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24590408 No.24590408 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, who here actually retired? It's not the same as being a neet is it? How do you feel? What do you do?

>> No.24590504

This twitter post is rich Marxist privilege. Ask any construction worker or physically laboring immigrant if they'd prefer an office job with 3x the pay, and they will post your picture next to the madana in their prayer corner.

>> No.24590529

wtf i love wasting my life now

>> No.24590631

This is the kind of emotional Marxist dribble that moves Mexicans to the republican party. They've seen the outcome of these sweet talking rich kids who've never had to work in their life

>> No.24590651

South Americans understand socialism better than any american ivy league (/(influencer)\)

>> No.24590969

I don’t know who this is but I’ll take the comment at face value.

The human body evolved over millions of years to be adaptable, we evolved to walk on two legs for efficiency, we lost muscular strength and gained brain size. The logical conclusion is to utilize the increase in brain size by using it to come up with solutions that decrease the need for physical exertion. If you can’t hack staring at a computer screen all day, that’s fine, find something that’s more manual labor then, you’re not entitled to sit on your ass for free and collect a paycheck. Nobody has gotten a free ride in the history of human existence except for modern day trust fund babbies, this has literally never been done before, 150 years ago on back to the dawn of time you’d be lucky to live to see your 20th birthday and you likely had incurable diseases and a harsh existence and an excruciatingly painful death.

>> No.24591177

Bro I don’t think you get it, 70% of jobs suck ass in private world, the 30% above earning 100k have it good , but don’t forget... they are on the knees 24/7 . Suck it good. The only way and I mean the only way to enjoy work for your average Joe is to somehow get into the public (comfy government) job. Then you can literally sit on your ass and do fuck all and if you do do something at fuck it up, who gives a fuck - just fix it with tax Payer money.

>> No.24591277

I let people in front of me at the grocery store because I got nothing but time.

>> No.24591351

look at charts
occasionally move money around frantically
beat my dick like a christfag's wife

>> No.24591353

This guy gets it. Plus all these cubicle dwelling faggots take the elevator target than to stairs, drive to work rather than walk or cycle, get drive through food and coffee, and spend their free time sitting on the couch watching netflix. It's not like they'd all be active and healthy if it wasn't for work.

>> No.24591434

my parents travel and visit friends and family. they love it. they are in hawaii right now for a month.

>> No.24591461

Ask any hunter gatherer if he wants to rot away in an office 8 hours every day

>> No.24591564

I will soon retire and be neet. Just me and my personal projects. Maybe go down to the bar and show off my newest masterpiece on the piano, go home after a healthy lunch of quinoa salad and free range chicken egg and activated almonds. I'll work on my next book extolling the virtues of neetism, then perhaps meditate in the park after my ten wire, run and heavy weightlifting session.
The puny wagies will never understand us neet God's. We are so, far superior to them its like, comparing a king to some bug. I will find plenty of time to make love to my wife and fill her with many children. Perhaps some wagies will come home to their pregnant wives and help rear my children too. I need more than just your taxes after all. Now mush mush, wagie.

>> No.24591590
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checked & based

>> No.24592637

She is not wrong, you know.

>> No.24592854
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This is why I literally have no desire to do anything these days other than to stare at charts. I feel like I'm just chilling at the dock with my luggage waiting for my ship to come in.

>> No.24593123

Yes, I used to do construction when I was young and this was the thought. As an oldfag who has worked behind a computer in a climate controlled building for years for years I can say that just about anything that is a little labor intensive that pays well would have been a better option. For example I had an opportunity to become an electrician which likely would have netted me far more money as well as working with far better workmates.

>> No.24593175

i'm retiring next year unironically.
have some unfinished business but i'm working my way out. actually gave my notice to last september but there was still some work to be done. so i basically already gave my notice just haunting the corp.

>> No.24593183

>you should love working for jews because saying otherwise is communism
Fuck off rabbi. Start a business

>> No.24593196

why do you have to give some notice?

