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24636349 No.24636349 [Reply] [Original]

30k here, I think that's good enough. 30M seems like a good number to retire on.

I'm fully ready to spam DIGITAL OIL $RLC on every twitter influencer's posts if you guys are.

>> No.24636362

I've been a long-term holder of iexec, but have recently started selling off shares of my (quite large) RLC bag. Here's why:

Hiring: It seems only two new developers have been hired in 6 months, while two (or three) have left in the same time. The essential positions in research, marketing and leadership are still not filled.

Location: The startup is located in Lyon and only hiring there, which understandably significantly narrows the range of top talent available

Website: A new website was promised shortly after the iexec crowdsale in April, but still hasn't been released. I consider this a major red flag for a project with 12 million at its disposal, it's not like any complicated web-app is developed here, only a redesign of a website should never take this long.

Marketing: Two months ago, it was promised, that a "top-tier" US-based PR company is nearly hired. No progress, announcements or anything here, one month before product release. Iexec is slipping out of the top100 coins on coinmarketcap as we speak, because nobody knows about its goals and potential progress.

Community: Although the community is still active on the slack, the more invested members and those actively contributing value have mostly left because the iexec dev team mostly acknowledges improvement suggestions but never acts on them. There is almost no effort of building a dedicated community.

Developer community. There is no effort to attract ethereum developers. This is a project aiming to extend ethereum (solidity) and there is almost no open-source activity, demos on ethereum conferences, etc. The recognition in the ethereum community is basically zero. I mean what the hell ?

Team Communication: The team is periodically active on slack, but not comparable with other projects. Iexec slack was until recently bombarded with scam attempts, then the invitations where disabled without any announcement or comment on this from the dev team. Another red flag.


>> No.24636389

Leadership. Although Gilles, the founder, is clearly an accomplished academic, he has little experience in company leadership which shows through on nearly every front. Yet they are refusing to hire an experienced CEO

Technical Outlook. The technical outlook remains unclear. iExec Academy will probably be released on schedule, but it still unclear how it is usable from solidity, how results are retrieved into the smart contract, costs, providers, etc, etc. I'm not expecting any real-world dapps to use this anytime soon. For Version 5.1 there has been no information update since the whitepaper release. The research on the most important and most difficult part, the proof of contribution, has not even started (to my knowledge), and it is doubtful their vision for v6 and beyond is possible to implement.

Partnerships. There has been only one announcement of a unknown company partnering with iexec. DApps running on iexec or other forms of partnership should clearly be one of the most important goals right now.

Strong competition. There are a lot of projects aiming at similar goals and iexec is one of the more unknown of them.

Trading. No new exchanges and RLC trading with extremly low volume are a reflection of the above points imho.

I don't want to this to come over as complete FUD, just letting of some steam over lost money on iexec. Please refute any points which you think are untrue.

>> No.24636427


>> No.24636429
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Yep. Took awhile.

>> No.24636431


>> No.24636458


This is the highest quality Fud I’ve seen on biz holy shit. Props anon actually worked on me I just sold my stack

>> No.24636472

you're welcome

>> No.24636473
File: 382 KB, 1079x1070, D742FA68-0AAC-4C0A-98F8-6AFE439A9993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21k oil Barron here. DOTB coming soon

>> No.24636480

also shitskins

>> No.24636483

Based fud

>> No.24636492

When are you gonna start to cash out? What’s your number to shoot for?

>> No.24636527

I'll probably cash a million $ out if it goes to 1000$
and let it ride. If it goes to 2000$ then I'll cash out 80%

>> No.24636545

Yeah. We def need to start shilling to Winklevoss twins with US legal opinion imminent

>> No.24636549

1000$ is 75b marketcap (for example, a few shitcoins have gone over 100b marketcap)
RLC can easily go over 75b based on the memes and speculation alone

>> No.24636585

Fucking insane.

>> No.24636587

Totally down. I know a few RLC autists are shilling on twitter already but we need more numbers

>> No.24636590

Based. Yeah I think the enterprise token sale will make the price skyrocket with the already dwindling supply. A good time during the bull run as well.

