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File: 10 KB, 980x385, Bitcoin a shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24642364 No.24642364 [Reply] [Original]

>Invest in bitcoin, it'll work, regardless of what you do!

So I thought I'd try out Coinbase and their free money nonsense. Did a bit and got about 50 pounds. If I saw good signs after a month or so, I'd put more money in.

Well it's been a month just stayed there. It's not all in bitcoin, I spread it out a little into the most shilled stuff here, a little Link, a little Etherium, etc but most is bitcoin. Now, it should have gone up. But it hasn't. It's wavered between £57 and £50 worth.

Now it's a small experiment, sure but thus far, I'm not seeing the gains or benefits.

What's going on?

>> No.24642418

Saw a 15% gain, effectively compressing three years of average stock market gains into whatever period you’re speaking of, and it’s not good enough?

Gee, I don’t know, put more money in you greasy gyppo fuck

>> No.24642421
File: 123 KB, 800x736, 1605561699466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your biggest fuck up was not using coinmetro

>> No.24642461

I haven't seen any gain. It's gone down from the starting amount.

>> No.24642516

You saw your coins at 50...
Then you saw your coins at 57...
That's 15 percent GAIN,
You just didn't cash out...

Imagine If that was 10000 x .15 instead of 50.

>> No.24642526

the next move for crypto pump is stimulus deal.
wait for it nigger

>> No.24642541

Have you considered not being an ADHD-riddled retard and waiting longer than a month?

>> No.24642615

It started at about 54 actually, so it was a 3 pound increase, but this isn't a quick fire trade. This is to gauge for investment.

>> No.24642676

Literally this, god fucking damn it I hate people so much.

>> No.24642776

This is supposed to be a period of gain, isn't it? I remember this board going on and on about how it's going to keep rising, etc, etc all this talk of people ready to prime the pump and so on.

But no, a slight decline. Over a month. Where previously jumps have seen things increase and keep increasing in lesser time. Curious that.

>> No.24643077

You don't know how to invest full stop

>> No.24643081

I can't believe I'm even replying to you but here we go, I've been playing with shitcoins like a degenerate and but my gf bought Bitcoin and just sits on it, she's up by more than 200% from spring and I'm down -40%. You're a retard for even imagining you'd double your 50 quid in mere weeks with Bitcoin.

>> No.24643083

But I do. I put £500 each month into a mutual fund and that's gone up nicely.

>> No.24643100

I wasn't expecting to double my coins, I was expecting to see a slight upwards trend, say maybe about 60 pounds or so, possibly less but still upwards. Instead it's declined.

>> No.24643172

cause you bought shitcoins you stupid retard.

>> No.24643206

What stock market? In Venezuela? Stock market is literally printing money.

>> No.24643633

I have my bags $BTC since 2017. Now I have bags of INJ because im sure this project will do great!

>> No.24643771

If you intend to trade you're supposed to actually trade. If you intend to hodl your supposed to actually hodl. Zero trades is not trading and hodling is measured in years, not a single digit span of weeks. I can't tell what you are trying to do here but I do know you are doing a bad job at it.

>> No.24643852

What did you expect with 50 quids in a month? Either move the money more or wait longer

>> No.24643863
File: 64 KB, 240x240, 1596987300608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, so you made up a strawman argument, tried it for half of a picosecond, and it didn't work! Amazing! Have you considered applying to work at the Federal Reserve? You really know money!

>> No.24643900

>50 lbs
honestly you insufferable retard....why do you think its ok for someone as poor as you to fuck up the board with this shit?
shut the fuck up retarded limey

>> No.24643903

He's trolling, obviously. Nobody is that stupid and also bothers to fill out captchas on 4channel.

>> No.24643907
File: 45 KB, 815x740, forehead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
