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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 400x400, 20201205_020650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24606993 No.24606993 [Reply] [Original]

You cannot refute this

>> No.24607635

i've only got 25k bond bros. what're we expecting the price to be eom? and what's up with the one nigger saying it's gonna take off tomorrow?

>> No.24607769
File: 166 KB, 1024x977, 1602985015514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k stacklet reporting in.

>> No.24608169

stacklet is better than stackless

gonna buy my village a new well in a month or so

>> No.24608226

My village people will be so thrilled to hear of all the new amenities I'm bringing to Shahganj <3333

>> No.24608317

between the website fud and the youtube fud i had to buy in. paul talking about risk in a serious way sold me. as corny as it is, understanding risk is something most brains don't do. if this is legit and they are approaching it from a derisking perspective, it'll change defi. if not i'm out my free geyser money

>> No.24608928

Lotsa digits, lotsa FUD.

10 cent top by 12/25.

>> No.24609006

i cant find anything on this shit

>> No.24609126

Wtf do i buy this? I cant find the contract

>> No.24609149

Im assuming they are talking about bondly.finance but i dont think tokens are public yet.

>> No.24609182


>> No.24609222

team is fake - move on.

>> No.24609248

You been a free geyser for money already anon. With all the rugpulls you been in

>> No.24609265

Goddamnit anons someone tell me what this shitcoin does

>> No.24609278

Compound for every single altcoin eventually, with all these majors bending the knee.

$1B cap is a pipe-dream but could be easily achievable with enough FOMO in 2021.

>> No.24609279

please, do tell me about me. post all you've got

>> No.24609294

basically MBS for shitcoins

>> No.24609307

im a complete newfag < 1 week and somethings fucky

>> No.24609331

I get the shilling is shady and turns off people.. I am on the same boat. This project is all about social charisma and less about actual product

>> No.24609350

the hype is entirely about the product you retard. i just said what the product is. tell me what the product is.

>> No.24609360

There is nothing about it.. no white paper. Just a chad that can get connections. It'll pump but it's not for their product

>> No.24609376

Mortgage backed securities for things that aren't mortgages? I'm out, fuck this shit, converting my BOND back to LINK

>> No.24609404

The shilling has solid information.

Read between the lines.

READ and wait for launch : https://bonded.finance/litepaper-Bonded-sep-29.pdf

Elrond - https://elrond.com/blog/defi-growth-bonded-finance-joins-the-elrond-ecosystem/



>> No.24609546

You're telling me Sameep is going to build all of that?

>> No.24609641

>he doesn't know teams can grow

>> No.24609661

Okay but hold on.. the v1 is supposed to launch in 3 weeks and these dudes apparently started in july? Why wait until later?

>> No.24609709

Things need time to build.

this. if you think Elrond and REN and the others are this stupid, I have an IDO to sell you.

>> No.24609750
File: 28 KB, 365x351, asdasdassdasdasdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this mean

>> No.24609859

Thanks anons.

Probably nothing but it is a bit shady that they only registered the domain for a year.

>> No.24609895

They'll renew it, most websites are like that.

>> No.24609911

So you say...

>> No.24609914


>> No.24609923

Yes, most toy websites.

>> No.24609939

Toy website? Elaborate?

>> No.24610112

I'm for real. You saw me fudding earlier so there is no bias here. Check eRSDL for example.


One year.

>> No.24610144

generally if you want a domain for a side project you register one for a year and then renew it on a yearly basis if you don't abandon the project.
Companies (at least the ones that are envisioning themselves to exist in the long term) register the domains they need for multiple years.

Most likely this is just an oversight. At worst, they're going to rug in a few months.

>> No.24610158

Gee I wonder is a $2M cap brand new project with 50% APR staking will moon some day. Surely it won't ever go past IDO prices. This is DASH in 2021.

>> No.24610925
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LMAO this guy just bought 2M.


>> No.24610929

waronrugs says they will rug

>> No.24610955

This site has been ruined because of crap like this. If the jannies had dicks, they’d range ban this shit.

>> No.24610956

will he regret it or should I go in too? help me /biz

>> No.24610996

I talked to them today to provide an update after the guy locked his keys. We will see.

>> No.24611038

Waronrugs is retarded.

Stay poor. It's happening TONIGHT.

Anything under IDO ($0.03-$0.035) is a great buy.

IMAGINE being this worried about a $2M cap that has a platform launching in 2 weeks.

>> No.24611080


>> No.24611100

maybe jannies don't work for free afterall...

>> No.24611179

>Anon team
Anon, I...

>> No.24611220

It's not an anon team.

>> No.24611357

exchange listing announcement tonight screencap this.

>> No.24611550

I have a baggie

>> No.24611642

Good work. Don't forget, the make-it stack is 1M.

Your time ends tonight.

>> No.24611744
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1.3M reporting. hitting 2M in the next 3 hours before (redacted)

>> No.24612146

Was this you? If so, good fucking work.

>> No.24612333


>> No.24612483 [DELETED] 


>> No.24612555

$0.33 EOY.

