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24602438 No.24602438 [Reply] [Original]

Or is splurging ok?

>> No.24602451

I'll always eat like that because I'm a lazy piece of shit

>> No.24602464

That's not even poorfag status that's just being an idiot and not lrn2cook

>> No.24602504


Nah i can and do cook i just dont feel well tonight

>> No.24602999

>Nah i can and do cook i just dont feel well tonight
my dog eats better daily, you are basically fuckin up yourself even more, no wonder you burgers got all that health problems.

i wouldnt touch that shit ever, thats literally cancer on the plate, and those fuckin hot dogs looks like the cheapest dog fuckin tier dogs ive seen in my life, probably made with scraps in butcher shop.

>> No.24603031

And cooking is a huge expenditure of time in energy for half the yield

>> No.24603521

Saw a good post by an anon the other day saying that the amount of time and effort you put into saving scraps of coins by eating shit food and not enjoying stuff, would be better invested into improving your income. Dont cuck yourself to save pennies, put that effort into getting a promotion or getting a better job - ramen mentality is for perma cagie wagies

>> No.24603692
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>it’s another episode of anon is too dumb to understand how processed meat is made

>> No.24603704

They are way shittier than scraps in a butcher shop. They are made with the tendons and bone marrow that is chemically stripped from the bones

>> No.24603717

Velveeta easy Mac isn't fucking poorfag status those things are easily $1.50/$2 apiece

>> No.24603726

Those are armour mini canned sausages or whatever

>> No.24603729

Do americans really?

>> No.24603785

Bro drink more water, make your diet consist of green veg, eggs, quality lean meat (whatever you can afford) lift weights or go for a walk every day, you will feel better.

>> No.24603980

Bone marrow is based as fuck

>> No.24604028

You should live like a poorfag as long as you remain a poorfag

>> No.24604087

Yea if you eat it out of some ribs or something. Not when it's chemically stripped from a chicken carcass with ammonia

>> No.24604099


>just waste your youth and live like a bum so you can invest 95% of your income bro

>> No.24604180

This is correct. Also, you might have a psychological issue that makes you afraid to spend money if you can't bring yourself to splurge even once you've budgeted for it. As long as it's within your budget, you're good OP. You just want to avoid mindlessly CONSOOOOOMING like a loser.

>> No.24604619

Vienna sausages

>> No.24604697


sams club faggot. get 16 for $10

>> No.24604767



Yeah you have no idea what sort of nasty shit you are eating with vegetables anymore. I worked in prison industries as a purchasing manager and one of our industries was Corn and Okra crops

They have PIPES of fucking roundup in the fields literally so they can drench every fucking vegetable in Glyophosphate

The plants are all Round up resistant GMO so the roundup wont kill the plants, just the weeds.

So after months of daily baths in fucking Round up prisoners go out and harvest the shit and ship it straight to stores.

This operation is typical of any fucking factory farm

Do not eat vegetables or fruit bro

>> No.24604967

and no disclaimer anywhere

>> No.24605884

It's pretty cheap to cook for yourself.
If you want to eat shit every day then go for it. It's your body not mine.

>> No.24606167

>do not eat vegetables or fruit bro

then wtf am i supposed to eat??

>> No.24606191

>vienna sausages
Based, I love those little cholesterol laden fuckers

>> No.24606198

Top ramen for now
Top gourmet for later

>> No.24606208


Idk grow your shit yourself

But any vegetarian fags are eating nothing but a shitload of roundup

>> No.24606239

What about organic products?

>> No.24606257
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imagine eating this shit

>> No.24606284

Lmao faggot

>> No.24606293


>> No.24606310
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stay poor

>> No.24606324

stay a lanklet faggot

>> No.24606327

Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fcking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook sht that was perviously in cans. you're a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking poverty dinner on these forums ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fuking phaggot.

>> No.24606326


Thats different but the USDA really doesn't give a shit. We sold shit as organic and it came from the same fucking field that has a Round-up sprinkler system

>> No.24606343
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stay poor

>> No.24606347

Leanr to cook and prepare meals. Eating good is not that expensive. Just do not eat out too often, most of the food in restaurants is seasoned cheap trash anyways and you can have better stuff if you do it yourself. Most people are poor because they eat out a lot and buy shit they do not need. They never invest or create something. Being poor is a mindset and even people earning 100k a year can be poor as fuck. Think about it.

>> No.24606359
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stay poor and eat your sausage

>> No.24606362

At least it sounds like it counts for something.

