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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24601858 No.24601858 [Reply] [Original]

take a seat, tell me about it

>> No.24601878

i fomoed RLC and i feel like shit

>> No.24601895

i dont want to go back to waging tomorrow

>> No.24601944

Just shilling statera, people need to wake up and realize what opportunity there is right now

>> No.24601958
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probably going to kms tonight

>> No.24601959
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I have 20k available and am waiting for BTC to drop. Please god I hope the economy crashes this winter

>> No.24601982

just bought a house and I'm in over my head. Walked in to a hardware store for a valve and there was a fucking wall of them. I 360d and walked out of course. Guess I'll keep emptying the bucket every few days.

>> No.24602003

down 4k since the peak.
Threw 10k leveraged long on XRP currently shitting myself, just so boring sitting in BTC all day man.
Scotch on the rocks for me btw

>> No.24602014

Based bartender

>> No.24602045

don't do it anon. Here if you want to talk about it fren. What can I get you to drink?

ballsy. coming right up

>> No.24602054
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1 Onions Latte, extra shot of onions
I honestly don't know if I should take the plunge and become a wholecoiner for BTC and strap in to go to either 10k or 100k.

>> No.24602065

Are you me?

>> No.24602096

Call a plumber. You cannot fix it yourself. Trust me.

>> No.24602155

I'm so fucking lonely, and I'm dreading going back to my shit tier job tomorrow.

>> No.24602188

I'm gonna have my stepdad come help me. He's a pain in the ass and a huge fuckup but I'll at least get through checkout at the hardware store and likely learn something. Stop being a bugman. If I can't fix this I don't deserve to be a homeowner

>> No.24602220
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I'm feeling pretty good, hoping hodling XRP wasn't total stupidity.
Wondering if I should buy AGI.

>> No.24602289
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Feeling a bit of a Quarter life Crisis desu, probably going to change jobs next year. I made a thread asking for advice a while ago.

>About to hit 5 years at current job, making 115k AUD as an EE
>Started there as a grad, moved to expensive city for work about 3 years in
>Am in a good team, have had good opportunities for courses etc...
>Job is kind of easy, get pretty bored but I can WFH and do nothing, still get stellar reviews
>Get promised a promotion a year ago after I levelled that I wasnt happy with the scheduled raise/salary negotiation (I have technical quals beyond a normal EE that they were getting cheap)
>No Promotion drags on, "Yeah we are getting it approved dont worry", seeing less experienced guys in other teams getting promoted
>Covid comes along - company wide pay freeze (none of our projects have stopped), get told it will have to get approved by execs
>"Yeah anon its coming" - still nothing in writing, no clarity on when its happening
>Bored as fuck still but not really working very hard

I am 27 and feel like these years, especially in an expensive city I need to be moving up and making the most of it. BUT I do have it pretty cruisey in my current gig and dont want to fuck that up by going to work for some asshole. Is the grass greener? I read this article from HBR which resonated with me a fair bit https://hbr.org/2015/04/why-you-should-watch-out-for-your-5-year-job-anniversary

>> No.24602301

I know that lonely feel anon. Remember you always have us to talk to and a lot of us are in your shoes

>> No.24602311

You know how it is, another day another dollar

>> No.24602332
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>> No.24602367

I'll get High on Rye and tell you about my XRP schizo experience

>> No.24602467
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>Wondering if I should buy AGI.
Finally some common sense around here

>> No.24602510
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>> No.24602620
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I only put 5% of my networth in BTC at march @6300

>> No.24602779

heavy buy orders for Ocean. TA is looking very bullish for the future. I feel like an Octopus

>> No.24602933
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life is pretty trash over all.

Wife and I are a great couple that work incredible together. Our communication is beyond what most people can even hope to achieve.

We're realizing both independently that we shouldn't be together. I'm a little bit too autistic and strongly dislike always being with people. She is an extreme empath.

we create a terrible black hole together that causes pain for both of us on a regular basis, in that we try to bend for each other so much that we end up with a fundamental discrepancy between who we are, and who we're trying to be for the other person.

We were going to have children and start a business. But I think we're going to end up separating.

