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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 800x800, biz-needs-flags_-_mooning_moon_mission_comfy_hold_hodl_happening_shill_accumulate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24587348 No.24587348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24587359


>> No.24587424

You're retarded.

>> No.24587429

He's right you know

>> No.24587448


>> No.24587457

Yes. Pajeets and Arabs say no

>> No.24587471

No. And only faggots say yes.

>> No.24587485

No. the pajeets keep normies out. if you can't tell who's a pajeet in a given thread then YOU DONT DESERVE TO MAKE IT

>> No.24587501


>> No.24587508

pajeet spotted

>> No.24587518

Why so the paid kike shills can use their software to switch ips constantly and appear to be Canadian and Australian to blend in more and more effectively deceive the native users and create false consensus?

Suck a dick faggot. Every person who blames pajeets, leftypol, Russian bots, or whatever other boogeyman, is a glow in the dark shill misdirecting you.

>> No.24587523

That is discrimination you can't tell who is who since you can't smell them

>> No.24587525


>> No.24587532
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>> No.24587539
File: 1.61 MB, 9071x5102, not_sure_if.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a glow in the dark shill misdirecting you

>> No.24587540

Tainted hands wrote this

>> No.24587551
File: 1.13 MB, 1652x1039, FLAGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24587557


>> No.24587581

/biz/ could use some flags

>> No.24587590

Gore posters and NIGGER threads keep normies out. Pajeets keep them in with their shitcoin shilling. Only pajeets are against flags since their shitcoin shilling network will get exposed. They'll have to use premium VPNs which they are not going to be paying for. I don't mind couple of shitcoin shilling threads, but when you get spammed even in completely unrelated threads, it kills the whole board. Sometimes I have gone a whole day without browsing biz because there's fuck all to read here now.

>> No.24587592

is this real? I wish there was a biz revolution

>> No.24587612

the chinks hate flags more than anyone else, we only ironically hate jeets, CCP chink are a bane on humanity.

>> No.24587622

just for india and a designation for other third world countries

>> No.24587647


>> No.24587680

Pajeet spotted

>> No.24587692


>> No.24587869

No, you stupid racist. Why should the country someone is coming from matter? You just want to make cheap jokes on me and my pajeet brothers.

>> No.24587913

every 4chan board could use flags. i should be able to ignore smelly pajeet posts sitewide

>> No.24587942

Finally someone else gets it. I've been saying the same thing whenever we get these threads. G-d bless you anon

>> No.24588910

One day out of the blue some astonishingly based motherfucker(s) spammed this angry white guy screaming for flags.
I pinned and capped it, then lazily copypasta shopped to fill the edges.

>> No.24588930

would be 90% pajeet flags poondia and bangalesh or whatever brown shitholes

>> No.24588961


>> No.24588977


>> No.24588984

I agree. The only ones who disagree here are pajeets and you can see the proportion they actually make based on this thread.

>> No.24588994
File: 234 KB, 579x440, 1596075557931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only subhumans would disagree with this.

>> No.24588999

biz n33ds to remove ids so i can samefag with confidence in my own threads to accomodate my schizophrenic multiple personality disorder

>> No.24589006

no thanks

>> No.24589016


>> No.24589018

Yep, we do. We need to know how many Pajeets there are.

>> No.24589376

All that outstanding effort, still no flags. Maybe one of you anons has close ties to some janny/mod to get /biz/ flags.

>> No.24589750
File: 122 KB, 616x832, 1520116959014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No /biz/ doesn't need flags. This is a business & finance board. Races and politics are NOT involved in business and finance, retard.

