money supply.

>> No.24668699

Crypto will moon and I will buy large plots of beautiful land so my friends and family have a place to homestead if we enter a great depression

>> No.24668704

lmao what the fuck

>> No.24668770

>Let women have the vote
>Vote in drama teacher
>Get flooded with shitskins who also vote drama teacher
> No idea about sensible economic policy other than fee fees
>Why are things crashing?!

You get what you deserve leafs.

>> No.24668928

I’m divesting as much as I can from $CAD because Canada is going to be s shitshow soon
If the liberals get another majority you’ll probably see a civil war from the sheer amount of division their policies would add for years to come, and it’s pretty bad already

>> No.24668993

Who even cares, canada won't even exist in 10 years

>> No.24669077

lol there's plenty of places to go

>> No.24669119

>muh credit rating
>this matters
Fuck off OP

>> No.24669418

last time I checked construction and property made up 30% of our gdp

>> No.24669540

i shown an article here a few months ago. this isnt even a joke there are straight movie props in the canadian government for economics, one woman who is saying things like this is new modern economic theory and we are going to get things right, because before they were old and stupid, not even hyperbole

>> No.24669646

Maybe if our economy tanks we'll stop getting mass immigration

>> No.24669661

All nations will suffer ----> More migrations to less devastated nations

>> No.24669663

>more and more people without life experiences
Gen x got fucked hard in canada didn't they?

>> No.24669665

Don't they do that to boost the economy?

>> No.24669718

the solution is always bring more immigrants. fuck niggerdeu

>> No.24669797

Australia too

>> No.24669862
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Oh wait I went all in BTC at $5K. KEK! Print away bitches.

EPIC will outgain 90% of shitcoins anyways.

>> No.24669944

their debt will be reset anyway so whats the point of trying to save the economy, the more they bankrupt their citizens the better for them. Canada is just going full yolo on the reset

>> No.24670411


It's a really simple argument. Anything to so with government is not capitalism by definition. Memorize the definitions and the arguments will follow.

>> No.24670586

There won't be a civil war, canadians are too castrated for that.

>> No.24671266

Holy shit you weren't kidding.

>> No.24671384

do this for any western nation we're all going exponential on the money supply. I still wouldn't rule out a fiscal contraction but inflation does seem the likely outcome. I'm holding gold but I have about 100k cash in case they start letting debt deflate.

>> No.24671408

California at least has massive agriculture tech and hollywood and naturally desirable land to subsidize its retarded policies. Canada is frozen shithole version of cali. They export oil and minerals but i seriously doubt the windfall from those is enough to justify their fucking absurd policies. Canada unironically imports nearly 3 times as many people as california just lol.

>> No.24671412

Australia and probably canada too have so much gold in the ground reserves don't matter.

>> No.24672807

What comes after for the anglo world?

What's everyday life like afterwards? Social attitudes?

>> No.24672816

Its obviously capitalism because capitalism is a failure in crisis, therefore you have to bail it out when SHTF.

>> No.24673132

Imagine not staying in the greatest country on earth and not fighting for it as your forefathers did. Fucking weak.

>> No.24673516

>Something like 5%.
Are you a full blown retard? Food price inflation is already 10% yearly MINIMUM for years.

>> No.24673545

Crypto wont save you, it will be ruled illegal everywhere, the writing are on the walls, anyone not full on gold&silver is a megatard.

>> No.24673586

That's a retarded take. If they plan to reset the debt, why not acquire as much gold as possible for free, instead of pilling up worthless fiat? Do you have a brain?

>> No.24673617
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Brap hogs are due for a raise.

>> No.24673642

i dont fucking care

>> No.24673851

and niggas wanna focus on Tether, meanwhile countries literally print trillions. Bunch of faggots on /biz/

>> No.24673883

So you expect them to nationalize the gold miners?
I think it's even worse than that graph suggests since that spike is happening during the greatest drop of GDP in Canadian history

Resetting their dept will be attached with conditions, mostly likely ones that vastly erode national sovereignty and/or other dire consequences. Dept is the Faustian bargain with which they enslave you.

>> No.24673976




>> No.24673984

Australia too only to watch it soar 5 years after, we literally lost billions of dollars and there was absolutely no reason to sell.

All this Anglo nations sold on advice guess by which long nosed motherfucker


>> No.24674391

Am 20 year old Canadian. Wat do.

>> No.24674465
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No to mandatory, untested, vaccines https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-2961

>> No.24675153
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thanks fren; looks quality. signed

>> No.24675202

move to the states.

>> No.24675945

Where do you recommend? I like guns, freedom, and cold weather. Fuck actually I might try Alaska now that I think of it.

>> No.24676303

Implying it doesn't just result in NDP disintegrating, and then Republicans picking up Alberta, Sask, Manitoba, and NB.