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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24630926 No.24630926 [Reply] [Original]

/eg/ - Entrepreneurship General #7
>ecommerce edition

Absolute must watch:
Link to mentioned book: http://library.lol/main/578D3894C79ACC24ACC585E082898671

Startup resources from the best. For more pleasant viewing, simply look up ycombinator on youtube and check out their more popular videos especially the ones by Michael Seibel (Twitch cofounder).

Previous thread

>> No.24630985

I ordered the antlers cut up into 6 inches, the guy said he would only give me 2 but I got 3 so I suppose being nice in my request helped out a bit. Won't be doing antlers, but at least I can make back the money I spent and like maybe $8 profit, lessons learnt, don't immediately spend.

>> No.24630998

"Learn to sell, learn to build"
I think a general knowledge for how to create anything, whether it be machinery, tech, or social networks, is a fading art. Look inside of things, don't just see them as black boxes.

>> No.24631226

That's so fucking booooooring though
Learning a skill is far from entertaining and it doesn't have XRP returns
Gonna have to try harder than that to convince me to fall for this shtick, since the real chads make money with crypto now
Entrepreneurship is literally
>stay poor

>> No.24631311

why is so hard to sell on facebook? My dad makes leather goods which are unironically very nice and I like using them but I don't understand how I can sell them online. I ran an ad campaign on fb for a week and none of the visitors to our site bought anything.

>> No.24631352

Facebook is primarily composed of literal retards so that's probably the issue, don't aim for the average user since they'll go "oh I can get that on AliExpress for $20" and disregard your product
Target key demographics and build your website around catering to them

>> No.24631385

You've just gotta get yourself out there, think about how many people walk through walmart and see tons of stuff and dont buy stuff. Plus brand name. Hire some instagram thots to wear it

>> No.24631710 [DELETED] 

How do you guys respond to >>24530088

Basically /eg/ is an oxymoron, the time we spend here is time that we could have spent hustling and making money.

>> No.24631746

It's just a 4chan thread. You don't have to spend hours on it, you can be doing your side hustle and occasionally check in. This is practically a false argument. You don't have to choose to only shitpost on /eg/ and forsake your other work.

>> No.24631758

How do you guys respond to >>24532078

Basically /eg/ is an oxymoron, the time we spend here is time that we could have spent hustling and making money.

>> No.24631773

How the fuck did that post get deleted lol

>> No.24631801

Hmm yeah, fair enough. I never saw myself as a serious entrepreneur, I'm mostly here out of curiosity. Kinda reminds me of those /sig/ thread on /pol/

>> No.24631855

I quoted the wrong person

>> No.24631875

I was one of the main OPs for /sig/ on /fit/, though the fucking jannies kept deleting them so I stopped but I'll probably give it a go again soon.

>> No.24632842
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It's not an oxymoron. Sure, most of the time working on our businesses won't be spent on here, but this is a good spot to bump ideas off one another and get advice on how to proceed. Plus I like to post in here while I'm programming my web service. The little breaks help me fix stuff I get stuck on.

>> No.24632932

>I ran an ad campaign on fb for a week and none of the visitors to our site bought anything.
You didn't setup it properly. Did you even setup your Pixel? This is the most important by FAR

>> No.24633593

What's your web service? What do you even run it on? Are you a /g/uru?

>> No.24633890

my bet its the memeatlas Anon, he's around frequently


>> No.24634005

>Did you even setup your Pixel?
no, but I have another analytics app tracking my site visitors. I'm brand new to fb ads and online marketing in general.

I'm trying to sell wallets/cardholders so I don't even know which direction to go in terms of demographic targets because it's an item for anyone. We're trying to emphasize the fact that it's a handmade item from start to finish and a minimalist design, but I'm retarded when it comes to sales and presentation and I don't know how to execute

>> No.24634393

Alright, you need to setup a FB Pixel first before you move on. Pixel basically collects small pieces of data and events from your site that helps Facebook/Instagram to show your ads to the right people at the right time. The more data your Pixel collects the more visitors and conversions you get.

The fastest way to grow your Pixel is by setting up a Traffic Campaign. Target your audience to people who like leather, people who clicked the "buy now" in the last 60 days, etc. Honestly I don't know, but you can find your audience using the "Analytics" tool on your Facebook Business dashboard.
Regarding the Ad creative, you'll need good pictures. For Traffic Campaigns I like to use a carousels.
After growing your Pixel a little bit you can create Conversion Campaigns and target them to people who already visited your site, people who added a product to the cart, etc. and create similar audiences based on them. For Conversion Campaigns you can focus on just one product
There's no magic recipe but when talking about Facebook Ads it's everything about Pixel.

(Or you could hire e-thots to shill your products, but this would be 100 times more expensive in the long run)

>> No.24634737

Not the memeatlas guy, I'm the other anon. It's a location based messaging app similar to YikYak. It's not finished yet. I'm building it with Python and Django rn. My original prototype was built in PHP and Symfony, plus Swift bc I built an iOS client too.

>> No.24634976

Drop it here when you release it.

Ever consider React Native? I really like the idea of being able to code it once and deploy on both iOS and Android.

>> No.24635060

build what? sell what?

>> No.24635194

how are people making money with crypto now? You get small gains at best.