>> No.24593229

>be ER nurse
>paid well with relatively little schooling
>generally like my job
>physically active but still use brain
>loved by the community
>lots of discounts
>useful skills when society collapses

Why haven’t you taken the RN Pill yet?

>> No.24593230

Npc with no internal monologue detected

>> No.24593252 [DELETED] 

*so much notice
Also, age? What are your retirement places?

>> No.24593281

*so much notice
Also, age? What are your retirement plans?

>> No.24593418

Semi-retired here. I wagecucked it out for about 5 years before starting my own business on the side. I did consulting for the work I was already doing, so it wasn't some meme startup or current get rich quick business idea.

I was able to eventually quit the full time job since my business was able to stand on its own (3 different clients felt 'safe' enough not to rely on the job - which wasn't even paying that good). Now I'm at the stage where I've hired two other people to help out and I've shifted more into a management/sales kind of role. My plan is to keep an eye on things and get the business to the point where I can hire my own replacement and work even less than I am now.

>> No.24593427
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I retired at 36 with a net worth of about 450k. Most people will tell you that's not enough, but they are addicted to consooming.
>It's not the same as being a neet is it?
Seems pretty much like being a NEET. I live on passive income and capital gains, but live a pretty frugal lifestyle. I live alone, so there's no one to make me tendies.
>How do you feel?
Retiring early isn't about being happy all the time. Nothing provides lasting happiness. Our brains just don't work that way. Retiring early is about reducing the suffering in your life. So I'm not ecstatically happy all day, but not working means I'm never kissing Mr. Shekelburgs ass. I'm never stressed about other people's money or my obligations to other people. It's weird how this has changed my perspective when it comes to wanting things. When I had a job, I always felt like I could afford something expensive and it was no big deal. Leased cars, expensive houses, etc. Now though, when I look at something expensive, I think, "I could have that, if I would just get a job. Is having that expensive thing worth getting a job?" Obviously, the answer is no, fuck no, omg holy shit fuck no. Nothing improves your live more than not having to wagecuck.
>What do you do?
Shitpost, read books, play video games, weekly D&D night with some bros, spend every other weekend with my girlfriend, and work in the yard. I have some land, so I'm thinking about starting a big garden next year, but it would take a lot of work. Even with my meager net worth, I still get to travel a couple times a year.

>> No.24593467

based and blackpilled

>> No.24593487

i gave them my notice this spring that i will quit at september 1 but things changed a lot after that. so it's like i'm still there and they are still paying me but i told them i'm leaving almost a year ago so they can't really complain when i do.
i have enough savings to last for years and enough bitcoin to not worry about my future after that.
i can always find work again if it doesn't pan out.
i mostly just want to trade btc on leverage full time for a few years.

>> No.24593501

Sounds pretty good

>> No.24593539

>Nothing improves your live more than not having to wagecuck.
yeah lol

>> No.24593583


How many asses do you wipe a day?

>> No.24593598

>and enough bitcoin to not worry about my future after that.

You delusional cryptofags are in for a rude surprise

>> No.24593611
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>work with 90% women
Man I want to believe you, but this sounds like an utter hellscape.

>> No.24593618
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>> No.24593656


That and the pay stubs with breakdowns of taxes paid lol.

>> No.24593687

Currently sitting in the sterile cubicle young professional anon here, I want to go back to some more labor intensive stuff so hearing you say this makes me feel a lot better about my decision

>> No.24593691

I'm quitting my job in 18 months but I'm planning to start up my own business. If it works great but if not that's okay, I've got plenty of money to fall back on. I'm torn between moving close to family and friends in cAliFOrNiA or moving somewhere super cheap or going overseas for a few years.

