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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 34 KB, 400x400, BondEyesForYourMom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24580891 No.24580891 [Reply] [Original]

"Ownership of the BOND token contract has been transferred to the token contract itself and can be seen here: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x60a530017a4af34a9dbc96a07ab2c36c189804e6d94150863b2bfd877755339f

Therefore, none of the functions contained can successfully be called and will simply serve as the token contract. While we fully understand the community's concern, this was always the intention prior to Ionic mainnet, and as we move closer to that date, are now able to make that transfer of ownership. We appreciate your patience and trust during this period."

Oh NOOOO you don't me this was a scam and going to RUGGGGG! YOU LIED TO ME BIZ.

>> No.24581215

reeeeeeeeeeeee closing my shitty long and longing this instead.

>> No.24581248


>> No.24581379

Third week of December. Anyone not rolling here is destined to stay poor as fuck.

>> No.24581527

Hi I'm 12 and what is this?

>> No.24581565

Chainlink integration? If they tweet about it I will buy some even tho maybe it'll be too late by then.

>> No.24581574

wew lad i don't need this but i want this so bad

>> No.24581872

Bottom was $0.01. LFG.

>> No.24581911

Wait isn't that good news that they removed ownership of the token? Now they can't mint an arbitrary amount of new tokens and pull the rug.

>> No.24581931
File: 47 KB, 852x854, 1592091008943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, no locked liquid, no buy.

>> No.24582007


um, sir,
Total liquidity: $587,140.88

>> No.24582039
File: 129 KB, 468x427, bond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24582147

Who is providing it?

>> No.24582168

Liquidity is fine. It will grow as it outpaces the small pool for that 1% of supply as the supply fight continues up toward IDO prices. God knows what will happen if this platform is even remotely good. 10 cents would be an easy target.

>> No.24582348

Bonded Burger? Bond Bun?

>> No.24582679

Probably the worst meme I have ever seen in my life.

>> No.24583064

Sit on your hands for 2 weeks and you will be rewarded.