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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24600258 No.24600258 [Reply] [Original]

I'm from the US. 18 y/o. I want a laptop for my next college semester, and I don't know how to finance this one that is what I need.

I have a debit card in BofA if that matters.

I'm really ignorant in finances and stuff. I would like to learn more, but I don't know where to start.

>> No.24600432

buy a used laptop online retard

>> No.24600533

I would do that, but the thing is that if I want to finance something, it is to own it already from the start, and to literally build credit and stuff, and because I want to have a default PC. But thanks!

>> No.24600589
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go apply for a credit card
I would give you a referral link but I don't want to dox myself

>> No.24600603

What are you even going to use it for that you need to pay $1500?

>> No.24600610

You're going to be poor your entire life

>> No.24600623

I swear I'm legit, lmao.

And I actually made an appointment with the bank to ask information about it.

>> No.24600645

Mostly coding and 3D modelling, plus a lot of Photoshop and Sony Vegas.

>> No.24600699

What the fuck are you going to run locally on the computer since you need to pay fucking 1500 dollars for it. Buy a chromebook and do your homework kid. If you need computation resources for a CS degree I heavily encourage you to get an aws account instead. In ANY other major a chromebook or a cheap regular laptop will be more than fine.

If you are adamant about buying it with money that you DONT have. Then sorry kid, you are not ever going to make it in this life. Wageslaving is whats waiting for you

>> No.24600755

Buy a used thinkpad for 400$, don't go into debt for a fancy computer that is way more than you need for school. If you want to build credit get a student credit card and buy groceries with it.

>> No.24600769

are you white?

>> No.24600836

if you know someone in the military they have plans where you buy a laptop from PX/CANEX and they pay like 50/month for 24 months to pay off at 0% interest.

>> No.24600867
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NEC is deflationary if that matters? According to econ 101, deflationary assets increase in purchasing power over time, inflationary assets do not. I hope this is guidance for you

>> No.24600877

just get an Acer Chromebook 314. It won't play games or install a lot of programs but it's good enough for school shit.

>> No.24600879

do dell financing

>> No.24600883

not gonna make it

>> No.24601202

This is going to put you down the path of being a poorfag consoomer forever. I know people like you but 20 years older. They get their monthly paycheque then immediately rent, bills, car finance, holiday finance, phone contact, credit card interest, loan repayments, etc all gets deducted and they're lucky if they have a few hundred to see them through the month for necessities. Usually they're into overdraft by end of the month or hitting people up to lend them cash.

>> No.24601240

Guys, OP here. Thank you so much for your dose of reality.

You're right. Financing something expensive is quite a sacrifice that I know I will regret. I'm very young and unexperienced, and I'm sorry I acted quite dumb.

Thank you all. I guess I can save a couple of $200 and buy myself a Chromebook. I mean, I don't know. I shouldn't put myself on those risky situations.

>> No.24601312
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No one can advise you best, nor we know anything of your situation.
Not everyone deserves respect either, you don't owe anyone anything

>> No.24601394

Buy 1499 worth of XRP and tell college to go fuck itself

>> No.24601421


>> No.24601476


omgi want a laptop 1500 dollars gimme gimme ovedrpriced garbage laptop

literally build a 400 dollar pc and get a used netbook or tablet. you fucking child. you are STUPID

>> No.24602091

Either buy a cheap refurbished laptop or get the 1500 USD and buy a brand new M1 Apple (the only device, where the expense gives you appropriate performance right now).

>> No.24602343

Get a deskmini a300 with a 3400g processor should be enough for your needs, small as a powersupply all u need is a portable display

>> No.24602535

>I'm very young and unexperienced, and I'm sorry I acted quite dumb.
You know we're all mean as fuck and call others niggers here, right? This isn't reddit, you don't have to be sorry.

>> No.24602902

At the end of the day, it's your decision.

While I don't know much about chrome books, you want something that will last you through college and beyond. My MacBook lasted me 7 years through college and after.

So my advice would be to not spend lots of money on something you don't need, but don't cheap out and have to spend more money in the end. Gotta find that perfect middle ground.

fwiw, apple offers refurbished models and financing (if you can swing it).

Good luck in college, anon. Have fun, but do what you need to do to build a good life.

>> No.24602985

By the way, OP, if you just buy a $400 computer now and then in a years time you sell it for $200 and buy another $400 computer you'll actually have a better laptop for the rest of college than if you bought a $2000 dollar one now. Low to mid range is always the best bang for your buck with silicon.

