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24609044 No.24609044 [Reply] [Original]

Augur - $92 mil mcap
Gnosis - $65 mil mcap.

And Meridian Network $LOCK?
$2 mil mcap.

Presaga will be Meridian’s first dapp which is an AMM based predictions market. Imagine using the 100% community run DAO mechanics to vote for potential markets which would guarantee liquidity and volume.
And hey unlike many of the competitors the token here is actually used as a currency basis for settling bets.
$LOCK grew from 7c to 20c last week and is still a mini-cap.

What are you waiting for anons ?

>> No.24609137

When is Presaga launching? Any price estimates ?

>> No.24609157

More like precum, amirite?

>> No.24609162

Well, shit. That's a lot of room to grow with those mcaps. I'll grab a couple bags.

>> No.24609168

December. I'd say 1$ is reasonable considering we were at 0.6$ with no working product. That's a 5x from now

>> No.24609187

Been holding since Meridian launched. It's been a wild ride.

>> No.24609205

You know when a token goes 1000x and you sit there drooling on your couch wishing you had the will to turn back time and get in on the action? This is that token.

Gold standard team, website, product, communication and community.

I feel so bad for anyone not jumping in on this right now with all they got.

Its practically money being served to you on a platter, look at the ambition and slap yourself twice for not getting in on this earlier.

The best time to have gotten in this was a week ago. The second best time is now.

Don't be a drooler. Be a lambo owner. Buy LOCK.

>> No.24609306

Thanks, will check them out. So in theory if I'm going in it should be well before Presaga launches and marketing begins

>> No.24609322

>comparing marketcaps to show validity
Stinky fucking pajeets BTFO

>> No.24609333

Correct. I went in at 0.18$ and am feeling pretty good about it so far. Its gonna be a wild couple of weeks

>> No.24609352

Nope. What we're comparing is the actual products AND market caps. And if you lose 10 minutes to read PreSaga's specs you will notice that they have a product that is just as good on the back end, and much better looking on the front end. So yeah, it should at least be at the same mcap as its competitos

>> No.24609369

Pay him no regard, he probably knows jack shit about it. Just one of those kids who is fast to type and slow to think

>> No.24609407

Jesus Meridian is blowing up on twitter, dont know if they're all paid but a shit ton of influencers have been tweeting about it

>> No.24609427

Solid project. PreSaga previews look amazing. Bought a bag.

What got me most excited was that meridian’s vision is much bigger than one prediction dApp. Imagine a portfolio of community governed dApps that all require LOCK for utility. Chronically undervalued at 2M MC

>> No.24609436

This is normal, they've been developing for months so marketing now makes sense.

>> No.24609457

Bitboy and Crypto Daily brought me here.
Just bought in, 1$ IS FUD MUDAFUCKAS

>> No.24609490
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Kakarot approves

>> No.24609513
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The best kind of NEET

>> No.24609540


API3, buddy.

>> No.24609622


Calling Meridian a scam is good because it allows me to point out why they aren't one. They have:

- partnered with Hacken

- partnered with TrustSwap

- been audited by Hacken

- locked more than half a million $ in liquidity on Uniswap ( not what scams usually do hey? )

- already implemented an in house staking protocol and an in house swap portal

- been published on Forbes, Cointelegraph, Business Insider, Yahoo Finance etc

- been reviewed by Cryptodaily, Bitboy and Cryptozombie

- and more

Bye "buddy"

>> No.24609694

You just got rekt boi. Get back to your hype coin that's about to get dumped to oblivion. You dont deserve to hold LOCK

>> No.24609718
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No doubt. We're all gonna make it before EOY

>> No.24609735


>> No.24609821

Where can I read the specs for Presaga?

>> No.24609957

How much money can I make and how quickly?

>> No.24609965


>> No.24609969

Fuse is a better buy and not a scam like this is. Beware.

>> No.24609988

I'd say between x5 and x10 before EOY. Personally I'd be happy with a x5

>> No.24610013

In reply to this, imma quote my fellow meridian above:

"Calling Meridian a scam is good because it allows me to point out why they aren't one. They have:

- partnered with Hacken

- partnered with TrustSwap

- been audited by Hacken

- locked more than half a million $ in liquidity on Uniswap ( not what scams usually do hey? )

- already implemented an in house staking protocol and an in house swap portal

- been published on Forbes, Cointelegraph, Business Insider, Yahoo Finance etc

- been reviewed by Cryptodaily, Bitboy and Cryptozombie

- and more"

>> No.24610081

It's like fake fudders arent even trying anymore. How you gonna call meridian a scam when the info on this thread clearly proves it's not? Ridiculous

>> No.24610102

While also dropping some random coin name without any further info. In his head he prob thinks he did well lool

>> No.24610140

Previews looking fine af:


>> No.24610170

This is why we will make it meridian bros:

"Meridian basically came to the conclusion that current prediction market protocols are too complex and unintuitive for the regular user and announced on a medium article that they would be going for ease of use and low barrier to entry while betting on UI/UX. They use a framework with erc1150 tokens which cuts costs, and they dont add any more features than the essential ones that 99% of users look for. Their previews are awesome, the interface is clean af" - posted by another anon

>> No.24610245
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volume speaks volumes

>> No.24610258

I predict 0.5$ by the end of the week, and 1$ in 2 weeks upon launch. And i think I'm being conservative here considering what we have to look forward to

>> No.24610340

You son of a bitch, I'm in!

>> No.24610405

Market cap due to product alone belongs in the upper 2 digit millions. I guess once product launches and marketing helps promote awareness we'll see an epic climb. Literally makes no sense being so undervalued

>> No.24610420
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Gather 'round fellas

>> No.24610697

this is what most people fail to realise. current prediction markets fail to gather adoption because they're way too complex for the regular user to simply log in and use. this is the selling point of Presaga, and what I believe will make one a leader in the space. A UI/UX friendly and intuitive interface without the unnecessary add-ons 99% of users don't care about

>> No.24610832

Just saw that the team is building a swap portal specifically for Chinese holders. Great thinking considering the Chinese are pretty big on betting. Things are really lining up for Presaga

>> No.24610976

Been holding lock for a while now and I'm up at least 2x but this is such a lowwww cap and all supply is already circulating, won't be selling anytime soon, still a good entry

>> No.24611175

yep this gonna be so fucking big glad I bought at 0.1$

>> No.24611773

what influencers?

>> No.24612108

Lillambo, gravano, cant recall others from head but search for $LOCK