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File: 146 KB, 768x768, 0f9654b6-3622-11eb-8d89-a7d6b31c4b8a_image_hires_010853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24602326 No.24602326 [Reply] [Original]

Well, it was a good run boys.
China just created a light based quantum computer that is 10 BILLION times faster than Google's quantum computer.
And will only get faster by orders of magnitude.
Doesn't this kill crypto?
Crypto has no future confirmed, right?

>> No.24602351

IOTA is the only quantum proof crypto. In fact it scales and becomes faster with quantum computing

>> No.24602357

And how did a country that cannot produce silicon wafers accomplish this?

>> No.24602360

Where to buy

>> No.24602433

ayy lmao gave them the tech. we lost the contract with the ayy lmao about a decade ago.

>> No.24602442


>> No.24602455

Uniswap sir

>> No.24602468

Claim haircomb for quantum-proof supremacy.

>> No.24602473

It's name is Jiuzhang. Google it.
Pretty crazy shit man.

>> No.24602558

As always, if quantum computing truly does work and regular encryption practices become worthless, just crypto going down the shitter will be the least of your worries.

>> No.24602685

But how do we PROFIT off this
Is it true about Iota?

>> No.24602754

No, IOTA is a piece of shit that promised everything during the 2017 bull and lured enough suckers in to make some bank. Don't buy it. Crypto projects that sell you quantum-proof bullshit are scams. I wouldn't know how to profit off of this. Maybe buy a cow? Because the world would be going back to barter if encryption protocols wouldn't be usable anymore.

>> No.24602772



>> No.24602815

Haircomb is quantum proof, uses a methodology which incorporates SHA256 for encoding.

>> No.24602820

Are quantum computers the next nuclear bombs?
Is there going to be a modern Hiroshima/Nagasaki where a country deploys a quantum supercomputer to instantaneously tear down an entire civilization in 0.00036 seconds?

>> No.24602844

It is. Iota implemented Winternitz one time signatures (WOTS), which are quantum secure. Meaning that there are so many possibilities that even a quantum computer wouldn't be able to crack it in time.
Iota currently adds the more standard signature scheme, which also all the other cryptos use (as they are more user friendly). However you'll be able to run both on iota and once quantum computers are common, switch back to solely WOTS signatures. They'll effectively be the only quantum secure crypto available.
You can buy iota on binance.

>> No.24602853

Yes. Pray that the first country to successfully deploy the quantum-bomb will be the United States Of America and not the chinks, or may God help us all.

>> No.24602886


>> No.24602964

No, the problem that the computer is solving billions of times faster is about where a photon of light is in a given frame of reference. It isn't a "normal" kind of computation.

>> No.24602988

yea, they literally just lied
if this happened, all of nuclear codes etc. would be within their control and we all would have started learning chinese last week

>> No.24603028

>Because the world would be going back to barter if encryption protocols wouldn't be usable anymore.

Quick rundown?

>> No.24603085

What exactly would happen? Do our electronics explode?

>> No.24603128
File: 82 KB, 576x768, 1606133700731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, a supplier
of resources that specializes in very specific computers (e.g. "quantum computers") could, thanks
to the marketplace, make them available to a group of small customers. In the case of existing
cloud solutions, these customers do not represent a large enough market to justify the creation of
a new product line.

>> No.24603206

They need to make chips to do anything meaningful. This is proof of concept.
The red dragon has awoken.

>> No.24603249

Does iexec support the monteization of quantum computers?

>> No.24603264

Everything China says is a lie.

>> No.24603329

>becomes faster with quantum computing
brainlet detected
>Doesn't this kill crypto
not at all, all this does (if true and IF -- big if -- meaningful) is push cryptocurrencies to addopt quantum resistant algorithms. it's literally no biggie.

>> No.24603352
File: 113 KB, 1242x1237, 1604800021010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24603368


All security would be broken. Any system connected to the internet could be made to do whatever they wanted. Bank accounts emptied, credit card ledgers wiped out, no one could realistically verify their identity so trust would be impossible, air control is fucked , any software you download could be compromised.. the list is endless.

>> No.24603563

>Doesn't this kill crypto?
fuck off retard, crypto will literally be the first thing to adapt
you shoud worry about slow banks and gov



>> No.24604537

Please never reply to every comment in the thread ever again you shilling faggot

>> No.24604542

dis guy half smal benis

>> No.24604663

>light based quantum computer
Do you realize that every quantum computer until now uses LASER beams, right?

>> No.24605319

brainlet understanding of cryptography and what little we know of quantum complexity
stick to crypto mate

>> No.24605533



>> No.24605609

You need about 5000 qubits to crack bitcoin keys. The problem is that quantum tech doesn't scale well, like I think google has a 64 qubit comptuer but you can't just copy it 100 times to get a good quantum computer. We are still probalby a decade away from quantum computing and if they are made, we'll just use lamport signatures instead.