>> No.24589818

it would be awesome but, alas, it won't happen
that's a man

>> No.24589919

give the mods tranny flags

>> No.24589946

spoken like a true retard

>> No.24589976


>> No.24589992

No it won't be fun and every post would turn to nationalism and dissing other countries then actual discussion about shit coins

>> No.24590004

Give us flags you useless fucking janny scum

>> No.24590009

Also check my I'd you fucking cucks

>> No.24590070

nice gook but you have it wrong jeet. That would be ok if a big part of asia, your country included, did not have scamming others as part of their culture. Making money is the end goal but making money off poorfags with lower intelligence is scamming in its purest form. Go fuck yourself and go shit in a toilet for once

>> No.24590122

If we had flags pajeets would get called out when they spam their shitcoins.
We need flags

>> No.24590154

ony flags from third world countries

>> No.24590161

checked. Eastern Europeans are not any better. I am proud of my EE genes and heritage but these cunts are on par with jeets

>> No.24590180


>> No.24590195

no need for flags when 97% of all shills have easily reconstructable post histories

>> No.24590204

Pajeets do not keep normies out. How tf do you explain reddit?

>> No.24590210

where's the fun in that? biz is a scam board. Scammers love this place.

>> No.24590269


>> No.24590289 [DELETED] 

Met the DuckDAO hunters game, does anyone take part in it?

Looks like this crypto incubator can provide useful tools for investments. Please, share your opinion about it

>> No.24590310

How do you deal with those pajeets that are in the USA or bongland?

>> No.24590352
File: 1.37 MB, 2168x2002, 1600286042236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't 2011 anymore sugar cookie. We would be fine if we never lost our anime roots. Normies hate anime more than any of that.

The board can't self moderate now so if the Indian myth is true then suddenly a lot more threads will stick around longer just so everyone can call them pajeet or some other racist shit. How about mods just do their job? A boy can dream.

>> No.24590383

Can we just ban shitcoin shillis? I mean, why would you need to shill a coin?

>> No.24590406

>a boy
too late for that weeb tranny

>> No.24590411
File: 564 KB, 1101x1974, 1607172182462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more schwabposting imo

>> No.24590443

range ban india

>> No.24590455
File: 104 KB, 800x1000, 1603612080843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making money off poorfags with lower intelligence is scamming in its purest form
It's the law of nature, you dumbfuck. No wonder you want flags so bad. Because you know that you are stupid, your future children will be stupid, and you're trying to protect yourself from being scammed. Kek. Smarten up, boy.

>> No.24590468

>swab posting
There was an article about the great reset and schwab in a free tramway newspaper on Friday. 4chan has become the old man who drags behind

>> No.24590517

>Making money is the end goal but making money off poorfags with lower intelligence is scamming in its purest form.
HEY It's not my fault if they buy my dumps

>> No.24590578

I don't want flags Rakesh. I want this board to be cleansed from people whose mindset is to profit off unsuspected people who come across this site whether they are normies, jeets, retards, you name it. I want TRUTH to prevail and not make it a breeding ground of scamming where you and your village can coordinate and try to rob retards off their limited resources. I can't blame your limited brain capacity though. Your culture thrives on scamming people off their wealth, not creating it. Go eat your mom's ass you fucking mogoloid

>> No.24590628
File: 669 KB, 737x727, 1607262306489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please, and no meme flags.

>> No.24590633
File: 51 KB, 736x381, 1io15ztf17231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flags would kill pajeets :) great idea anons, but it's not first time when we talking about it.

>> No.24590637

i'd rather if the dumbasses in my country got scammed by my fellow countrymen, at least it would get reinvested in the country. You're a cuck if you let these pajeets run wild

>> No.24590669

i mean it kinda does
im not gonna buy a curry coin with mumbai team
or a nigger coin

>> No.24590708

you're the easiest type of investor to fool.

>> No.24590734

I support this cause

>> No.24590748
File: 112 KB, 1087x1080, 1510343933550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, I'm not a subhuman pajeet. But with or without flags, scammers will still lurk on this board. And in real life too.

Flags will not be able to protect you. Your intelligence will. Smarten up.

>> No.24590762

Trump lost, tourist. Go back. 4chan is an anime website.

>> No.24590763

same, huge red flag. Haven't seen any of them succeed
how about your look out for others as well you fucking kike