>> No.24612566

oh fuck. $0.55 EOY?

>> No.24612767
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Fuck it I'm going in lads.

>> No.24612937
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Seems good for an ez 2x+ gains

>> No.24613500

>he's gonna sell another 2x

Stop trading or you will be trading forever. If you screenshot your gains sell half, but only to accumulate more in the end.

>> No.24613893
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>> No.24614122

dont you ever worry that the people you are trying to scam on this board might find out who you are, where you live, and then maybe break your legs one night while youre sleeping in your bed?
if i was a scammer like you clearly are it would be impossible for me to sleep at night.

>> No.24614159

don't you ever worry you missed the bottom?

cuz you did. see you in a few hours.

>> No.24614336
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>> No.24614860

Don't you ever worry that you are not half as intelligent as you believe, and are in fact just a few IQ points away from being a drooling, midnight black, retard gorilla nigger?

>> No.24615118

Digits never lie.

>> No.24615324

this board has some fucking weirdos on it guys

>> No.24615349

he had his chance. he posted this on threads at $0.01 dead even. we told him it was bottom.

>he didn't listen

>> No.24615651
File: 77 KB, 678x1000, BondYourBrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

few understand what this will do. just like AAVE at a $4M cap.

>> No.24615698
File: 308 KB, 467x387, quadbog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your shit scam

>> No.24615975

Fuck off with your inability to see an oversold moonshot.

>> No.24616568

scams don't get serious partnerships and established cryptofags to shill it on twitter, retard.

>> No.24616930


>> No.24617576

cex listing soon I believe

>> No.24618780
File: 62 KB, 1453x693, bfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paint ze bullflag

>> No.24618902

Fuck it. I’m aping in.

>> No.24619763
File: 268 KB, 339x480, BondedClaus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$0.25 12/25.

>> No.24619823

ok, somebody walk be through how to buy this. I have not touched crypto since 2017/18

>> No.24619884

Lol I bought 40k and my Coinbase wallet thinks it’s 40k worth of the other bond. Nearly had a heart attack when my wallet said 1 million +

>> No.24619914
File: 37 KB, 613x254, Screenshot 2020-12-07 at 17.21.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never mind. their website is a huge red flag.

>> No.24620095

Where/how do I buy this?

>> No.24620492
File: 7 KB, 229x220, poompa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$0.01693060 +44.8%
0.00000088 BTC +43.9%
0.00002850 ETH +44.7%

>> No.24620702


>> No.24620779

atm it's only on uniswap. If you don't know how to use uniswap report back and I will explain shortly.

>> No.24621534

stay poor

>> No.24621878

this brainlet thinks using red font is a red flag. look at him and laugh.

>> No.24622005

I am not familiar with uniswap

>> No.24622160


enter contract address in one box - 0x5dc02ea99285e17656b8350722694c35154db1e8

ETH or USDT in the other.

using metamask, click swap. go to high gas. boom.

learn to use uniswap.

>> No.24622171

we will probably be trending hot pairs on dextools soon

>> No.24622331

where's this fucking CEX tho. hmmm. tomorrow maybe.

>> No.24622567

Thanks, but I get this errorcode.

(I used coinbase)

>> No.24622601

Fail with error 'UniswapV2Router: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT'

This errorcode

>> No.24622639

Fail with error 'UniswapV2Router: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT'

This errorcode

>> No.24622674

check gas price there https://ethgasstation.info/
check gas price paid.
Verify coin slippage.

>> No.24622821

qrd: Uniswap is only for erc20 tokens, so everything that is based on the eth ecosystem, which means no bitcoin, you will need eth to trade.
What uniswap does is provide you with liquidity(actually it's the users who provide that) for certain cryptopairs, like in this case BOND/ETH or inverse.
Metamask: download this program, make sure it's the original one and not a scam version, its a wallet, choose the network "eth mainnet" und send your eth to one of the adresses you're provided with.
Once your eth arrived on your metamask, you can go to the original uniswap site, again make sure it's the correct one.
https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap (even here, dyor)
and enter the contract adress, you can get the contract adress on coingecko
for BOND it's 0x5dc02ea99285e17656b8350722694c35154db1e8
check on https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bonded-finance

connect your wallet to uniswap and trade, don't forget to leave some "leeway" for gasfee.

>> No.24622855

do you get that error from metamask?

>> No.24622858

BOND buyers are so stupid they need to be explained like a baby what an ERC20 token is

>> No.24622976

it's a TX error you'll get ocasionally with ERC20 trannysactions, I'm not sure what causes it.

>> No.24623282

I think either impatience (clicking too many buttons or too often) or not leaving enough for gas fee.
you can't be this low IQ; not knowing uniswap and erc-20 goes for prolly 80% of the people that use CEX's. And has hardly anything to do with BOND. You had enough time stop the cheap fud faggot.

>> No.24623396

just change slippage to 2% manually when this happens if you want it to go through right away usually works. just remember to change it back after.