I think eating researched organic and farmer's market products is the way to go. Growing stuff yourself is ridiculous. Of course you have to pay up the wazoo but it's worth it

>> No.24606363

holy shit you are a huge faggot. I dont feel well tonight. can you fucking read

Usually its a chicken quarter with a side.

>> No.24606365

take vitamin d

>> No.24606372

i would kill you irl

>> No.24606383
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i don't think so

>> No.24606394

Nice coom stain

>> No.24606397


well you need to be mindful of whats labeled organic. Alot of it is probably not organic and its just upselling

mother fucking farming is as filthy as sausage making in that theres nothing natural about spraying GMO crops with weed killer daily

>> No.24606401
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Drunk. Dubs and I swap you 50k worth of bond for 40k

>> No.24606407
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i come from corrupt and poor mountains

i saw things you would not believe

eat your sausages and stay poor

violence is my domain

sausages are yours

>> No.24606468


>> No.24606503

noticed this too...also the feminine arm next to him. I guess he is just some incel that got to be the tag along on a double date or some normie shit like that.

>> No.24606512

stay a lanklet

>> No.24606534

Where's the food?

>> No.24606549

not if you own a crockpot and a dishwasher

>> No.24606557

Unless you cook in batch

>> No.24606633
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in my belly

>> No.24606658

based anti-veg poster.

humans literally cant even digest the fucking "nutrients" in vegetables, and they contain defense toxins / anti-nutrients such as goitrogens and oxylates because they literally dont want to be eaten, which actually do damage to your gut health (the bacteria is a lot more important to your health than you think, its actually the powerhouse of maintaining a healthy life)

theres a reason the big nosed fellows tell everybody to eat vegetables and that vegan options are being heavily pushed into the mainstream recently

just eat fucking animal products exclusively. the saturated fats being bad bs was exposed as being pushed by sugar companies years ago yet normies still fall for it and buy low-fat plant oil alternative shit to this day despite that literally calcifying inside your arteries and causing heart disease

meat is packed with all the nutrients you need, dont let anyone tell you you need fucking vegetables in your diet. they contain way less nutrients than meat and their "nutrients" arent even reconized by your digestive system anyway. this is why vegans are incredibly skinny and mentally ill.

>> No.24606682

You're not trolling anyone with that frenchies pictures Anon.

>> No.24606700
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i only eat meat and pizzas and i'm a chad

>> No.24606704

dry rice and beans are cheap af like dirt cheap. meat and dairy is whats expensive. meat by far most expensives but even still chicken breast is like 3 dollars a pound average. learn to cook basics and youll eat alot better for same price as op sadmeal. a month worth of rice and beans like literally like 30 dollars from walmart. andi could be wrong af it could be like 10 dollars a month or 50 depending on how much you eat but that is still a legit month worth eatingi t everyday. adding chicken or turkey to the rice and beans is what will turn the meals from costing mere dimes per meal to dollars.

quality rice is a dollar a pound
quality beans are like 50 cents a pounds
decent meat is like 3-4 dollars a pound depending on fat content/cut.

>> No.24606729

How often do you have diarrhea

>> No.24606735

the gluten in pizza dough is wreaking havoc on your intestines, it literally acts like glue paste inside your intestines and eventually if it starts to build up you wont be able to absorb nutrients from certain foods any more (you'll start experiencing inflammatory reactions to typical foods you would expect to normally digest properly)

i suggest you cut out the pizzas or make a carnivore pizza with a chicken base instead of dough.

>> No.24606768

i ate pizzas for years now
i have italian ancestry
don't project your weak belly to my roman dna

>> No.24606774


>> No.24606810

had intense diarrhea when i switched to a carnivore diet for the first 3 weeks which is pretty much just your body flushing out years of toxicity buildup in your body, explosive diarrhea for 3 weeks and then you feel like a god for the rest of your lie afterwards

after that 3 week period i've never felt as good as this before in my whole life. this diet is literally the perfect diet, you wont be nutritionally deficient in anything as long as you're eating a wide range of different animal products and not just exclusively one or two.

people who have negative reactions to the carnivore diet such as kidney issues is because they literally dehydrate themselves because they think fruit is lumped in with vegetables. you can eat fruit, just not in large quantities. you need fruit for bulking and natural sugars along with hydration and this is literally the main reason people fuck up the carnivore diet. i guess its not truly carnivore if youre eating fruit but whatever the fuck

>> No.24606832

well how old are you, im trying to prevent you from having a colostomy bag in the future

>> No.24606865

ive been having hard shits that get stuck in the toilet sometimes with my cranivore diet. im on 220p 75c 26f. i do feel good though, very stead energy especially when i wake up. everything is balanced except my body hurts and aches. theres no real cushion or anything lubing me up right now. no fat no carbs just clean lean protein.

