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24588645 No.24588645 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin grows in “hype cycles” that mimic fungal reproduction.
We’ve entered "Stage 2: Mushroom" (bull market)

Fungi 101 (for the uninitiated)

Fungi primarily exist as "mycelium." Think underground internet that connects a forest to create a super-organism

Fungi reproduce by producing mushrooms that release spores (~seeds)

Lucky spores create new fungal colonies & cycle continues

Stage 1: Bear Market (Mycelium)

Majority of a fungus' life is underground. Quietly mining resources and trading with neighbors

Most of bitcoin’s life is boring (no hype). However, the hodlers underground are learning, self-custody, running nodes, building businesses, etc

Stage 2: Bull Market (Mushroom)

When conditions are right (temp/humidity), the fungus produces a mushroom (reproductive organ) above ground.

Similarly, when conditions are right Bitcoin explodes into life, newcomers join the network, media frenzy, price rises

*We're here*

Stage 3: Euphoria (Reproduction)

When mushrooms reach maturity, they reproduce by releasing spores, then quickly decompose.

After Bitcoin hits peak euphoria, price falls, it fades into obscurity, casual participants exit. But not before capturing new mindshare & capital.

Stage 4: Integration (Colonization)

Most fungal spores don't survive. However, some land nearby, form new colonies, and the cycle continues.

Similarly, most newcomers don't survive the bear market. However, some form new colonies, become hodlers, and the cycle repeats.

>> No.24588705

Thats a lot to type just to say you want to fuck a mushroom

>> No.24588770


>> No.24589167

Zoom out.

>> No.24589590

How high are you right now?

>> No.24589608

Based and mushroom pilled

>> No.24589616

You’ll never be a mushroom

>> No.24589892

Interesting, mushrooms are underrated in general. Pro tip, research Lions mane, start take it daily to prevent alzheimers and to revert brainfog as you age. Its a must for a trader. Also watch some Paul stamets stuff, start with the Joe rogan podcasts.

>> No.24590075

How to make money from fuck mushroom

>> No.24590125
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Wow this is some brilliant autism.

>> No.24590162

haha how bout dis mushroom tip dick in ur butthole

>> No.24590188


>> No.24590771

Bitcoin appears superficially simple at first glance, however true understanding is difficult. Observers are easily seduced into making hasty assumptions. Competing narratives make it even harder (digital gold, fintech revolution, etc).

“What is bitcoin?” Like Fungi, bitcoin is a super-organism adapting to environmental stimuli, it unlocks stranded resources through PoW, absorbs proven competitor's advantages, and occupies a similar ecological role: the immune system.

Fungi are predominantly made up of “mycelium” - an underground decentralized intelligence network described as “earth’s natural internet.”

When conditions are right, fungi produce mushrooms which release spores (seeds) that attempt to colonize life nearby.

Fungi are fascinating:

-Largest organism on our planet is a fungal network (honey mushroom)
-Best chemists on our planet, they produce much of our medicine
-Trees cannot survive w/o underground fungal allies
-Around for 1.3b years
-Can save the bees

Fungi don’t have central “brains,” they’re decentralized networks distributing information + resources. These fungal networks form consensus on resource mgmt, reproduction, and defense strategy. Nice parallel w/ "Bitcoin as a social contract"

Bitcoin is 10 years old, however the decentralized network archetype is much older. Fungi (mycelium) began leveraging similar networks 1.3b years ago. This makes the advent of decentralized money seem less novel and more inevitable.

Fungi are the most successful species on our planet. They “inherited the earth” after all 5 mass extinction events on our planet. WHY? because fungi are antifragile decentralized networks + can adapt quickly + don’t need sunlight to survive + find their own food.

>> No.24590798

Tl;dr can someone summarise

>> No.24590811

Bitcoin will become the most successful monetary specie because it's decentralized, adapts (relatively) quickly, finds its own food (unmet demand), and doesn't need government support. In the event of a mass monetary extinction event, bitcoin will "inherit the earth."

>> No.24590867
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Ye, what this guy said

>> No.24590894
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She's got all the room for you to mush, anon

>> No.24590952

Thnx mate

>> No.24591013

You didn't need to go so far as a mushroom analogy to point out that currencies suffer when there's too much printing and thrive when they're perceived as a store of value (but still widely available enough to conduct everyday trade). With the dollar printing maching going BRRRR there is no good store of value left (good luck finding enough physical gold to cash out all the dollars you might have, and good luck preventing real estate confiscation by the state), so it is inevitable that bitcoin and crypto in general will replace the dollar (and dollar denominated financial assets) as the mainstream store of value. As more and more "dissidents" are prevented from using mainstream financial services (see "bad guys" being prevented from using paypal, patreon, etc), more and more of them will start accepting and using crypto, which drives more and more adoption. Smart contracts and kleros court can RIGHT NOW replace patreon. The only reason they're not being used currently is because they're not being shilled to "creators".

