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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2458961 No.2458961 [Reply] [Original]

This is a public broadcast.

Feel free to ask and if im not busy i will answer.

>one: Is the bubble popping

no you dipshits, if you picked the right places to allocate money the most ypure losing is a small amount due tonthe btc dip.

This is not remotely close to bubble tier.

Alot of new money has come into crypto, alot of BIG money. They are taking profits, and all thr nuemale coiners are panicig selling alts and btc.

When the dust settles crypto total market cap of crypto will quadruple by the end of the year.

When the eth scam is done everything will be back to normal as well.

>eth scam?

Yes ether platform + tokens + ico + newfags = inflation of value.

Ether itself might prevail but the tokens are creating an artificial ath.

Now back to btc

>btc ? That slow shit coin?

Yes , btc will fork and be fine.

Next year we will see prices as follows.

>btc 5 digits
>ether 4 digits
>ripple and nem one dollar
>monero, etc 3 digits
>lisk, pivx two digits
>iota once cent
>dgb, sia 50cent to one dollar

>new money

We are witnessing global fud.

Trump is creating huge amounts of fud. So that he can make America Great Again.

He has a plan, watch as governments buy up btc, ether and the like,watch as regulations come for businesss to transition into crypto.

crypto will be the norm by 2020.

All i can say from witnessing btc and especially alts just from last year is this.


I bought dgb when it was 40 sats, sia when it was 15 sats, nem when it was 50, liam when it was 15 cents. For example

Back then all i heard was.

>hurr hurr dgb cant be worth one cent, sia is MEANT TO NEVER BE MORE THAN 1/100th of a cent.

Goodluck senpai.


Hold a couple light coin,hold a couple eth, hold at least 1 btc on the side, hold iota, hold sia, hold dgb, hold lisl, hold redd, hold bat, hold lite doge even.

Just stay away from yobit.

Use bittrex, bitfinex, and cryptopia.

If you bought 10 million sia just last year and held it you would have 100k.

Keep that in mind.

>> No.2459039

>Alot of new money has come into crypto, alot of BIG money. They are taking profits, and all thr nuemale coiners are panicig selling alts and btc.


>> No.2459124

this shit got SLID

its way more important for the sills that all the doom and gloom SELL SELL SELL fud is on the front page

>> No.2459183

It's not even shills. Weak hands are just scared.

>> No.2459381

Miota 1 cent? Or mIota?

>> No.2459418

You think IOTA is going that low?

>> No.2459457

Just spent 5k on factom, what are your opinions on this?

>> No.2459699
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Factom providig devs are active and dont bail, will be another digit higher.

Anything with any activity and marketing , aka relevant, will be worth much more his time next year.

No no >>2459418
Iota one single iota will be one cent.

Making 1 mega iota 10k

Picture related last year i made this, as well as a sia one around 30 sats.

Just hodl guys one of my mistakes was going in xdn and waiting 6 months of NOTHING, than selling only for it to magically moon.

Never say never.

Buy coins wirh gains, hodl some portion buy more wih gains

>> No.2459853

What's your opinion on LTC? A lot of us are saying that it's undervalued and that it will easily hit triple digits by the end of the year. Does that seem plausible?

>> No.2459890


Lite coin will eventually be 3 digits by he end of year maybe, this time next year no doubt

>> No.2459923

Send me some LISK pls

>> No.2460029


>> No.2460253

Understood, have a nice day

>> No.2460325

Amen brother. Now sit back, crack open a beer and look online for the new lambo models coming out.

>> No.2460331

when is ldoge gonna pump. volume looks dead

>> No.2460355

no mention of dcr? OP, what do you think? It is still very undervalued.

>> No.2460386
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Should I mine dgb instead of zcash?

>> No.2460402

i am gonna HODL my LDOGE until the bitter end. love that coin....

>> No.2460414

looks like we are going to do the same

>> No.2460423

sigh. why are people still shilling DGB?

what have they actually CONCRETELY done lately.

>> No.2460450

Yours opinions on antshares and bancor?

>> No.2460526

>>ripple and nem one dollar
>>iota once cent

Hope you are right on this. Thanks for the optimism and anti fud.

>> No.2460545

I'll cap this and post it next year.
Y'all shitcoin fags are way to optimistic for your faggy coins.

>> No.2460618

>Trump is creating FUD
Stopped reading

>> No.2460841
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Anything that isnt deemed a legitimate scam will be worth much more.

was giving a few examples of variety.

Dgb was 50 sats last year.

One btc would of bought you millions.

Worth 10s of thousands

Give it time senpai. You wont regret it

Ant share if relevant will only grow just as everything else.

Bancor im not sure honestly reeka of pajeets and jews. However worth holding just as everything else.>>2460526
It will happen in time. Remember last year dgb and sia were at best 50 sat coins>>2460545
I greatly look forward to it. People like you are why i sold most of my sia and dbg and ripple and nem and lisk and ether for profits when if i would have held i would be a great space whale.

as long as you have relevance, a community and unique anything really. The value will increase wih the entire crypto market

some perspective

Ive been shilling eth, dgb, sia and cryptocoins in general to my friends since 2012. They said :

>hahahahahhaha doggy coin??
>oh cool it could be the future anon
>neat maybe i will try some time.

Now two of them finally got on board.

Bought dgb around 500.

i had to hold their hand through every single thing.

My mom on my last visit to my home state for my birthday said

>hey anon i know every year you said just buy me btc for holidays or birthdays that would be fine. But like how the hell?

