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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24651910 No.24651910 [Reply] [Original]

/eg/ - Entrepreneurship General #8
>not an oxymoron edition

Absolute must watch:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anJFf9pN16g [Embed]
Link to mentioned book: http://library.lol/main/578D3894C79ACC24ACC585E082898671

Startup resources from the best. For more pleasant viewing, simply look up ycombinator on youtube and check out their more popular videos especially the ones by Michael Seibel (Twitch cofounder).

Previous thread

>> No.24652222

Anyone have experience in franchises? Any good resources on this sector? Been self-employed investing my own money for two years now and looking at different opportunities.

>> No.24652264

Hey Anon, I heard they are a crap chute, some are amazing and some are def shit. From what I understand do your research

>> No.24652353


>> No.24652394

oats told me to bump

>> No.24652413


Also the following discord link is to the official Entrepreneurship Discord server called: /entg/


>> No.24652456

Isn't the whole point of entrepreneurship to do things that haven't been predicted? Who made that infographic

>> No.24652475


>> No.24652524

will put this in the thread next time, thank you

>> No.24652582

some dude on twitter, can find it if you google twitter @naval

>> No.24653177

Wish these threads could come back. /biz/ used to have a lot of neat threads before crypto and pajeets took over.