>> No.24591106

i dub you mushroom bro

>> No.24591328

Yeah but most explanations miss out why Bitcoin moves in cycles and why these cycles are actually super predictable

>> No.24591364
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>> No.24591630

nice, bought 100k

>> No.24591971

Fuck you faggot hippie. I like my steaks RAW bitch.

>> No.24592103

>you faggot hippie. I like my steaks RAW bitch.
topped with blue cheese sauce is better though
the blue in it being a fungi of course

>> No.24592196

Fair enough, the fungi analogy does work pretty well there. However that's going to convince people that they can time bitcoin's pumps and just exacerbate the cycle. I think it'd be better if most people just bought and hold all the time.

>> No.24592213

what's interesting is that in this way i think bitcoin is acting as a fractal mirror to society, in that currently mankind is undergoing a collective awakening which mirrors the pattern of mycelium- decentralized, horizontally-organized networks of individuals (currently in the colonization stage) but when the towering edifice of global capitalism falls, then these networks will be what survive and spread and thrive and usher in the new age of co-operation.

bitcoin is mushroom, centralization is hierarchy, hierarchy is inherently week, decentralized systems are the future

magic internet money good

>> No.24592301

Based mushroom anon

>> No.24592321

You are a very based austist, fren.
I also wanna point out that mushrooms taste very good.

>> No.24592334

tldr should i ape into btc

>> No.24592370

I can see the analogy, it’s a pretty good one.

>> No.24592412
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In the information economy, decentralized orgs are more effective. They resist corruption, minimize bureaucracy, and push decision making to the edge (where the most accurate information lives). Bitcoin resists corruption and pushes complexity + decision making to the edge.
Scientists conducted an experiment where a fungus (Slime Mold) was incentivized to recreate Tokyo's rail system (stops marked w/ food). The fungus designed a better rail network than the engineers hired by the Japanese govt.

Over time, free market monetary competition enables bitcoin to out-compete legacy financial systems who have no skin in the game, suffer from innovator’s dilemma, become fragile over time, often drown in bureaucracy (or worse). Satoshi understood the power of the slime mold.
Bitcoin/mycelium have no central point of failure. Parts can be removed but the system survives. Individual developers, miners, users are vulnerable yet not crucial. No one to jail, no hardware to seize. Unsuccessful attacks on bitcoin/mycelium make the system stronger.
Nation states and central banks face a paradoxical challenge. If they attempt to destroy their competition, they’ll highlight the very need for bitcoin in the first place. And yet, the longer they wait, the stronger bitcoin becomes.
Both bitcoin and mycelium thrive in highly competitive ecosystems. They have skin in the game. Adapt or die. They become hardened from hostility.
Antifragile Fungi are constantly fighting underground battles against bacteria/microbes/fungi. When a predator is found, it sends info to the “mushroom scientists” who create a new enzyme targeting the predator. Then the fungi distributes the enzyme as needed. Fungi are antifragile.
Bitcoin is a living system constantly evolving based on environmental stimuli. As threats are found in the system, info is sent to the “bitcoin scientists” (developers) who create an “enzyme” (software patch) before propagating it through the system.

>> No.24592441
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>> No.24592455
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You're late anon. Luckily you're also early. Buy and hold, it's literally all you have to do.

>> No.24592521

He's talking about a mushroom, not weed you absolute retard.

>> No.24592546

Strictly speaking, unless the bitcoin devs have gone full anonymous like Satoshi, they're vulnerable to direct attack by the state (see Seth Rich, Assange, Snowden, Hastings). Open source software paradigms can mitigate this somewhat but relying on devs too heavily, especially devs geographically concentrated in certain parts of the world, is ultimately a losing strategy compared to a centralized power with hostile intent.

>> No.24592565

no single supplement natural or synthetic prevents old age illnesses if your lifestyle is shitty, proper diet and exercise first, then add supplements on top

>> No.24592567

Both bitcoin and fungi harden their defenses over time (software patch/enzymes) and learn to consume new food sources (unmet demand). This has a compounding effect increases both antifragility as well as life expectancy over time.
Genes are typically passed down parent to offspring via "vertical gene transfer." Fungi can also do “horizontal gene transfer” - effectively slurping up genetic info from competitors in the same ecosystem. This foreshadows bitcoin absorbing proven features produced by alts.
There's a (misguided) belief in which people assume alts will implement a "cool new feature" (TPS, etc) and then outcompete Bitcoin. More likely outcome: bitcoin will eventually absorb proven features making alts unable to compete long term.

Bitcoin has been performing "horizontal gene transfer" since Satoshi first combined technologies used in previous attempts at creating an electronic cash systems (Hashcash, E-gold, etc).
Fungi mine minerals underground for trees in exchange for sugars that the tree produces (photosynthesis). Trees gain protection from invaders & crucial minerals. This underground mycelial network is both a resource/data transport layer + the immune system of the forest.
Fungi unlock stranded resources by converting matter (leaves/sticks) into base elements (carbon/nitrogen). Fungi then trade these unlocked resources with nearby organisms.
We'd be buried in 200 feet of leaves if they weren't decomposed (and redistributed) by fungi.
Bitcoin's PoW unlocks stranded energy resources. Instead of stranded energy (excess supply, remote geothermal, etc) being wasted, producers can sell excess energy to bitcoin miners. Excess energy to be converted into "digital gold."
Bitcoin has a robust immune system. Market sends bitcoin signals to satisfy unmet demand / improve security.

