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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24629495 No.24629495 [Reply] [Original]


shit apple co founder wozniak launched his own coin. ALL in ?

>> No.24629520

the usecase sounds scammy as fuck

>> No.24629551

>literally ten years too late
>just another shitcoin
lmao we really are in a bull.

>> No.24629563

It already 16x’d from ICO. I’d stay away.

>> No.24629838

apple ties though fugg

>> No.24630312

This is naturally destined to go up, I wouldn't personally hold long term. More of a profit and go.

>> No.24630418

woz hasn't been involved in apple since the 80s

>> No.24630441

delete this thread, I don't want pajeets finding out about this coin

>> No.24630485

the daily inflation is too high and there's no info about private sale price.
They have a daily release and can just dump it

>> No.24630498

Not even shilling this is just too good to be true, must gain bags.

>> No.24630540

Apple 1T+ mcap, ICO investors aren't just people from fucking 4chan, they are all project investors which are locked from 1-20 years

>> No.24630575

there was a listing of this on uniswap but i saw some other anons saying that it was a scam and that its only listed on HBTC. Can someone verify this

>> No.24630842

It'll do fine because it's attached to the co-founder of Apple. That's not debatable, but I think there are better ways of growing your money. If you like crypto and you buy it at $1.50 and it goes up to $3.00 you can do the math. Bought a few WOZX for a little profit, but aside from getting a few accessories for my new iPhone for "free" I don't plan on keeping this meme for long.

Bought mine on HBTC. Not any different than any other place I've used. It uses Banxa and aside from my bank blocking the first transaction because it's from the Netherlands, it works just fine. They require you to send your ID like anyone else. After that you just buy it with USDT. I don't think he'd ruin his entire reputation for a few memecoins. This isn't McAfee.

>> No.24630855
File: 37 KB, 387x437, foto_no_exif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its initial launch is on BTC, next week Bithumb global. What makes me happy about this coin is pic related need articles from 4H ago telling them how to buy. Personnaly this is a good sign.

>> No.24630882

This, like I said not a long term investment but a profit for sure.

>> No.24631809

This is just gonna be another audius where onions boys buy in because of "muh pop culture icon!" and quickly is massively overvalued, followed by a dump down to $0.01. I would say it's already overvalued by a lot. It's not too far from the peak.

>> No.24632018

These. You're either in this now for the quick gains as it rolls out on CEX or you're in this for years and years and thinking it's actually going to be adopted. I see no point in the tokenization.

WOZX has not provided liquidity on uniswap so you'll get a terrible price

private sale was $0.06-$0.10 per admin in discord. It then went on hbtc at $1. I bought at $1.08 lol

>> No.24632836

their team page looks a bit strange:

these position titles seem off. Wozniak's role is just "engineer." one guy just has the title "director." what is he the director of? another dude is cto and "tech expert." And there is an Asian woman who doesn't even have a position title. instead it just says "responsible for asia."

I see that the whole team is a bunch of italians except for woz and asia responsible woman. did they have trouble translating the team roles to english?

>> No.24632920

I wouldn't ape in, but not putting in any $$$ would be a mistake. Wozniak's name alone will pump the coin no matter how useless or irrelevant it might be. Remember McAfee with GHOST?
Protip: don't be greedy. Take profits but don't sell everything in case it really moons.

>> No.24633488

This, I know im getting on while it's still new. Im surprised more anons arent talking about it.

>> No.24633595

The coin has already 10xd. Getting in at this point is just having smart money drop their bags on you

>> No.24633622

I'd imagine that people wont dump their bags on you until like, maybe a week or so from now. Once it goes on Bithumb

>> No.24634270

It will moon hard, and drop like a rock.
Get in, wait for the fomo and dump your baggies on Redditfags.