>> No.24593699


And that's one of the many remarkable things the human body can do
They can also be survivalist encyclopedic machines for keeping themselves alive and inhospitable environments across the Earth,
and they can also starve in tenement houses for a few cents a day in the midst of the Industrial Revolution only for the benefit of their families and children

People are hardy, make your own happiness, all you need is your own satisfaction and a fellowship

>> No.24593756

I have been retired since link hit 4 dollars back in July 2019. Shit is whatever really. I started drinking a lot and doing side DJ at a lounge .It is extremely fun when I get laid i feel like a king for a week. Flirting and performing just makes me feel so good .it’s truly a way I express myself . And I am blessed to have it as an outlet. It’s so important to have an outlet. It’s a feeling so many of you will never feel. And makes me sad for y’all .

>> No.24593771
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>he didn't buyed
Cope harder, nocoiner.

>> No.24593792

>t’s a feeling so many of you will never feel. And makes me sad for y’all .

>> No.24593940
File: 148 KB, 606x597, making it peace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a great analogy. So when your portfolio swings wildly up or down you picture heavy rain and sea troubles I assume?

>> No.24594129

>since link hit 4 dollars
Sounds like you have a pretty nice lifestyle, but do you ever have regrets or wish you'd held longer? Knowing you could have had 5x as much seems like it might put a downer on things. If not, any tips for developing a healthy mindset about being satisfied with what you've got?

>> No.24594188

Office jobs will be non existent after the 4th industrial revolution. It’s exactly what it targets. Chainlink will make it possible. Everyone will be happy labour slaves after

>> No.24594192

i have a plan b and c but bitcoin is the most likely to succeed. boomer stocks take a lot longer real estate even longer.

>> No.24594359

My mom started drinking a lot more since she retired earlier this year. She spends a lot more time outside and cooking than she used to but she's also out at the bar with her friends multiple times a week. She's on a fixed income right now so I don't know if she can afford to be going out all the time

>> No.24594392


>rich Marxist

Lel, you prob got that from a jordan peterson youtube vid

>> No.24594485
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I am so sorry that this rogue wave capsized our boat.

>> No.24594639
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This post makes me happy for you, anon. I hope you'll keep enjoying life and create meaningful relationships and goals.

>> No.24594652

I am a South American who saw how socialist policies destroyed his country and had to flee.

Critiquing shitty working conditions isn't socialism. Actually, worker's rights are a capitalist invention.

Under socialism you are a slave to the Party/State. Your entire life is meaningless as individuality is completely removed from the equation. Your sense of self is slowly diluted by the "people" and you end up wasting your life slaving away for the Party, until they deem you no longer useful and kill/imprison you.

Under whatever the fuck America and Europe have right now (it isn't capitalism, corporations have too much power) you are a slave to corporations. Individuality is also diluted, this time in the name of "professionalism." People end up numbing themselves to this depersonalization process until they manage to escape via retirement.

Worker's today are more skilled, more educated and more productive than any other worker in the history of humanity; yet they make less money. It's not even worth to attempt entrepreneurship because small business cannot compete with big companies and/or Asian slave labor.

The game is rigged from the start and corporations are replacing individuality and sense of self with social media and products.

We need actual capitalism, not the bullshit we're living under right now.

>> No.24594954

>more productive
the workers aren't more productive because of themselves it's because of the technology used that also costs money.

>> No.24595003
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Absolutely fucking based. Owning your own land and home living of passive income is the best lifestyle imaginable.

>> No.24595103

do you ever worry about a crash wiping out your money (say 50% crash)?
with a gap in your CV it's hard to find work
also do you own a house?

>> No.24595115

Why does it matter? Technology is an inherent part of humanity. Technology is what allowed our ancestors to hunt, gather, settle down and create. Without technology there is no humanity.
>it costs money
More productive workforces and the amazing advances in production technology that have occurred in the past 30 years lower the price of making even industrial-quality machines.

Not that it matters, since a robot that assembles 3 times more cars than an earlier model literally pays for itself with the increased production.

Most of the increased revenue don't go to the workers, the workplace or even to better the quality of the products (bean counters make sure corners are cut until the product is of a lower quality than previous models), they go to shareholders and into executive's pockets.