I've been depressed before. Been angry/upset. But I have never felt hollow before. It's impossible to enjoy my hobbies, or even spending genuine simple enjoyable time with her like having breakfast on Sunday.

>> No.24603009

Sad but beautily written

>> No.24603102


>> No.24603141

Hang in there friend. I’ve been there. Time will make it better

>> No.24603217

are you white?

>> No.24603263
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I haven't been able to smell or taste anything for more than a week feels bad man, it was my birthday a few days ago too

>> No.24603291
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Everything is fine, just fine

>> No.24603327

It's probably the 'rona, will get better in some days

>> No.24603374
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>> No.24603380

I moved countries and I'm now on my second winter and set of lockdowns for the year, covid did a number on my finances unfortunately too, as I'm not entitled to any government gibs. Been 8 months without an income now, shit sucks

>> No.24603422
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>treating women like men

>> No.24603481

I was literally on a ship with a 'rona outbreak when this this started and never got sick, I had several tests as well and they all came back negative so I don't know how it could be that. I have no other symptoms either so it's weird, I hope it does get better in a few days thanks anon

>> No.24603500

I'll take Vanilla Whalers, on the Rocks please.
Things have been going well. Made about 350 on Coins since the end of October. Sure, not a lot, but I didn't start until then, and I've yet to lose anything.

>> No.24603596
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Pretty comfy with 90% in $TON staking about half of those.....They are definitely going to 10x when they finish with their rebranding....

>> No.24603636

bro you're in a great situation. I'm 26 making US $80k with a fairly demanding job (software engineer) and feel like 6 years of uni couldve been used better but damn you make bank AND an easy job? maybe you need something outside of it to make you fufilled

>> No.24604054

moms spaghetti kicked in

>> No.24604121

Pretty comfy honestly. All in on my shitcoin of choice, career prospects are looking good, enjoying poverty living while I'm in it though.

>> No.24604181

Finally got my first job but that didn't get me any friends nor a gf.
Actually made me dislike more people. They talk shit behind everyone's back

>> No.24604194
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>> No.24604780

anon we can't have covid patients in this establishment

>> No.24604827

I dont know batendanon, it's like we aint going back to pre-corona ever.

>> No.24604951
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my unemployment runs out in 4 weeks and im afriad im gona have to start raiding my account to pay bills

>> No.24605134

I think im slipping, not gonna give up but the copium is unreal at this point bros...

>> No.24605142

Stressed about taxes. Between uniswap, changelly, cashapp, shitcoins, btc gambling sites, bitpay wallet and card, staking and unstaking, etc....thousands of crypto moves that I have no way to account for. Sweating hard over this one.

>> No.24605181

Just got furloughed for the next month, i'm a union plumber. Trying to figure out what i can do to make extra money. I have experience in a stupid wide range of stuff because I get bored easily. I've never done side jobs, and don't really feel comfortable without a master's license and insurance so i'm trying to find something else, but i dont fucking know.

>> No.24605250

Also if you want to send me a pic or post a pic of what your issue is i'd be happy to tell you what you should do.

>> No.24605327

are you a feminist?

>> No.24605380

yeah i'm not doing that. i appreciate it assuming youre being legit but i'd prefer to figure it out on my own.

>> No.24605393
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>> No.24605397

After losing most of my Eth with poor shitcoins buys such as STA, Nyan and Surf. I just yolod into Base and Badger and am now jabout break even. It's been a wild ride.

>> No.24605539

Has COVID early October couldn’t smell or taste. Grandma went hospital momma had lots of pain. But now we good. But I still haven’t gotten tested n I’m scared cuz what if positive ? Had unemployment but they cut it off can’t get it back it seems. And I’m fat as fuck pour me a cold one please freN.

Oh but the good news is everything I got from government I put in chain link at 4$ and now I have 30k lmao

>> No.24605559
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>human holocaust

>> No.24605632

No problem, obviously we're on 4chan so people lie like crazy. Good luck

>> No.24605781
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Safex took all my gainz, i lost it all in that scam, me and my family will ever feel the pain of being scammed by Safex

>> No.24605857

I didn’t put any

>> No.24605892

Work has me tired but doing ok overall. Decent gains this year though not nearly as much as many people made. Lots of cash but can't afford a home in California.