>Block space demand exceeds supply: LN grows
>China closes exchanges, LocalBitcoins flourishes
>Another currency gets hyper-inflated, bitcoin helps as a SoV

>> No.24592590

Bitcoin acts as humanity’s immune system against greed —helping to fight off cancerous governments, rent seeking businesses, central bank seigniorage, and debasement of the monetary supply.
“Bitcoin’s incentives create a self-reinforcing feedback loop.” Like the giant honey mushroom consuming entire forests in Oregon, bitcoin is getting bigger and stronger over time.

>> No.24592630

now this.... THIS is schizo posting

>> No.24592674

threads like these are the reason I still visti /biz/

>> No.24592727


>> No.24592900

if bitcoin is a mushroom then what is chainlink?

>> No.24592934


>> No.24592960

>effectively slurping up genetic info from competitors
that sounds very wh40k... not sure if i like this
soon those shrooms will start a waaagh

>> No.24593201

holy shit......

>> No.24593271
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You sound like a fungi to hang around with

>> No.24593298


>> No.24593338

This is brilliant.

You honestly should write a paper on this.

>> No.24593532

holy based

>> No.24593536

a scam

>> No.24593573

kekkers and updooted

>> No.24593579

Anything else in the ecosystem can coexist with Bitcoin in symbiosis as long as it's friendly. Tree flourish wish Fungi because Fungi protect trees bacteria and imvaders and allocate resources to them and trees in return give sugars to Fungi via photosynthesis which they are not capable of/don't need to be capable of.
So chainlink is a tree that gives the energy of sunlight (off chain resources) to the Mushroom/Bitcoin

>> No.24593610

As above, so below. That's a cool observation OP

>> No.24593705

I loled (laughed out loud).
Have an upvote stranger!!

>> No.24593709

>As above, so below
Truly marvelous indeed

>> No.24593749

We are merely patterns in a fractal universe. Check out the shit Wolfram is doing.

>> No.24594333

Hierarchy is strong at small scale and weak on big scale.

Wolf packs (efficient) vs Big Corporations (inefficient)

>> No.24594355

Sounds like its fon to due

>> No.24594373

OP this post is so good that it almost makes up for a year of shitty shill posts here on Biz. Today OP was not a faggot. Excellent job and analogy. 10/10

>> No.24594487

This guy geta it

>> No.24594538



>> No.24594643

Bump for interesting analogy. It would be neat if we incorporated concepts such as Forks, mining, hash rate, halvenings, etc. into the analogy.

>> No.24594773

Economics and ecology are the same field

>> No.24595212

Can I get some horizontal gene transfer in there somewhere? I'm assembling this into by biology term paper, "The organic ecology of the Bitcoin"

>> No.24595417


>> No.24595451

This guy gets it

>> No.24595650

fit lit masterace

>> No.24595725

Mycologist here. this is absolutely retarded.

>> No.24595831

Crypto investor here, this is absolutely retarded

>> No.24595872

Nature analogies are awesome though

>> No.24595928

Tldr; OP took some mushrooms and had an epiphany

>> No.24596061


>> No.24596203

you got me thinking about how forests use mycelial networks to communicate and respond to threats, allocate resources, and take care of members of the community who are sick or weak. perhaps the days of the competitive paradigm in economics are ending and we will shift to a more unified, but decentralized network as a function of the shift in currency.

>> No.24596229
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in this case, is it possible that function follows form?

>> No.24596233

>More likely outcome: bitcoin will eventually absorb proven features making alts unable to compete long term.
Right, Blockstream employee

>> No.24596293
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but the function of hierarchy in an animal or plant community is symbiotic and synergistic- the pack survives as a whole. i feel like analogies of animal hierarchies (alpha, beta, outcast, etc) have been deliberately warped to serve the dominant economic paradigm (greed is good, etc)

picrelated: a visualization of transactions conducted on the XRP ledger

>> No.24596324

Oh God im gonna mushROOOOOOOOOOM

>> No.24596355

This desu. Also no meat consumption or grain for true high IQ fit biz geniuses.

>> No.24596423


>> No.24596482

Laughing out loud!!
Do you mind if I borrow this picture and joke and send to all of my friends?
Looking forward to your response
Thank you.

>> No.24596531
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This what kind of gay mushroom erotica is this OP

>> No.24596587

Where are we in the mushroom cycle? It looks like we're now somewhere between Mycelium and Mushroom.

>> No.24596599
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Defi sphere is growing fast but still it`s a problem to come across a profitable platform.
Has anyone participated in baseprotocol.org? Found blockchain experts reviews about it, sounds interesting. What is your opinion about it?

>> No.24597038

The uninitiated?

>> No.24597069
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found the uninitiated

>> No.24597097


Thanks for the gold kind strangers!

Yes feel free to use the pic and joke

>> No.24597099
