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24615834 No.24615834 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, im looking for books on biotech entrepeneurship. Im a molecular biologist by trade and i recently left academia for industry, but i really want to learn more about the industry, cause i know shockingly little about it.
I assume there's more to this board than just crypto, right?

>> No.24616245

Such a qt face on a, most likely, disproportionate titan. What a waste.

>> No.24616902

what's worse is that she's a self-described feminist and she also divorced after only 2 years

>> No.24617200

that's a man

>> No.24617293

I'm just a student (biomed and info) but molecular biology is dying, it's a lab monkey degree for wahmen. The next step is bioinformatics I hope you're good at math and stat.

>> No.24617331

built for the bbc

>> No.24617335

Go to /sci/ they know more about that sort of thing than the moonboys here.

>> No.24617337

it really isnt dying, there's still a shitload of work to do.
What is dying, however, is academic molecular biology. Getting a PhD in that field is fucking brutal and barely worth it.

>> No.24617964

Into the trash she goes. Sign up to the biotech catalyst newsletter in the smg thread, might serve to be useful.

>> No.24618053

I'm not happy with a 90-120k salary sorry. Thats what my dad gets as a SAP support. Bioinformatics starts at 120k and is not so overcrowded because wahmen can't do mathematics.

>> No.24618102

most wahmen* I know some respectable chadstacys that actually don't suck at math. Imo the sector is moving more and more into automatization and high-throughput science. Which makes the more mathematical subdisciplines of biology thrive.

>> No.24618155

But idk about bioninfo in the industry tbqh, I live in switzerland and I have actually seen more and more job positions that require heavy bioinfo knowledge but it's still far from being the go-to but you know what they say, the early bird catches aids.

>> No.24618271


nice girl stats


>> No.24618380

>what a waste
>if she breeds with anyone over 6'2 the children will be literal genetic gods and she's still shorter than her man

>> No.24618823

Whats Shkreli up to these days

>> No.24618910

hm I'm swiss german ancestry living in the US as a software engineer. tired of living amongst all this racial diversity. thoughts on what I should do? family is from einselden

>> No.24619046

6months in federal for lying to investors when he was a kid. plus 7 years for saying he was a target for point scoring politicians

>> No.24619530


>> No.24619729

Switzerland's cities are pozzed, maybe not that many nigs but they're getting more and more "upity". Also lots of arab, turkish, albanian, bosnian scum. Do you have a swiss passport? Villages here are fucking based, 60% of the people in total are still traditionalists but the left wave is gaining traction. Swiss people are being manipulated into feeling bad under the false premise that we are rich, maybe globally but in the own country most of us are definitely not rich.

>> No.24619768

Cities are 60-65% lefty
Villages 90% rightwing.
I'm not even fan of rightwings but they are the only ones opposing immigration from shitholes and germany so I'm going with them.

>> No.24619829


>> No.24620002

thanks, fren. unfortunately I do not. I like the idea of the trad life, and don't need to be around cities, and can probably figure out how to go remote. my brother and his family moved there a couple years ago and it's redpilled me by a lot. simply can't stand the US and the shit culture it exports. plus I never really embraced my culture when I was younger and I regret it.

>> No.24620039

He probably sold btc in 2015.
Precision medicine is the next big step in the sector and it will be mostly based on genetics and it's associated data. This guy just talks about ecology even though it has no econimical importance.

>"his all seems an inauspicious beginning for a field. Anything so worthless should quickly shrivel up and die, right? Well, intentionally or not, bioinformatics found a way to survive: obfuscation. By making the tools unusable, by inventing file format after file format, by seeking out the most brittle techniques and the slowest languages, by not publishing their algorithms and making their results impossible to replicate, the field managed to reduce its productivity by at least 90%, probably closer to 99%. Thus the thread of failures can be stretched out from years to decades, hidden by the cloak of incompetence."
I can see this though, but that's pretty much the same for any field.
This guy seems overly bitter, he must've had some trouble at the company or uni he was working for. But I thank you for the read, I like seeing other opinions aswell.

>> No.24620501

The main issue is that people keep saying that bioinformatics is going to replace the entire field, which just isnt true. You'll always need biological soruce material and biological verification. Always.

>> No.24620542

I agree it's not going to replace things. But you must admit biology is heavily overcrowded with midwits and anything math heavy is your way out. Be it engineering in a bio/med-related field or straight up mathematical modelling.

>> No.24620544
File: 645 KB, 2077x1995, elsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she needs to get the fuck over to the US

>> No.24620607

>what does disproportionate mean

>> No.24620656

Fucking shit I always get the most important thoughts after pressing post.
Eco bio has no economic value, the industry doesn't care about it. And that's why most end up in molecular biology, and that's not even all of it. The field constantly gets rebranded and resold. Medical biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, bioengineering (a bit different but you learn mostly the same stuff but you're actually useful to the industry because you understand real world applications).
Most of these degrees study the same shit. It's the most overcrowded science field there is and suffers from serious unemployment problems.