>> No.24605897

Just about when I had given up on living in my current state and when I was about to move I get the best match of my life on the apps and she really liked me apparently.

We had a video date and talked for a long time and we exchanged numbers and kept talking daily. She’s a nurse and had COVID bad but even though I am a germophobe I was willing to date her and likely contract COVID. She’s a 9+.

But she works ridiculous hours and takes a day to respond usually. She was off the last two days and when I asked her out while she was off she ghosted me. It sucks I don’t know what to do with it. Why not respond for days?

>> No.24606548
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Eyy thanks brother, cadillac margarita rocks light salt please. Anejo if you got it.

Where to start... honestly dude, I feel a little bad, but 2020 has been pretty fucking solid for me. Got a nice raise in a field that I love, no covid interruptions and was able to launch a small home business at the same time. With job and all associated side gigs I cleared about 120k this year not including the crypto and stonks portfolio which is around 315k right now.

I have a lot of friends doing fucking terrible and I don't really know how to celebrate my successes right now without making them feel like shit. Tried to take a few of them to a nice dinner and they were appreciative but also a little snarky and upset to see me doing so well. I've just been keeping quiet mostly and trying to have sympathy for people in our friend group but the more and more I look at them I just see they are a product of their own bad choices.

My gf and I used to both be bartenders so most of our friends are service industry people. No savings, no goals except their next tattoo. I don't know man. I love them but I am starting to feel different. They complain about how tough it is but none of them have ever considered pursuing anything other than their next weekend or festival. The worst part is a lot of them are going the hard left SJW route and have been participating in BLM protests and basically shitting on anything that isn't completely over the top pro black. I just don't get it. It's not me and I'm tired of pretending I agree with them. I think if we see a big golden bull run in the next year I am going to be losing contact with a lot of them.

>> No.24606710

This is literally me except I’m not married to her but I have gotten her pregnant. What the fuck have I done?

>> No.24606875

I'm sincerely sorry man.

>> No.24607072

barley have enough for an XSN node but don't know whether to bite the bullet. My only real option to own one without dipping into my XRP holdings is to sell all my ETH and go from 4.5 to just 1.4 after depositing all I have left in my bank. What should I do bros... Not taking any direct advice but perspective always helps.

>> No.24607213

can you help me win a tiny competition? but don't make it obvious. I need 12 votes to make a draw. We have 13 hours left. I'm Mootcat


>> No.24607266

it's been a good year
made my profits for now, waiting for prices to drop to enter more long-term positions again

>> No.24607274

I feel you fren. I’d recommend finding a couples therapist and start building your communication tools. Look up the nonviolent communication method. Could be a few difficult, emotional sessions away from a really positive path. Therapists are dope

>> No.24607279
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Today at work. There was this cute little twink. Now I don't flirt with coworkers. But he was one of those short (5'4) bieber kids who likes all the hype beast shit. And he was wearing slim fit jeans and I already had a boner for him but when he was in these genes he had the cutest little ass. He noticed me looking at my phone on Robinhood. And he saw my gains and asked for stock advice because his dad apparently trades stocks some. When we were leaving he commented to me on one of my coworkers ass. He told me I could definitely get with her (I have chad face but am a Sperg) I just ignored because I was hoping he'd be gay. Should I hang with him and give him advice if I want my dick to go in his bussy? Help me /biz/bros :/

>> No.24607298


>> No.24607633

Ok I guess.

I'm 35 and recently divorced. Kids are involved. It sucks being crushed by ungrateful women in this horrible fucked up society we live in now. I'm just really disillusioned with all western society right now. Currently living in an apartment.

Only positives are that things are great with my kids and I'm making more money this year than I ever have.

Meh I guess I'm reasonably happy but I can't help but feel western society has fallen into complete moral collapse (especially for marriages) and I'm now one of the countless victims to that.

>> No.24607654

Listen to lots of Patrice O Neal friend

>> No.24607699

Moving soon to Arizona, live with the girlfriend.

Made about 60,000 this year without lifting a finger, decided to pursue many different hobbies. But, none of them filled the void of stress I think, because I wanna do something productive and have that sort of stress I did when I was working. Turned my ambitions purely to finance , and have been hit or miss these days. I’m set for life, but I still can’t get my parents to have faith and not worry, I mean I’m doing well. It’s just tiresome in that regard.