>> No.24635233


>> No.24635278

I made and cashed out 20k in crypto in november, shitdick.

>> No.24635371

that's not that impressive

>> No.24635427

I mean crypto is good and always nice investing in it hoping for returns however your own company can literally do a 500x or more on your personal investment (time and intellectual labour), which Crypto is unlikely to ever do.

>> No.24635560
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I sold 850k this year from my ecomm business.


>> No.24635587
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I'm here. I have 359 images left to name before I do the next update for the site. Even with removing duplicate images it still takes me about an hour to rename 100 images. I'm doing a huge push right now to get these done because I want to update before next weekend. So I haven't been monitoring the biz as much. My bad.

Well said, every once in a while you need a break. It's not possible to spend literally all your time on a business. And if you are it's more likely going to hurt than help you.

Does it really need to be an app? Unless you need some specific features from the phone (gps, camera, etc.) just keep it as a webpage and have a mobile css layout. Much easier and you don't have to worry about replicating the app for all the different phone platforms.


So I had an interesting idea of making a memeatlas membership page where you could save your favorite memes on the site and login and get them anytime you want. It would just be a standard login [name | password] deal but I think it would really help with bringing users back to the site. I'm pretty excited about it so as soon as I get this next batch of images uploaded I'll start on that. Once that's implemented I'll probably release 50 images every week and email the subscribers so they know new material has arrived. I just need to find a good platform to implement the login stuff with. I'm not trying to roll my own here. I use AWS to host my website so if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears. Thanks anons.


>> No.24635589

When did you start and what was your actual margin?

>> No.24635616

how do i search for basedjak memes

>> No.24635617

Cope, poopdick.
>intellectual labor
I make $1000 a day at my day job, you assmuncher.

>> No.24635620


>> No.24635636


>This is my 3rd full year

> gross margin 57%. Net margin 45%.

>> No.24635641
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I'll bite. How did you scale and what did you sell?

>> No.24635653

based. I sent you a 1 BAT tip last night. thank you for your service. you do need to add some pagination, though.

>> No.24635661
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I have tags for that.

>> No.24635699


>pic related

>Ran more fb ads, sold more, grew my list

>> No.24635749
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Unfortunately I'm not pulling from a database, its all hardcoded HTML as of now so numbers are meaningless. Might move to that direction in the future but for now it is what it is. Plus anytime I change my HTML tags my SEO ranking takes a massive hit on the google search index. It sucks but I've had to redo my tags twice in the past and both times I dropped at least 2 points with respect to the average position indicator.

>> No.24635767
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Checked and based my friend. I suppose you've captured a nice niche?

>> No.24635786
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But thank you for the tip anon. I sincerely appreciate it.

>> No.24635816

BASED naval ravikant poster

the only street shitter to have changed my life forever, i wish to personally thank him

>> No.24635839

I'm trying for 1 month to have something to show, so sometime around the New Year.

As for React Native, I prefer native apps instead. It's nice to get stuff working for both Android/iOS but you end up fighting the framework when you want to do stuff more complex. I'd consider using it if you don't know any native framework already, but as for myself I'd rather learn native Android.

I've debated between this or a mobile client. I'm just retarded when it comes to front-end. Do you use a framework for memeatlas or just pure html/css/js? Also I have a ton of iOS experience already which is why when I made the prototype I built an app instead.

>> No.24635868


Yep. I have mastered extracting boomer bucks to make my millennial ass rich.

>> No.24636089

you the audio guy by any chance?

>> No.24636120
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Meme atlas is pure CSS|HTML|JS. I don't use libraries like react or node. Not that I'm against them or anything but I just haven't had a use for them yet or the time to learn. I'm sure it shows because it's not flashy or sexy but I did want to mimic the simple style of the 4chan catalog layout for pictures so that's really all I needed.

You could also use Xamarin right?

Good to hear dude. That's some serious cash which is absolutely awesome. I want to be in your shoes one day. I'm waiting to hit 10k users a month before I monetize my site. I do want to run Brave publisher ads but I'm not sure when they'll be available along with either mediavine or ezoic ads. And just fyi for all anons here the wojaks seem to be the most popular category on my site with respect to pageviews and searches. So if you have a wojak based product and you want to sell it I'm all ears, because it will be good for both of us. I know pepe is copyrighted by Matt Furie but I don't think anyone has the copyrights to wojak. I could be wrong though.

>> No.24636290


Yep. I think me and the meme site guy are the only entrepreneurs on the board.

>> No.24636365

I've just started a data analytics business - I design and build analytics dashboards for clients so they can have live information about the health of their business. We also produce reports on specific problems that they have

>> No.24636945

You're giving me way more credit than I deserve my dude.

>> No.24637246

you are the poster Anon of this thread ;)

>> No.24637393
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Haha thanks man. I'll do my best to carry that torch.

>> No.24637874
File: 35 KB, 522x508, 12-8-20_00-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're in business

>> No.24638166

I'm employed but have the time to start a small businness by the side (or pnd shitcoins), so I like to lurk here

>> No.24639159

np, fren. keep up the good work. 1 bat is all I had otherwise I would send you more.

>> No.24639174

u in SF?

>> No.24639906

>Target key demographics

>> No.24640065
