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24638443 No.24638443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

my mental health is rapidly declining and i am losing control over my own actions

>> No.24638455

shouldn't've bought API3

>> No.24638464

just jerk off and fall asleep then watch 24 episodes of LOST in a row.

>> No.24638467


>> No.24638488
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you're doing it rong

>> No.24638503

You probably shouldn't punch yourself in the nose until it bleeds anon.

>> No.24638506

Stop porn drugs alcohol video games and junk food. Wait 6 months at the least and you’ll feel like a diff person. It won’t be easy until then.

>> No.24638531

Sleep more. Sleep is all you need to maintain a minimal level of mental health, in my experience.

If necessary, spend literally every moment not working or eating asleep. Exercise and diet help too I guess, but like I said in my experience at least sleep is 90% at least of what determines whether I'm crazy or not.

>> No.24638537

this plus daily walking

>> No.24638540
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>> No.24638553

thank you ill do my best

>> No.24638554

I’m in the same boat. Feel like I’m taking an excuse but fuck me if it just seems like all I have are these four walls and my degeneracy

>> No.24638620

I'm serious, getting enough sleep is literally the easiest and most powerful change you can make, people underrate it precisely because it requires no effort. It's also socially stigmatized to sleep during the day because of the idiocy of slavish boomers and tradcucks.

It won't fix everything in your life, but it can and will change said life from intolerable to OK again. It also grants other fringe benefits, like suddenly improved social skills and cognitive restoration, also boners although the latter is a double-edged sword so to speak.

>> No.24638714

how would you go about resetting a messed up sleep schedule?

>> No.24638776

same. I just want to go the gym

>> No.24638813

you don't need no gym membership or anything. all you need is sleep and a walk for an hour every day at the park where everyone is jogging

>> No.24638866

This. I've been sleeping a lot as a means to time travel (lmao) into the future, and it has been working great for my good mood, but you have to be able to allow yourself to relax, it's a question of self love too. Also, I would recommend to sunbathing for a good mental health too. I also do nofap, life's great.

>> No.24638885

read a physical book instead of tv or gaming. stay off screens 3~ hours before you want to sleep. exercise during the day (half hour that gets you sweaty/exhausted). don't eat late at night. dont drink coffee after noon

>> No.24638900

Don't ask Alexa when the dawn of the age of Aquarius is, you'll really spaz out.

>> No.24638918


only the first half of the first season was decent, jesus what a shitshow

>> No.24638928
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How would you feel if COVID-21 became a thing?

>> No.24638930

throw drugs away and pray

>> No.24638947

What happens if you do ask that?

>> No.24638997
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How you holding up tonight, schizofriends? Synchronicity has been killing me lately, not sure how much longer I can last before something happens.

>> No.24639036
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I can't tell if people are memeing about their depression or everyone - I mean everyone, genuinely everyone, not an exaggeration - contort and cry with a hopelessness hard to pint. Materially comfortable but dead inside.

Are all of you fucking LARPers? Who is happy?

>> No.24639201

unironically roll it forward. Stay up for 20 hours at a time then sleep as long as you want. repeat until you are going to bed at like 8-10pm and wake up at 5-7am

>> No.24639290

Mine's genuine but I know what you mean. I think the massive spike in hysteria this year comes from weak-willed normalfags who never had to suffer the neet life before quarantine happened. It was funny back in summer but now every other post I see here or anywhere reads like it came from /x/ and it's driving me completely fucking insane. Life was simpler when my ramblings were retarded instead of relatable.

>> No.24639330


>> No.24639346

Synchronicity is killer when you don’t expect it that’s why you have to be every where at all times you also avoid normies this way 50/50

>> No.24639374

newfags going through the phase where they avoid awareness of the inner self by complaining about what it has to say. it's a symptom of hyperstition writ large.

>> No.24639435
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>bro melancholy dude I just see the world different
>omg pessimism don't you get it???
Finish highschool

>> No.24639511


>> No.24639561

Welcome to life

>> No.24639591

Smoke a lot of weed and play 80 hours of complex strategy games each week or get completely engrossed in some kind of intense mental activity like that. Keep a 24 hour music radio station on at all times, when you're unsure about something use the lyrics of whatever song is playing to reach a conclusion. Buy an old tube TV and keep it on playing static as a light source in your windowless basement at all times. Get everything delivered directly to the basement so you never leave the light from the TV.

>> No.24639620

based as fuck

>> No.24639629

First I've heard of it for once, unsettling in it's accuracy. Thanks for the new rabbit hole.

>> No.24639645

this is the way

>> No.24639704
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I thought you were insulting me, not adding commentary, but I still can't tell and thus I'll go to bed
sorry in the case you're adding commentary, fuck you in the case you aren't

>> No.24639705

Go keto and loads eat good natural fat. Do NOT (!!) eat sugars and serioualy try to avoid carbs. All those shitty breads, noodles, even rixe are soaked in pesticides and heavy metals, plus the sugara destroy your cardiovascular system, as well as stimulating lipogenesis.
Eat 70% of your calories as natural fats, like butter and cream (grass fed) or olive oil and i promise your brain and body will get better

>> No.24639961

have fun
you may enjoy simulacra and simulation as a good complementary read
it was commentary on the state of recent depression posters. enjoy your sleep fren

>> No.24639968
File: 1.03 MB, 750x1624, 50FAEC67-9629-4931-9A16-221D727959E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven’t you seen my TRE (trauma release exercises threads I post all over biz, pol, and x???

>> No.24639972

That would be pretty fucking gay, don't do it.

>> No.24640000

That's because you need to go to bed EARLY eg 10 pm, not at midnight or later.

>> No.24640014
File: 1.23 MB, 750x1624, 77228B54-A9DC-4B7A-BAE5-979BC8C74F82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is one of my threads of TRE from July on biz.


If you go to the pol archives you will see multiple 300+ reply threads of great info and lots of anons thanking me.

Here is a post from an anon last night in one of my threads with PTSD. Pretty nuts

>> No.24640050


Remember OP....... mental health is NOT in your head. It’s stress and trauma stored in your body. And when you do the TRE exercises... you involuntarily tremor and that it stress and trauma discharging from your body.

David berceli figured out that wild animals never have the long lasting effects of stress and anxiety because after they get away from predators attacking them they start tremoring, then they go back to grazing 1 min later like nothing every happened.

>> No.24640066

sleeping enough also give you test

>> No.24640075


>> No.24640082

You can’t sleep well unless you body is relaxed

>> No.24640083

its cool anon no need for anxiety


>> No.24640097

some people meditate for years to reach this point. let the eternal flow state take control
"i am just an observer assigned to this vessel"

>> No.24640127

TRE is better than meditation because it embodies the spiritual energy in your body