Idk, I’m 27 with the world as my oyster anon. But I feel something missing, oddly enough I felt like I was socially locking myself in, so I decided to drive for Uber to fill the pretty much 24/7 free time I have to talk to folks and meet them.

I need something anon, but I don’t know what it is. I’m bored, and being bored is a little sad for me.

>> No.24607702


Definitely do couples counseling before a divorce. At least 10 sessions.

If you do that and can't get on a good track, then at least you really tried to make it work.

>> No.24607718
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/biz/ is the only thing keeping me somewhat together. I've been real down lately, none of my hobbies interest me and I feel like it's getting harder to understand people and life. I can always an hero, but I still stick around for some reason.

Side note, is SPYG a good pick? it has most of the same top 10 holdings as QQQ, it's way cheaper and think it sports a higher div yield. Thoughts?

>> No.24607781

I FOMOed into 75K Lgcy and feel like im way over my head with my 20K RSR, regret not just saving my last ETH for gas to put all them into BASE.
Dark and Stormy please.

>> No.24607796

>shakes beer and sprays it over the counter and bartenders face
>chugs the rest
>burps loudly and obnoxiously laugh

>> No.24607946

you seem like one. not saying you cant salvage your marriage although you should certainly try, dont just give up on it.
in your posts you seem weak, defeated. while understandable, that cannot become your vibe. your vibe is one of superiority, masculinity, patience, calm, aggression, fervor. should it work or not work you need to become a better man. prove yourself and then assert yourself. stake your claim and then hold dominion. continually become a better man; a man your wife can't refuse.
inb4 reddit posting
kinda gay i'll admit but it starts at home

>> No.24607967

You should repent and pray the gay away fag, time to turn your life around before it leads to a path of dread and emptiness

>> No.24607995

Im not gay I have a gf. I just fuck femboys recreationally.

>> No.24608045

launder your linkies through monero and skip town

>> No.24608057
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Holy shit your situation is even worse. Dude I’m serious you need to stop this destructive behavior

>> No.24608072

You are 27 and still trying to prove yourself to your parents? You should be over this phase anon. Also, unironically do you even lift?

>> No.24608082

>that’s a nice dress
>did your husband make it for you
jesus raimi, they’re already dead

>> No.24608089
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>> No.24608103

ive got 4 eth. Some stock and small savings, pretty good job potential wise. failing a accounting class at OSU and my PO wants my head. IDK how im doing desu. downing a 40 oz malt liqour rn

>> No.24608116


>> No.24608131
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>> No.24608160


My family was raised pretty close, I don’t have a lot of close people to get considerations. And yes, Squat 300, I don’t bench, but dumbbell chest 120 max, I don’t pay enough attention to deadlifts to know a max.

>> No.24608376

I just keep fucking up

>> No.24608440


Forgive yourself homie

>> No.24608540

Fuse is still under private sale price but I'm holdin' up. Hit me again, Ike.

>> No.24608573

get over your family asap anon, they will drag your ass to the ground just to spite you

>> No.24608599

no friend, we're on 4channel. do mind your mistake. totally different site.

>> No.24608621

Fuck it.
I’m a 30 year old boomer and I lost most of my friends a few years ago. Been out of touch with the rest since moving cities for work. I’m trying to friendshipmaxx atm but little luck due to autism and divergent interests from normies.
Any /biz/bros want to chat? I live in australia

>> No.24608683

Doing well. Instead of shit bank account for savings I put my extra money into crypto. Make 5.3% per year on a significant sum and the token went 3x. No bank can do that.

>> No.24608767

Could have bought 1 coin when it was down to 5k in March. First time investing ever so I didn't wanna risk it, and only put in a few hundred at a time. Had no idea what I was doing.
I have a better idea now.
I want to die.

>> No.24608828


What’s it like moving around often, gratifying?

