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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24599274 No.24599274 [Reply] [Original]

>The amount of money I spent this Black Friday can feed an entire family in Peru for a year

Reminder that we are so, so, so very lucky

>> No.24599345


>> No.24599375

I am Peruvian bro.

>> No.24599496
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My bad

>> No.24599577

Fucking firsties, get out of my board. If you are a firsties you already made it, fuck offd

>> No.24599580

some of us living in 1st world countries are no better off than those in other countries.
dca into btc and we will all make it

>> No.24599639
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This measure is always such globohomo shit. Yes a slumjeet earns $1 a year but a sandwich doesn't cost him $5.

>> No.24599772

>Spend more money each month on energy drinks than the average family in Congo makes in 6 months
Well, this really made me rethink my life

>> No.24599879

The way that I look at it is that it's relative to the environment in which the product was made in.

So yes a sandwich costs $8 in a rich country but that's because it was made in a setting with clean roads / public safety / good transportation etc, whereas the 1 dollar sandwich in a poor country is made in a setting that has none of those

So if you want a $1 sandwich, you have to live in a poor country

>> No.24599925
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>Costco hotdogs block your path

>> No.24599957

>needing a membership to buy some hotdogs

>> No.24599985

That's almost certainly due to the profit from other sales outweighing the cost of running the customer-attracting food court at a loss

>> No.24600590

>i make 600,000 usd per year
>break your leg
>it will be 700K + tip

>> No.24600738

>at a loss
It's not that expensive to make a fucking hotdog


>> No.24600766


>> No.24600821

Its 2,500 to fix a bone and you can use credit to lower the monthly cost

>> No.24601201

Ok well, Ikea hot dogs are the same price

>> No.24602259 [DELETED] 

>your so lucky!!!!
i fucking hate this word i swear to god. there's nothing 'lucky' about the fact that white people fought with blood and sweat and tears for fucking thousands of years to build a civilization worth living in where people can prosper.
another common line is that we're 'lucky' we're not living under totalitarian nazi rule right now. it's not 'luck' that my grandparents siblings died fighting in world war 2 to protect our democratic and free civilization. faggot.

>but you could of been born somewhere else!
nope, fuckwit, i am the product of my parents genetics. literally impossible. also you are not a separate consciousness from your body you buddhist-lite faggots.

>> No.24602807

You’re probably Mexican or black. Go away desu

>> No.24602872

I'm Korean, but anyways being thankful about your circumstances has nothing to do with whether or not your situation is deserved.

IMHO being thankful is a sign of self-reflection which is a good thing

>> No.24602894

Does this mean I can retire to Peru and afford a family there?

>> No.24602919

You're probably a white ape. Go extinct desu

>> No.24602936

You just walk in through the exit. I get food there all the time without a membership. It's fun to eat my cheap food, people watch, and look at the ridiculous things people buy in bulk.

>> No.24602971

Most of /biz/ are from third-world countries.

>> No.24603014

When I start feeling greedy, this is what I think about. I could’ve been born somewhere with no money, no parents, maybe even somewhere where I’m tortured or forced into situations where I could be killed, even as a child. I think about how much time I’ve wasted on this earth despite having been given everything by my parents.
Remember to donate part of your gains to your parish and to legitimate charities, /biz/ bros. You can’t buy your crown of glory.

>> No.24603067

thanks anon, will do this

>> No.24603088

The thing is, if you live in a first world country, you are able to invest way more into crypto or stocks in comparison to a slumjeet. Slumjeet earns $20 a month and saves $5, while Cletus earns $2k a month working minimum wage and saves $200 if he really wants to (aka, not spending it on booze/drugs/ciggies). That makes all the difference.

>> No.24603394

It's not even sold at a loss, which demonstrates how huge the markup is on prepared food.

t. ex-costco wagie btw, ama

>> No.24603440

>maybe even somewhere where I’m tortured or forced into situations where I could be killed
I like that your hypothetical scenario started out as a way to remind yourself of your good fortune but then descended into a sexual fantasy.

>> No.24603472

In vzla prices of most shit are the same or even more expensive that in the first world, yet the official minimum wage is less than 1 dollar

>> No.24603523

I just meant something worse than not having money. Don’t be a fag.

>> No.24603534

>just choose your parents before being born

Delete yourself

>> No.24603572

I make just under $10K a year.

>> No.24603592

>post deleted
fuck off and stop abusing your privileges because you are mad

>> No.24603622

being thankful is completely different from 'being lucky'. i AM thankful. THANKFUL TO MY FOREFATHERS. not some abstract concept of 'luck' which is used to sell shit like mass immigration and humanitarian aid because people are 'less fortunate' in other places

>> No.24603623
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westoids can eat shit

>> No.24603640

Go back to pol faggot

>> No.24603655

you fucking retarded faggot. you ARE the function of your parents, you literally can't exist except as your parents offspring, you can never be born anywhere or anytime else, now fuck off and stop crying because you were born into a shithole country with no prospects. if you want to be angry at anyone be angry at your ancestors for failing to do anything constructive with their time here on earth

>> No.24603680

luck is a cope for losers and the weak.