>> No.24606921

how long have you been doing the diet?

the main factor to consider is that you've been eating carbs your entire life as an energy source, trying something that your body isnt used to will end up with an inflammatory response for a short period such as diarrhea and ache / pains and brain fog.

it's all about thinking ahead of the short period of time where you feel like shit, eventually it all comes full circle and you feel like you've been touched by fucking jesus and you wonder why everybody else on the planet is eating shitty plant toxins and grains

>> No.24606945

just re-read your post. if you're eating only protein you need to fucking stop RIGHT NOW before you actually do serious damage.

eat fats, get some fucking fat in your diet dude wtf. the carnivore diet utilizes fat as an energy source man, you need fats.

if you're eating just protein that can actually do serious damage to your body dont do that dude go eat a fucking wad of butter right now

>> No.24606963

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.24606985

i love grains dont get me wrong. carbs are life according to mike ohearn i think. ive been eating mainly protein as my energy source for the last like 7 years or more. im 30. i always go towards a larger portion of protein in every meal if possible.

>> No.24606996

vegan detected

>> No.24607053

well fat is utilized as the main energy source in a carnivore diet since your body isnt taking any carbs so you need to definitely eat fats for energy like id say 60% / 40% fats to protein

>> No.24607138
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Splurging every once in a while is fine. Consider it a gift to yourself. Spending something like $10 per day on food is not okay.

>> No.24607148

You must be a grade A dumbfuck to be eating only protein. You can (and will) destroy your organs if you aren't getting animal fat along with that protein.

If you think "cavemen" or whatever only ate lean meat, think again. They ate it all. Bone marrow, organs, brains and yes the meat.

>> No.24607157

your face just screams low-test
you were born and beta and always will be

>> No.24607162

>eating at all
Food is of this world, and this world is sinful.

>> No.24607170

cant tell if your goal is to spend 10 a day on food or to not spend 10 dollars a day on food all the time

>> No.24607200

>living like a poor fag
>eating luxury Mac n Cheese
your meal there costs $2.00
if you really want to eat like a poor fag, PB&J would be your main diet. and go even cheaper, but also comfier, make the jam from scratch because you can turn a $10 bag of strawberries into a shit ton of jam that will last you months and if you mill your own wheat and make your own bread for the PB&Js I've done the math your total cost for a meal is $0.22 per sandwich, you only need 4 sandwiches per day to fill your total calorie needs.
another cheap meal are eggs, a dozen eggs from Aldi cost $0.89 and an egg has about 80 calories, there is about 1,000 calories per dozen eggs.
This is why the real poor pill is to raise your own chickens, and while your at it raise goats for milk. cuz milk and PB&J is comfy and based.
and have a strawberry patch in your back yard to provide you with jam, buy a $50 pound bag of wheat, or thrash the wild grass that grows on the side of the road to make your flour.

Peanut butter is the one thing you'll have a hard time getting unless you live in a region where you can grow peanuts, but maybe you can grow a nut tree and make nut butter from a nut that is native to your region.

>> No.24607243

lol absurd.

the poorfaggyness is real tho. i went thru a phase this past few months of trying to budget every single thing i could and still live comfortably. on a bodybuilding diet i can get down to like 300 a month even less spent on groceries for myself in USD. meat is where the money goes. dry rice and beans are cheap af.

>> No.24607281

There was this kid whose parents wanted to get him Nike shoes like the other kids. They were $200. He told them instead to get him more average priced shoes and put that money into stocks for Nike instead. Two years later Nike 3x in price and he walked away with a little over $600.

>> No.24607304

you are not real frenchbro fuck off

>> No.24607305

that man was micheal jordan, he later grew up to invent the moon and the cure hitler. amen.

>> No.24607408

Nope, I eat whatever. You sound like you take dicks up your hemorrhaged asshole on the regular.

>> No.24607421
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:( I like my fucking gourmet cuban sandwiches though

>> No.24607953

This is some strange levels of cope that I have never seen before
>Just consooooooom

>> No.24608119

>the gluten in pizza dough is wreaking havoc on your intestines, it literally acts like glue paste inside your intestines and eventually if it starts to build up you wont be able to absorb nutrients from certain foods any more (you'll start experiencing inflammatory reactions to typical foods you would expect to normally digest properly)
This makes sense, I use to work at a pizza shop and the owner (in his 70s) would sometimes complain he couldn't eat salads or more specifically lettuce because it upset his stomach. I always thought it odd, and wondered how in the fuck one's stomach could reject something like lettuce.