>> No.24595128

I ask because I currently have 250k and in between jobs, wonder if I should even bother

>> No.24595324


If you own your house that might be enough. If not, you should even bother, but you definitely have enough that you can be picky about who you work for and what work you do. Just don't be a consoomer.

>> No.24595726
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Yes, I do worry about a crash wiping me out. I'm invested about like this:
>30% real estate w/mortgages yielding meager cash flow
>30% BTC
>10% paid off home I live in
>30% cash from my most recent real estate sales, slowing DCA'ing into dividend yielding stocks
So everything would have to crash to fuck me over, in which case I'll still have a lot of cash for DCA into assets with yield. If shit continues to go up, I'll reallocate BTC gains into stocks for more passive income. If there is massive inflation, my mortgages will become trivial and my effective income will go up that way. I feel pretty well prepared, outside of some major, bankrupting illness.
On the job subject, I've pretty much given up going back to my career. I was a CPA and I hated it. I think if things go so wrong that I need to get a job, I will know far in advance and should be able to get by with some part-time, easy job, like a cashier or something. I could also do some bookkeeping or taxes but, like I said, I really don't want to be an accountant anymore.

>> No.24595820
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>Nothing improves your live more than not having to wagecuck.
Words of wisdom. You look like you managed to escape consumerism and materialism, which is something that I admire. I hope that you'll enjoy a peaceful and long life with your friends. Be sure to learn a martial art

>> No.24595882
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Thanks fren

>> No.24595887

wew, I would not have the balls to be leveraged in the housing market with 450k

>> No.24595899

Yea government is the way to go. You literally get automatic promotions and cost of living wage increases. Expectations are low, but the hard part is getting in. It’s one of the few places left where you can work and retain some dignity.

>> No.24596000

And won't have children, thus accelerating the nigger problem.

Great job anon

>> No.24596008
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I hear you, but risk free return is 0%. Gotta choose something. The long term return is fantastic, considering I used to live in them and only put 5% down on each.

>> No.24596011

None of this will happen. You will jerk off and waste money on Tinder and end up depressed.

There is a reason all trust fund kids end up being depressed.

>> No.24596067

My current life plan is to get an entry level data analyst job in the private sector for 6 mo - 1 yr and then try and get a COMFY data analysis job in some government position where there's a low cost of living. Thanks for reading my diary.

>> No.24596095


I quit my job and built my hobby into 870k a year business. I dont really work and Id rather be doing this than anything else.

>> No.24596183

What is the hobby, anon?

>> No.24596220
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Yep, no kids for me. Let me count the reasons:
>I'm not at all interested in being around kids. I wish I could honestly say this wasn't the biggest reason, but it is #1.
>Kids suck up all of your free time, even in the best of circumstances. They also ensure you will wagecuck forever, if only to provide more for them.
>Even if I wanted kids, for a responsible person, they require a wife, which I DEFINITELY don't want.
>Once a woman has your kids, wife or not, she can split and the state will force you to work to pay for them. If you make more, they take more. If you make less, off to jail. It's literal indentured servitude.
>Just pick the right girl, bro. Lead your wife. Dread game. Beat her. Control her. Blah blah. None of this shit works with the state backing her up.
>Too many guys that I respect and admire have been through the divorce wringer, only to work themselves to death to see their kids 2 weekends per month.
I didn't make the system. If the system is so fucked that it disincentives men from wanting to get married and have kids, it is the system that is broken, not men.

>> No.24596395

Good luck anon. I worked private for one year before getting in. It’s everything you think it is and more.

>> No.24596450

>150 years ago on back to the dawn of time you’d be lucky to live to see your 20th birthday and you likely had incurable diseases and a harsh existence
I hate this boring lie about the past

>> No.24596524

larping and he meant 870k in a shit coin that costs less than a penny. If they really had a business that was generating that much revenue, they wouldn't be posting on 4chan

>> No.24596570

He’s not totally wrong. Life was harder and shorter, though the people who lived back then were hardy and practically skilled more so than most people today.

