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24582289 No.24582289 [Reply] [Original]

Will student debt cancellation cause inflation?

>> No.24582312

I’ll give you some inflation kiddo

*rips a big fart*

>> No.24582328

So how do children from low-income families get a good education then?

>> No.24582351

former poorfag here, i joined the military for 4 years and used the gi bill

>> No.24582367

They can go to community college and take out a loan for university after that.

>> No.24582368

>no more loan payments
>more money to spend

go figure

>> No.24582384

thats the point. boomers arnt happy with their 1,000% gains on the house. they need more

>> No.24582391

Just cancel the interest rates. Holy shit. Canceling the actual debt is insane. I researched degrees with ROI, chose colleges ranked lower than I could have gotten into -- including denying ivy league prospects, worked so hard to pay mind off and now a bunch of clown kids want to increase the national debt 80000x because they couldn't figure it out. I'm first generation college.

You should NEVER take debt if you can't pay it back -- and it's not the job of the federal government to save your from your own absolute failures.

>> No.24582423

Not necessarily in the short run. Graduates having no money won't change when their debt (which they weren't paying) goes away. Their credit will be ruined and getting a mortgage won't be any easier.

>> No.24582429
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$1000 per ZORA edition

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>> No.24582431

thats the other part. it will encourage people to take out future loans they cant repay under the asumption the govt might cancel this one too

>> No.24582472

You know inflation almost exclusively hurts poor people with no assets right? The rich own real estate which increases with inflation. Stocks also do alright. Gold/btc does really well.

>> No.24582496

I wouldn’t even cancel the interest rates, someone takes out a loan they should pay it back.

>> No.24582536

right, i said they werent happy with their 1,000% gains on their real estate and 401ks. gotta inflate it more

>> No.24582553
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If I were an American, I'd be taking out a $10k student loan and dumping it into BTC and ETH right fucking now. Free money

>> No.24582571

She does not know how to check'em

>> No.24582620
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why are they trying so hard to start hyperinflation?

>> No.24582671

Fuck thought you were being sarcastic

>> No.24582687

You can graduate from a community college without any debt at all, study a real degree, get the proper certifications and you'll be almost on the same level as everyone else excluding the very top schools and companies

>> No.24582703

>bomb sandnigger villages for making jews even richer off oil

>> No.24582757

The government also gives you 6k a year if you’re black or poor.

>> No.24582774

Most high income people have student debt. Cancelling this would help them out even more. Weird how the libs haven’t figured out this is essentially a regressive tax.

>> No.24582775

Yeah but who the fuck wants to be a 99%er? I would gladly take out a 100k loan if it meant that I had a chance to attend a T10/Ivy League school in America. Those degrees are worth their weight. Things you anons may not know about ivy league degrees
They immediately put you into a higher salary band than everyone else, just for having them. I have two examples here, the most prominent one is a major global retailer. If you were to apply to this retail company and you have an ivy league degree (and you're a new grad), you immediately get brought on board as a L3/L4 employee. Further if you have a MBA you start out at L4 out of the gate. (L3/L4 is Management Level / Senior Management or Senior Individual Contributor or Senior II Individual Contributor). Everyone else who gets hired? Starts off at L1 right out of college.

>> No.24582814

this goy is right, only permaStarcuck baristas will deny this.

>> No.24582825

It's not necessarily true.

You're in a higher salary rate based on your connections. Ivy Leagues are predominantly dedicated to the rich for the rich. You already have those connections by birthright. If you get accepted on merits -- you're still an outsider in the world you graduated into.

Capitalism is a system for cronies based on nepotism. If you're still naive and don't understand you can't just become a 1% through hard work and dedication, you're ngmi.

>> No.24582834

great reset

>> No.24582869

Why would you want to work somewhere that gives senior management positions to kids right out of college? Sounds like a shit company.

>> No.24582958

Probably not. On a personal level I don't really give a shit, but it's also ridiculously unfair for people who paid off their student loans

>> No.24583250

So just set up your kid to be part of the 1%. No excuse.