>> No.24608884


>> No.24608970

I dunno, i think it’s better for normal people. They accumulate large social networks that can be tapped later. I struggle too much with socializing to make the most of it

>> No.24609049

Turned 33 still single. Financially doing well but feel like I am wasting my life. Covid has basically caused me to piss a way a whole year. Last year I deliberately sacrificed my social life to save for a property downtown and nearly lost my sanity living with my parents and commuting from their suburban house to work 2 hours a day. This year I bought the property and downtown is deserted and I am losing my sanity anyway co-oped up at home, unable to travel, can't go on dates.

I am a first generation immigrant from China and moved to Canada as a kid because my parents came over. Honestly I never wanted to be a westerner and I don't like the way things are going in the west. The older I get the more I think this way. I am not under any illusions about how shitty things can be in China but a part of me always wanted to try it once. The main barrier is finding a good job, I have a very comfy corporate job right now that pays six figures with benefits.

Above all I prefer woman of my own race, not to say I won't date otherwise if she was a good woman but I am getting to the point where I want to find a permanent relationship and I just think its better to do it with someone whom you share a language and culture, raising a mutt would give him all sorts of identity issues later on in life. I think about what my child would be like if I he/she were born and raised in the west (Canada) and I can't see a good future economically or socially.

>> No.24609098

I was buying stuff from original Silk Road back in 2012 and didn't save any bitcoin

>> No.24609101

i took a week off to spend with the lady and now I'm back home by myself about to work tomorrow. I want to drink but I have no drink.

I'll take a glass of brandy, please mail it.

>> No.24609112

that was some of the gayest shit I ever read. I think you should probably kys

>> No.24609293
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S̸̺̝͈̙̬̠͐́̋̀̐p̵̨̥̳͖͓͍̜̫͉̱͔̯̰̐̒͜ą̵̬̳͖̩̜̪͖̫̯̠̼̩͔̀̔̇̄͊́̿͑̒̈́́̕͝ĉ̶͚̫̋̓̍̍͝e̵̢̨̧̥̱̼͔̫͕͎̩̮̕ ̸̧̨̞͔̼̮̟͉̣͈̳̘͙͍͇͊͛̄͘̚e̸̱̝͖̙̙͈̖̺̠͋͋̋̔̋͂̌͂̚͜͠c̷̫̉̍́h̶̥̓̈͂̌̿͆̆̈́͘̕o̸͙̪̗̘̒̋̌̉͐̋͂̓̾ė̴̤̼͉͓̩́̾̑̽͌͛̔̊̽̚͘s̵̡͔͕̱͕̞̳̐̊͐͝ͅ ̴̡̡̞̫͙͉̳̝̥̻́l̷̛̥͎̣̄̽͆̍́̈́̈̿̽͋̍i̷̛̗̖̻̻̜̘̫̬̘̽̋͗̒̋͊̀̋̋̾͝͝k̴̢̡̖̼̗͂̑̈́̽ę̷̭͓̹̮̣͔̯̖̺̝͖̒̉̓͆̓̀̀́͘̕̚͝ ̸̭̇̿͐͝͠a̶̛̜̹̜̮͔̬̱̮̟̣̺̓̿́̃͠ͅn̷̦̖̭̂̐̀̀̍̒̐́͘͠ ̸̧̢̜̪̜̱̖͙͂̇́̎̈́̊̍̾̃͝͝ị̶̦͍͉͓̬̖͌́̽̂͆̈́͊̒̈͘͠m̷̛̘͎̜͈̪̓̀̉̈́̕̕͝͝m̶͈͈̼̩̝̬̱̱̻̹͍̤̦̋̀̐̍ȅ̴̪̑̉̀̐̑̍́̚ṉ̵̡̛̙̝̤̭̻̗͖̩̻̮͉͊̈́́̓̀́͛͜͝s̶̨̧̺̰̤̣̮̦̱̦̤̎̊̈́̀̒̓̊̋́́̆̈́͂͜͝͝ë̴͙̠͔̀̔̾̍͗͌̇͊͝͝ ̶̪̟̗͚͎̥̜̌̃̌́͊͑t̶̹̱̫̮̹̼̓͑̊̆̈́̃ö̸̥̘̹͍̣̪̙̘́͑̑͑͘ḿ̵̮̩͚͉͖̻͈̯̦̻̭̘͔́̐͒͝͝b̶̗̊̌̃,̵͈͈̘̝̆̌̈́̾̋̆̌̕ͅ ̵̡͈̭͚̱̦̙̬̝̮̀̓̆̏͑̑̀͌̄̿̒̾͠y̷̺͂ḕ̴̢̪̜͆͊̋͛̀́̓͊͊͐͐̏͜t̸̛͇̪͉̟̜̝͉̮͍̤͇̍͛̍̽͂͊̿̾͊͝ͅ ̴̢̛̘̹̥̼̩̩͇̹͍͔̽̏͑̀̿̓́́͂͠ţ̶͉̙̘͙͕̘̫͙̩̦̪́̈́̔͌͒͛̌̃̇̐̔̉̌́͝h̸͙̯̭̿̌̊͘͝ͅe̵̙͎̰̜̙̰̍̈́͠ ̷̢̺̟̺̦̹̙̰́s̵͇̞̩̣̋͑̂̐̋͗́͋̾͝ț̸̡̡̢̘͚̤̟̗͔̣͊͐̀̓́̆͌̀̉̓̋͗͒̚̕ą̶̥͎̼̩̥̭̼͖͉̤̙͐͛̌̍̀̽̈́̄r̴̢̡̢̞̠̫̞̳̹̪̘͇͔͆͆̈́̆́͋͘s̴̳̮͍̈͑̇͋̒͌́͋ ̷̢͈͓̘̳̫̫̱̠͆͜š̶̰͒̇̿̒̔̂̆t̷̢̡̛̺̫̺̠̱̪̾̾̚í̸̘̬̳̖̳͛̑͊̇̂̋ļ̶̬̤̬̫̰̤͖̰̍̐̾͒̿̓̊̑͑͛̀͋̽͝͝ͅl̶̛̪̂̄̑̃̕ ̴̡̭͔͎͕͔̘̬̮̫̩̼͖̱͕͐͑̉͋̀̿̀̈́̓̊͋b̸̨̡̡͍̙̮͚̰͖̪̜͕͐͌̒͂̕ͅư̴̢̨̨̡̯̱̰͖̬̬͖͉̫̍̆̈́̍͊̃̆̀̍͛̆̓̐ͅͅr̴̯͆n̴͇̺̫̬͎̰͈͇̦̜̰̯̠͕͚̊̃͒̊