>> No.24603775
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fuck the poor

>> No.24603792
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I don't think that's the case? /biz/ still seems pretty American-centric

>sell shit like mass immigration and humanitarian aid because people are 'less fortunate' in other places

I never said this, but the odds of you being born in a first world country is 1 out of 5. Hence you are lucky compared to the majority of the world in this regard.

I know in India they have a similar attitude as you towards their dalits / untouchables. That since the dalits are being punished for bad previous life, you should look down on them and shouldn't feel bad for mistreating them. This is morally reprehensible IMHO

>> No.24604008

for fucks sake. there are no odds of 'YOU' being born in a country. like i said in my post before the trannitor deleted it for no reason, this psudo-buddhist garbage does not make sense

you are not a soul flying around in the ether waiting for a chance to be born who then pulls a slot machine and either lucks out being born in good circuimstances in a good country or end up in a shithole country.
you're not a separate consciousness from your body. you are your body, which is the product of your parents genetics.

>I know in India they have a similar attitude as you towards their dalits / untouchables.
yeah because they're stupid which is why their country sucks complete ass.
>bad previous life
case in point. that's why india is a hell on earth. they tend to think in such ways.

i'm not looking down on anyone, except people who use 'luck' to play victim, when it isn't luck at all. like i said before, its not luck my / your ancestors died fighting for something they believed in.

>> No.24604141

its all relative though isn't it, at the end of the day we pay more to subsidise them to pay less, we pay $3 for a coke so they can pay 3 cents for a coke.

>> No.24604544

slumjeet saves 25% and the other saves 10%

>> No.24604608

I can agree that using lucky in this regard can be a politically charged word but the intent is that we should express gratitude for our circumstances. I have no opinion on how this should affect immigration. Also pretty sure Buddhism doesn't make a mind-body distinction.

This in no way justifies acting negatively towards people based on their class and ethnicity. If you disagree with that, you are using the same train of thinking as the Indians do regarding the untouchables.

>> No.24604673

Some things like food are relative, but there are many, many other things like electronics and cars that we just have better than they do

>> No.24604772

>they do the same as me and I consider them retarded but I'm not retarded

>> No.24605673

Why is Venenzuela dark blue?

>> No.24605691

and by dark blue I meant the colour of my id

>> No.24605725

>we are lucky were wernt born subhuman niggers and have a functioning frontal lobe

>> No.24606066
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>He doesn't know what a loss leader is...

>> No.24606094

i wish i was born amish

>> No.24606197

Yes, and all you thirdworlders should be grateful you weren't born as houseflies that die with a month.

Be grateful for your long life and don't be entitled either.

>> No.24606283

I spend 0 Euro you imbecile

>> No.24606338

I mean lucky isnt the right word. If i wouls be born in the third world, i wouldnt be me, since i had shitskin genes.
So it wasnt luck, its just that people with similar genes to mine build the first world.

>> No.24606408

Maybe, but again that doesn't justify acting badly towards "shitskins" >>24604608

>> No.24607187

Sure ok you are right, just acting negatively to them isnt right if they life in their countries. But to those who are in our counties its more then justified.

>> No.24607220

I'm korean too and being thankful is kike mentality i hope bad things happen to you. Being thankful is cope.

>> No.24607336

I don't agree but too lazy to write something coherent atm

Being thankful isn't cucking yourself. If someone does something good for you it's right to thank them. The universe appreciates gratitude

>> No.24607862

I think a good rule of thumb is not to judge people for the circumstances they were born into, but judge them based on what they chose to do about their circumstances.

>> No.24607938

how am i lucky if Peruvian families can eat so cheaply? i spend a fortune on groceries.

>> No.24608723

I'm brazilianfag, fuck you burger

>> No.24609043

Shut the fuck up bruh you have absolutely no idea how fucked it is in the third world.

ANY first World job pays more yearly than a fucking doctor in Peru.
You could be a Starbucks barista and your net worth is higher than a surgeon in Colombia.

>> No.24609099

do they even lose money on the hotdogs?

>> No.24609118

>I don't agree but too lazy to write something coherent atm
lol wtf should we be nice to invaders?
where your ancestors nice to the invading mongols?

>> No.24609120

unless you live in peru who gives a shit

>> No.24609161

No have no idea what is going on in the west, you speak from the perspective of your homogen paradies

>> No.24609171

>drinking that shit

>> No.24609176

You can go to the costco cafe without a membership. They don't check there.

>> No.24609188

They do.

>> No.24609196

You don’t need a membership to use the food court or at least I’ve never seen them ask for it (at the food court which is usually either outside or near the exit which you can walk through without a membership)

>> No.24609220

Correct but the higher costs of living and higher taxes will rape you rawer than the bumfuck Doc in Peru.

>> No.24609262

I asked some crypto experts and they advised me toparticipate in it. But wanna know what do you think about their options and solutions for passive income. Is it worthy?