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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.24588957

How easy is it to use the Dex?

>> No.24588975

If they actually had a signed contract with a CEX that isn't completely dead, they wouldn't announce it like this. This is a complete piece of shit "soon" project. Beware of XSN.

>> No.24588986

Finally an actual information thread. It’s so hard to get just the facts from biz. All I want to know is the fundamentals not all the memes about being a wagecuck. Thanks OP.

>> No.24589000

Next to impossible. Even the people bagholding this piece of shit opt out and use Livecoin exchange when dumping XSN. That should tell you something.

>> No.24589007

The open beta needs a good update.
>couldnt even wait 5 minutes to start soon-fudding and concern shilling good news

>> No.24589013
File: 1.56 MB, 640x360, SSUI_Binance_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super easy, the discord has download links I urge you to try it. Here's a video of it in action (see pic)

NDA's are always a PITA, the fact they are so vague suggests to me they are in the game. If it doesn't deliver on the exchange it'd dead so it would be a stupid lie. Your logic is unsound.

No worries - please see the Dex in action video!

>> No.24589024

XSN developers are still working on PoSW.

>> No.24589034

Here’s a nice yt playlist with everything to know about the dex. (Open Beta Version)


It is very easy to use. And to trade your coins with that liquidity / speed and security just feels good.
Never sending your funds to any chink exchanges again is like a dream.
Just holding em comfy in your wallet.

>> No.24589052

Just like the amazing CEX they shilled for months during the summer, which turned out to be the complete desert known as Beaxy. kys shill turk. XSN

>> No.24589067

Go back to ur fud thread afterbazar.
This isn’t a playground for toddlers.

>> No.24589068

can you link me the shilling on this?
From what i remember there was no shilling of a top tier exchange at the time, but happy to be corrected.

>> No.24589103
File: 55 KB, 690x588, 1594765263341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why this project is only listed on Livecoin is quite simple: exchanges don't like to list scam projects or projects which are being "developed" by scammers. Everyone knows what happened with PoSW.

>> No.24589113

Beaxy, a registered and authorised US exchange listed them. That seems pretty good

>> No.24589118
File: 64 KB, 760x614, 19p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a bot or just desperate

>> No.24589124

>Beaxy, a registered and authorised US exchange listed them. That seems pretty good
Absolutely no way to verify this. It's a completely dead exchange with almost 0 volume. That's not "good".

>> No.24589197
File: 41 KB, 1150x222, Beaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used them to withdraw (into a US bank, with transfers from another US Bank). They have US bank links, and are registered in the US.

Seems pretty easy to verify...

Whether Beaxy business is working being so regulatory compliant... that's a challenge. Whether they do due diligence and have a regualted and over board business, that's very clear.

it's a real stripe of success to be recognised in such a legitamate way.

>> No.24589246

Fudders grasping at straws and making shit up like usual.

>> No.24589262

Recognized by an exchange with 40k USD volume? kys. XSN

>> No.24589298

Unlike most CEXs that setup in the Caymans or a tax haven, Beaxy is actually headquartered and operated out of Chicago with a publicly available address. They're going by the book in all fairness, therefore...
>stringent KYC
>no wash trading
Bodes well for XSN that it was able to be listed on something tightly regulated like that. Unsurprising that it doesn't have a lot of volume as most in XSN are XMR-tier about KYC/AML

>> No.24589487

total XMR-tier about it, it's pretty lolirific.

Total fundamental view of crypto I love it.

>> No.24589648

BTC/XMR/XSN is the chadfolio and LINK has the memetic potential to actually hit $1k EOY

>> No.24589690
File: 532 KB, 1597x1600, oh no theyre learning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I'm in.
Anybody got a Referral code for this scamtastic exchange?

>> No.24589718

No goalpost moving for you smelly faggot, you got schooled, shut the fuck up now.