>but now our friend told us about crypto, do you know crypto? Its like a chain thingy . He bought some coin at 4 cents and its 30 cents now. I asked if i gave him 100 dollars if he could buy the btc for you but he said its not THAT easy. So idk but i wanted to buy you some btc for your bday.

So i said

Mom sit.
>open phone
>open coinbase
>gibs card
>add card
>buy 100 dollars in ether when it was 200
>remove her card
Its done mom, thank you ,you bought me a gift that will keep on giving
This is only he beginning. Total market cap will be in the trillions next year.

>> No.2460990

Man, you'll be really lost when bull market ends.
Maybe not tommorow, maybe not next year, but some day.

>> No.2461165

You sold me on iota. Just got 300 Miota.

>> No.2461201

So say I bought 200 IOTA on Bitfinex... that technically is 200 MIOTA.

Can I buy a lambo now?

>> No.2461227

Thats 200 million, if you hold and forget. If it stays relevant,then its going to end up at one cent per coin one day

>> No.2461234
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Also... what do you think of my portfolio in terms of long holds?

>> No.2461252
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Pt 2

I find IOC as my biggest sleeper.

>> No.2461310

Do not care my man, last year people aaid the same bullshit and literally cost me becoming a millionare, multi millionare.

I am listening to my gut from now on.

I started with faucets and worked my way up, never bougt a dime worth of crypto. Learned from my mistakes wih 100k sats not 100 mill sats. My only biggest mistake was not simply holding my millions of dgb and sia. I did well , but could have become space whale status, almost jew status space jew whale, instead i wait for next mega erection to reach millions

>> No.2461331

Pls take a look

>> No.2461398

Hodl that and as long as crypro doesnt fall on its ass entirely (which i doubt ) you will be 50k to 100k status or more next year this time .

My autism lile to round things out though. I usually buy a stack when it moon sell 20% sometimes 50% if i have less faith in project, but for example if i had 11,214 lisk when its close to 10$ id just sell 1214 and hodl 10,000 in cold storage.use profits to buy other coins, rinse and repeat

>> No.2461410

Thoughts on XVG?

>> No.2461460

Same as everything else anon, if it stays relevant it will probably reach dgb status sometime next year. Thats being conservative though. It could moon to current ripple status if they offer real world use and market well

>> No.2461489

Thanks... im literally just doing this so I can pay for medical school.

>> No.2461515

What do you think about decred

>> No.2461605

See all other posts, they all will go up wih the herd unless its literally garbage

>> No.2461615

Joyous pink hydralisk of gains and optimism, I seek opinion:


It's a blockchain betting platform aiming to make betting, from soccer to DotA, accessible, simple and safe from tampering for a global market.

Overall, betting is a massive global industry in excess of $500bil. If Wagerr captures even a fraction of that, things should get really interesting.


>> No.2461654
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If they have a usable platform, and people can make online bets on a decentralized network. Than id say its worth holding

>> No.2461735

Certainly hope so. I've been trying to accumulate solid coins, tokens and partake in as many truly promising ICOs as possible. I guess aside from slowly accumulating more, I can do nothing but wait. All goes well, in about 2-3 years I'm hoping my investments will have matured enough to show results if they have not died in the meantime. Hoping for the best...

Somewhat disappointed I've missed so many opportunities to multiply my meager starting capital. That would've been perfect for investing a solid lump sum into each chosen coin/token and trade the rest for fun, ultimately just biding time until the coins mature.

>> No.2461797

Pink Hydralisk

Which Futurecoin would you bet on next?
Many ICO's getting Shilled...
Any thoughts on Tezos ICO ?

>> No.2461818
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any thoughts/predictions for ark next year?

>> No.2461828

Tezos is shit imo, premine, uncapped. And the CEOs seem shady

>> No.2461878

i thought the bull market ended several weeks ago lmao what makes you say its not bear market mode now?

>> No.2461892

Impressed with the iota tx speed. 300 Miota sent in seconds. Took me longer to get 2fa code.

>> No.2461929


>> No.2461944

Hello Pink guy

Out of the following list, which coins would you pick?
Sia or storjx

>> No.2462030

I need opinion on DCR .. they have just completed their 1st phase link

and they will be first one to prove on lightning network testing and already first phase completed . I see holders crazy about this and it says just 45 days its gonna enter 3 digits USD

>> No.2462250

yo what do you think about Ark ?

>> No.2462278

Short term not sure, long term they all will increase decent.

Honestly those are solid imo to be shorter term like this year some time gains.

>> No.2463263
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thoughts on poloniex?

>> No.2463786

Sent ;)

>> No.2463928

What do you think about ARK?

>> No.2464705

best wallet?

>> No.2464723
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OP what about ARK?


>> No.2464889

I can just imagine the retarded 17 year old typing this shit thinking he is going to influence anyone who has more than $50 net worth

>> No.2464898

wait till the asian open
it'll go down to $2100

>> No.2465161

Horrible devil people.

Lost 160k ripple from their "ddos" attack

>> No.2465170

>What is happening is wealthy investors are leaning hard on their politiclal puppets to lower prices so they can accumulate before the next push.
wanna repost this cuz its true

think big people

>> No.2465172

29 actually >>2464898
Never said markets wouldn't dip more im saying this time next year everything will be worth more as a whole

>> No.2465212

What are your thoughts on byteball, wise one?