>> No.24609358

brother 115k dollarydoos is good with the right mindset and budgeting you can make it on that
I assume you are investing, you can probably hit $1mil by 40 with the right plays
I haven't worked all year, had one interview for a 90k job (close to my prev salary) and now have one for a 67k job. it's fucking bs but I need a cheque

>> No.24609605

Take a premarital course like SYMBIS, it worked wonders for my relationship

>> No.24609787

You should date a decent well put together white woman. AMWF hapas tend to be well adjusted compared to their WMAF counterparts.

>> No.24609903

shameless self bump cause fuck it

>> No.24610050

>doesn't like occidental lifestyle
>makes personal sacrifices to obtain home in western city

>> No.24610083

What other anons said and I'll add your current job is a dead end. We both know they are not gonna promote you.

>> No.24610215
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>angry at myself, bad thoughts
>nothing is going to change
>stuck in clown world
>don't have capital
>missed out on crypto(?)
>missed out on stocks
>missed out on all bubbles
>feels as if in purgatory hell
>waiting years for things to happen that you are no longer a part of
>condemned to wagecuck

Then I realized it's really simple.
Instead of resenting that you missed out, you could just make things you want to be a part of.
Of course I'm still condemned to wagecuck for awhile, who knows.
But instead of trying to clamor around interesting projects and ideas, you can be the change you want to see in the world.
There is nothing stopping you from making the next Internet, crypto, sliced bread, etc.

