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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24577376 No.24577376 [Reply] [Original]

Assets are bleeding and the dollar is dying. No matter where you go your wealth is being destroyed. There is no escape.

Wait, did you think goyim like yourself were going to get rich during the Great Reset? LOL

>> No.24577414

Housing market will never collapse

>> No.24577438

>what is a Venezuela; the post

>> No.24577451

Your only real hope is to convert all your useless crypto/etc to fiat and then buy as much food/etc as you can before the money becomes worthless

>> No.24577701

Why not let them take over at this point. If the entire world looks like China, then none of it does.

>> No.24577836

Jews will be destroyed without a loyal group of people that defend the current order. Boomers were the 1st group to do this and people that make it from crypto will become the new boomers. Jews always need an upper class that will defen their current order, otherwise revolution happens and jews get banished or get put into ovens. If everyone gets poor and suffers people wake up to those who have all the power.

>> No.24577997
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Niggers and women will become the new jannissaries for the kikes when Boomers finally fucking die. People getting rich off crypto will be considered a nuisance but tolerated if you keep your mouth shut. Unless your crypto Monero then you're getting the death sentence. Monero is the only one the jews truly fear, and you can tell.

>> No.24578068
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4 years ago i aped into survival supplies.
3 years ago i aped into guns and ammo.
2 years ago i aped into gold and btc.
1 month ago i aped into xrp.
now what

>> No.24578075

Nice XMR FUD. This post is convinced me that Monero will replace BTC in the next five years.

>> No.24578077

do you want a great firewall separating you from 98% of the internet?

>> No.24578119

>t. Chink
Sorry bug man but we have traditions and culture and care for our fellow man. Your society does not. It will never work.

>> No.24578241

nobody wants to live in fucking venezuela

>> No.24578417

technically correct, the best kind of correct
housing market will not crash, it will be expropriated
so at that point the value is both 0 and infinite at the same time

>> No.24578591
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>> No.24578756

Why should I care about what I'm allowed to do on the internet? I won't be able to read about how muh Jews destroyed white culture in effort to consolidate their rightful power over lesser minds. We were meant to live as glorified hamsters.

>> No.24578767

then stocks

>> No.24578828

You are genetic waste, you are doomed to poverty for eternity.

>> No.24578944

if you own hard assets and have debt its actually good for the dollar to go down

>> No.24578958
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this is now a shire posting thread

>> No.24578976
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>> No.24578993


you're set playa. You have made it onto the metaphorical Ark

>> No.24579015

>Assets are bleeding
umm come again sweaty?

>> No.24579020
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>> No.24579029
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delet this

>> No.24579061

>now what
Wait, I guess. Spend some time on /fit/ maybe. You sound pretty set already.

>> No.24579124

Do you think communism implemented on a global scale would be the same as you see it now? Would it be the same as under Mao or Stalin etc.? I don't see it that way. Most industries would be automated. Let the smartest of us just assume control and leave your regressive traditions behind. Sure, I would like it to be more honest in who is controlling us, but if whites had their way, there would be a lot of people killed in the name of tradition. It's happened before.

>> No.24579207

this is why you don't be a poor fag and you invest your money

>> No.24579354
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why, yes

>> No.24579540

this actually makes sense and goes with >>24577836

Nogs/Special interest groups will be the main jannys and the people who make it off crypto will be allowed janny status if they comply; otherwise theyre a tolerated nuisance until they use their funds for political purposes (funding candidates, trying to win elections ect) then they'll just take your KYC'd crypto.