>> No.24636611

Oh man, the eRLC apocalypse is interesting to think about.
US legal opinion + corporations worth trillions fomoing into a small piece of RLC?
1000$ is basically guaranteed

>> No.24636620

How much are you still holding? Fuck me, I just bought 20k barrels and now I’m about to swap back FUCK

>> No.24636628


>> No.24636634

Don't fall for the fud anon. Selling RLC will be your worst mistake

>> No.24636701

Claims to be a long term holder
>lost money...

>> No.24636739

Can you un-fud your post and list some positives that make you still hold RLC? Surely the enterprise swap shows promise?

>> No.24636770

Thanks for being a voice of reason anon, NSMDO

>> No.24636940

Anon, get on board, if you dont have your barrels in a row by now it's over.
NSMDO fren, I will have a hard time ever selling any single barrel. Even at 1000$ per, it seems like a steal for these companies.

>> No.24637007

Lmao don’t give him the time of day

>> No.24637218

Fuck this piece of shit I sold a hefty portion of my eth stack to get some and it perpetually dumps

>> No.24637235

>artificial intelligence company
>its website is coded in wordpress

>> No.24637245
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1k roughneck here. I'ld like a bit more time to accumulate, at least till EOY so I can through any Christmas I get at it lol. but it is what it is. I'm just along for the ride.

>> No.24637264

You know what to do. Double or nothing, sell your ETH and go all in RLC.
The DOTB is upon us. Not much time to accumulate at these prices.

>> No.24637313

Do you guys think one more week is too long to accumulate?

>> No.24637342
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It's not gonna moon overnight just yet. Buy when you can. Feb first is the scheduled rocket launch but it wont be a dollar much longer.

>> No.24637343
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>literally selling below the price it was selling at in June 2017

it isnt too late to dump it and get back your money, anon.

>> No.24637375


everybody must follow iexecutioner1, iExeMonopoly and BCellow

>> No.24637415

Huh? Isn’t Bitcoin the only one above 75 bill?

>> No.24637461

In 2017 some shitcoins reached around or above that mark.
It will only get exponentially larger as the space is fleshed out and more tech arises from it

>> No.24637521
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Less than 7mil away from all the RLC that will ever be mined being on the market. Shit is going to get hot quick

>> No.24637573
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This is probably the most damning part for me.
I don't even care if newfags make it at this point.

>> No.24637630
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What you guys think will happen tomorrow during the 1 ENTIRE HOUR presentation?
US opinion?
Or just tech talk and future of iExec talk

>> No.24637665

Where do you guys keep finding news about the us opinion. I keep hearing eom but cant find anything. I hope that comes up but from the setting of the hour talk I would guess just tech stuff

>> No.24637685

It's the last month of 2020 soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo its coming soon my guess is tomorrow

>> No.24637700

Hey, be nice. I'll make it with my current thousand barrels..I'll just only be able to buy 1 island where as you get Japan.

>> No.24637748

I saw that, but havent heard anything else. I was assuming it was a goal but without any other news it was going to be missed.

>> No.24637770

It's a pretty old copypasta lol

>> No.24637789

I dont think iExec have missed any goals yet in 4 years in fact they have been ahead of schedule during that time usually

We need more biz autists doing research on this.

>> No.24637847
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They were/are ahead yes and they also delivered some features that weren't in the white paper (DEFI tools, ENS (i think))

>> No.24637890

True, the team is so fucking based it makes me horny.
They are overachievers

>> No.24637908

I was fully accumulated until deciding today to max out credit cards for more, pls no shilling yet I could use until the end of the month

>> No.24637909

delete this thread i dont get paid until next friday

>> No.24637933

Damn, didn’t even realize that. Have 6000 barrels, thinking of unironically swinging some link to get to 10k

>> No.24637936

gonna save this for once RLC reaches 1k

>> No.24638042

We’re gonna make it barrel bros

>> No.24638101

iExec completely built new middleware from scratch not mentioned in white paper. See source

>> No.24638192
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>> No.24638351

are you me?
>21k aussie oilet

>> No.24638385
File: 3.15 MB, 412x291, nsmdo_nazi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally had 3 years

>> No.24638474

The oil represents the shit. The barrel represents the amount of shit so it's a lot