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.24610317

Well I sold all my Btc earlier this year like a faggot. I’m a no coiner. I’m sure I still have something on some of the exchanges I used but whatever. I don’t really care at this point. Crypto kept me up late. It was too much for me. Now I’m looking at buying a business and building that up. Crypto was fun taught me a lot. But I honestly think it will drop from here. I haven’t seen btc unbridle itself from the stock market. Market is high on stimulus checks for their favorite businesses right now. But the people are broke and losing their jobs with no relief in sight. Things don’t look good long term. I suspect btc and the stock market will dump. If I see btc free itself of the stock market I would probably go in. Maybe if I thought this vaccine was promising I would be going balls deep in the stock market and crypto but they’re just now releasing possible side effects and I can already hear the class action lawsuit commercials in my head. Not to mention our consumer driven society is already keenly aware of buyers remorse of first generation products.

>> No.24610984

Finally had enough. I have money I'm ready to invest and am signing up for coinbase account. How soon can I put money into the account and invest?

>> No.24611048

You can buy crypto instantly either with debit card or if you link your bank account. You will have to wait to trade if you use your debit card. If you withdrawal from bank account you can trade instantly.

>> No.24611267

That's a lot of cope buddy. Glad you let it all out at once.

>> No.24611310

I got eye surgery and can't fucking see

>> No.24611480

Pls help me, I'm desperate to learn from people who know more than me.
I fucking hate wagecucking. I would like to get out of it asap w/o killing myself.
I make $500-$600 every 2 weeks. Terrible, I know. But I have literally no bills and can save/spend the entire check at my will, besides maybe $10 in gas per week.
So my question is, should I dump my checks into volatile/unstable cypto in hopes that one takes off?
I'm young and have no bills, and no one to pay for, and I don't really have anything I want to buy, I don't spend money on clothes/fast food/games/ etc.

>> No.24611540

First and foremost, do you have a roth ira? You should go to fidelity, open up a roth ira, and make your max 2020 contribution ($6000) and pick up an etf. If you have money to invest, your first $6000 should go towards that.

>> No.24611603


>> No.24611786

No problem. My opinion is that this should be every young person's first priority investment. It's much safer, and you get to watch it grow over time. Time is on your side. Don't gamble your earliest savings in volatile crypto when you can be building that solid nest egg. In 30 years your $6000 etf shares from today will be worth a lot more than some random shit coin.

>> No.24611867


Hence why im comflicted, its easy money but it feels shitty when every day it seems like your skills are getting more dull an are never challenged


Yeah im assuming that they arent, worst case I'll ask for the title without the pay increase so then I can interview for better jobs somewhere else

>> No.24611877
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>> No.24611919

Graduated 2 years ago (mech. eng.) and can't find a job for the live of me. Thinking of opening a food truck, I am able to get a loan for it interest free. What do you guys think?

>> No.24611959

If you're still around anon, start job hunting and see what's out there, maybe even apply for a new job with higher pay and say to your current boss that you will take their offer and leave if they dont match it.

>> No.24611980

I want to find love of my life so badly

>> No.24611996

I say unironically learn to code and pivot to SWE

>> No.24612026

anon I know I sound like a little bitch but I am a man (male).

I have been trying to learn gamedev while looking for a job, and while it has been going okay, it's just going to take too long and I need to do something now. There're no unemployment benefits in my country.

>> No.24612031

Same but I feel good

>> No.24612041


Yeah my plan is to job hunt in the new year, I need to finish some certs which my current work is paying for and them I'm good to go.

>> No.24612085
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My bad, this came up when I originally googled SWE. Now I realize (I think) you meant software engineer.

>> No.24612132

Sounds like Vancouver

>> No.24612310

Any insights on starting a food truck as a complete autist?

>> No.24612811

what state ausbro?

>> No.24612933
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>black id

>> No.24613398

I feel like shit, no friends, no social life, having no one to talk to is really putting a toll on me now, I have family and stuff but I can't really connect with them because their interest are really boring to me, mostly small talk about their days same goes for normies, This online thing is cool but I would want some real friends to hang out with which are on the same wavelength as me

a cold beer pls

>> No.24613513
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>Just started to get friends in new town after 6 months
>Got fired
>Got job offer in another town
Making new friends is suffering, god damn.

>> No.24613911

You are only at the start. It's how we all learn man. I was 20k in debt 3 years ago. Thanks to dca into crypto and learning about my personal finances on the way I was able to get a nice stack over time. Dont get disheartened. Every anon started his crypto with one small buy and every anon wishes he bought more and earlier. We are all gonna make it. Keep going.