>> No.24603026

Just get a Thinkpad

>> No.24604353

BofA deez nuts

>> No.24604367

lmao I love this board

>> No.24604556
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Get a Thinkpad instead.
Good luck with your life anon it doesn't get easier
stop consooming uselessly

>> No.24604620

If this is the case, just buy the new Apple mini or whatever and $100 monitor. Cost you $800 plus tax.

>> No.24604749
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>> No.24604781

What a moron.

>> No.24604833

Take this to /g/
Theres plenty of information on the subject in their sticky
I wouldn't finance something you can buy outright
Your idea wont do dick for your credit score

>> No.24605583

You can buy a decent laptop for sub 1000 that will do 3D and whatever. You don't need to go to the other extreme and get something useless either. 1500 is too much though.

>> No.24605648
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>> No.24605650
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buying depreciating assets with credit is a good way to stay poor

>> No.24605705

> $1500 Laptop
Dumb fucking zoomer consoomer. NGMI.

>> No.24605738
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Here is some actual advice. In two years I went from 500 to 760 doing this with charge offs from when I was in college.

>build credit and stuff
You need to diversify to establish credit. You need multiple types of profiles to lower risk, not just a laptop loan.
Type one: Installment/Auto/Student Loan
I hate car/student loans so first, get a savings secured loan with NavyFed or another credit union. Get a ~1000 loan for the longest amount of time. Pay 920 back towards the loan so you are under 8.5% utilization. Pay 2 or so dollars a month until you pay it off and repeat until you get a car loan or restart this process. Always keep what you owe left on installments under 9.7-8.5% of the original.
Type Two. Credit cards. I have 10+ and only carry a balance of like $25 on one a month.
1st apply for an unsecured capital one or discover secured card. If you get denied, get a capital one secured card. do the same thing as above. Always report under 9.7-8.5% utilization. No exceptions if you wan't your score to be as high as possible. After it graduates to unsecured. Apply for a Navyfed or whatever card you want that is a starter card. After several months/a year or two apply for whatever you want. (AMEX/CHASE/BOFA etc will probably deny you for a few years unless you are military 650+ fico 8 or have 715+ as someone with a new profile). From there on, slowly accumulate cards as you need them for rewards and build your credit score. Credit is a long game.
Also, if you pay for netflix and have bills, sign up for experian boost and connect your payment to it, its worth it if it works.
Also assume banks only look at fico 8. NOT fico 9 or Vantage Score.
Good luck dude.

>> No.24605771

>How do I finance a $1499 laptop?
i wouldnt pay a cent more than $1488

oh, sorry i must have made a wrong turn at /x/
could someone pls point me in the direction of /pol/.

>> No.24605957

Also if you are ignorant to finances. You should have at least 2 checking accounts, 1 savings account, 1 brokerage, 1 roth/regular IRA, 1 crypto exchange, and 2 crypto wallets
Keep the Bofa checking and savings if you have one.

I'd open a charles schwab account AFTER getting a credit card and savings secured credit builder loan since I think they hard pull.
Open a brokerage, checking, and IRA with Charles Schwab (I honestly believe they have the best platform/trading/customer service after using Merril, Robinhood, and Fidelity) You will always speak to a native english speaker for support.

For Crypto use KuCoin and send immediately to your wallet. Never trust exchanges. For a wallet, get both a MetaMask and a Ledger/Trezor (your choice). Put anything you want to hold on the hardware and whatever you are going to trade soon, keep on metamask.
Also check your credit score often, but don't pay for any credit score services.

>> No.24606016

You can do all this shit with a 500 dollar laptop. I'm a professional developer and I use a 130 dollar used optiplex. Don't finance shit retard

>> No.24606040

OP here. Thank you all for your advice.

In any case, I'll just have to check my options. No, I won't get a useless one. No, I won't get the most expensive one. I'll look for something mid-range.

And thanks to the Anon with the credit advice. Very helpful. <3

>> No.24606315

Get a job at mcdonalds or something for like a month and buy it, you shouldn't ever finance shit unless it is a big purchase like a car or a house, or you are getting 0% and are paying it all before you get any interest. If you want to build credit, get a credit card and buy everything on it and pay it off every month, no exceptions. If you are actually going to be doing 3d/ video editing you wont be doing that on a chromebook, unironically the macbook air with the new m1 chip is very good performance for its price, or you can wait until AMD releases their new chips in q1 next year.

>> No.24606374
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This is quite an impressive yet subtle LARP OP, congrats

>> No.24606416

Aka vidya

>> No.24606631

It's not a LARP. I swear. :")

>> No.24606802

Do you have money in the bank?
Do you have good credit, bad credit, or no credit?