>> No.24638996

rlc used to be like $3, smoothbrain

>> No.24639589

I have to share something with you all. At the start of 2018, I briefly worked for iExec in the dev team. The company was holding it's annual conference meeting in Jakarta for Q1. The team was invited out for a meal afterwards, all expenses paid for by the company. After the meal most of the team headed back to the hotel to sleep, but since I was the last to leave I was invited out for drinks by the founders, Gilles Fedak and Haiwu He. They told me they knew of a great place downtown in Tanah Abang. I thought why not since I hadn't really had a chance to get to know the owners very well yet as I had only recently started and had been swamped with dev work. After arriving at the bar, we grabbed drinks and began talking. I always thought Gilles had a very charismatic but reserved demeanour but this time he seemed rather different from his professional setting. He exuded a real cocky arrogance. He kept talking about the latest BMWs and Lamborghinis. I'm not much of a car guy so I didn't have much to say, but he kept talking over me regardless. Haiwu just stayed silent. After a few drinks the mood changed, and at one point Gilles turned to Haiwu and said and I quote; "Once we exit, we'll have more money than we'll know what to do with". Haiwu just kept laughing. I didn't know what he meant at the time, but I was feeling rather uncomfortable so I excused myself and headed back to my room. As I was walking I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. Haiwu had caught up to me. "Hey, buddy relax. You look tense, man. You should come get a massage with us". I politely declined but he wouldn't take no for an answer. "Look we really like you and don't want to have to look for another hire, just come join us." He took me down an alley where there were skimpy dressed women standing outside heckling us to come in. When we got inside Gilles was already waiting. He pulled out a stack of $100s and gave me one.

>> No.24639599

He told me there was "plenty more where that came from". I asked him where all this money had come from. He replied; "You don't need to worry about that. Look, I can always make more RLC. "
"But that's the investors money", I said. He turned to Haiwu and they both started laughing their heads off.
I quit the company soon after the incident, but not before being forced to sign an NDA and receiving my employment termination payment. I thought the money would help me forget but I can't in good conscious not tell anyone about this. The investors have a right to know. You can take this with a grain of salt if you like but you should know the lengths Fedak has gone to make sure I stay silent over this. You've been warned.

>> No.24639630

Proof or your retarded

>> No.24639686

I'm already at risk of being sued just by posting here.

>> No.24639832

kek I remember that I posted this fud more than three years ago on the iexec plebbit. Sad that most of the points still stand.

>> No.24639903

> checked

i believe you anon, have heard similar stories from people i know that were past team members.

Mr. F actually sounds like a sexual pervert and degenerate. i'm still going to apply for a job there though, times are tough in the covid19 economy and i'll take what i can get.

sorry to hear you had such a bad experience

>> No.24639912

6250. +250 a week if it stays around a dollar. So what like 10 weeks to get to 8700. Getting nervous please don't leave the station without me el oil chaddos

>> No.24639975

10 weeks is pushing it. That said, good luck. 6250 is a decent stack, a lot of people will think you're larping when you tell them you have over 6K RLC pretty soon.

>> No.24640029
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>> No.24640250

I really think we should shill it everywhere at the beginning of eRLC. Do you think we need to do it earlier? Then why not one month before?

>> No.24640271

RLC needs all the help it can get
still really unknown

>> No.24640307
File: 72 KB, 1268x722, 58CE9F60-CB14-4A42-BC33-904FC81B465D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RLC needs all the help it can get
I disagree

>> No.24640533
File: 14 KB, 255x247, 1598440777610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your fudding is weak and your spacing is cringe

>> No.24640580

Marketing help. I never see it commented on any posts on normie crypto shit

>> No.24640950

I'm accumulating as long as price stays under 2$ Now i own 1300 barrels mut would like to have atleast 3k

>> No.24640957

What’s the site? I want to keep watching this.

>> No.24641504
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It's a piece of garbage that has contributed nothing to this space, even as DeFi takes off and revolutionary projects like Aave and Uniswap are being born. It has produced literally NOTHING despite being around for years now. As far as I can tell the project is centralized, it went down for maintenance prior to the new version. So why the fuck does it even have a cryptocurrency associated with it? Why not just charge people in ETH?
How is a pre-printed piece of shit that has no notable functionality anything like oil, a scarce commodity? And another problem, smartcontracts are public. Tou really think movie makers and big companies will render their movies and shit on iExec where the information can be intercepted? It's fucking useless DIGITAL DOG SHIT.

>> No.24642771

Iexec pm is discussing with french community here :

>> No.24642989

Yeah I’m thinking this is based?