>> No.24589763

no referral code exists... but if you go on the website it'll be there

>> No.24589888

Link rank 1
Xsn rank 2

>> No.24590031
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>> No.24590046

>shut the fuck up now.
Pajeet detected. XSN is a posw scam though!

>> No.24590134
File: 58 KB, 492x367, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ready to do it all over again nerd?
xsn will break 10k sat and you will be seething all the way

>> No.24590168

>Pajeet detected
>proceeds to write in what appears to be an attempt at English

>> No.24590253

That chart seems a little outdated, LMAO

>> No.24590262


>> No.24590586

won't be for long ;)

>> No.24590805

yeah i know. xsn was 3 cents earlier this year

>> No.24590820

So where is this FUCKING exchange they promised?


They can't get on an exchange because they are BROKE. They had NO investors. You can look them up on Messari. 0 institutional interest.

What a piece of shit.

You know why there is 0 institutional interest????

Because they already exit scammed once. And a cockroach hides in the darkness.

Two, the COIN has NO VALUE.

They claim it's to be used to "referee" transactions. LOL

Here's the thing though, it can't referee transactions because that indicates it can run smart contract logic, but it CAN'T and IT WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO.

It is NOT AN EVM blockchain. IT is a UTXO blockchain.

That's like saying BITCOIN can run smart contracts. It CAN'T.

And the COIN is NOT NEEDED for transfers unless you're TRADING XSN SHITCOIN for something else.

This is a total scam and the developers actually have a SHILL CAMPAIGN going on right now. Never seen anything like this before. What a group of shit bags. These are the same people that own the MAJORITY of the masternodes and VOTE FOR THEMSELVES to have MONEY MINTED form the TREASURY for work that YOU CAN'T EVEN See because it's CLOSED source. Worse, they CLAIMED in their last medium article to be OPEN SOURCED.

WHERE IS THE FUCKING CODE??? Fucking pieces of SHIT. SCAMMERS. Already scammed in PoSW. SHIT BAGS.

>> No.24590878
File: 984 KB, 604x1138, 213908901890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jannies are purging xsn threads
memes are breaking out into reality again

>> No.24590882


>> No.24590945

Any other lies you want to put on here? Maybe that your parents love you or you are not a mental retard?
It's happening, WAGMI bros

>> No.24591116

Uh, what did I say that was wrong???

Is the code open sourced. NO

Can it run smart contracts? NO

Does the coin have any value. NO

Have the DEVS exit scammed at least one other project called PoSW? YES!!!!

So what the fuck did I say wrong???


>> No.24591221
File: 42 KB, 646x595, 1606642962609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i just got burned with lition. is this going to be another rugpull? i cant afford any more rugpulls bros..

>> No.24591273

So is your fud, so it's fine.

>> No.24591315

Just look up the XSN code and inspect for yourself. Oh wait, it's closed source KEK

>> No.24591473

Like a lot of top coins

Audit would be good

>> No.24591593

the posw fud is an absolute lie.
POSW asked x9 to help them with their blockchain coding, x9 was never truly afiliated with posw.

>> No.24591611

code isn't open source because fags like blocknetcucks keep stealing their stuff.
If the coin makes the dex run, then it has value yes. Stop reddit spacing you fucking plebbitor.

>> No.24591688

Dilate tranny. You'll never be a woman.

>> No.24591813

>it can't referee transactions
>coin not needed
>coin no value
>devs exit scammed
A few blatant lies. 'LOL'
The DEX that will run on the XSN masternodes will be interacting with smart contracts as it will be transacting with ETH.

>> No.24591822

Cz will copy that shit in an instant.

>> No.24591849

Could the autists not spam the thread thanks

>> No.24591903

Hi guys, just a PSA to let you know XSN is a scam. If you don't believe me, go on twitter and search stakenet. Most of the activity is from scammy turkish bots. Look at stakenets twitter posts and view the likes and retweets. Nearly all are turkish bot accounts. These turks act in groups moving from coin to coin trying to engineer a pump and dump.