>> No.24608162

>not cooking everything in a combi microwave

>> No.24608170

>decide to splurge on myself
>eat from a decent restaurant, but stuff for hobbies
>coins pump
>immediately regret splurging on myself
Every time

>> No.24608190

do americans really eat this?

>> No.24608215

If you're poundwise you can afford to be pennyfoolish. Food isn't that much money in the grand scheme of things, and is still pleasurable. Don't be miserable and pinch pennies, invest wisely and you won't even notice the difference.

>> No.24608314
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Be frugal, understand the importance of your dollar, it's not some random fucking thing you can just give away to anything.

But take care of your health and get whole foods and stop consuming shit.

Your health and money should be number one. I don't buy shit, make my own coffee, order in bulk from outlet or costco and only go out maybe once a month or less.

>> No.24608524

how much a month do you spend/consume on meat? whats your staple

>> No.24608590

instant cancer

>> No.24608622

Wife and I live buy a lot of nice food and still only spend like $450/month. Take the cooking pill and free yourself from the preserved Jew.

>> No.24608673

i am poor as shit and I eat better than most richfags for a third of the price. Learn to cook, anon. Be smart.

>> No.24608681

Even when I make it, I'm still gonna enjoy a meal like this. Might even taste even better, being reminiscent of the poorfag past that once was.

>> No.24608688

If living like a poorfag is comfy, I will always live like a poorfag even if I have made it.

>> No.24608784

Fasting is one of the healthiest things you can do due to the effects of autophagy, insulin sensitivity and calorie restriction. It's been a human practice for 1000s of years for a reason. It also can save you quite a bit of money and time.

>> No.24608786

>wasting money on prepackaged mac-and-cheese
>not buying macaroni and cheese powder from Aldi

Besides, you don't have to eat shit to eat cheaply. A Costco chicken is $5. I've bought turkey as low as 99 cents a pound, not on sale. Pork used to normally be around a buck sixty a pound for a good sized roast.

But if you really want to cheap out, go to your local food bank and say "I'm poor, gimme food!" Here's my archived thread on what I got when my mom (multimillionaire, literally) demanded I go get her "free food" a few months ago.


Literally around $300 of food, maybe more. 30 pounds of meat, three big bags of bbq potato chips and other munchies, Girl Scout cookies, and so many fresh vegetables that a lot of them rotted before we could eat them.

>> No.24608811

> Fasting is one of the healthiest things you can do due to the effects of autophagy, insulin sensitivity and calorie restriction.
I mean, you're not wrong, but:
> It's been a human practice for 1000s of years for a reason.
ROFL yeah because of crop failures and winter and mini-ice-ages. :-)

>> No.24608849

Throw baked beans on there and it's british.

>> No.24608875

The best thing you can eat for cheap, every day, for the rest of your life and not die of heart failure is chicken, brown rice, and broccoli.
Or rice and beans. You wanna be cheap you gotta eat like poor people not like lazy college kid.

>> No.24608876

>There was this kid whose parents wanted to get him Nike shoes like the other kids. They were $200.
>They got him the shoes and the next day he was beaten to death by a pack of joggers so they could steal those sweet sweet Air Jordans.
True story on multiple separate occasions, not even joking.



Denver: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNdUZV_4ZDM

Detroit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DNbHebuROg

DC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzCWpdhYrw0

>> No.24608910

don't be poor fag, just don't spend like an idiot. women buying new clothes every week make me sad.

>> No.24609340

even eating meat is shitty cause of ractopamine..our pigs, cows, and chickens are fed some bullshit mutagenic steroid thats banned everywhere in the world

These fucking faggots pousin our food at every opportunity just so it weighs more and sells for more

Its fucking annoying.

>> No.24609401

wow your body must be laughable

how pathetic. No wonder the only way a woman would look your direction is if she had a lazy eye

>> No.24609423

what kind of shit tier hotdogs are those? are they even meat?

>> No.24609435

Why are you a poorfag?

>> No.24609451

ground beef

cheap and calories

>> No.24609680

>the gluten in pizza dough is wreaking havoc on your intestines, it literally acts like glue paste inside your intestines and eventually if it starts to build up you wont be able to absorb nutrients from certain foods any more (you'll start experiencing inflammatory reactions to typical foods you would expect to normally digest properly)
Then how come when people get colonoscopies they're able to have completely empty intestines? You'd think if gluten was piling up and sticking to the walls it would be a pretty widespread thing.