>> No.24596617

that post is in agreement with you retard

>> No.24596619

Gotta love being privledged and being told your whole life how easy you have it. YOU HAVE A BIG DICK, LIFE IS EASY
heres a pointer for you, stop comparing yourself to me so you can assume my life is easy.
Yes i retired because i was going to kill myself doing office work

>> No.24596631

in a good way or a bad way

>> No.24596633

>Stuck in a systemic negative feedback loop
>Make no effort to escape
Good plan

>> No.24596636

You never leave 4chan, it's a part of you
Source: I have $2M liquid.

>> No.24596687
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Stay mad nigger. Sub 7 figure business aint shit.

>> No.24596763
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On the contrary, we will only escape once more people realize that something has gone wrong. That will only happen once the system collapses under its own weight and the bread and circuses come to a close. My choices accelerate this collapse, in their own small way.

>> No.24596766
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absolutely based and truth pilled

>> No.24596832

You will never be successful because all you do is cry and complain about your miserable fate instead of actively trying to improve your situation.

>> No.24596892

define "success"

>> No.24596951

So what is the hobby?

>> No.24596963

Good way. Salary shot up, job security, benefits, tons of time off, the list goes on and on. I got two bonuses this year already and I’m trying to get a detail to Tokyo or somewhere in Europe for a few years. Once you get a few years under your belt it’s max comfy. My super just asked for my address to send me a Christmas gift lol

>> No.24597091

I make it short! You can do whatever you want whenever you want.
You shall never forget to want though

>> No.24597175

Nice anon, thanks for the hope.

>> No.24597435

The State being involved is the leading cause of divorce, minus marriage itself.

The rules are just as cucked here in the UK, put me right off.

>> No.24597462

they would say yes in a heartbeat retard

>> No.24597595

Life sucked in the past goy, life is great now just eat the insect patties and take the hormone pills.

>> No.24597599

got a friend who retired thanks to crypto at his early twenties and he is fuckin bored and depressed. all he does is party and drugs and just buys expensive shit to get distracted but otherwise I expected it to be way better of a life for him esp since he's attractive

>> No.24597712

Anyone who says the system is broken is a pretty damn retarded. The system runs exactly as intended. The silent kill off of a majority of the population via social propaganda and a fuckin laundry list of other shit I’m not gonna delve into on this post. It’s very successful and your owners at the top appreciate your peaceful acceptance of your destruction.

>> No.24597866

Low iq faggot you have no idea what someone like that would say. Not everyone is a low t clown like you.

>> No.24597939

you're going to commit suicide around 50

>> No.24598003

I bought a farm with my btc profits
Living in the countryside is perfect, I am self-sustaining, have solar panels/wind energy, 2 dogs and I grow rabbits.
I travel as often as I can...
One thing that I can surely say, you will lose a LOT of friends, if you have any and everyone thinks you can solve their problems.
I wouldn't say that money make you happier, but they do reduce the daily stress a lot!

>> No.24598141
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Statistically it's much more likely I would commit suicide after getting divorced. Try again.

>> No.24598188

I only get paid 40% more than a construction worker and had to get way more training for it.

>> No.24598197
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men built everything up till now i think its womens turn to work

>> No.24598286

Are you kidding? My office job paid less than average union train/bus worker, any union construction worker, any independent construction worker, and really probably about the average for construction as a whole. Their job may be more physical but part of my rage as an office worker is this kid getting a $70k job in hvac out of highschool while i spent 6 years spending $70k making $12/hr and upon entering office work at the end of school $22/hr

>> No.24598465

Sounds cozy dude

>> No.24598522

The Terminator was a documentary. Ted Kazynski = John Connar

>> No.24598530

i remember being neet.
it was good sure but it was also wasting away my life full throttle. watching anime wanking 6 times a day and crazy shit like larps where we hit each other with padded sticks and "cast" magic kek.