Also look at the price action. Nearly 40% margin between buy and sell orders. It's a dead coin. Yet there's apparently a million $ daily volume. Bullshit. It's main exchange is livecoin, one of the shadiest exchanges out there.
Don't trust my word on all this, do your own research

>> No.24591909

It's incredible that the community doesn't seem to realize that an audit would be a positive event. It's going to be one of the first questions when people are wondering whether to use the platform. Turks again unable to activate any braincells regarding the direction of development.

>> No.24592002

Most of us do want an audit of some kind to happen. However using it as fud before the product is out of closed beta, let alone finished is appallingly weak.
Devs have already expressed interest in getting things audited.

>> No.24592215

Exactly, why would you audit unfinished code. People screaming about this at this stage are idiots.

>> No.24592226


>> No.24592303

Büyük bir Türk topluluğu olan @XSNofficial parasını yani #xsn yi neden sisteminize eklemiyorsunuz.Ciddi iş yapacak. neden başka yabancı borsalarda işlem yapmak zorunda bırakıyor sunuz? $xsn ye #stakenet e karşı ön yargınız neden?

>> No.24592470


>> No.24592490


Every single legitimate project out there, even ones that have no use case, LIKE XSN, EXCEPT NOT XSN because it's CODE IS HIDDEN, has open source code.

So, XSN is an exception??? LOL

At the end of the day, you don't need the COIN for anything.

It's useless. It has NO VALUE. It doesn't matter if they create a DEX. They mislead investors in their videos by saying there will be "liquidity hubs."

However, this is NOT TRUE AND NOT POSSIBLE. Even the scammer fuckin DEV Yankee tried to cover his tracks and say, "MOST LIQUIDITY comes from wallets."

Yeah, so what the FUCK happened to so-called liquidity hubs????

The only 'liquidity hubs' possible are XSN hubs, and that's only if the hub provider runs an XSN lightning node.

But here is the catch, it ONLY GIVES THEM FEES if XSN is used to buy another coin. That's IT!!!


IT can't be used to referee any other contracts because that requires smart contract logic. IE, IF THIS, THEN THAT etc. Certain conditions have to be met before it executes.

But that's NOT POSSIBLE on UTXO tech. That's like saying BTC can run smart contracts. It can't.

So if you have another so-called liquidity hub, it has to be held in the currency of that currency network. THE DEVELOPERS ADMITTED THIS IN THEIR DISCORD IN the DEX forum. LOL.

I see, I was just watching a video about the DEX architecture saying MNs provided lightning liquidity and just didn't know how that was possible for anything but XSN channels
It'd have to be converted to BTC first, but the mechanism can all be incorporated into the wallet

UH...HE JUST TOLD YOU. You have to convert your XSN to BTC IE BUY BTC WITH XSN and then you have to RUN A BTC lightning node before there is ANYWAY you can be entitled to fees which are practically NOTHING anyway.

Stop being fucking delusional. Open your eyes. Look at what the DEVS are telling you themselves. LOL

>> No.24592505

Uzun vadeli tuttuğum $XSN sonunda üst seviye bir borsada listelenme müjdesini verdi. Borsanın adını açıklamıyorlar. Sırf saçma sapan “exhange”lerde listelendiği için bir türlü ivme kazanamayan, çalışan bir proje. Şu an dip fiyatında (0,15 cent). Bu twit kenarda dursun.

>> No.24592844

You're a man of great ambition. Hope you manage to fill your bags eventually. But it's still getting rather pathetic being here spouting the same techno babble for many weeks now.

>> No.24593187

This and RSR are absolutely kino hodls. I always dump my Ampl into them at the top of the cycle.

>> No.24593200

FUD is getting to levels unknown to man. Pls dump the price, i need just a few more

>> No.24593259

XSN is entirely open source apart from what they are currently working on which is the lightwallet/DEX. Everything else is in there GitHub for inspection and the lightwallet/DEX will be too at release.