>> No.24583713

low IQ take. lenders take on risk when they lend, it’s their responsibility to evaluate that risk. the issue is that student loans can’t be defaulted on which means lenders gave out money indiscriminately. if you lend your drug addict buddy $100 and never see it again you knew the risks and it’s your fault for being retarded.

>> No.24583750

This is one point that I haven't been able to find a good refutation for:


>> No.24583772

dude the worst part is the lender is the government and Navient and these debt-managment companies only manage it and bear no risk but are raking in billions.

>> No.24583786

debt servicing companies* i think thats the term

>> No.24583793

It’s unfair for everyone who paid for tuition out of pocket. I want my fucking money back!

>> No.24583798

It was and still is a shit company.

And the name of that company? It's Wayfair.

>> No.24583802

How does the govt essentially printing money to cancel this debt not cause inflation?

>> No.24583810

You lend someone money for feminist dance studies, you lose money. Simple

>> No.24583879

You and another anons are not seeing the bigger picture and are thinking on a 2d level when student loans are 5d-6d at a minumum.

Let's look at this way. Student Loans grant Degrees which are self reinforcing. Degrees give a chance at entering a company to get a job in order to make a salary. Now the thing is, the government knows that you need to eat and they also know that people with degrees are going to select other people with degrees in order to trick themselves into thinking the paper has value. It's an ego thing. But wait there's more. Not only does the government make interest off your student loans for 20 years (unless you pay them off sooner, most people don't) They make additional money off you for allowing you the opportunity to get a job. That's right. You pay taxes on your salary and your company pays 3 forms of tax on your salary, payroll, social security and corporate tax generated from the revenue you create for them. There's no escape goyims.

>> No.24583891
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There it is, the dumbest fucking thing I've read all day.

>> No.24583924

You have to be 18+ to use this board. You also need a college degree to understand the financial system.


>> No.24583928
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>> No.24583962

fuck off retard you make things only worse
college is a meme to make money from retards its an entire business complex
if you notice your children have talent in something give them a math book and they will learn by themselves if they are truly motivated
let them be friends with like minded people
in the age of the internet schools are an archaic remnant from the past

>> No.24583996

yes i know. the problem is the debt is backstopped by making us unable to default when really it should be backstopped by the government.
the solution to it is actually really simple, the government should pay for post secondary education. people will cry about hyperinflation but the amount of money it would take is a drop in the bucket compared to how much they’re already printing.
they won’t pay for it of course because there’s no incentive for anyone with power to do that.

>> No.24584049

Research the job market and don't get a meme degree.

>> No.24584054

College being expensive is a meme. If you do 2 years in community college and transfer to your state uni, you get out for ~$20k.

But zoomer faggots don’t want to do that. They want the college “experience”. They want to go straight to a 4 year university (an expensive private one!) and join a fraternity and take “summers abroad” courses at $7k a pop.

>> No.24584063

the loans should have never been made in the first place. They're bad and prederatory loans.

>> No.24584074

there's no cancellation they're just paying the banks back with your taxpayer money instead
guess that might deflate currency a bit

>> No.24584137

Probably. But changing those payments into disposable income probably won't change spending habits much

>> No.24584154

Tomochain fixes this.

>> No.24584193

Sorry cuckboi, I pay the min balance on my student loans waiting for a bailout. I literally don't care about it, cause one day *poof* it's gone. Besides, I pay taxes just like everyone else, bout time I get something back

>> No.24584210

they are and they’re only made because lenders know they Can’t be defaulted on. the debtors are essentially indentured servants. like i said, the solution is for the government to pay for it.

>> No.24584298

It's not the same thing as printing money. The money supply does not increase when you cancel debts.

>> No.24584570

Well they have to balance out the treasury somehow. If the govt suddenly has 1.4 trillion less assets they have to pay that off.

>> No.24584587

It will probably inflate the housing market, that’s the big thing people put off when they’re in to much student loan debt.