>> No.24620705

>monkey brained mutt (MBM) obsessed with perfection
every time

>> No.24620791

How much ALGO for her?

>> No.24620816

I'm in biitech and everyone I went to college with is employed. I recently quit my job for personal reasons knowing full well I can get a new one in less than a month. In fact, I got calls from two different companies after resigning and I'm not even a top student.

>> No.24621012

>personal reasons

>> No.24621064

interesting. I may have been fudded abit then, but it might also be that the situation in the US is different to europe.
What did you do in your job and how much did you earn per year?

>> No.24621080

It's mostly PhD positions and postdocs that are overcrowded. I went into industry after my master's because getting a PhD position was a pain and it's often not really worth it.

>> No.24621388

I'm in south america. I was in clinical research, wich is not very much related but almost everyone in the field works in that area, and I made more than 90% of people I know my age (1600 usd a month is a lot here). The only comparable salaries I 've seen were for top of the class engineers

>> No.24621421

I like that take, I really have no time to fit in 4-6years of academic ass licking. But from what I gathered no it's not just phd, too many people have a BSc in bio-xyz, I'm looking up some statistics right now to make sure I'm not spewing nonsense but it makes sense to me. It's the easiest of all natural sciences, and attracts tons of hippies, nerds and pre/wannabemeds.

>> No.24621430

panama? MSCs?

>> No.24621466

in my country, pharma and chemists make 10% more than biologists and the more mathematical and engineery your job becomes the more money you get because it's what the industry needs. You can check the salaries on the different sites that gather such infos.

>> No.24621488

By the way, that was an entry level job because I'm not even graduated. On my next job I'll probably be making 2k/month or more

>> No.24621748

good for you, I'm still thinking about switching to medicine. Science is my passion but money is important to me.

>> No.24622389

Yeah, if you like science, unless your IQ is 167 you are ngmi. At least here you woulf have to go to the public sector.

>> No.24623065

I follow her on instagram, she has a black boyfriend now

>> No.24623673

Idk if you're being serious but I'll respond as if.
Going into any other science besides math or physics with an IQ of 167 is pure waste of potential. I don't even think people with such a high IQ are even drawn to biology. It's not logical enough and way too rote-memory heavy for someone like that.
The recommended IQ for bio, med and chemistry is 115-135. The mode is around 126. Having an IQ of 130 would put you in the best 10-20% of biological scientists.
Yes there have been studies on this.

>> No.24623733
File: 596 KB, 863x632, Bild_2020-12-07_194559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you lie, kike? Take this whitepill you subversive piece of shit.

>> No.24624117

Manlets spotted, you are not only short but also dumb as fuck or newfags. Either way ngmi

>> No.24624126


>> No.24625146

So do any of you know any books on this

>> No.24625415

194, and every girl I’ve been with that’s over 175 were equal parts upper body and legs. Disgusting. Get some taste and stop projecting, not everyone is as ugly as you.

>> No.24625560

fucking roastie

>> No.24625639

OP just check out any good entrepreneurship books. Why would it have to be specific to biotech?

>> No.24626528
File: 17 KB, 645x770, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you rushed to find her instagram and look through her posts hoping to not see she is chocking on big black dick and was relived to find a photo of her brother from a year ago
Hint: look at her stories

>> No.24626558

Mutts law

>> No.24626636

Unironically write Martin Shkreli a letter in prison and there's a good chance he'll write back
Register Number: 87850-053
Age: 37
Race: White
Sex: Male
Release Date: 09/14/2023
Located At: FCI Allenwood Low

>> No.24626722

source? are you joking or is this real? what dating site is this from OPs pic?

>> No.24626802

Low-level bio is route memorization, higher level bio is complex

>> No.24626955

When Bio gets high level it becomes more math than bio stfu if you have no idea what your talking about. Most of molecular biology is absolutely memory and almost no logic. I'm sorry but the level of abstraction of biology is limited to chemical properties, so no it defnitiely is rote-memory. And your wrote it wrong it's not route it's rote.

OP have you looked into any of these:
“Handbook of Bioentrepreneurship” by Thomas Brenner & Holger Patzelt
“What’s Your Bio Strategy?” By John Cumbers & Karl Schmieder
“Biology is Technology” by Robert H. Carlson
“The Industries of the Future” by Alec Ross

Copied it off some site, I gues your first impulse was to come here instead of looking up some stuff yourself.

>> No.24627095

still nothing, please stop wasting my time. Yes totally her brother, I mean she has like 10+ pics of them kissing but yeah sure, she probably indulges in some incest too next to being a coalburner.

>> No.24627164

Oh and to add to my previous post. Complexity does not mean high abstraction or logic, it just means more information surrounding a topic, that's why its "com-plex".
Medicine (physiology) is unironically more logic heavy than biology is.

>> No.24627198

Lmao immunotherapy, and gene therapy are not math dependent dumb fuck. Grats I'm typing on a phone

>> No.24627253

Yikes you're prolly some undergrad premed who doesn't know what they're talking about. Let me know when you have a phd and 5 years of experience in biotech or IP